Isran the Great

1.5 Leaving the Dungeon

The way out was a set of stairs in a clearing. The clearing not only revealed the stairs but a large wall as well. The wall seemed to go on forever. Thankfully the same could not be said about the stairs. Walking around for hours was extremely taxing. Climbing a set of stairs that were too long would kill Isran.

At the top of the stairs was a brown door, it was plain with no handle and rounded at the top. Isran weighed the merits of staying.

She had been in the forest for at least two days and the only people she had met were dead. Whatever was on the other side of the door was worth the risk.

Isran quickly climbed the stone staircase and pushed through the door. The strong scent of sewage hit her.

The door opened into a sewage system. A huge sewage system with a tunnel that seemed to stretch for miles long time. It was dimly lit with no light source, a faint mist floated around.

Isran kept to the sides of the tunnel, avoiding the river of bubbling green liquid.

She encountered no monsters as she walked through the tunnel. After a while it split into two paths. Going with her gut Isran chose the right tunnel. If she met a dead end or encountered monsters she would just run in the opposite direction.

She kept her eyes out for another set of stairs, or a door, monster as well but instead she heard a sound.

Not the squelching sounds of the slime or any other sound she would consider a monster sound. It was the sound of a human shouting.

The farther into the tunnel she moved the clearer the sound got. It was a woman.



“Help! Help!”

Isran should have probably been more cautious. The sound could’ve been a monster imitating a human. But she was excited to see another person that wasn’t dead.

She broke out into a jog, the faster she moved the more easy it was to identify where the sound was coming from.

She arrived at another split in the tunnel, this time it continued straight on and the other turned right. The woman’s voice was up ahead.

The smallest hint of hesitation washed over her. What if it was a trap? Or she was attacked before she could help. Her sense lack of self-preservation shone through when she chose to rush forward. Isran would’ve beaten herself up if she had truly left someone to suffer when she could’ve helped.

The sounds were coming from a pit. A vague figure was in the dimly lit pit. Isran didn’t think too hard about the how of the pit, considering they were in a sewer system. Five blue slime and one green slime were launching themselves at the figure. The person was very good at evading the attacks, weaving out of the way to prevent the slime from harming her.

Isran quickly weighed her options. Jumping into the pit was a bad idea, the slime could attack her mid-jump and she’d be absolutely fucked. Quickly digging through her duffel bag she removed her arrows and bows. The quiver held ten arrows.

Isran wasn’t sure how high the slime could jump, but hopefully it wasn’t enough to hit her in the face.

She was very sure that the way she was holding the arrow was wrong, the difference between holding a sword and trying to shoot an arrow and bow was glaring in the way her hand shook. Her skill LOYAL BLADE was doing wonders for her.

The first arrow missed its intended target but hit a different slime. Isran had been aiming for the green slime, the biggest and fastest of the enemies. The damn thing didn’t even move, she just shot the arrow in the wrong direction.






Quickly dismissing the notification Isran docked another arrow as quickly as she could. A crossbow would’ve been a hundred times better.

The woman had stopped yelling when Isran fired her first arrow. She still couldn’t make out the features of the figure.

Her second arrow missed again, this time it didn’t hit a different slime. Thankfully, it landed near the surrounded woman and she made quick work of snatching it off the ground.

As the woman stabbed a blue slime Isran tried shooting at the green slime again. The damn thing dodged her arrow and hopped around. One of the slime had finally noticed her.

Isran immediately dropped her ranged weapon and grabbed her sword. An excellent decision especially considering the slime sprung out of the pit.

The slime’s six eyes met Isran’s two. She had readied herself to strike the monster, her body turned slightly, and her sword ready to swing in a devastating arc.

The slime fell back into the pit in two halves, its eyes falling loose of the less rigid body. The slime didn’t hold their rounded shape after death, sagging into a thick puddle.






Dismissing the second message Isran grabbed her bow and arrow and prepared to continue attacking. There was no need though, the woman had quickly destroyed the rest of the slime. None of them remained after the fight.

“Thank you!”

Isran squinted at the woman below, she still couldn’t make out her features.

“You’re welcome! Give me a second, I think I have rope.”

Quickly searching her bag she found the rope she had tied the tent with and unravelled it. It was thankfully long enough to reach just about the woman’s head. The rope was about three feet long, Isran couldn’t be too sure about how deep the pit was.

Trying to pull the woman up had almost brought her into the pit with her, but the woman dextrously launched herself out of the pit, using the wall and the stability of the rope to help her.

She landed on her feet less gracefully than she had jumped, but it was leagues better than Isran, who had stumbled from the loss of weight and fallen on her ass.

Isran figured out why she couldn’t tell who the woman was in the pit. She wore a dark red cloak, the hood covering half her face. What little Isran could see was very pale skin and dark red plump lips. The woman seemed relatively short. Standing up, Isran noted that she was as tall as the bottom of her sternum.

“Thanks again.”

Her voice was beautiful. Soft and almost sensual. Isran didn’t think that description made sense but it was the only one she could come up with.

The woman pulled her hood off and Isran blinked in surprise. Beautiful blue eyes stared up at her, framed by long white eyelashes and a soft round face.

But the woman also had horns. They were a reddish hue and curled around her head. The end pointed upward on top of her forehead. Her hair was fluffy and white, ending at her mid back in thick, packed curls. Her ears were droopy and large, one had a gold earring at the tip.

As Isran stared a notification popped up breaking her out of her stupor.





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