It makes sense for me to be a demon in the second dimension, right?

Chapter 298

Chapter 301

Yang Dongzhe fled all the way back to the procuratorate.

When passing by Vice Minister Lee Seung-hwan’s office, he saw Wen Dongen standing at the door.

Hesitate again and again.

He didn’t choose to go in.

Now it’s too late to go to Lee Seung-hwan and beg for mercy and show loyalty.

I can only prove with practical actions that I really turned to him wholeheartedly.

So what he has to do now is to gather all the prosecutors under his command and tell them about changing their ways.

He firmly believes.

I will definitely be able to convince my subordinates.

After all, he, the head of the prosecutor team, has been doing it for so many years.

I have a good relationship with many prosecutors.


After returning to his office.

He asked the substantive officer to summon a dozen prosecutors into his office.

“Minister Yang, are you looking for me?”

“Minister, what’s the matter calling everyone?”

“Minister, is there any big task?”

“Yang Bu, if there are any orders, I will definitely do it!”

A group of prosecutors spoke.

Yang Dongzhe sat behind his desk.

Look at everyone.

He sighed slowly and said, “Colleagues, not long ago, I was summoned by Vice Minister Li and told me something, there are advantages and disadvantages to this matter, and I want to say it to listen to everyone’s opinions. ”

Finish speaking.

He told him about Li Chenghwan’s request that he bring the prosecutors of the third criminal department to submit articles to the third long prosecutor.

Who knows.

The crowd did not show much surprise.

“Minister, so this is the case, what do you think?”

“Vice Minister Li still let us turn to him?”

“It seems to be a good look, Vice Chief Li is so young, he has also taken us before, very talkative, approachable, no shelf, plus he is young, definitely not like others, will talk about seniority, do not look at ability, just look at the prejudice of seniority, if we really invest in him, our future is brighter!”

“That is, Vice Chief Li has been repeatedly promoted out of the ordinary, if we help him do things with his heart, maybe we can also have this kind of treatment, instead of being unknown in Vice Minister Han Qiangzhuo, it is better to follow a star prosecutor like Vice Minister Li, the benefits are even great~~!”

“Minister Yang, what are you still hesitating about? Such a good opportunity, as far as I know, there is no criminal department under Vice Chief Li, we were the only one in the past, and it is likely to be regarded as the core, when the time comes, both resources and cases will be tilted towards us, and there will be more opportunities if you want to be promoted. ”

“I support following Li Ji Chang anyway.”

“Me too.”

“Everybody is okay.”

“Minister Yang, you make a decision!”

Everyone passed the topic back to Yang Dongzhe.

His face was not good-looking.

I didn’t expect that my subordinates had this idea for a long time.


Vice Minister Li did not come into contact with these people in private.

Otherwise, what else is going on with him?

And Yang Dongzhe hesitated for a moment in thought.

Only then did he slowly nod and said, “Since everyone thinks so, let’s vote and raise your hand in favor of Vice Minister Li.” ”

The voice fell.

I saw that the prosecutors in the office raised their hands one after another.

In this case.

If you don’t raise your hand, you’re considered an outlier.

Even if there are some people who don’t agree in their hearts.

But only under pressure.

Raise your hand to confuse.

And Yang Dongzhe was secretly surprised when he saw that everyone raised their hands.

It turned out that Li Chenghuan had such a big appeal.

Most young prosecutors want to go to him to do things.


He smiled: “Very good. It seems that all colleagues have made the right decision, in that case, I will announce this news within the Supervision Department from now on, but then you may face the questioning and suppression of Vice Minister Han Qiangzhuo, which I told Vice Minister Li, he will help everyone withstand the pressure, you can rest assured. ”

Got Yang Dongzhe’s promise.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Han Qiangzhu is their top boss after all.

In doing so, they are tantamount to betrayal.

Betrayal is a bargaining chip.

Lee Seung-hwan said he would protect them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That will definitely be done.

Otherwise, no one will believe him in the future.

Even the little brother can’t cover it.

What other credibility is there?


Yang Dongzhe discussed some details with them.

It is said that it is a change of course.

In fact, they don’t have to change places at all.

Still working in the original office.

It just said that he would obey Lee Seung-hwan’s dispatch in the future.


Just when everyone was concentrating on the discussion.

A sneaky man slipped out of the office.

Ran out.

He’s going to sue!

“These bastards! Eat inside and out! ”

“Dare to betray Vice Minister Han! I really don’t know whether to live or die, wolf ambition! ”

“I must quickly tell Vice Minister Han the news, he will definitely appreciate me, at that time, Yang Dongzhe, this guy, may be removed by Vice Minister Han, the position of the head of the criminal department is mine, he…”

He was ecstatic in his heart.

Go straight to Han Qiangzhuo’s office,

And Yang Dongzhe preferred to be negligent and did not find that there was one less person under him.


In Han Qiangzhuo’s office.


“You said Yang Dongzhe wanted to betray me?”

“And persuaded the prosecutor in his hand to defect to Lee Seung-hwan?”

“How do you know?”

Han Qiangzhu was very angry when he learned of this.

“Nishihachi! Good you Yang Dongzhe. ”

“Labor and management ask themselves to treat you well.”

“I said very early that I would promote you to the head of the Criminal Department 3, and that’s how you repaid me? Damn it, this is a white-eyed wolf who eats inside and out! ”

Han Qiangzhu cursed.

Vent your anger.

But it quickly reacted again.

To the prosecutor who snitched the question, “Did you sneak out and no one found out?” Or is Yang Dongzhe’s white-eyed wolf intentional? Just let you, the idiot, come and send me a message and tell me about their decision. ”

His face was extremely gloomy.

This Yang Dongzhe is still a little clever.

Of course, he knew that he couldn’t force the palace directly, and told Han Qiangzhu that he was going to jump ship.

If he dares to do that.

He has long been put in prison.

He didn’t dare.

So he chose to let go of the gangsters in the team and let this prosecutor snitch.


He didn’t say a word. Gas engine

Han Qiangzhu knew what he meant.

No need to tear your face yet.

Han Qiangzhu had that hatred in his heart.

All kinds of impatience and corruption.


“Li Chenghuan, this bastard, dared to dig me in front of him unscrupulously, originally planned to temporarily live peacefully with you for a while, and when I ascended to the position of prosecutor general, I would be the first to kill you!”

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