It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 9: Intermission (Irene)

While taking my usual route, I came across this kid who looks like a girl but told me he’s a guy. That means, he got a natural beauty in his genes, his parents are probably too beautiful for him to be able to inherit this kind of look. However, one thing stood out the most, his auburn iris and golden pupils.

It was the first I’ve ever seen. I’ve traveled across various parts of the world, yet I haven’t seen someone who has this kind of eyes. At our first meeting, I knew that there’s something about that’s special. He’s diamond in a rough. I trust my instincts. That’s why I started conversing with the kid.

When he told me, his parents abandoned him. It only made me wanted him more. Hugging him, I felt something inside my chest burning passion to protect him and rage of killing the people who abandoned him. While at it, I could feel his scrawny body like all the meat is scraped out of his body leaving the bones and skin. At that moment, I knew I found a treasure. I must help this kid and make him into something promising.

He's meant to be protected

However, that all ended quickly because the kid has vanished when he went to the bathroom. I tried searching for him everywhere, but I lost track of him. When I saw that kid, he doesn’t have any mana in his body that's why I wasn't able to feel his presence. That's why I immediately searched the entire park for him, but to my dismay, he disappeared completely leaving no trace for me to investigate where he might have gone to.

I went home that day with a determination to find the kid no matter what.


“Miss, I’ve found the kid you’re looking for. He got the same appearance and all, but he has a different eye color. So, I’m not sure if this is the kid you’re looking for.” The woman in a maid attire said while handing the paper to me.

“Thank you, Clara.”

“I’m just doing my job.”

“You’re now dismissed.”

“Thank you, Madam.”

After Clara left my room, I took the folder and flipping all the paper documents inside it. Claude Belmont, the son of Wilford Belmont, the 2nd son of the Belmont Family. Bernadette Belmont, the wife of Wilford Belmont, married him for the sake of the Durand Family.

And his older brother is the one and only Aldrich Belmont, the genius one who took over the Knight society by storm with his incredible swordsmanship and mana capacity, truly blessing in the sky for the Belmont Family.

It states here, Claude Belmont was exiled from the family because of his incapability to bring out his mana which they deemed him as an inferior person. Furthermore, after assessing him they saw that he’s also talentless in swordsmanship nor even his intellect, unlike his brother.

Those rubbish people are still the same as ever, no changes in so many years, they stayed the same. Good to know.

However, one struck out to me more, the thing that Clara mentioned to me earlier. His eyes are different here, unlike when I saw him at the park for the first time. In the picture, his eyes are pure black, just like his father and brother. The picture that I have in my hands was taken just recently. It was the picture that the kid sent to the Academy for his scholarship.


What a fascinating discovery...

I wonder what happened to his eyes.

Then I noticed myself in the mirror. My face was showing a broad smile like a crazy person. I knew that my instincts about it are correct. There’s really something about him. I want him. His eyes are full of life, just like her. I want him to be mine. Mine only. I can’t let this chance go to waste. I must have him.

Once again, I looked at the pictures that Clara took these past few weeks and compare them to the one he sent to the academy. There’s a disparity between the two, but I can’t pinpoint what that is. It’s not about his eyes, but something inside him. Something peculiar...

“What an anomaly you are, Claude Belmont, or should I just call you Claude?”

I then went to read more information about him. A hot-tempered, aggressive, and more—All the details in here are all the things Claude did, and his troublesome personality. Despite that, I can’t put my head around accepting all the things I’ve read. The Claude that I remember is a respectable figure than being a douchebag. The contrast between the Claude that I met and the Claude that’s in here is like heaven and hell.

No matter how I try to rack my brain, it doesn’t make any sense at all.

So I ended up going to his house to confirm it.

And, I’m not disappointed because the Claude in my mind was the real Claude whom I met. I had fun visiting him. He fascinates me. I tried pushing on the edge by changing the subject about his family. From what I’ve read, he got extreme personal hatred towards the Belmont Family. Needless to say, he acted composed and rationally, as he even pointed out the main problem of the family.

It surprised me.

I’ve never seen a kid like him acting all composed in front of a stranger. From the way he talks, I feel like I’m talking to someone of the same age as me. Because of that, my interest in him is concluded. I really want him.

To acquire him, I need something believable. If that won’t work, I can just—...

But then he mentioned working out and training, so I instantly took that chance by introducing myself. Despite introducing the name of the person who brings destruction, the name that makes the leaders of the nations crap their pants, this kid hasn’t heard my name. Honestly, it kind of shattered my heart and soul because I worked hard on making my name known across the world, but this kid in front of me hasn’t heard my name.

It’s quite depressing...

At the end of the day, I successfully pursued him to be my disciple. I can’t wait for tomorrow.


“Madam, how’s the kid you’ve been searching for?”

A maid name Clara was pouring tea on my cup elegantly while I’m reading some documents sent by someone.

“He’s more interesting than I initially thought.”

“That’s surprising. Madam hasn’t taken any interest in any kid for these recent years, especially a kid with no mana and talent for swords. Please, care to tell me?”

Putting down the documents on my table, I drank the tea. After drinking it, I smiled saying. “I don’t know too, but something about him is special. He’s a special kid. Remember Clara, just because they deemed him unworthy that doesn’t mean he’s completely talentless in the sword. There are people who unlock their hidden talent when they grew old. I just need to unlock that hidden potential within him.”

“How can you be so sure, Madam?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Truthfully, it’s a gamble, a 20/80 chance.”

“That’s so unlike you.”

“But, it’s interesting. I feel alive once again. I feel like I’m able to relive the adventure times through that kid, a journey where no one can expect the outcome nor knows the finish line.”

“Good luck, Madam. I pray for your success.” Clara bowed.

“Thank you, Clara.”

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