Isran the Great

2.9 A Forward Teacher and a Docile Student

Morgana walked up to the rows of large swords and picked one, she was not a short woman, especially compared to Elysi and Adrianna but the sword she chose made her appear almost dwarf-like. The large blade was taller than Morgana, standing upright the weapon’s tip reached Isran’s shoulders.

“That seems like a cumbersome weapon.”

Morgana tilted her head at Isran and smiled. “It is, that is why you can’t wield it with a shield. Of course, you have to try it before deeming it unworthy.”

Isran blushed, Morgana was right, she hadn’t even attempted to use the sword and was already apprehensive. Morgana seemed certainly experienced enough, she would trust the woman’s word.

Holding the sword was a surreal experience, it was as heavy as her tower shield. The end of the blade was curved instead of a sharp tip and the blade itself was a long black flat metal. A groove ran along the middle of the blade and the handle was just long enough that she could hold the weapon with two hands.

The weight of the sword caught her off guard when she lifted it to an attacking stance. The weapon fought against her grip, tipping forward slightly.

Morgana hummed. “Your strength is a bit low...” The black-eyed woman picked a smaller sword of similar build, shorter but with the same design.

Isran preferred the smaller one, it didn’t weigh down when she lifted it and was light enough that with some strain she could hold it up with one hand. It was still a large weapon, only a few inches shorter than the previous one but it seemed the metal used to make it was lighter.

“I would advise you to get your strength up and switch back to a sword of that size.” She pointed at the bigger sword now lying on the ground. You are too big to take anything smaller and guard yourself doing fights.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I have a set way of teaching, but I am not hard-headed, how you want to proceed with training is ultimately up to you, but I advise that we start with simple drills to stabilize yourself and right your form. The best warriors are those with good basics.”

Isran nodded. “Okay, whatever you think is best.”

Morgana seemed pleased with her response. Isran had to fight away a blush at the woman’s smile, as unsettling as her pupil-less eyes were she was a very pretty woman.

They went through several drills, Morgana teaching Isran how to stand and hold her sword when she was preparing to attack, block an attack, and parry an attack. Basic sword movements were made easier with her skill LOYAL BLADE. Isran had briefly thought doing simple drills would be boring but it was turning out to be anything but. She enjoyed her lesson and felt a rush of joy whenever Morgana praised her form, or how well she was picking up concepts.

By the time Isran’s internal clock told her it was one pm, she was sore and breathing heavily, hunger poking at her stomach.

“Are you from Evelncarth?”

Isran had already made up her mind to not lie as much as she could, maybe telling everyone who asked she didn’t remember would wield an unsavory reputation but lying to her teacher, at the very least, sounded like a bad idea.

“I uh have memory loss... I don’t remember where I’m from. I just woke up in the dungeon.”

Morgana hummed and said nothing else. They had left the adventurer’s hall at her suggestion. Isran was still not very sure where they were going but she trusted her new teacher.... probably a bit too soon.

They first stopped at a small stall, Morgana bought them both some pieces of meat, declining when Isran tried to pay for them. She traded with smaller coins than those Isran had, they were also copper but noticeably smaller.

The meat was on a skewer like a kebab and tasted a little herby. It wasn’t a bad flavor profile, just different.

“How much am I supposed to pay you?”

“You are in luck because I am under obligation to teach for free.”

“Why?” Isran mumbled around a small piece of meat.

“Not important, just know you owe me no money.”

Isran wondered if the woman had committed some crime and was being reprimanded. She was in full amour but so were a lot of people Isran had seen in Thalbrin so she didn’t think she was a soldier or guard.

“Where are we going next?”

“Ah... I should be telling you things and not just dragging you around... The second most important thing after your sword is armor. Considering you might not use a shield anymore armor is even more important for you. I’d also advise boots as opposed to sandals and some gloves to help with your grip... if you can afford them.”


They walked into a large stone building with a hammer symbol on the front, several people in aprons moved around the space with hammers, swords, pieces of metal, buckets of water, basically a lot. The space was hot and the noise from banging metal wasn’t making Isran’s growing discomfort any better.

They walked a few feet in and were greeted by a dwarf. A female dwarf with a braided orange beard. Isran was more than a little surprised to see that but she didn’t comment on it. She hadn’t seen a lot of female dwarves anyway. Maybe beards were part of dwarf makeup. She smiled at the thought of a dwarf baby with a beard.

The woman had a rounded belly with muscles that bulged out of her shirt in an almost scary way.

“Oi, Morgana, what are you doing back here?” Her accent sounded Scottish to Isran but she couldn’t be sure.

“I have a new student, if you would take her measurements that would be amazing.”

The dwarf grumbled under her breath and led them out of the building. Isran appreciated the breath of fresh air, she was beginning to worry the heat would suffocate her.

The dwarf woman climbed a contraption that looked like the mix of a stool and ladder and started taking her measurements. In a few short minutes, she was done.

“And what type of armor are you looking for giant.”

Isran blinked down at the dwarf and glanced at Morgana, she didn’t know what she wanted, she had been hoping Morgana would just take the reins like she had already been doing. Thankfully Morgana immediately picked up on it.

“For price, simple pieces that will cover vital organs are a good fit but if you have the coin to spare you should get full plate.”

The dwarf nodded. “You can never go wrong with full plate.”

“And how expensive would full plate cost?”

“Depends.” The dwarf hummed as she stroked her beard. “I have iron on hand and some steel, it will not be the best of builds but even a good hit from a warrior goblin wouldn’t rattle you. I can even link you to an enchanter, but you have to want the enchantments before I start. That would set you back thirty copper.”

Morgana scoffed. “Thirty copper for an iron and steel blend is theft Jayn.”

Jayn frowned up at Morgana. “Now who are you calling a thief?”

Isran had thirty copper, she had more than thirty copper, but maybe she had to get better at economizing. The money would not last forever.

“What’s the best metal?”

“Titanium, but you definitely can’t afford that. A full acorn for just a chest piece.”

Isran winced, if she really wanted she could probably afford the titanium full plate armor, but economizing...

“What do you think Morgana?”

Morgana looked Isran up and down for a moment. “Tempered steel if you can afford it, with enchantments. I’m wearing it and haven’t seen a dent from all my years of combat.”

Isran was a bit out of her depth, the words did not match the visuals in front of her. Tempered steel was gold?

“How much would that cost?”

“Seventy copper flat, just a little under an acorn. Crucible steel full plate would be a complete acorn but I’m sure you don’t need that. Listen to your teacher, tempered steel will last long enough and is strong enough.”

Isran thought about her bags of coin, she would still have a good amount left if she removed a hundred copper, she did have to discuss some of these expenses with Elysi, she had been the one to declare that the money belonged to them both after all.

“Ok, tempered steel full plate.”

Jayn clapped. “Excellent, any specifications in the design?”

Isran turned to Morgana.

“No. Go wild.” The pink-haired woman smiled down at the dwarf.

“No problem. I’m not taking the down payment because I’m sure you don’t have that here, but bring it tomorrow, fifty copper or I’m calling the guards on you Morgana.”

Morgana had already begun to walk away from the dwarf, Isran quickly followed after her. “Of course.”

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