Isn’t it a Bankrupt Company? How to Monopolize the World

Chapter 334

【334】The Person I Identify Will Not Make Mistakes【Seeking Full Order】

“If you are willing to join our Huaifeng Group, I can give you the position of head of the information technology siege department.”

“How about you, do you want to think about it?”

Jiang Han looked at the girl.

The girl’s exclamation attracted a crowd of onlookers.

Jiang Han directly gave the girl such an important position, which made more and more people around.

It is very rare to meet the president of Huaifeng Group in such a place.

Moreover, from such a small talent recruitment market, a future head of the technical department of Huaifeng Group can appear. What kind of god is this?

At this moment, Wu Yun came to Jiang Han’s side and whispered in his ear: “Jiang Han, is your decision a little too hasty?

Jiang Han glanced at Wu Yun and asked Wu Yun what he meant.

“Look, we are not familiar with this girl at all. You directly promised him the position of director of the information technology engineering department, in case she…”

Although Wu Yun didn’t finish his words, Jiang Han also understood what he meant.

“Wu Yun, I believe in the way I see people.”

With one sentence in his speech, Wu Yun didn’t know how to respond to Jiang Han.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe Jiang Han, he just thinks it might be a little too hasty to talk about.

What if there is a ghost in the girl’s identity and cause greater losses to Huaifeng Group 290?

Huaifeng Group now looks like a very large business empire.

But only Wu Yun understands how much money Huaifeng Group has lost in this storm of refunds and replacements for Huaifeng series mobile phones equipped with three generations of chips.

“Jiang Han, I understand what you mean, but we can also watch it slowly. I believe that if the other party is really talented, she will be able to climb to this position sooner or later! 39

Jiang Han smiled and shook his head, “Wu Yun, I believe you should understand that talents should not be buried because of her major and education! 99

“I just want to tell everyone that as long as you don’t have second thoughts about Huaifeng Group and can complete the tasks I have given you, then Huaifeng Group will never treat anyone badly!”

“The most important thing is that as long as it is a talent, it will never be buried in the Huaifeng Group. The Huaifeng Group will give corresponding positions and salaries according to their abilities!”

Regardless of Wu Yun’s obstruction, Jiang Han directly took out the prepared contract.

“Little girl, if you are satisfied with my conditions, we can sign a labor contract.”

“If you feel that there is anything you are not satisfied with, we can also discuss it again. What do you think?”

Hearing this, the little girl hurriedly waved her hand.

“I’m very satisfied. I just graduated. I thought it would take me a long time to find a job, but I didn’t expect…”

Hearing this, Jiang Han smiled.

From the little girl’s words and her expression, Jiang Han saw a touch of innocence.

This kind of emotion or this kind of reaction can’t be faked, even if they want to fake it, he can see it.

“Well, then I’ll try…”

Hearing this, Jiang Han laughed and signed a labor contract with the girl readily.

He also learned when he signed the contract that the girl’s name was Lin Xiaxia.

“Nice name!” Jiang Han praised sincerely.

Being praised by Jiang Han like this, the girl’s face immediately turned red.

“The contract has been signed, you can take this contract with you tomorrow and report directly to the Huaifeng Group headquarters building! 99

Looking at such an innocent girl, Jiang Han also felt that it would be a great achievement if he could bring this girl to her own side.

Lin Xia Xia felt that Jiang Han was not as scary as the legend, and immediately said: “Mr. Jiang, don’t worry, I will definitely work hard!”

“Okay, as long as you do your job well, you will be rewarded!”

Lin Xia Tian felt that she was a newcomer to the Huaifeng Group, and it was not suitable for her to talk about rewards, “Mr. Jiang, I just want a job opportunity, I don’t care what the reward is! 35

“I thank Mr. Jiang for your attention to me, but I still prefer to take a step-by-step approach. When I have that ability, I will definitely help Mr. Jiang to complete more research!

After hearing this, Jiang Han was even more convinced that his idea of recruiting girls was right.

“Your idea is very good. It is really necessary to be down-to-earth step by step to be a person. I appreciate you very much!”

Jiang Han fell in love with Lin Xia Tian, not because of Lin Xia’s ability, but because of what Lin Xia can discover, he can also discover.

However, he has never seen a person as young as Lin Xiaxia who can still think like this.

“Thank you Mr. Jiang for your compliment, I…”

Lin Xiaxia was already blushing because of the praise, and it wasn’t because she was praised by a man for the first time that she blushed.

But what kind of achievements she even had in Huaifeng Group or Jiang Han, being affirmed by such a capable person, the sense of pride made her blushed with excitement.

Seeing Lin Xiaxia chatting with Jiang Han back and forth, as if he didn’t plan to stop at all, Park Yining was jealous.

“Mr. Jiang, is it too early for you to think that this young girl can be the head of the information technology engineering department of Huaifeng Group?”

Although Park Yi Ning has always been here, few people pay attention to her.

Jiang Han has said it before, this matter has nothing to do with her.

But at this time, everyone’s eyes could not help but fall on her.

Seeing Jiang Han’s gaze also turned towards her, Park Yining raised his arrogant head and said in a straight manner: “Young people, although they are strong, their ability to deal with emergencies is still a lot worse.

“Mr. Jiang, you recognize her ability. I don’t deny that, but whether to give her such a high position at one time, I think President Jiang should consider this matter carefully!”

Hearing this, Jiang Han smiled.

“Miss Park, first of all I have said that this recruitment is to recruit talents for our Huaifeng Group, and this matter has nothing to do with Miss Park.

“I can understand your kind suggestion, Miss Park!”

“However, Miss Park, I believe in my eyesight, if it’s someone I identified as Jiang Han, I’ll never go wrong!”

Park Yining was speechless, but Jiang Han smiled and looked at Lin Xiaxia, asking where he lived, so that he could arrange for someone to send Lin Xiaxia home.

“After you go back, take a good rest, you will officially start working tomorrow, I hope you can devote yourself to your work in the best state!

After hearing this, Lin Xiaxia hurriedly nodded and left with Jiang Han.

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