It makes sense for me to be a demon in the second dimension, right?

Chapter 87

Chapter 89

“I hope Tae-so will help me find out the black material related to or related to the Lotte Group, such as the family scandal about Chairman Shin, the record of bribing members of Congress, and some female celebrities related to Chairman Shin…”

“Selectively release the same and guide public opinion.”

“Got it?”

Li Chenghuan said slowly.

After reading the newspaper in his hand, Tae-so raised his head, and was also filled with righteous indignation: “Minister, how can these media contributors talk nonsense like this, chasing the wind!” ”

“You obviously solved the case, caught the thief with a mosquito, and then killed your relatives with righteousness, personally arrested your father-in-law’s criminal gang, and quickly cracked the Hwaseong murder case and caught the brutal killer!”

“You have done so many good things that benefit the country and the people.”

“These malicious media commentators insinuate that you are involved in illegal things and satirize you for showmanship, which is really shameful!”

Tae-so is really angry.

Prosecutor Lee Seung-hwan is the idol of many young prosecutors who have just entered the procuratorate.

At about their age.

But he did several major things in a row and became famous!

Famous all over the country!

Let them be envious and admired.

Unlike star prosecutors like Lee Seung-hwan.

Most prosecutors actually work all day to deal with trivial matters.

Big cases don’t happen all the time.

There are still many cases that have been quickly suppressed before they have been revealed, and may never see the light of day.

Like dealing with what drunk, driving without a license, hit-and-run, husband and wife quarrels and conflicts, neighbors fighting and beating each other, petty theft gangsters… It’s their job every day.

At least 30 cases a day, from morning to night, all year round!

99% of prosecutors are hard-pressed workers, wage earners! – Of course, this is relative to the prosecutor’s internal.

Only the 1% are those who are really in power.

Lee Seung-hwan was previously part of the 99%.

But he is now 1%.

Just because he did several big cases.

became a star prosecutor.

Now it’s still against the chaebols.

More 807 Plus is known as the rising star of South Korean prosecutors!

The Tiger of Seoul!

Countless young prosecutors want to be people like Lee Seung-hwan!

See role models framed.

Tae-so was furious.

Feel insulted and discredited to your faith!

“Don’t worry, Minister, I will definitely make those who frame you pay!”

He solemnly assured.

As the manager of the case library, he knows a lot of black materials related to the Lotte Group.

The most recent case was evidence that Shin Dong-bin, chairman of the Lotte Group, paid bribes to a certain councilor!

“Very well, I really didn’t misread you, Tae-so.”

“Do a good job, I’ll try to get you multiple sisters-in-law as soon as possible… Ahem, promotion! Lee Seung-hwan patted him on the shoulder in encouragement.

“Thank you, senior!” Tae-so retreated gratefully.

In order to repay Lee Seung-hwan’s kindness.

Tae-so returned to the case vault and rummaged for a while.

He soon found a dossier.

The above detailed record of a certain congressman surnamed Kim privately took a bribe of 2 billion won to lead a certain business of Lotte Group and win a key project investment, and the two sides made a lot of money.

If the prosecutor is already the upper echelon of power in South Korea.

Then the councillor is the upper of the top!

There are more than 2,000 more prosecutors.

There are only three hundred members of Congress!

Each one is a well-deserved magnate.

Most of the time.

With a word, parliamentarians can suppress prosecutors.

But if the prosecutor breaks the net, it will not be difficult to take down a lawmaker.

Taixiu, the head of the iron youth.

Directly shook out the congressman surnamed Kim and the matter.

Suddenly, the whole network fell into an uproar.

A parliamentarian embezzled and accepted bribes, and as much as 3 billion won!

This is a very amazing branch in all of South Korea!

Since this bribery document came from the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The people naturally do not doubt the authenticity of this matter.


This is also a report from a minor prosecutor in the Criminal Department 1 of the Seoul Public Prosecutor’s Office.

This is the criminal department 1 controlled by star prosecutor Lee Seung-hwan!


The whole network was full of voices insulting the Lotte Group and the congressman surnamed Jin.

“Nishihachi! These medical councillors are really lawless! 3 billion won! That’s an astronomical sum! ”

“What a damn for the money that ordinary people can’t earn in their lifetime, these parliamentarians can earn with their fingers!”

“Everything in this news is true! Councilor Kim colluded with the Lotte Group to force us to sell the house at a very low price, and then they built real estate and shopping centers on it, and many of us became homeless, and the demolition compensation was not enough to buy a toilet! ”

“I’m a victim too! At first, we went to the police and the media to report the case, but all the charges against Lotte Group were dropped on the grounds of insufficient evidence, and now someone has finally broken out! It’s really eye-catching! ”

“Vile chaebol, hateful parliamentarian! These are magnates who ride on our necks and and pee, they don’t give a damn about us, the people at the bottom! ”

“We still have Lee Seung-hwan Oppa! Isn’t it? He is a righteous prosecutor, he is not afraid of the chaebols, he is fighting the chaebols! ”

Today, Li Kangxi, a well-known commentator and editor-in-chief of the Capital Daily, explicitly ridiculed him in the newspaper, saying that he was hyped and that he had a relationship with the drug dealer’s father-in-law!”

“Nishihachi! Is this Lee Kang-seok’s brain full of Xiba pickles? Prosecutor Li can smear so hard, he must have received other people’s black money, right? West Eight! ”

“That is, most of the masses are easy to be mobilized and brainwashed, originally everyone thought that Lee Seung-hwan Oppa was a hero, but as soon as this hateful commentator’s pen moved, Oppa became a liar with evil intentions and deliberately hyped, which is really abominable!”

“It must be a chaebol! The handiwork of the Rakuten Group! Their guild leader used to be a bastard and forced the star to death, but now the old one has converged a little, and his son has begun to come out as a demon again! Not only mutilating women but also killing people, he, the father, not only did not have a little guilt and self-blame, but also bought media reporters to smear Oppa, which is too despicable! ”

“Yes! They even dare to buy the chaebols, what is it to buy out the commentators of a media newspaper in the district? ”


It has to be said.

This trick mentioned by Vice Minister Park is extremely powerful.

The news report and analysis on questioning Lee Seung-hwan’s ability and conduct that had begun to ferment on the whole network.

In front of the more heavy news, there was no splash (bcbg) in an instant!

The people directly shifted their gaze.

Vented his anger directly on the chaebols and parliamentarians.

In South Korea, scolding chaebols and parliamentarians, scolding the president, and scolding celebrities will always be an enduring topic.

Once something happens.

The chaebols must have been the first to be scolded.

But scold and scold, you can’t do anything with him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

People just don’t change.

Love it.

Even if you make a movie to scold them, try to expose how the chaebols and politicians collude and collude.

People don’t care.

Nor does it limit you.

You shoot casually!

Feel free to reveal!

I generously let you discredit you.

But I’ll change it and count me losing!

Now this is the case.

In the face of unscrupulous invective by the population.

Rakuten Group quietly.

No response to this matter.

As for that congressman surnamed Kim, it was unlucky.

There was such a big disclosure.

So much money is embezzled and bribed.

All sides will definitely not be indifferent.


The National Assembly announced that Congressman Kim violated the congressional code, violated national laws, violated morality, and became greedy! Formally dismiss his MP and transfer it to the judiciary for trial!

The judicial body, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, also sends prosecutors who specialize in handling official cases to investigate and collect evidence.

The case was quickly settled.


Councillor Kim will face jail time!

Things were an unexpected victory.

At the same time, this is also the second confrontation between Lee Seung-hwan and Shin Dong-bin.


Of course.

Among them, the biggest contributors are in addition to Vice Minister Park Ahn-jin and prosecutor Tae-so.

Actually, it’s the Attorney’s Office.

As the highest hall that prosecutors aspire to, the Grand Prosecutor’s Office, where the Attorney General is located.

The most powerful 1 percent of prosecutors in all of South Korea are among them.

Lee Seung-hwan is also a ministerial-level prosecutor.

It’s an officer in a prosecutor!

There is also the deputy chief and the prosecutor general as backers.

There is also the strongest backing of the Great Prosecutor’s Office, which is blocking behind.

Belongs to your own people!

Their own people are bullied by the chaebols, do not meddle like words?

The relationship between the chaebols and the prosecutor is a relationship of checks and balances.

Many prosecutors are treating chaebols as dogs.

Even he is a member of the chaebols, a son-in-law, and a husband.

However, the Prosecutor has always had to maintain the necessary independence.

The banner is clear.

So even for the upper chaebols.

Lee Seung-hwan can now have the upper hand slightly.

It’s just that the other side dispatched wave after wave of attacks.

It makes Lee Seung-hwan very unhappy!

This is forcing him to lift the table!

And at the same time.

Lotte Group headquarters.

Inside the President’s Office.


Along with a precious antique vase smashed on the ground, it shattered into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a figure erupted into a lion-like roar.


“Damn a bunch of West Eight prosecutors!”

“How dare they?”

“Don’t want to follow the rules?”

“Actually took a congressman?”

“Is this a warning to me not to go too far?”

“Who the hell is excessive!”

“My son is going to jail, is it wrong for me as a father to try to save him?”

“Damn West Eight Cub Lee Seung-hwan!”

“Since you want to fight me!”

“Then don’t blame me for being cruel!”

“Send you and your loved ones to die!”

Finish speaking.

Xin Dongbin looked murderous, picked up the secret phone on his desk and broadcast a number.


The call was quickly connected.

“This is MK Company, which specializes in various seafood businesses, what type of seafood do you want to customize?”

Xin Dongbin’s tone was cold: “I want to eat fish, I want to be fresh, the kind that has just been slaughtered, and it must be the technician with the strongest slaughtering technology in your company to help me kill fish!” ”

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he slowly said: “Fresh fish is expensive, and the appearance fee of top technicians is not cheap, please specify the type of fresh fish and the number of fresh fish.” ”

Shin Dongbin spat out a few words coldly: “Prosecutor, Seoul Tiger, and his family.” ”

The voice on the other end of the phone was silent for another moment: “Fresh fish are expensive and rare, the success rate of fishing is not high, and once it fails, it may affect other businesses of the company…”

Xin Dongbin sneered: “People like you, still care about this?” ”

The other end of the line continued: “So, you have to add money!” “。

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