It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 16

Chapter 15: Do The Laundry


“Daddy, go to bed.”

The well-behaved Jiang Che hummed softly.

Jiang Shuangling turned off the light and wrapped herself in a warm quilt. Although it was dark and there was no light at all, she couldn’t help being excited.

She clenched her hands tightly, and the images of the yard appeared one after another in her mind.

Although the bungalow I live in is simple, there is a yard here! ∮ Threatening to say Wu…

Qi Heng’s iron nail is a homeless man, so she is not in charge of the yard, she can raise whatever she wants, and grow whatever she wants.

—Every rabbit has a dream of farming.

The farming spirit in Jiang Shuangling’s body broke out, the more she thought about it, the more excited she became, the corners of her mouth couldn’t stop rising, why did she rent a homestay before, just wanted a beautiful vegetable garden next to it Flowers and grasses…

This is probably the dream of many girls.

I can plant whatever I want.

Even if the planting is not good, this is my site, who cares about me!


In the darkness, Jiang Che, who was sleeping beside her, suddenly called her timidly. It was the first time she followed her sister by train to an unfamiliar place. This little guy couldn’t sleep.

“Can’t sleep?”

Jiang Shuangling, who was in a good mood, curved the corner of her mouth and said softly, “Sister sings a lullaby for you.”

Jiang Shuangling coaxed him to sleep.

On the other side of the wall, Qi Heng and Qi Yue’s father and son stared at each other.

Qi Heng pressed Qi Yueyan firmly with a quilt, fixed his hands and feet in the corresponding positions, and said solemnly, “Sleep well, don’t mess up your posture.”

Qi Yue pursed his lips, but he didn’t dare to move under the eyes of the other party.

“Don’t sleep? Then fold the quilt again and show me.”

Qi Yue quickly closed his eyes.

“Lights out to sleep.”

When Jiang Shuangling was still in her dream, she heard the faint sound of a trumpet, she rolled lazily on the bed, huddled in a ball and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

It took a while for her to wake up. She glanced at her watch and it was six fifty.

Jiang Che next to him held a small hand and raised his hands to the top of his head, sleeping in a cowardly ‘surrender” posture.

Jiang Shuangling smiled lightly, looked at the army green quilt under her, and folded a piece of tofu with great interest.

Soon, there was a square “tuo” in front of you.

She looked at the quilt she folded, and she felt very happy and a little proud. She thought that she also participated in a month of military training when she entered the university.

Jiang Shuangling changed her clothes and walked out of the room, and found that the door of the next room was half-closed. She expected Qi Heng to have gone out. Qi Yue wrapped in a green quilt.

This little guy’s sleeping position is so neat.

Jiang Shuangling couldn’t help but nodded, and the next second she noticed the folded quilt next to her.

Suddenly, a friend’s words came to mind, “The piece of tofu you folded, put it in our school is the material that was thrown into the toilet by the instructor.”

Her face froze for a moment, and then she returned to her room very calmly, picking up the quilt that was folded just now and shaking.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Any quilt, just shake it.

Students of art never fold a quilt.

Messy is beauty.

She crumpled the messy quilt into a “lucky cloud” shape and was very satisfied.

Jiang Shuangling went to boil water for breakfast. She first boiled a pot of boiling water, then boiled another pot of noodles, beat three poached eggs in it, and then woke the two little guys to eat.

Although it was a bowl of clear noodle soup, she also put enough lard and sesame oil in it, and also pulled a bunch of twisted shallots from outside the house, and sprinkled green minced green onions on the soft white noodles On, the aroma is fragrant.

“Drink warm water before eating.” Jiang Shuangling asked the two little guys to wash their faces, toilet and hands before having breakfast.

Seeing that the two of them wiped their hands clean, Jiang Shuangling handed out a pair of chopsticks one by one and carried them to the chair to eat.

Maybe it’s the first rebirth, the second cooking, or the “broken window effect”, Qi Yue is not very resistant to eating what she makes.

Pick up the chopsticks and **** the noodles.

“Slow down, don’t get burned.”

Jiang Shuangling went to get three more soup spoons, the savory clear soup was scooped in the spoons, and it was served with the white and tender noodles. It was a little hot, but the salty aroma of the soup was still there The mouth is combined with the slightly sweet noodles.

The tip of the chopsticks pierced the white and tender egg whites, revealing the fresh and tender egg yolks inside. She boiled the poached eggs until they were fully cooked, and there was no orange-red egg yolk juice.

One big and two young sat together to eat noodles. Jiang Shuangling found that the three of them had different eating habits. She ate a few mouthfuls of noodles, took a bite of a poached egg, and the tender yellow egg flowers began to appear. The clear soup spreads; the younger brother Jiang Che likes to eat the noodles first and save the poached eggs for the last; Qi Yue, an anxious little guy, first chooses to eat the noodles after the poached eggs.

Jiang Shuangling looked at Qi Yue and wondered what Qi Heng would eat?

There is probably no order, and it will be eaten in a few bites.

At the end of the meal, Qi Yue watched Jiang Che eat the poached egg, lowered his head and silently drank a sip of the salty clear soup.

Jiang Shuangling took the two little guys to wash the dishes together. After washing, she found the clothes that Qi Heng changed and didn’t wash yesterday.

She took it in her hand and smelled it, and her face changed immediately.

No matter how beautiful a man is, his clothes are smelly.

She put her face in a basin of water, picked up soap and stirred things in the water, and when the water was slightly cloudy, she threw the clothes in to “marinate” for a while before washing.

“It would be great if I could replace that bicycle with a washing machine.” Jiang Shuangling glanced at the brand-new bicycle in the yard and said sadly.

But luckily it’s just a few clothes.

Nowadays, Jiang Shuangling is very patient in her work. Here, there is no pressure from Party A, no financial pressure, and no multiple burdens caused by high housing prices and high prices. Wander up.

Wash slowly.

Jiang Che is a little follower who likes to follow behind her sister. When she sees her washing clothes, she also picks up her sleeves and happily helps to rub it. Jiang Shuangling does not stop the enthusiasm of the child.

“Be careful not to get your clothes wet.”

“Mmmm.” Jiang Che nodded.

Jiang Shuangling looked at his obedient, soft and bullying appearance, and her heart softened instantly, thinking that the environment in the village made him look timid and unconfident, and now she has changed In the new environment, as a parent, you have to work hard to praise, so the rainbow farts in your mouth are one after another: “Adi, you can do laundry when you are four years old.”

“So smart.”

“My sister’s favorite brother.”

“It is said that if you don’t sweep a house, you can sweep the world, and if you don’t wash a piece of clothing, you can become a pillar. You can do it from a young age, and you will definitely be a pillar of the country in the future.”

The two of them were doing laundry here, while Qi Yue was looking around in the yard, like a scout, his little ears moved, and quietly eavesdropped on the woman’s voice over there.

After listening to it for a long time, with a small face, he ran over to squeeze Jiang Che away, grabbed the clothes in the water and rubbed.

Jiang Che: “??????”

Little Jiang Che was pushed away by him and looked at him dumbly.

Qi Yue snorted, it’s not that simple, no one will do it.

After rubbing his clothes, he raised his head, and his dark eyes looked deeply at Jiang Shuangling.

Jiang Shuangling almost choked on her saliva, so she could only paint the same rainbow fart and gourd painting again.

After washing, Jiang Shuangling asked the two little guys to go to the kitchen stove to bake and check whether their clothes and shoes were wet.

In the end, she was still a little wet. Fearing that the child would catch a cold and get sick, she changed the child’s dry clothes and shoes, and put the slightly damp clothes that she took off to bake by the fire.

Afraid that the child would have nothing to do when she was idle, she took out the drawing paper and paint, and drew two crooked and complex white rabbits, and asked the child to color the rabbits.

“Play it yourself.”

Jiang Shuangling glanced at the child, walked out of the door, saw the clothes drying in the yard, and remembered the scene just now, she still felt amused.

These two little guys are too interesting.

She held back her laughter for a long time, but when she turned around, she found a middle-aged woman with short hair standing outside the courtyard looking at her. The man’s face was a little round, about forty years old , the temperament is very friendly.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

She didn’t do anything weird just now, did she? Just smile at the clothes.

Just this dress…

The other party should only see her back.

Jiang Shuangling made up her mind and walked to the courtyard gate to greet the woman, “Hello, may I ask who you are?”

“Call me Teacher Yao, I live there.” The woman pointed to the two small buildings opposite.

Jiang Shuangling suddenly realized that it was the teacher’s wife, “Hello, Mrs. Yao, I’m Qi—”

Before she could finish her sentence, the other party interrupted her with a smile: “You are a girl from the Jiang family, you really look like your mother.”

“You know me? And my mother?”

“Why, you don’t know, I told Qi Heng.”

Jiang Shuangling was stunned, she really didn’t know, she only knew that it was a distant relative of the Jiang family, and she hadn’t seen it a few times.

The Jiang family should have nothing to do with the teacher’s family.

“The one from our family once rode on the boat your grandfather rowed, and it was thanks to that time that he crossed the river at night.”

Jiang Shuangling didn’t know there was such a relationship, her mother was indeed the daughter of a fisherman.

So it is…

Qi Heng actually said that he was on the way.

“Maybe it’s on the way…”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s nothing, Master Yao, do you want to come in and sit down?”

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