Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

The unknown entity in the shadows~2!

Third eye.

An ability that has the potential equivalent to the depth of oceans. But as it suggests, one could only dive until they don't suffocate.

This is an inheritance skill that allows users to foresee the future. Enable them to surveillance specific surroundings according to the user's capability. Also, it works as a top-notch appraiser. There are various other use of Third Eye which the mage warrior Sicily and also Luna's Grandma carries.

There are very rare cases of someone possessing Third Eye since, as stated earlier, it is an inheritance which the bloodline could only carry. Thievery and transplant were never an option.

Now what, Luna's grandma saw in her vision about Austin. And what made her suggest that Luna should stay away from her love for her own safety, was yet to be told.



"I know how you are feeling, Luna, but please hear me to the end."

The middle-aged woman calmed her granddaughter as she saw Luna panicking as soon those words left her lips.

It was understandable from Luna's reaction that being apart from Austin is her worst nightmare. If anyone had said it, Luna would have ignored them or might have shut their mouth forcibly.

However, these words weren't spoken by not just anyone but her own grandma, whom Luna couldn't ignore.

Nodding her head, Luna sat while facing the woman as she heard what she never was aware of.

"It wasn't the first time I have spied on that blondie, but the first time, I still couldn't forget about it."

Luna frowned severely as she heard the all-time cheery grandma speaking in such a profound tone.

"There is a shadow roaming on his whole presence. Since his birth, this presence having a close watch on Austin. Not only that, the reason why Austin has been misunderstood since quite early in his life is also because of that strange presence. It seems that the dark existence can manipulate others too, to think that whatever the blondie does, is with evil intent."

Luna's eyes were slightly narrowed with minimal space between her brows as she heard each syllable of her grandma and registered it accordingly.

Luna already had done a full body scan of Austin at times when they were in Xylex, but she never found any kind of curse or invisible artifact present on him.

Suddenly, the sakura-haired woman dispelled an illusionary spell from her left hand, which burnt her skin until it turned into wrinkly dark matter.

"Gr-Grandma th-this...?"

Luna's eyes went slightly wide as she saw the change in her grandma's perfect hand, which undoubtedly came from the effect of something severe.

'But what entity could hurt... '

Luna was unable to discern since, in her perception, her grandma was currently the strongest being she had come across.

"That thing is commendable more than I thought. Do you remember the incident when the Terror Rank demon suddenly erupted during your first expedition?"

Luna nodded twice since it was a memorable day when she and Austin came closer.

Upon seeing her nod, the woman continued.

"It wasn't spontaneous. It was intentionally awoken by force. And also the red-haired girl, Charles' daughter... What's her name...?"

As she pondered to find the name, Luna filled the gap hurriedly.


"Yes, Venessa. That girl had her thoughts turned complete 180 that day because she was under the serious effect of that thing attached to Austin. Not to talk about Austin's parents and also the Gram's Emperor himself."

Luna's breathing turned slightly heavy as she, one after another, found the answers to those questions she was never able to unravel, until now.

Her eyes wandered aimlessly for a second as she joined the knots which were missing until now when her grandma continued with her previous explanation.

"Thankfully, I countered that thing for the time being. Our battle was quite tenacious, and I also got this ugly scar because of it, but in the end, it was settled."

With a shine of hope rising in her oceanic eyes, Luna asked in an optimistic tone.

"So, did you end its existence?"

The woman sighed upon seeing her granddaughter's expression as she patted her head before a disappointing answer left her lips.

"No, not likely. I just pushed it into a dormant stage. But I feel like the shadow had backed off temporarily on its free will and would again overwhelm people around Austin at the most vital point."

Luna's heart was throbbing wildly as it seemed that the unknown entity was compelling enough to even rival her grandma. It was indeed becoming a situation where she didn't have her reach.

If the people surrounding Austin hurt him because of the strange shadow thing, then Luna cannot fathom how far it would have gone if she didn't come into his life.

How far would he have suffered? How long had he stayed in pain and let others judge him wrongly?

Luna didn't want to even think about it. Not now, not ever.

He has her now. She won't let him see any darkness until she would with him. Not on her watch; anyone or anything could hurt her darling.

"Grandma, is there anything to counter this piece of shadow shit?"

" Well, you carry my essence. Being around him is hefty to keep that shadow weak, but Luna, I want you to decide this carefully."

The look on the woman's face turned more severe than any time as she held Luna's hand and asked in a serious tone.

"Following that boy would lead you to a great catastrophe, and at the end of those events, the world might be seeing you both with hatred. There might not be any place to run since every single person could be on your back. Despite knowing this, are you sure you want to be with him?"

"Yes, I do."

Luna's answer came so abruptly that even her grandma's eyes went slightly wide in astonishment. And not only that, the sheer determination and resolute demeanor covering Luna's aura signified how certain she was with her decision.

"You said Austin is drowned in my love; then I am not any better, Grandma. I also love my Austin to the point where life without him makes me shiver in a fret. Even thinking about such a future where I couldn't see his smile, or feel his presence around makes me terrified. I don't know when it happened, grandma, but before I could stop myself, I already was madly dwelled in that man."

The older one liked the non-hesitant confession as she nodded affirmatively. She was undoubtedly proud of her granddaughter.

But there was still something she needs to fulfill.

"If that's your decision, I must provide you with my greatest support. So how about a decent training session, my dear Luna~."

Luna's shining eyes faded in an instant as she heard a specific word before a hard gulp passed through her throat.

"Please go easy on me, grandma."


In front of an extravagantly decorated and shining palace stood a handsome blond youth with nervousness evidently plastered on his face.

The passing people were glancing at Austin once in a while since he was looking extremely eye-catching right now.

A long coffee-shade coat with a white shirt inside it and ankle-length formal trousers of of the same shade as coat, made the youth look charming and slightly older than his actual age.

His usual messy hairs were now combed with a specific gel keeping them in their place. With his natural emerald eyes complimenting with his blond hair along with the formal attire made Austin the center of various attractions.

But the slightly dense Austin felt that his sister had made him a fool with such makeup and get-up, that was why he was getting glanced upon.

'Should I just go back? '

As the thought came in his mind, someone suddenly called him from the back.

"Aren't you, Sir Austin?"


A/N: - Drop a comment~

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