Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Farewell Luna!

"Hey, Luna. Didn't you say that you consider your grandma as your sole family member?"

The unusually silent dining hall of Eden Academy, which was filled with not more than thirty students, sat the couple consisting of a charming blond youth and a beautiful silver-haired maiden.

Austin already had his fill from the serving Luna fed him. But Luna was far from finished as she asked Austin, to get her another filling of salad and dessert, which the latter obliged without any trouble.

(A/N: - A little spoilt Luna is cute too;)

Austin asked this after almost twenty minutes since the announcement from the envoy of the royal court. Luna said that she was summoned by her Grandma, which threw Austin into deep contemplation, resulting in this sudden query.

"Hmm..yeah, I did. Why do you ask?"

Luna finished the last fruit tart as she asked, even though she had some idea what Austin was thinking.

"I mean, shouldn't I introduce myself as your lover? If it's only okay with you to let me meet her."

Austin wanted to offer his formal greeting to the only person Luna dearly adores since he wants to take things thoroughly with her. But to become an unnecessary burden on Luna would be the last thing he wants; that's why he added the last phrase.

Luna saw through his worries and determination, which moved her heart and brought a smile to her face. But sadly, she has to decline him.

"I do want to let you two meet since you both are very important parts of my life, but sadly Grandma has only called me. Knowing her, I am certain she knows my relationship with you, but the reason why she specifically only called me is still a mystery. So sorry, darling. "

Luna held his hand as she apologized since this matter wasn't something she could bring Austin into. Until she wasn't sure what her Grandma thought about him, she couldn't let Austin come in front.

It wasn't about Austin's worth or anything related to it. Instead, her grandma has a twisted personality which even Luna fears; that is why she decided to keep things up to her for now.

"Is that so? Well, no problem. I will wait for her to call me so I can take you from her."

Luna's inner thoughts, which were turning a little heavy, lifted all of a sudden as she heard her darling confessing so boldly, which made her face lit up.

" fair."

"Hmm? You said something?"

"Nothing. Ah yeah, what about your system? The mission was accomplished, right? Did something happen after that?"

The time for weekly requirement would have collapsed today, but thankfully it was attained at times when Austin never expected it.

"It was filled when Saya recognized me as her brother. I don't know why such a thing happened and also...

As he said, his eyes went toward the system screen, which he brought up with a single command.

[System Evolving]


[All the Active skills would be frozen until the system doesn't evolve. Inventory would be accessible.]

" seems something is changing in the system. "

Austin was slightly worried about the skills he earned from the system, like the [Silent Mind], which always helps him keep his cool, but even if they don't return, he won't become vulnerable since his elemental trait doesn't derive from the system.

"Well, that's that. Since you don't intend to play villain, which I still think you never became, the system's concern is now fruitless. "

Austin narrowed his gaze, but Luna ignored it since she was confident with what she said.

But soon, he sighed in defeat since he knew Luna's standards were high, which he didn't want to attain in this field. Bringing his hand toward her face, Austin cupped her cheek.

Luna wholeheartedly accepted the caress as she leaned her face and enjoyed her favorite warmth.

"Are you leaving soon? "

"Hmm.Just some minutes. "

Another sigh left Austin's lips which Luna knew what was about as she parted her eyelids and spoke in a loving tone.

"I know you will miss me, so don't look at other girls. And until I return, don't venture into a strange place, okay? "


"And don't forget to send me mana mail every hour when I leave. I will send you too. "

Austin raised his brows upon hearing the absurd request.

"Isn't it too much? Make it once a day. "

"No, at least once every four hours. And that final. "

Even her words sounded domineering, her eyes were moistened and finger pinching his shirt hem, like she was begging for it. Austin was astonished at how someone could betray their words by making such undeniable expressions.

Leaning forward, he closed his eyes and let his head connect to hers as he whispered their parting words.

"I'll miss you, Luna. "

"I'll miss you too, darling~."


"Waaah! Onii-sama is going to get a medal. I am super hyped for it! "

After Austin bid his farewell for a short period to his beloved, he walked to the dorm where Luna lived. Since Luna was practically cohabitating with Austin now, Saya was given Luna's room.

After Saya ate the food Austin brought from the cafèteria, he told her about the envoy and summoning message from the royal court.

Being an ideal sister, Saya was naturally thrilled to hear his brother being honored in front of others and his actual worth being praised.

"Well, I really don't like being the center of attraction, but since I am doubtful of something, I better check it out. "

Saya shrugged the severe kind of stuff his brother brought up as her whole attention was centered on the glory Austin would receive and how handsome he would look while wearing the formal clothing.


"Onii-sama. Do you have that heavy and formal attire for the ceremony? "

Upon hearing Saya's query, Austin raised his brows, but soon he concluded his answer.

"No, I don't. "

Suddenly Saya's eyes sparkled as it seemed she had found the prettiest treasure right in front of her doorstep.

Holding Austin's hand, she spoke in an energetic tone.

"Then tomorrow is a date. It's a promise, okay? I am so excited~."


A/n: - Some bonding time.

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