It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 11

Chapter 10: Drop By

When the train arrives at the station, there are a lot of people getting off the train. The crowd is crowded in the small train station like a tide, and those who enter the station and those who leave the station pass by each other. Yes, dragging big bags and small bags, the child’s crying is even more endless.

Jiang Shuangling was speechless as she watched a couple walking by with six children, two in the basket and four holding hands, the children in the basket looked around curiously.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

a child.

And here, two adults can handle six children.

Thinking about this, Jiang Shuangling lowered her head and pinched Jiang Che’s face, thinking that all children could be as soft and obedient as her younger brother, maybe she could take six at a time.

However, there are still few obedient children in this world, and there are countless little devils.

She waited for seven or eight minutes before she found Qi Heng in the crowd. The other party stood out in the crowd, and it didn’t take much effort to spot him.

Qi Heng was holding a four or five-year-old child in his arms. He raised his eyes and glanced around, and found Jiang Shuangling as well.

He carried the child towards her.

When the other party came over, Jiang Che was a little nervous, and clenched the hand of the sister next to him, Jiang Shuangling squeezed his little hand to show comfort.

The long, superior and straight legs walked in front of the siblings within a few steps, Jiang Shuangling’s eyes fell on the child in his arms.

Three or four are similar.

Compared with his stern-looking father, this little guy held his head up like a dashing little lion, with displeased written all over his face, when he saw Jiang Shuangling’s siblings, the lion hair around his head It’s going to explode, if he has lion hair.

I have to say, the father and son look very bright.

Qi Heng glanced at Jiang Shuangling and said lightly, “Qi Yue.”

Jiang Shuangling hugged Jiang Che in her arms, and imitated the other party and said lightly, “Jiang Che.”

Qi Heng: “…”

Jiang Che: “???”

Jiang Che turned her head curiously to look at her elder sister, Jiang Shuangling couldn’t hold back the look on her face, she smiled and waved her hand in front of Qi Yue, “Hello, Qi Yue is small comrade.”

—I am your new stepmother.

The four-year-old Qi Yue shook his head and gave a disdainful “Humph!”

Jiang Shuangling didn’t take his actions seriously. After all, no one’s child would be happy when they saw their stepmother.

Take it as usual.

Jiang Shuangling was not born and raised in this era, and she lacked the enthusiasm of this era to treat outsiders. She is a slow person, and she can’t say a few words to unfamiliar people.

Just treat it like an ordinary child, do what you want, and do it if you don’t… Treat this father and son like a guest?

In addition, military marriage should not be easy to divorce, right?

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Even if she really wants to leave in the future, it can’t be her fault, Qi Heng must help them settle down well.

Qi Heng is a non-gossip, holding the child in his arms and going straight to buy a train ticket for the four to the army station.

After Jiang Shuangling got on the train, she found a big pit.

This place is separated by a province from their troops, which means that they have to take a train to cross a province, which is about more than 1,000 kilometers. In the slow green leather train of this era, it is necessary to…

20 hours.

Jiang Shuangling looked at Qi Heng who was sitting beside her with a very strange look, and said in her heart: Do you have a hole in your brain?

Hold for a while, until Qi Heng couldn’t stand her gaze and looked at her, Jiang Shuangling asked, “Why did you spend so much time here, follow me…”

What she means is that the other party can choose a suitable girl to marry in the vicinity of the station, so why go all the way here.

Qi Heng understood what she meant, but he seemed to find her doubts very boring, closed his eyes and spit out two words: “By the way.”

Jiang Shuangling: “???”

On the way?

Meaning, where she is, is on the road where he picks up the child to go to the army?

She is the daughter-in-law who was brought back by the way.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

She thought you were too good.

But do it well, or she won’t be able to catch this ride.

Although Jiang Shuangling has benefited from it, she still feels that the other party is really a dog man thinking.

No matter how good he looks, he is also a dog man.

If you marry a daughter-in-law, you will be punished!

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Think about it carefully, in fact, she also has other plans.

They are also a pot with a lid.

I bought a seat ticket. The two sat side by side. Jiang Shuangling was sitting by the window with Jiang Che in her arms, and Qi Heng was sitting next to her with her child in her arms.

The train is banging forward.

Jiang Shuangling watched their train leave the station. The green rice fields and rolling hills kept swishing past her eyes, and three or two snow-white pear blossoms and Pink peaches dot the fields.

The wind blew up a few strands of her hair, and Jiang Shuangling raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ears.

It was the first time for my younger brother Jiang Che to travel far and take a train. His eyes were full of curiosity. His little eyes looked left and right. .

Qi Heng closed his eyes and rested, Qi Yue in his arms rested unsteadily, put his hand on his father’s chest, took out a box of white rabbit toffee, peeled off the candy wrapper, and sent the milky white toffee Into the mouth, not long after, a strong milk fragrance spread around.

Before leaving, grandma and second aunt prepared a lot of delicious food such as candy peach milk powder for him.

He has never eaten such a delicious candy.

Jiang Shuangling followed his gaze to Qi Yue who was eating candy.

Qi Yue lowered his head, his little mouth puffed up, he picked up another toffee, peeled off the outer layer, and tore the transparent sticky rice paper inside with his hands.

Qi Heng abruptly half-opened his eyes and glanced to the side, grabbed a handful of candy in the box, and spread it out in front of the siblings.

Jiang Che looked at the blue big white rabbit, raised his head and glanced at his sister, hesitantly stretched out his little hand to take it.

His hand hadn’t touched the candy wrapper, but at this moment, Qi Yue on Qi Heng’s leg hugged his hand and took the candy back, “These are all mine! Mine! Grandma gave it to me, only I can eat it!”

The child’s voice was slurred, but there was a willful dominance in his milky voice.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly became a little stiff.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

It’s embarrassing anyway.

Fortunately, Jiang Che was an obedient, sensible, and good-natured child since childhood. He was neither angry nor crying, but turned to look at his sister, his face a little flustered.

Jiang Shuangling smiled at Qi Heng and said embarrassedly, “Thank you.”

Then lowered his head, took out an oil paper bag, slowly opened it, and comforted Jiang Che: “A Che, let’s eat a small milk cake.”

The little milk cake she said was the honey chicken cake she made by herself, and added some buffalo milk that she went to the farm to exchange with others. Jiang Shuangling added “heavy ingredients”, the unique custard is extremely strong, and the unique honey peach syrup is brushed in between layers.

In short, it is milky, sweet, greasy and fragrant.

Eat a few more pieces that can kill people.

However, this type of children likes it very much, and the taste is also good, just like desserts such as tiramisu, it is good to eat a small piece at a time, and it will make you tired.

Jiang Shuangling, who studied art, also likes to make desserts in concave shapes. She specially sprinkled dried pink peach petals on it, which is extraordinarily beautiful and novel.

When Jiang Che saw the honey cake, his eyes lit up, and he slowly ate a piece of the cake.

He likes to put the milk cake in his mouth in small bites and dissolve it with his tongue to eat it. He can eat a small piece for most of the day.

This time, it was Qi Yue who tilted his head curiously to watch him eat, the toffee in his mouth was not chewed, and his little face shriveled.

Seeing this, Jiang Shuangling also generously handed him a piece, but this little guy didn’t appreciate it, and tilted his head to the side with his nostrils pointing upwards.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

This child probably has the talent to be an underground party, and is extraordinarily steadfast and unyielding, and does not accept the enemy’s sugar-coated cannonballs.

Jiang Shuangling gave Qi Heng the small milk cake in her hand and motioned him to coax her child to eat it with her eyes.

Qi Heng understood her eyes and fed the little milk cake to the child.

Qi Yue raised his head and glanced at Qi Heng, snorted, and still didn’t eat with his back.

Seeing his performance, Jiang Shuangling knew that this guy is usually a arrogant child who needs to be held and coaxed.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shuangling was very amused, and she took out a small milk cake to eat and watch the play, waiting to see how a cold officer like Qi Heng coaxed the child.

She followed suit.

Jiang Shuangling took a bite of the soft and glutinous milk cake. Seeing Qi Heng feeding the cake to the child’s mouth again, the little guy was still stubborn and continued to tilt his head. She pursed her lips and smiled and watched the follow-up. Heart said that you have to cooperate with the movements to persuade the child softly, but in the next second, Qi Heng was feeding the cake… into his own mouth.

Qi Yue, who was still stubborn, stared blankly at the other party to eat.

Jiang Shuangling: “…?”

Come on, this is a master who will not coax children.

Tsundere Killer Dad.

Seeing that the cakes were gone, Qi Heng closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Jiang Shuangling has no experience in raising children, she also does not know how to coax children, and does not know how to deal with the scene in front of her. Make a comic book to tell him the story.

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