Isn’t it a Bankrupt Company? How to Monopolize the World

Chapter 390

【390】Competition 【Seeking Complete Customization】

After being inspired by Jiang Han, Lin Xiaxia was also very excited.

She has long wanted to contribute her own strength to Huaifeng Group. Now, since Jiang Han needs her, she will never back down.

At this moment, she vowed to look at Jiang Han: “Please rest assured, I will do my best to plan the team within a few days.

Jiang Han has sufficient funds this time. In order to set up a software studio in a short period of time, Lin Xiaxia called people from the network R&D department to hold a meeting.

When they learned that Jiang Han wanted them to build a shopping platform similar to Taobao, everyone gasped.

“At the beginning, Taobao has been doing it for many years, and it has only grown from a small and large-scale platform to the present. Now it suddenly asks us to carry out network research and development. Isn’t this killing us?”

“Where are there so many people in our network R&D department? It’s impossible for so many people to gather in a short period of time! 99

Everyone was worried, but Lin Xia Tian looked at them with an oath: “I know that this matter is difficult, when the chairman told me, I also felt that it could not be completed in a short time, but the tasks that could not be completed, We also have to finish.””

Huaifeng Group is a company that everyone depends on for survival, and it is also a company that everyone has worked hard to establish for so many years.

If it does close down, everyone will definitely feel very sad in their hearts.

In order to cheer up these people in front of them, Lin Xiaxia also told them about Jiang Han’s allocation of funds to them: “The chairman specially allocated a billion to us, and we can’t be sorry for the trust of the chairman.”

Hearing that there is so much money, the people in the R&D department are all excited.

It didn’t take long for Lin Xia to start recruiting talents, and she specially asked the persons in charge of recruiting a few words before recruiting.

“What we want this time is technical talents. Technical talents do not necessarily have a high degree of education, so you can’t ignore people because of their education.”

Those in charge of recruiting nodded.

They knew what Lin Xia meant, and if they didn’t care about academic qualifications, they would definitely use the recruitment method that Jiang Han used before.

A vigorous recruitment operation was in full swing, and Jiang Han and Wu Yun quickly learned of Lin Xia’s actions here.

Not only have they been paying attention to recruitment matters, but Ma Yun has successfully become independent of Taobao, but he no longer pays attention to Jiang Han’s news all the time.

After learning that Lin Xiaxia started to recruit specialized technical talents, Ma Yun was very worried.

“They don’t want to grow their company at all, they want so many technical talents all of a sudden, they probably want to re-establish a second online shopping platform.”

The reason why Taobao has the confidence of an independent Huaifeng Group is that Ma Yun knows that Taobao is the only online shopping platform today.

With such a large network platform, how can they even do it? The people will obediently do their jobs from their platform.

In this way, Taobao will be an indispensable shopping platform for everyone.

If Jiang Han really develops a second shopping platform, Taobao’s status will definitely be impacted. In addition, Huaifeng Group’s reputation has always been very good, so they must take measures.

Ma Yun hurriedly found the person who set up the company: “The reason why Huaifeng Group wants to recruit on a large scale this time is probably because it wants to set up a second online shopping platform, which can destroy our market share.” ”

··0 Seeking flowers……..

“We cannot underestimate their capabilities, and we must not allow them to occupy our market share.”

Once Jiang Han sets up a second online shopping platform, they will be greatly impacted, and Taobao is likely to be unable to do so.

In the past, Taobao and Huaifeng Group were complementary, but after Taobao became independent, any company would be Taobao’s competitor.


The other employees around him couldn’t help but whisper.

“Hasn’t Huaifeng Group been out of control before? Why now suddenly have the funds to study the second shopping platform? Did it attract some big moneymaker?

“The reputation of Huaifeng Group has always been very good, although our Taobao has also caused quite a stir, but in fact, a large part of these sensations are caused by Huaifeng Group.

“I don’t think we can continue to sit still, we have to quickly find a way to stop the Huaifeng Group.”

Facing the worried expressions of everyone, at this moment, Ma Yun patted the table directly and looked at everyone with gnashing teeth.

“Jiang Han has always wanted to stop us. If Taobao really makes them get what they want, isn’t all our previous actions in vain! So we must stop their recruitment.”

Only by preventing Lin Xiaxia’s recruitment can Jiang Han be prevented from developing a shopping platform. These things are very necessary!

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