It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 5: Irene Weiss

“Haa-Haa... Huff... Phew...”

I’m having a hard time catching my breath. Who wouldn’t know that running would be so hard? I’ve only run for like 3 kilometers and I’m about to die. I looked at my phone and saw that I’ve been running for about an hour. Moreover, while running some people mistaken me for a woman which hit my dignity as a man!

How could they misgendered me!

I know I look like a girl because of my scrawny and feminine face... And, probably my long hair too...

Coincidentally, before all of that, Stephanie visited me earlier, before I went to take a run outside. Stunningly, Stephanie acted like normal, although she didn’t bat me in the eye and kept her head low while I gave her the bag from yesterday. Then she immediately went home without saying a word to me. And yet, she gave me a sharp glance while going back.

I really don’t know what’s going on in her head.

I’m currently at the park right now. Truly magnificent, the world of Spirit Infinite. I can’t describe the beauty of this world, it’s all modern but they’re using magic stones to power the entire society as an alternative for electricity unlike in my world. It’s all modern and the air in here is more refreshing.

While resting beneath the shade of the tree, I ended somewhere secluded because I haven’t seen a single person passing here. During my rest, stopped just right beside me, probably to take cover from the excruciating heat of the sun. It’s actually summer right now.

Actually, all kids should be going to school right now like basic education. However, Claude, the old owner of this body, chose not to, as it doesn’t really matter when you started attending the academy. Since he can just study all of that with all the books lying around in his study room. Fundamentally, one must attend school to learn basic education like Math, Language, History, etc. However, to attend one of the prestigious schools in the country which's named after its founder, Atlas, the greatest explorer in the world, the only person who entered that Tower of Babylon—Atlas Magic Academy.

The only importance for this Academy is the excellence or the individuality of the student, the academy doesn't care if you can read or not, as long they see you're fit to be with them, they'll accept anyone because they have various courses for everyone. But, there's an enormous disparity between the commoner and the nobles in there.

Because of that reason, it became one of the excelling academies in the country. Luckily, because of Claude's hard work, he manages to get a scholarship on the research team of the Academy.

Regarding why Claude doesn't attend school right now, as I said earlier, is that he can just study in the house and it's too costly for him. He can even barely pay for anything. Imagine him going to school. Public schools still exist here although there's really nothing for him to learn unless controlling his mana. And, that's another one—Claude doesn't have mana in his body, completely voided of mana—An inferior person.

Unto the important matters, the woman who stopped on the same tree as mine was wiping her sweaty body. Taking a closer look, she’s probably an adult because her jugs are way too big! And her body got some extreme curve. Her viridescent hair was tied up in a ponytail to her back, matching it with her extremely attractive vibes, plus her verdant eyes—Ara-ara vibe right here, folks.

She then noticed me looking at her. I immediately turned my head away from her.

“Hello, are you new here? My first time seeing a lovely girl like you.”

Turning my head back around. I saw the woman had her face close to my face that I instinctively back away; it took me by surprise. She’s smiling brightly, that’s making my heart pound. God damn, feels like puberty striking again. Although my puberty was cut short because I got paralyzed before reaching the age of 16. And I died as a virgin... Damn it...

But, I won’t get flustered easily because I’ve always seen the hot stockings and panties of the nurses who took care of it. I’m inevitable! Or so what I thought, but I managed to maintain my outside composure. Inside, I’m panicking hella a lot.

“Hello. Actually, I’m not new, I’ve been here in this neighborhood for about 3 years.”

“Really? I haven’t seen you because I’m always exploring the neighborhood.”

“I haven’t really gotten out too much, but recently I wanted to take care of myself more.”

“Ohh, that’s good. You’re thinking about your health at an early age. That’s good. Don’t tell me you want to impress some guy? Fufu~” She giggled.

“I’m a guy,” I said that to her straight face.

“Eh? What?”

“I’m a guy.”


“I’m a guy.”

The woman suddenly touched my face without asking permission. Should I count this as sexual harassment? Pulling my cheeks, opening my eyelids, and stroking my hair with her slender fingers. Her face frowned, telling me. “Are you messing with me?”

“No, I’m definitely a guy.”

What comes next took me by surprise as my soul almost went out of my body. Her hands instantly went to my nether regions, touching my sacred rod. My eyes almost got pulled out from its sockets, bewildered by the inappropriate action of the woman.

“What are you doing!”

I accidentally pushed her away by touching her jugs. One thought came to my mind after that ‘Lucky~’. Then I started backing away.

“To prove that you’re a guy.”

“There are some other wa—...”

Well, Claude practically did it to himself with his first meeting with Stephanie...

“Anyway, you shouldn’t do that. I’m a minor and that counts as sexual harassment.”

Realizing the blunder that she made, she immediately picked up what I said because her actions could lead to her being imprisoned. And probably, her life would end right here. If I report her to the authority.

“A-Ah... I’m sorry!” Her face plummeted to the ground, begging in her knees, asking for forgiveness.

“Haah... It’s okay. I know you don’t mean to do it intentionally.”

“Waaah, you’re so kind~!”


I was tackled by two melons on my face. She was embracing my head tightly, with a joyous look on her face. I, on the other hand, was celebrating in my head. I mean, who wouldn’t? A gorgeous woman with an alluring body and attractive face was shoving her melons into your face. Any man would enjoy it. This breast is a 10/10. However, while enjoying it, I can’t breathe because her breast is suffocating me at the same time.

Thank god. She finally released me from her clutches.

“Puha—My god, I thought I will die.” Although not really a bad way to die... No, I can’t! I need to live my life once again! What a sinful breast. Tempting me to kill myself because of its majestic, alluring smell and softness. It’s the devil’s way to tempt me with this plump of fat!

“You’re so kind! I’m Irene Weiss. Nice to meet you. Sorry for earlier.”

A memory from the past resurfaced in my mind, a memory of my brother showing me a poster. On that poster, this woman right in front of me was in it. That means, this woman is a heroine in the story, but I’m not familiar with her name because I only know the elf waifu.

“It’s fine. We all make mistakes sometimes. I’m Claude.”

I didn’t tell her my last name for my introduction since technically I can’t use it because I’m an exiled member of the piece of shit family. Because of that reason, I no longer use the Belmont name. The real Claude was doing the same because once an exile uses that name, there’ll be some severe punishment for it—It was stated in a contract that the 10-year-old Claude signed with his parents behind him.

“Nice to meet you, Claude. What a wonderful name. How old are you?”


“For real?! You don’t act like one.” Irene exclaimed in bafflement.

Then she added. “Despite your age, why do you look so sickly? You’re practically skin and bones. Do your parents even feed you?”

“I don’t have one. When I was 10, they abandoned me and left me a house to live in, money for 5 years. I’ve been living by myself ever since.” I casually said it to her.

Then I realized that it’s more depressing to say that in front of someone than I thought it would be, but I casually responded to her as if it’s a normal thing to say. And yet, her reaction wasn’t what I expected because I was expecting sympathy eyes yet what I got was angry-looking eyes, that made me shudder in fear.

Her fierce verdant eyes are piercing through my soul, making me feel fear for the first time ever since I came into this world. I’m having a hard time breathing. Something heavy inside my chest was blocking the air path. Irene’s body started leaking some kind of aura in her body.

When she finally noticed my frightened appearance, her face softened, and embraced me tightly while apologizing repeatedly with a hint of guilt over her voice.

“Oh, no! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that. Oh, you poor soul. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to take care of you from now on. If your family doesn’t want you, then I can be your family! Oh, you poor kid...”

“What the hell are you saying? How could you say that to a kid you just met? Aren’t you too trustworthy? What if I’m lying about it?”

In reply to the ridiculous thing she just said, I responded with actual logical and reasoning sense. Honestly, I am more worried about this woman; I feel like she’s the type of person who will get swindled by a random scam artist.

“Did you?” She questioned me.

“Well... No... But, my point still stands!”

Despite my obvious retorts, she ignored it by caressing my face and stroking my hair gently, acting like a mother. “Shh... Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ll make sure to be a suitable guardian for you. You’re only a kid, you need to eat a lot since you’re still growing up. And, if I ever see your parents, I’ll make sure to kill them for you.”

I started trembling in fear.

I think I unlocked something that I shouldn’t have...

Help me.


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