Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

His training!

Monster Lairs.

The place where inhumane reside and also the place where I would be training my skills for the upcoming battle with the Knight Commander.

Lairs, as the name sounds, were the inhabitance of monsters where they hid their treasure and mana stone.

I had gone to small Lairs before until I didn't get my Villain's System.

My first experience was not as scary as I thought since the rank I picked for my first lair was the third rank of [Rare Class].

Since I easily defeated the lair floors and also the boss monster, I pushed myself for more and increased the level.

But nothing, I repeat, nothing was even comparable to the lair I was standing right in front of.

" this...."

Since monsters couldn't surpass the threshold of [Unique Rank] until they don't accept curse energy, monsters and lairs where they reside were limited only to the Unique level.

Since Cursed Demons don't get restrained by any kind of bind or get clouded with the greed of mana stones, Demons often wander aimlessly in the outside world.

Then those who were left were Rare and Unique Class which comprises certain kinds of lairs, primarily placed in Jungles which the adventurers challenge to gain mana stones and treasures.

Eden Academy also books small to small-medium size lairs to let the students know the fear of actual terror in this world.

But the lair which I was sensing and seeing with my own eyes was far from the caves that a school would ever leave their students to explore.

Heck, even adventurers wouldn't dare to challenge this lair, due to the ominous and life-threatening vibe it was oozing with.

"This lair is something you could say I created, more like I enhanced it."

Standing beside me was the grinning Luna, who brought me to the South-Eastern Jungle in the name of my training after school.

First, I thought it was a kind of date, as this jungle wasn't explicitly known for lairs, but when she told me about her true intentions, I was embarrassed to the core.

'It's good that I didn't change my clothes. '

Ashamed of my shameless mind, I looked toward the dark cave, which was filled with mana and was far above from the Unique class and was to the point where the Terror class could be threatened.

"You enhanced it?"

I pretended to be oblivious, but I knew what she was saying.

In the manga I read, there was a time when the hero became so powerful that normal Lairs didn't prove to be worthy of him.

In that scenario, the Court Magician Alex, along with some high-rank mages, came forward to enhance the lairs to provide their hero-sama with an endless training ground.

But the problem was that Lair enhancement takes a hell amount of mana which was close to impossible for even a group of men to achieve in one day, taking Saint Class Magicians into account.

And here, a single entity enhanced a lair all by herself?

It would be a lie to say I completely trusted Luna's word at this moment because I know very well how absurd it was to enhance a single lair regardless of the level. And the mana flow I was sensing from the cave in front was not something I could ever expect for even [Saint Class ] high ranking mage to achieve even with proper support.

"I will tell you one day how I do it. But for now, let's prepare."

Stiffly I nodded still with my eyes continuously fixated upon the cave we would be entering after some moments.

Well, to say I wasn't scared would be a partial lie, but after facing the Terror Ranked Golem, I somehow had a confidence boost that helped me maintain my calm and not show my weak side to Luna.

'Well, she already has seen me in my most miserable state.'

A dry chuckle left my lips when Luna continued with her previous words.

"Okay, Austin, first tell me how many points you have accumulated until now?"

"Umm....let me check."


[Name:-      Austin

Age:-           15

Race:-          Human

HP :-            1200-> 300 (Limiter)

MP:-            3600-> 500 (Limiter)

Str:-             480-> 120     (Limiter)

Spd:-           500-> 250    (Limiter)

Stm:-           375

Attributes:- Flames(86)
                     Wind (74)
                      Aqua (32)
                     Earth (41)
                     XXXX  (0)

Skills:-        Infernous Conjuror (A)

                     Gravity Manipulation (A)
                     Silent Steps (B)
                     Sprint (A)
                     Pain Infliction (S)
                     Tongue of Spirit(SS)
                      Dark Escape (B)

Stats Points:- 15000

Weekly Villain's Point:- 1200/ 2000]

(A/N:- A Saint rank mage has around 1500 MP, and a hero has about 900. The strength that the current Kyouki carries is above 1100. And also, I might alter the stats, so check it when I notify you)

Looking at the attribute points I have accumulated in these 18 months, a strong gulp passed my throat as the possibility of accepting all those points was so lethal that I never even thought about it.

Well, the source from which I earned those points was so hideous that the thought of utilizing those points made me disgusted.

But now, I didn't have any option. I could only feel disgusted if I had my breathe regulating. If I don't use those points, then there would be no chance of me surviving the incoming catastrophe.

"It's enough to push all my stats to the next level. But Luna, there's a limit to how much I can add stats points in one day. If my body doesn't get accustomed to my newly added power, I might crumble into a vegetative state."

Upon hearing me, Luna's face went pale like a sheet as she held my hand subconsciously.

Well, it was given that she would be startled to hear such a possibility, but I was a little happy to know that she cares about my well-being.

Luna became silent for some seconds, which gave me a bad feeling, and her following words made my doubt clear.

"Hey Austin...won't it be fine if I deal with all this Knight Commander thing, and you rest in your room? We can gradually train together in the future, too, right?"

Luna turned her puppy eyes toward me while pleading for something that I might not be able to accept, even if I would be pushed to the edge of my death bed.

"We are going inside, Luna. Stop thinking useless stuff, and follow me if you don't want to be left behind."

I started walking in the ominous direction hurriedly.

The reason I snatched myself away in such a rush was because of those freakin eyes, which were so dangerous for me that I felt my heart often leaping and skipping under that gaze.

It's too tough to resist such persuasion when the pleader was so adorable.

Shaking my head, I tried to let go of my wavering thoughts when suddenly my hand was grabbed by a warmth before I turned toward it, only to find a worried Luna standing there.

"Austin, please promise me that you won't push yourself more than necessary and if ever inside the lair you find yourself struggling, you will call out for me. Please listen to me on this one ."

Her charming face, which never missed to make me admire as well as tempted to fawn over her, was inches apart from me.

Her hot breaths were hitting my face at unsteady intervals signifying how genuinely she was worried for me.

To be honest, I feel like I don't really deserve her attention and this much care, but there was no way I could ever reject her when she was so honest in this relationship.

Holding her hand back, I reassured her with my brightest smile.

"Don't worry, as I said; we will support each other without holding back. So if something really does happen, I will not hesitate to rely on you."


[Luna's POV]

'He's too overprotective of me. '

I sighed in awe as I saw my beloved walking cautiously inside the dark lair with his movement mainly positioned in shielding me.

Even though I told him that there was no point defending me when I had erased my presence, he just couldn't settle his worries.

Well, to say I was frustrated about it would be a plain white lie.

I was utterly delighted to think that Austin thought so highly of me that he was protecting me in a place where he might have difficulties surviving.

His broad and reliable back, his strong hands, which he was using to hold daggers, and his fierce eyes, which he was applying to keep an eye on the surrounding, were so enthralling that I thought how I had missed such fine art until now.

To be honest, after hearing Austin's words related to the consequences of his system points, I wondered whether letting him pursue this route was a good idea.

But in the end, I couldn't ask Austin to become mine and let everything be done in a blink. I knew his pride as a man would never allow him such, and I genuinely admired this side of his.

But the possibility of letting Austin get into a state where I couldn't pull him back scared me.

I had my various spells of healing, but who knows what actually might happen to Austin if he was to use his points hurriedly.

I didn't want to think about it, nor would I let it happen.

Clenching my fist in determination, I strengthened my resolve before I fixed my gaze upon Austin.

We walked in silence for some meters inside the dark cave with a fireball which Austin chanted, as the only illumination source.


Suddenly mine and his steps came to a halt as he whispered something silently.

" it comes."

As he said, a monster on the rank of Threshold of Unique class plunged forward at a pace that far surpasses any monster could ever muster.

The monster which charged at Austin was a Hobgoblin of 1 meter in height and claws probably more than 15cm in length. The disgusting monster had its eyes dyed red due to the overflow of mana it had tasted, and along with its enhanced stats, it became a terrifying being that could run havoc in a small town all by itself.

Austin instantly blocked his face, with his arms crossed in front and daggers tip pointed toward the incoming goblin.



I intentionally let out a sound as I saw the result of the collision of Austin and the monster. Even though the beast was strong, I was sure with Austin's strength that, he would not have much difficulty dealing with it.

But just upon the first physical interaction of the two, Austin was sent flying backward before colliding with the cave wall.

My eyes went wide as Austin's figure started to disappear because of the broken rocks and the dust which erupted because of his crash.


Shouting at the top of my lungs, I felt my world destroying right before my eyes as the thought of life without Austin immediately took over my consciousness.

But before I could even move a single muscle out of my instincts, Austin's face suddenly emerged out of the dust as he called out for me.

"I am okay, Luna. It's just I forgot to remove my limit...."

His voice broke in the middle as his eyes became round as he stared in the direction where the hobgoblin was.

Looking at his sullen expression, I also turned my head in the direction, only to get startled.

The Hobgoblin, which just was about to launch another attack on Austin, wasn't there anymore. Its body parts were burst into pieces with its blood splattered in all directions.

When I realized the reason for such a situation, an embarrassed smile formed on my lips as I looked at Austin apologetically.

Worth a sigh, Austin raised his hand before he walked toward me with a defeated expression.

"I better not quarrel with you in the future, or you might blast me away without even realizing ."


After school, at the same time, when Austin and Luna went to explore their modified dungeon, a particular group of four people gathered in a room.

These four were the members of the  Hero's party who, along with the hero himself, gathered in their meeting room as per their leader's call.

Due to the recent incident, the atmosphere around the school has become heavier to the point where students have been leaving the school for their safety, and even teachers were retiring all of a sudden.

It goes without saying, what was the reason why such things were happening in the school as no one in the entire continent was not aware of the might which the Knight Commander Charles carries.

"Troops from the capital have arrived. My father is also asking me to return back. The situation has gone out of hand more than we expected."

The one who said those words with utter seriousness was Sicily Seymour, daughter of Duke Reynold Seymour.

The all-time cheery Sicily was this much contemplating and pondering over the situation because of the person involved in this.

And not only her but others in the room also had the same kind of expression on their face, specially Venessa.

"It's all my fault. Why did I ever blame Austin when I wasn't aware of what level of trickery he had? To be honest, him dying from the hands of my papa doesn't seem too bad."

Her thoughts were something that Sicily mutually also agreed with, but unlike Venessa, she held it in and waited for Kyouki's judgment on the matter.

Lilia was just sitting expressionlessly, not ready to accept what happened in the church at all.

Among the other three, Lilia's thoughts were the most complicated and twisted regarding Austin at the moment. But she knew bringing them out would make nothing but Kyouki more troubled.

The person in the head position of the team and the person who was always looked upon by countless was now sitting with his fingers intervened in front of his mouth and eyes frowned at nothing constant.

After what seemed like an eternity, Kyouki finally got up from his seat, attracting every gaze upon himself as he made his judgment.

"The matter related to Austin can be handled afterward, first; we have to do something about incoming danger. Please don't take it rudely, Venessa."

Vanessa smiled with a shake of her head, signifying she didn't mind her papa being called a threat.

Walking toward the center, he spoke with confidence bursting with his every syllable and determination clouding his eyes.

"Since Luna would eventually get involved in this matter, I, as his friend, have to step up and stop Sir Charles. Please forgive me, Venessa, when I say it, but I will fight your father with everything I have."

Lilia immediately got out of her stupor as she heard the unexpected announcement of her beloved before her eyes went wide in shock.

Sicily kept her gaze low as she somehow knew this would happen, so Kyouki's commitment didn't bother her much.

Vanessa was the only one who got up from her swat with a defeated smile on her charming face as she faced the man she had decided to give her all in this life.

"I knew this would happen, Kyouki-san. Your love for Luna is something I could never level up to, but the only thing I can do is to support you with all my might until the end. So please count me in too."

Upon hearing the prideful daughter of the knight commander betraying her father and going against him, made Kyouki was incredibly moved.


"Count me in too, Kyou-kun. I have been thinking of using my new attack strategies on a strong opponent for so long."

Sicily also got up with a smile as she joined the fray, making Kyouki almost teared up with the support his friends were providing him, even though this fight wasn't for humanity but for Kyouki's own selfishness.

"I will also help. Even though I am not strong as you guys, I will do my best to stop Sir Charles from harming anyone on this school ground. So count me in too."

Lilia also got up from her seat before she moved toward the group while muttering her unclear resolve.

But since everyone was so much clouded by the matter at hand, no one paid much attention to Lilia's actual statement hidden behind her words.

Looking at everyone, Kyouki sighed in relief and slight elation as his heavy heart finally got some piece of calmness.

"Everyone...I promise that whatever happens from now on, I will take full responsibility to keep you guys safe and also bring our Luna back to us."


A/N:- There will be a harsh confrontation between Luna and Kyouki in the future which would be hella satisfying.

Drop a comment if you are hyped~

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