Isekai Rohan


Deciding to leave the mob below to the soldiers who were already positioned upon the ground in preparation to fight the dekans if they were to succeed in penetrating the gate. Anton forcefully threw his focus back towards the clearer evil that sought to plunge the kingdom into ruination, that was until a stray rock thrown from the hands of the angry mob bashed his head from the rear, dropping him into a concussion as he faltered, nearly falling off the side and towards a head-first death.




Whilst the mob at the fore assaulted the soldiers who were torn between protecting them and fending them off, the instigators as the back continued to chant and scream, ensuring the anger, instigation and frustration of the people remained ignited.


"Are you people stupid!? We're under attack and you're preventing us from protecting you! Return to your homes this instant-" Without having the chance to finish, every soldier that tried to persuade and convince the people by dialogue found rocks, pots and ingots thrown at them. With such rising aggression, and the refusal to listen, and the falling of their brothers in arms, the captains held back no further as they unsheathed their weapons and killed those they had sworn to protect. 

With the death of the first ten citizens, the mob became greater enraged as the soldiers had finally shown their true colours. People who would rather protect the nobles and their pay-cheques over protecting the livelihood of the common man and woman. Like lightning, the crowd relentless clobbered the soldiers whilst trying to scale the walls. Believing the men atop the defences were merely pretending to fight a foreign foe, which was ridiculously laughable, as Einhoren was the safest city throughout Del Lagos. 

To even pretend that the city would be under danger, whilst the other surrounding territories were seemingly fine, as no news or gossip had yet to traverse the lands, the people were further enraged that the nobles would belittle them so much to believe them stupid enough to believe such fake propaganda.






As such events were occurring throughout the city, upon every segment and every gate that adorned the walls built to defend the kingdom, even the reinforcements sent from the heart of the city failed to efficiently traverse the streets to man the walls. Locked within the inner-walls, the royal guards and knights who defended their monarch, the nobles who were equally stuck with their knights and vassals, failed to penetrate through the angry mob who were protesting.


Having heard the warning bells that signalled a danger to Einhoren, the nobles, commanders and captain were led to believe that the protests who waved their angry forks and torches were the indicated threat. Rather than slaughter their own citizens, they adopted a peaceful approach as words were exchanged in hopes of quelling their unrest. Requesting an audience with their leader, the nobles patiently waited as the mob argued amongst themselves to acquire the position of power, which could also translate into a powerful position of wealth and authority if the revolution was done right.






A lone assassin dressed in jet black shot across the buildings, vaulting and sprinting over the chimneys, stone and wooden structures. Leaving the angry mob to the nobles to tackle, she sought out the truth of the kingdom's current predicament, focusing entirely upon the orders she had received directly from Victoria Del Lagos.

Being none the wiser, the protestors failed to notice the gentle breeze that slipped on by them like a shadow. Following the stream of people backwards, towards their source, the assassin found one of many hideouts. Locations hidden throughout the capital, knives, short swords and maces of foreign origins were being handed out to the people as they were quickly funnelled through the streets like sheep.

Her crimson gems flickered against the torches as she adeptly slipped into the hideout with weapons within both hands.


Under the corridors, the stairs, and into the deep basement manually dug out by the tenants, the dhan lingered besides the open door as she watched humans kneel upon both legs in prayer, worshipping a single being that stood upon a podium proudly. Dressed in a suit purchased from Trichia, adorning the colours of the duke with its usual black and gold ascents, the man continued to inhale and exhale, as if he could taste the smell of worship with each breath. Enjoying it like one would with a cigar.

The human are the fore, who looked no different from your everyday baker rose as he continued to thank the being for its blessing, turning and leaving as the others continued swiftly. Seeing as the door was securely closed behind them, the assassin was now literally trapped within the underground basement converted into a religious den. However, rather than thoughts of escape, she continued to scrutinize the man who finally opened his eyes as he could no longer enjoy the human's fear and faith.


Black. Abyssally black eyes. The man had no whites as the entirety of his eyes appeared like a void, with no pupil to indicate the man's current focus, Mizumi shot into action as she ignored the snakes that squirmed across her back like bugs.


[Death Call] !

[Sealing Square] !


Playing it incredibly safe, the dhan instantly crippled her target, severing his arms from the shoulders, butchering his legs into minced-meat, as her katars ferociously cleaved through meat and bone.


With great shock and surprise, the man was instantly flung across the praying grounds, and now found himself crushed into the ground as Mizumi planted her entire mass upon his rib cage whilst her weapons rested upon his neck.


"Talk, who are you and why are you here?"


Frantically throwing his face towards the sides to catch sight of his limbs laying around like trash, he gathered the rancid mixture of spit and blood within his mouth and spat. As someone greatly experienced with assassinating and dealing with targets, the princess of Par'Talucca easily evaded the disgusting projectile as it flew over her shoulder.

Without a single emotion forsaking her, appearing inhumanly indifferent to the suffering she was inflicting to another living-being, the man had no hope of surviving such an encounter.


"Glory, to the demons..."


Without answering any of her questions, the demon forfeited his own soul to the world beyond, forcefully pausing his heart as no air further entered his lungs.

For safe measure, Mizumi beheaded him before throwing his mutilated corpse into her storage ring as evidence. Having cleared the only hostile in sight, unfortunately for the assassin, there were no documents detailing plans or conspiracies to be found. However, a single medal that depicted skeletal-wings was the only clue she could manage to find even after turning the place upside down.











After raiding and searching several more hideouts throughout the city, Mizumi was only left with more questions as she found the very same medal upon every demon she encountered. All in which, refused entirely to answer her, choosing death of betraying their purpose.

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