It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 110

Chapter 109: Roast Chicken

“My love?” Jiang Shuangling froze for a moment, then lowered her head and smiled softly, “He has nothing to say.”

the point.

Is it possible to complain about that?

No no no no…

Mr. Zhang with a rolling pin said, “Mr. Jiang, do you have a bad relationship with your lover?”

“The husband and wife, how could they say nothing?”

“You never talk about him in front of us teachers, do you have an opinion on your own man?”

The teacher who was talking was the female teacher who ran her substitute class with Xie Qingqing before. Jiang Shuangling knew that she was a little hostile to herself.

Jiang Shuangling smiled and wiped the rag on the cutting board, “It’s because I have no opinion, so I have nothing to say. If I have any opinion on my lover, then I don’t have to complain about him every day. .”

Mr. Zhang was choked by her because she was among the people who complained about her husband.

“Are you not knowing enough about your lover? He is the head of the regiment, right? How old are you? Are you in your thirties, little Jiang, are you only twenty? I found someone so much older than you.”

Jiang Shuangling: “Age is not a problem, as long as others are good, I will treat others well, and treat me like a brother and a sister.”

Jiang Shuangling also doesn’t know what to say to deal with these teachers. Other deviant ones will definitely not like to listen to them. They must discuss a few more sentences. It’s a cliché, showing the image of a silly little old girl vividly.

Comrade Qi is indeed a good person, and she is indeed like a brother who loves her sister.

Not a lie.

Mr. Zhang: “…”

Another female teacher interjected: “You can’t just draw people, you have to draw some other things, marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat, Teacher Xiao Zeng, you have to learn something .”

Mr. Xiao Zeng: “…?”

, Ke Sven.”

“Mr. Jiang, why don’t you like to tell us this?”

“He looks okay.”

“How’s it going?”

“My son, you have seen him, he looks very much like my son.”

“Qi Yue?”

“This boy is handsome, Xiao Jiang, why are you so big?”

“Mr. Zhang, what kind of nonsense are you asking?”

After the first moon cakes were made, Jiang Shuangling packed two and left, and was not interested in taking the other ones, so she left the school with two newly baked moon cakes wrapped in oil paper .

She is not interested in talking to these teachers anymore, nor does she want to tell outsiders about her own affairs.

“Mr. Jiang, are you in such a hurry to leave?”

“Mmmm, let’s go, the child is still at home waiting to go back.”

“We’re going to pick wild fruits later, are you going too?”

“Not going.”

After Jiang Shuangling left, the other teachers continued to talk and laugh.

In the eyes of Teacher Zhang, Jiang Shuangling can be considered to be fleeing, she feels that she has forced her into an embarrassing situation, although this young teacher Jiang’s husband is a team leader, she She also understands art, but Teacher Zhang estimates that her marriage is not happy.

Her men definitely don’t care about her, or put it on ordinary women, and have a good-looking man who is the leader of the group, who has long been showing off in these women’s groups, what is it? Neng can hide and hold like Jiang Shuangling, unwilling to talk about her husband at home.

Teacher Zhang thought to herself that if she had such a good husband, she would have said it a long time ago.

“Don’t look at what she said, but I think Teacher Jiang’s relationship with her husband is definitely not good, and I don’t know how she got married?”

“How many words can she trust?”

I watched the pig diving with Jiang Shuangling, and Mr. Zeng, who was robbed by the monkeys together, said, “I think Mr. Jiang has a good life.”

“I can’t see the relationship between husband and wife is not good.”

“—Break the teeth and swallow the blood in the stomach.”

“Mr. Xiao Zeng, this shows that you are not married. If she has a good relationship with her partner, how can she not talk about it look.”

Teacher Zeng: “She didn’t say a lot today.”

“How much is this? It’s not just a few words to count.”

Being a soldier is not a family, she has not lived the hard life by herself, and she has a stepson…”

Teacher Zeng: “…but Mr. Jiang just wanted her lover to be nice to her without saying anything about her?”

Teacher Zhang sneered: “If you believe in her, there will be a ghost.”

“A man’s mouth, a liar, especially what kind of free love you are yearning for now, before a man gets you, he swears each other sweetly, and when he marries you back, that’s a yellow face mother.”

“Only you know the pain you suffer.”

Teacher Zeng: “…???”

But what does this have to do with Teacher Jiang, the more you talk about it, the more confusing it becomes.

“Mr. Zhang, are you talking about yourself?”

Mr. Zhang glared at her.

Jiang Shuangling came home with two moon cakes, and was used to walking the mountain road from school to home. She also walked out of this rather steep path with a sense of complacent fun, even in her mouth hum a song.

Humming and humming, Comrade Jiang is a little lost.

Jiang Shuangling: “!…

After Jiang Shuangling heard her out-of-tune voice, her whole person felt a little bad. Her singing skills in the past were enough to participate in the competition of campus singers and win awards. Although she is not as good as a professional singer, then He is also the best among ordinary people.

And now…

Who is this person who sings two lines out of tune?

I was biased by a few items at home!

The Qi family’s out-of-tune genes are too strong, and it also has a brainwashing effect, washing out the correct melody in Comrade Jiang’s mind.

Jiang Shuangling stared at the stone steps in front and murmured, “I have to listen to the music on the radio to soothe my ears.”

“—what ears?”

A voice came from overhead.

A black shadow suddenly jumped down from the big tree beside her, Jiang Shuangling was covered in chills, thinking it was a wild monkey pounced, but who would have guessed that it was an evolved animal Year of the Monkey.

—Qi Heng jumped down from the tree.

The bright and handsome face dazzled her eyes.

Jiang Shuangling: “!…∑Pan Yao I thought it was a monkey pounce!

Qi Heng stood up straight in front of her and said lightly, “Is there a monkey as big as me?”

Jiang Shuangling: “The world is full of wonders, maybe there is a monkey as big as you.”

“That’s right, haven’t you and the child waited for several days without waiting for the monkey?”

The corners of Jiang Shuangling’s mouth twitched: “So I should wait until you, the giant monkey?”

Qi Heng: “Just be happy.”

Have fun.

Comrade Xiao Jiang was so angry that he kicked Qi Heng’s calf.

“Why did you suddenly jump down from the tree?”

“Today’s Mid-Autumn Festival, you haven’t come back from school, the children miss you, and I miss you, so I came out to pick you up.”

Jiang Shuangling squinted her eyes and pointed to the tree above her head: “That’s how you pick up your daughter-in-law?”

I don’t know, I thought I was hunting down fugitives at the camp.

The fugitive little Jiang was heartbroken.

“I found you when you got there.” Qi Heng pointed to a corner where Jiang Shuangling came from, “I want to give you a surprise.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…I was surprised, I’m happy, and a little bit.”

“Comrade Qi Heng, why did you suddenly give me such a trick.”

“You said it yourself, life needs a little spice occasionally.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…Okay.”

“The flavor of my life now is – I don’t want to leave, Qi Heng, you carry me back.” Small car.

Qi Heng squatted down honestly, Jiang Shuangling also decided to give him a wave of surprises, sprinting and jumping behind Qi Heng, but the dog man had a solid footing and did not move firmly Carry her behind you.

“You make me look like a marshmallow.”

Floating lightly on each other’s back.

“Let’s go, brother doesn’t like candy, Jiang Mei is at least a sauce-flavored cake.”

Comrade Xiao Jiang exclaimed in disbelief, then hugged Qi Heng’s face from behind and rubbed it, did she meet Qi Heng himself?

The other party can take her saliva seriously and make a joke? !

—Is it still my husband?

Those who are close to the vermillion are red and those who are close to the ink are black.

For a while, Comrade Xiao Jiang had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn’t know whether he should sigh that Qi Heng was partially assimilated by him, or should he be angry that this dog man compared her to sauce biscuits.

“I’m a sweet-scented osmanthus cake? Why do you say I’m a sauce cake?”

“Bah, what kind of sauce cake, your whole family is the sauce cake!

Qi Heng chuckled softly, “Okay, my whole family is full of sauce-flavored cakes.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…you just want to eat sauce-flavored cakes, don’t you?”

The man pointed to something: “Yes, I just want to eat ‘sauce biscuits’.”

Fight back.

“I’m afraid you will eat too much and you won’t be able to bear it, so eat mooncakes honestly, you said, of course you want to eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival today, I made bean paste mooncakes, and added a lot of them. Sugar, the bean paste filling is very delicate, you can taste it, it is still hot.”

Qi Heng: “…”

Jiang Shuangling opened the oiled paper bag and fed the moon cake to Qi Heng’s mouth. Qi Heng lowered her head and took a silent bite.

Sweet enough.

Comrade Xiao Jiang thinks that you make me uncomfortable, so I will let you eat candy.

After seeing Qi Heng take a bite honestly, Jiang Shuangling let go of the other party for a while, took the moon cake back, and took another bite at the place the other party had just bitten.

“It’s really sweet, I think I put too much sugar.”

“Qi Heng, do you want to try it again?”

Qi Heng lowered his eyes, looked at another tooth mark on the moon cake, and said calmly, “Then try it again.”

Jiang Shuangling smiled and fed him the moon cakes. The couple quickly finished eating the moon cakes.

“Leave another one for the children to eat… Hey, it’s not really necessary. We will make moon cakes when we get home. Tomorrow is Adi’s birthday. I wonder if they still want to eat birthday moon cakes?”

Jiang Shuangling leaned into each other’s ear and spoke, Qi Heng carried her on her back, walking slowly, much slower than usual, the two figures slowly moved forward on the mountain road.

each other.

“Is it cold? Then let’s go back early.” Qi Heng quickened his pace.

“Wait…” Jiang Shuangling felt that the other party was addicted to walking slowly on the mountain road with her on her back, so she couldn’t help making people go around a few more times.

“Qi Heng, I heard them say that the wild chestnuts on the mountain over there are ripe and taste very sweet, shall we go and pick some?”

“Tomorrow my brother’s birthday, I want to make a chestnut roast chicken.” Jiang Shuangling pressed against Qi Heng’s ear and whispered her idea.

Qi Heng did not reply to her words, but turned around and walked in the direction she asked.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

This is what I was impressed by the roast chicken.

She rubbed Qi Heng’s face, thinking why she didn’t want to talk about him in front of outsiders, it was because it was her own treasure.

Important treasures are not told to outsiders.

Qi Heng carried her to the place where the wild chestnuts grew, put the person down first, helped her to clear a path, scratched the dead branches with thorns on the ground aside, Jiang Shuangling saw the needle and went to pick wild chestnut.

It’s not easy to pick, the burrs on the outside make it easy to **** her hands, Qi Heng dug out a bag from her clothes and put it in her, Jiang Shuangling looked at the bag: “??????”

My husband is Doraemon.

“Just in time.”

The two picked a lot of wild chestnuts and packed most of them in bags, making Jiang Shuangling feel like a “fruit picking” thief who stole wild fruits.

“Try it, it’s very sweet.”


“After picking, let’s go, lest the children see you have been out for so long and haven’t picked me up, thinking you are lost and invited back by the monkey.”

Qi Heng laughed, “Speak nonsense.”

Jiang Shuangling hugged his neck firmly and kissed the man on the face for the sake of harvesting so many chestnuts today.

“Let’s go, let’s go home.”

The two walked back to the mountain road.

Teacher Zeng followed the other teachers into the mountain. She looked around and asked casually, “Have you finished picking here?”

“There seem to be wild chestnuts over there. I came to pick them last year.” One of the teachers said.

“Let’s go and see.”

Several teachers walked over. Teacher Zeng had sharp eyes, and happened to see the figure on the mountain road ahead, “Look over there, look at the clothes, is it Teacher Jiang’s?”

“It’s Teacher Jiang, she’s the shape, why is she here?”

“There is a man behind her back, is that her lover?”

“Her man is so tall.”

“Hey, hey!”

Mr. Zeng blinked and looked at Teacher Zhang, “Mr. Zhang, look, the husband and wife are in a good relationship.”

Mr. Zhang’s face is not very good-looking.

Jiang Shuangling took the chestnuts home and made moon cakes for the children. The whole family enjoyed the Mid-Autumn Festival together with a happy orchestra. At night, they watched the moon in the courtyard. The next door Wang Yunsheng came to visit, A few cubs were playing together.

Xiao Huihui was stuck in Qi Heng’s arms, yes, this brat likes his father’s happy playground recently.

I have to go to the playground several times a day.

Tossing and changing various positions to exercise on Dad’s body, Qi Heng supported his armpit and let the little guy imitate the adult walking posture with his soft little feet on his legs.

“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy…”

The words in his small mouth became more and more agile.

Xiao Huihui grinned, she likes to play this kind of game very much, and she also likes to play this game with her father.

Because dad lasts the longest.

“Adi, it’s your birthday tomorrow, what would you like to eat, birthday moon cakes? Or the little golden pig from before.”

On Jiang Shuangling’s birthday last time, she had already made a little golden pig once.

Jiang Che looked very hesitant, not knowing what to choose, Qi Yue on the side was also very hesitant, not knowing what he should encourage Jiang Che to choose.

Jiang Shuangling saw them tangled for a while, and then threw out the final king fried, “Do you want to eat the little golden pig, or the chestnut roast chicken.”

Chestnut roast chicken! …

Qi Heng: “!”

Jiang Che: “!”

As soon as they heard the word “chicken”, the two little cubs seemed to have turned on their chicken-hunting radar.

This time there is no dispute, the two answered in unison: “Eat chicken!

Nothing compares to a chicken.

In such a rare age to eat chicken, there is nothing that can’t be solved by one chicken meal. If it can’t be solved, then two meals.

“Kill the chicken.”

It was agreed to kill chickens tomorrow, Jiang Shuangling thought about going to the mountain city tomorrow to buy fabrics, and by the way asked Mr. He if he would like to come over for dinner.

Jiang Shuangling went to change a lot of cloth tickets with others, thinking about making more clothes for her family.

She also plans to make a set for Mr. He.

The salary you just received is almost exhausted.

Part of the wild chestnuts picked by Jiang Shuangling was kept for roasting chicken with chestnuts, and the other part was made into sugar-fried chestnuts for her.

“Sugar-fried chestnuts are delicious, right?”


“Sister, will you go pick chestnuts tomorrow?”

“Leave them alone, the chestnut trees are about to be bald.”

Stir-fried chestnuts with sugar are a delicacy for all ages, and everyone in the family will fall in love with its fragrance.

Qi Heng is also not exempt.

Jiang Shuangling is thinking about whether she can sell sugar and fry chestnuts part-time to earn extra money if she relaxes the economy later.

Of course, she was just thinking about it in her head.

Another bite of the chicken is smooth and delicious, and after a light bite, the sweet juice splashes out.

There is no residue left in the end of a pot of roast chicken with chestnuts.

Too popular.

After eating, Comrade Qi Yuexiao looked back and started thinking about his birthday, “Mom, is it okay for me to eat roast chicken for my birthday.”

Jiang Shuangling touched his head and said softly, “Okay, if you still want to eat it on your birthday, I’ll make it for you.”

Eat a chicken or something, their family can’t afford it.


Qi Yue and Jiang Che cheered, so the next time Qi Yue’s birthday, in their eyes, it would not be a birthday, but an auspicious day for “killing chickens” .

Seeing that the two children were excited about this, Jiang Shuangling turned her head and asked Qi Heng quietly, “What do you want to eat for your birthday?”

Qi Heng: “You made a pig.”

Jiang Shuangling: “??????”

Are you addicted to eating a pig?

“You’re so persistent, aren’t you tired of eating? The kids don’t want it anymore.”

“It’s your birthday.”

“Okay, let’s eat pigs.” Jiang Shuangling’s eyes involuntarily glanced at Qi Heng and Xiao Huihui in her arms.

Qi Heng: “…?”

What ‘pig’?

The next day, Jiang Shuangling supported the boat to send Mr. He and Zhao Yinghua to the mountain city together. The two of them were going to class in the evening. Mr. He was sitting on the boat, swinging a big feather fan, blowing the oncoming river wind , do not feel cold.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Shuangling didn’t feel cold, she felt cold for him.

“Lao He, do you want to add a coat?”

“It’s not cold!” Mr. He felt that he was having a good time now.

“If you’re afraid of my cold, sir, why don’t you let me hold the boat for a while?”

The three of them returned to the children’s palace teacher’s residence together, Jiang Shuangling hadn’t sent Mr. He back home, but found that someone came to visit Mr. He at this moment.

The two people who came were a young man with glasses and a middle-aged man. They claimed to be employees of the Shancheng Jinhua Publishing House and were responsible for organizing the reprint of a comic book.

“The reprint of “Fire” encountered difficulties, and organized people to draw a lot of sample drafts, but they were not satisfied.

“The editor-in-chief said this is not acceptable.”

“I heard someone say that you are here, Mr. He, a few days ago. Please come over and come up with ideas.”

Mr. He shook his head. He was not interested in this matter, nor did he have the energy to think of any ideas.

He waved his hand, “Little Jiang, you help me deliver the guests, I’m going back to my room to sleep.”

Jiang Shuangling helped send out two people from Jinhua Publishing House, and one of them, Yang Mingzhu, asked, “Are you a student of Mr. He?”

“No.” Jiang Shuangling smiled, “I can’t be called Mr. He’s student.”

The old man will not recognize her as a student.

“Then you learned to draw?”


At this time, another person suddenly said: “You are Jiang – I seem to have seen you in Rongcheng’s art exhibition before.”

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