Isn’t it a Bankrupt Company? How to Monopolize the World

Chapter 2

【2】The Company Is Going Bankrupt, What Should I Do? 【Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket】

“Old Sun is right, the bank won’t listen to our explanation when it collects the loan.

If I say it’s impossible, I’ll file for bankruptcy. Lenovo doesn’t want that batch of goods anyway, and everyone loses money every day they delay. ”

Hearing these words, Wu Bin’s face darkened, and he said coldly, “Don’t shout!”

Seeing everyone quiet down, he took a deep breath: “I will consider what you said, but now there are more important things!”

“Jiang Hao gave all 62% of his shares to Jiang Han in his will, and Jiang Zhiyu to help.

Once we let it take over the company smoothly, we are passive!

So we must take the company into our own hands as soon as possible! ”

“Then what are you going to do?”

The man surnamed Sun who just spoke asked.

Hearing this, Wu Bin looked at the place where the vehicle disappeared, his eyes flashing with chills.

“Humph! It’s fine if that kid honestly handed over the equity, otherwise…”

On the other side, Jiang Han returned home, sat on the leather sofa with a tired expression, and let out a long breath.

He really didn’t expect that he was reborn and activated the system!

At this moment, the sound of high heels hitting the ground suddenly came from outside the door. After a while, the door was opened, and a tall figure appeared in front of Jiang Han.

Looking at this girl who gradually overlapped with her memory, but her face was younger than a thousand times, Jiang Han was stunned for a while.

On the contrary, Jiang Zhiyu was the first to react, looking at his tired younger brother, full of worry on his beautiful face with some tiredness.

“Xiaohan, are you alright?”

Feeling the deep concern in the other party’s words, Jiang Han’s eyes turned red, and the indifferent image that he had maintained since his rebirth suddenly collapsed.

If Jiang Han had to choose the person he was most guilty of outside his parents, it would undoubtedly be the elder sister who had taken care of him since childhood.

Even if Qian Xingjing was such a bastard, the girl in front of her never thought of giving up on herself, even if there was no blood relationship between the two.

On the contrary, after quitting the company, Jiang Zhiyu opened a computer peripheral company with the money he had cashed out from his shares. Fractional Jiang Han.

Thinking of this, Jiang Han pulled Jiang Zhiyu into his arms, buried his head on the other’s shoulder, and choked: “Sister…”

Feeling Jiang Han’s emotions, Jiang Zhiyu thought that the other party was still immersed in the pain of the death of his parents, and he couldn’t help but feel a little desolate.

But the company is now heavily in debt, and its internal shareholders are also eyeing it. In addition, Jiang Han has been studying and has never had management experience. It can be said that the pressure of the entire company is now on her, so even if she is sad, she can’t show it. .

Reaching out and hugging Jiang Han’s back, Jiang Zhiyu said softly, “Cry when you are sad, my sister will always be with you.”

Hearing Jiang Zhiyu’s words, Jiang Han’s misty eyes instantly recovered.

Yes, she can really cry in the other’s arms to vent her emotions, but what about her?

When her parents died in a car accident, she was the one who carried all the pressure of the company. In those days when she was idle, she was also the one who took care of herself, but now she has to comfort a big man like her…

Jiang Han couldn’t accept this kind of thing even if he was a jerk.

At the same time, Jiang Zhiyu was stunned when he felt the arms around his body suddenly relax.

Immediately, in Jiang Zhiyu’s stunned expression, Jiang Han raised his head from her arms, and the other’s face full of determination also appeared in her eyes.


He instinctively raised his hand to wipe the water droplets from the corner of his brother’s eyes, but just as he stretched out halfway, his hand was tightly held by the other party.

“Sister, starting from today, I will carry the burden on your shoulders!”

When he said this, Jiang Han’s face was nothing but firm.

It was the first time that Jiang Zhiyu had seen his younger brother show such an expression since he was a child. He subconsciously told her that the boy in front of him, who was always worrying about his heart, seemed to be a little different.

But after carefully pondering the other party’s words, Jiang Zhiyu’s face was instantly filled with surprise. He looked at Jiang Han in disbelief and said, “Banzi? Xiaohan, do you want to…”

Hearing this, Jiang Han didn’t answer directly, he let go of Jiang Zhiyu’s greasy little hand, turned around and walked to his room, but at the moment when the door was closed, a word without the slightest emotion floated out.

“Sister, hold a shareholders’ meeting this afternoon. There are some things I can’t escape, so I can only face them.”

Hearing this, Jiang Zhiyu was silent for a while, but after a long time, a complex smile bloomed on her face.

“Are you going to take over the company, but the current situation over there is not very optimistic.”

Looking at the closed door, she murmured in a voice that only she could hear. *

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