Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

His surprise!

It was the second day since Luna left Austin's side and went to her homeland.

Austin was aware that the person who came to fetch Luna was the royal guard of the country she belonged to, but he was troubled why such a thing happened so early.

The character, which should be popping later half of the story when the appearance of demons would have been becoming regular, were now interfering unnaturally.

But knowing full well, how drastically Austin have changed the plot ever since he first intimately chatted with Luna on the day his engagement was annulled, nothing seemed to amaze him much.

He had gained sufficient points to fill his weekly Villain's system requirement while he was in the lair. 

He still was unsure how these points work, but until his job was getting done without him partaking in anything intentionally, Austin was contended with it.

Before if, he had the thinking of a person who was destined to be crushed by others, then the support and encouragement he got from Luna, Austin thought of himself differently.

He doesn't want to get trashed by others nor look helpless in front of the girl who has stolen his heart without letting him even show the slightest reluctance.

Nothing changed. 

People were the same, still treating him like an invisible existence. 

He was still receiving curse points for no reason; things were moving a little different because of the incoming disaster, but except for the change of lecture timing, everything was like how it was.

Except for one significant fact...

The previous Austin, who had ever been alone and always seemed to be just dragging his life, has now wholly shifted for good.

It only has been two days since he realized his love for Luna when the time of her departure came up, but now he seemed like a completely different person.

In isolation or in public, there was a kind and loving smile on his face; whenever the face of a certain someone arrives in his mind.

Without her presence, he felt empty, but from inside, he was fulfilled...


[Austin's POV:]

It was pretty relaxing when I didn't have to rush for the Villain's point, as without such work, I was able to do various things on which I wasn't able to focus before.

Like right now, I was studying some ancient stuff related to the heroes of the past and how they extinguished the terror of Demons .

Most of the stuff was utterly dull, but there was something that made me intrigued.

Being a bonafide bookworm who loved to read the most in the name of entertainment, these heroic tales weren't much immoral compared to some of the other books I have read regarding the dominance of mana users over non-mana users.

I was genuinely having a great time, escaping from my shameless mind, which kept repeating Luna's face time after time and in a way I should not be seeing at this time of day.

But what came to disturb my solitary was a weird man which I wanted to ignore for some more time but when the person came to visit himself...


"I hope I didn't disturb, Sir Austin."

The one who stood some meters apart from me while leaning on the bookshelf was the Sole Magician who attained [Legend Class] at the mere age of 30.

Very few people know that he was Legend Class as per his wish to remain low-key, but in my opinion, once he became the head of Royal Mages, he already lost all hope of staying low profile.

"I'm not a Nobel anymore, so drop that sir."

Without lifting my gaze as I knew I would only meet with a disgusting grin, I responded before Alex walked toward me and took the opposite chair.

"Well, I don't respect people by their ranks or background but rather because of their strength and actual potential."

I was aware that he had sensed some essence of mana which I unintentionally leaked in the church; that's why his words didn't make me surprised at all.

On the contrary, I felt fortunate that the court magician came himself with this topic in regards.

Closing my book, I placed it on the corner before fixing my gaze on the guy who, as expected, was grinning for no definite reason.

"What do you want?"

Just like how a child waits for their parents to ask what gift they want for Christmas, Alex jumped from the chair before he started exploring the inside of his coat thoroughly.

The way he childishly acts in front of some and how arrogant he behaves among the general public were all facade. In actuality, his true face has only seen a countable number of people. And if one were to take out the dead people from that count, the number would jump back to zero.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Alex finally found the materials he was searching for. 

Slamming the papers flat on the table, he let go of the hold and sat back on the chair while panting slightly like he had attained something massive.

I observed his expression for a mere blink, and after getting thoroughly disgusted, I took the paper in hand and started running my eyes along the content.

Soon, my brows went up in surprise as I read through the first page in less than half a minute.

I went on the next page and then another one until I finally reached the end of the fifteenth one; then only I halted, my eyes and unsettled mind.

Putting the handwritten theories back on the table, I looked back at the author of such a weird story.

"Are you serious about these things? Are you preparing to destroy nations altogether or something?"

Upon hearing me, the expression on Alex's face turned utterly delightful as he kept one of his hands on his chest before leaning back on the chair with an exaggerated sigh.

"I knew you would understand my theories. My proud instincts never go wrong, and I was sure it won't mislead me in this case, too~."

Hugging his body, he was fidgeting at his place enough for me to get annoyed as I got up from the chair.

"Matte~ Okay...I will talk. I will talk. First, take a seat."

He raised his hand, protesting my leave, and finally came out of his nauseating stupor.

Shaking my head, I sighed before landing my butt on the same chair again. 

Coughing twice, Alex finally started to speak of the unexpected matter, which was never even mentioned in the manga I read.

This was the reason why I became even more attentive to this subject.

"I think you entirely or perhaps partially understood what requirement it would take to cast such a spell at its finest. Since I didn't have any means to implicate such a spell into reality, I never showed it to anyone but now...I have you."

Leaning back on the chair, I saw the enthusiast mage getting up from his seat as he continued with his confession.

"After seeing you understand my concept, I found my doubt and ultimate goal more vivid. I have a hunch that you can make my imagination and the fruit of hard work come into reality. So Sir Austin, what do you say, want to grab my hand and explore the world you were unaware of until now?"

Hunch, my ass.

It wasn't of him playing the bet on me by showing his work which he indeed would have spent months or maybe years to form. 

From the manga, I knew that Alex has the capability to sneak into the minds of others and collect their memories worth one month. 

It doesn't take a genius to conclude how easily he would have used either the hero or any of the harem members to gain information about my brawl against the Terror Demon.

That's why I was certain about the reason why I attained the arrogant Court Magician's interest.

"So you want me as a lab rat to help you create these absurd spells, right?"

Getting a vigorous nod, a lot amount of contemplation landed in my mind. 

I took my time and evaluated various things regarding the future and what I should do to achieve my villain's points accordingly.

Well, I wasn't even comparable to plan the villain's deeds as Luna did, but knowing full well how far Alex's reach was, my conclusion on the matter in hand came out shortly.

"I will help with these things, but in return, I will use you."

Due to a slight misjudgment of my words in front of the wrong person, I was again faced up with a disgusting self-hugging gesture by the weirdest mage I have ever come across.

"Use me? How shameless~ Anyway, continue."

Sighing, I tried to hold all the frustration inside as I spoke in my most buddha tone.

"First, tell me, why are you in the academy?"

I was aware that Alex left on the day when Luna and I went to the lair. Also, he was the one who informed the Emperor about Hero's involvement in the matter, which eventually led to Luna's unexpected return to her homeland.

But Alex coming back to the academy was still a little doubtful. But Alex's following statement made my doubts clear.

"I am here for Hero's safety from the incoming bull as the empire could afford anything but the loss of the so-called hopes of humanity."

From his words, it was confirmed that, just like manga, the real Alex also doesn't take Hero as an apostle of God but only as a stupid brat.

'Well, that makes things easy.'

"Since you are here as Kyouki's bodyguard, do your job and keep him away from the battleground, as far as possible. His life is precious for me too, after all."


Currently standing in the center of a vast hall surrounded by castle stones and extravagant decoration adorning the insides of the fort was the person in whom Austin had found his first love.

It takes almost 24 hours to reach the main palace of the Northern Lands of Aurora. 

And after arriving at the castle, the first thing Luna was asked was to greet the emperor in an instant.

Since Luna also desired to face her father as soon as possible when she had so much built up inside, she didn't show any reluctance before she presented herself in front of the ruler of the Northern Lands, Emperor Norsvolk Eldritch.

The current audience of the court was only comprised of selected generals and archdukes who had already knowledgeable about the eldest princess' arrival.

Other than the emperor, there were two of his queens sitting at the head stage on either side of their husband.

Luna wasn't surprised to see her mother absent from the court, taking her weakened state, which must have worsened until now, into account.

Stood facing her father, Luna didn't even bother with the formal greetings, which strangely didn't surprise the others as they were aware of the cold temperament of the princess and what emotions she carries for her family.

"You were away for five years now, and when you finally returned, those rebellious eyes were the first thing you showed me. Luna indeed has grown up a lot, huh."

Spoke in an authoritative tone was the patriarch of the Kingdom and the person who holds the most significant influence in the Northern Land and some other nations.

His face, despite being in his late forties, was still charming enough to charm women without even using his name as bait. The sturdy build he carries didn't go hidden even though the person was wearing a heavy coat entirely made from a Terror Rank demon.

With his cold oceanic eyes, he observed the unwavering demeanor and the unbreakable fortitude his blood relative attained in this short amount of time which genuinely surprised him. 

But again, in his thoughts, Luna spent her time with Hero's party, so this end conclusion was something he felt proud about.

"Look carefully, father. It's not rebellion that I am expressing through my eyes rather; it's the disgust I carry for you."

The youngest queen instantly drew her sharp gaze at Luna, which the latter one blindly ignored.  Not only the Queens but various others also showed discomfort upon hearing such explicit and subjective insult toward their king, but no one dared to raise their voice.

The emperor, on the other hand, wasn't much bothered because of the hate he had and was receiving from his daughter. 

He was well aware of Luna's bitterness for the people of her birthplace, but until she was helping him by being close to Hero, he was okay with the hatred he was presented with.

Sneering, he responded in a louder tone than before.

"Hate me how much you want, but in the end, you still came back for the same relations you feel disgusted about. You can't abandon your blood after all."

Luna, upon hearing the old man's words, rolled her eyes before a heavy sigh left her lips.

"You think after what happened this time would happen in the future, too? How foolish you can be, father~".

"Conduct your language Princess Luna, before it's too late!!"

Shouted the youngest queen Elizabeth as she growled at Luna with mana circulating around her whole body and lethal danger oozing out of her persona, signifying how agitated she was after hearing such a disgraceful remark directed toward her lord.

Norsvolk raised his hand, signifying the queen to quell her anger which the latter one followed reluctantly.

"What did you mean, Luna?"

This time it was Luna who sneered before she gave a piece of mind to the audience in front.

"I had left the person I love and hold the dearest to my heart alone when he needed me the most. And for the sake, I did the such a thing is enough for me to give a sense of satisfaction toward the obligation I carry for my birth mother. After this time, her wish to meet me wouldn't be entertained in the future, as I would not feel compelled to anyone anymore."

Throughout his daughter's confession, there was more than one thing that was concernable for the emperor, but the initial part made his expression darken the most.

There was a part of his mind which shouted something utterly unfortunate had already taken place. 

Taking the formal relationship Luna carried for Hero, which Norsvolk heard from the rumors, into account, and the way Luna said how she left her love in the time of crisis made his mind fuzzy. Still, he didn't want to draw that conclusion at any cost.

He could not accept such a thing at all!

"The person you love...? Tell me; it's the hero. My daughter hasn't betrayed me and made a relationship with anyone other than the hero, right? Tell me that my concerns are futile, and my dear daughter has stood to my expectation. Come on, tell me, Luna!!"

Almost yelling at the end of his unintentional plea, Norsvolk prayed to the highest god he worships, that Luna denies his fears and gave him the best gift through her words.

But nothing goes as one desires them to...

Smiling coldly at the pale, terrified face of her father, Luna made the scariest confession that might shake the entire nation in the upcoming turns of events.

"Oh my, clueless father~ You sure are in for a great surprise~."


A/N:- was long.

Anyway, just some chapter, maybe three or four, before the two birds reunite, so don't worry.

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