It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 22

Chapter 21: Move Like A Rabbit

As soon as Wang Xueshu arrived in the art troupe, several women gathered around and asked her curiously, “Sister Wang, have you seen the country girl newly married by Commander Qi?”

Qi Heng is a figure in their art troupe. Many girls have secretly promised him when they saw his appearance and age, but they are all affectionate and unintentional.

Now that he has married a wife, they are curious about what kind of girl he married.

“She’s a beautiful girl, and she’s in high school.”

“How beautiful is she? Better than Sister Wang?”

“Me? I’m getting old, people are still young, and Miss Jiang is good-looking…”

“Really? So how does she get along with Battalion Commander Qi?”

When I asked this sentence, Chen Fangfang, who was still drinking water and pretended not to care, pricked up her ears to listen.

Wang Xueshu hesitated, and she didn’t know what to say to these little girls with the scene she saw today.

“You, remember, appearance is only temporary, you can’t choose people based on appearance alone. In the future, you must choose someone who is good for you.”

“Sister Wang, what do you say?”

“That battalion commander Qi was cold-hearted before, is he still the same now?”

Jiang Shuangling took care of the yard and decided to buy chickens, ducks and rabbits. She asked someone to find a place and asked a few families for five chickens and three ducks. And two little white rabbits.

I met the orderly Zhang on the way, and the other party asked with great concern: “Sister-in-law, if you need help with anything, just say.”

Jiang Shuangling didn’t need help from the other party, but Xiao Zhang in front of her was extra cautious and determined that she seemed to have a problem and needed help.

“Comrade Xiao Zhang, I see that there are bamboo forests growing on the mountain next to me, can you chop some bamboos for me?”

“Okay, leave this strength to us, sister-in-law, do you have any difficulties?”

Jiang Shuangling: “…It’s really gone.”

“Sister-in-law, if you have any difficulties in your heart, just say it.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

She really has no trouble.

He was pecking at the rice with his head, making a few faint noises from time to time.

The little white rabbit was raised by Jiang Shuangling in a simple box, which was covered with hay. The children saw two snow-white little guys and squatted curiously by the box to watch the little white rabbit.

Red eyes, long pink ears, and a round snow-white body, she looks especially cute.

Jiang Che: “What a little rabbit.”

Qi Yue: “The eyes are the same as your sister!”

Jiang Shuangling: “…” Remember my red eyes?

Jiang Chenu stretched out his hand to touch the little white rabbit in the box, next to his feet.

Jiang Che grabbed it several times, but didn’t grab any of it.

Jiang Shuangling held back her laughter, thinking about her clumsy and stupid brother.

“Adi, be careful, don’t fall into it.”

Qi Yue’s pair of peach blossom eyes similar to Qi Heng stared at the two little white rabbits in the box. He grabbed a pair of rabbit ears, and happily lifted a little rabbit up.

“I got it!” he couldn’t help cheering.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

I bought rabbits to raise and eat, not for you to play with.

Qi Yue’s little short hand pulled the rabbit’s ear out of the box, the little rabbit who was grabbed by the ear struggled, his short legs kept shaking, and the soft white fluff appeared in the sunlight Extra soft.

Qi Yue has a childlike temperament. After he brought the rabbit out, he was very proud. He deliberately swung the rabbit in his hand to Jiang Che to show it off. Jiang Che was startled and took a step back. .

“Touch the rabbit for you.” Qi Yue raised his head and said very generously.

Jiang Che hesitated for a while, then showed a happy smile at Qi Yue, raised his hand to touch the rabbit, who knew that his hand had not touched the rabbit fur, the struggling The little white rabbit has jumped out of Qi Yue’s short hand.

A white shadow fell on the ground.

Jiang Shuangling: “!

Jiang Che and Qi Yue: “!…

The rabbit is gone!

“Hurry up and grab it…” Jiang Shuangling couldn’t help laughing, she rushed up to try to catch the snow-white shadow, the rabbit was able to escape, its hind legs were very strong, and with a swish it went to the corner run away.

Qi Yue and Jiang Che followed behind her to catch the rabbit.

Jiang Shuangling threw herself into the air several times, and now she finally understands what it means to be “moving like a rabbit, quiet like a virgin”, this rabbit is really agile to run.

The rabbit she bought is really evil.

It’s not the same as the fattened meat-eating rabbits seen in modern times, and it’s not the same as the cozy little white rabbit from Teacher Yao’s house. This is a wild rabbit!

The heart is wild.

They flanked the rabbit, one big and two small, and they were finally held in his arms by the “initiator” Qi Yue. Seeing this, Jiang Shuangling quickly lifted the rabbit out of his short hand, lest the rabbit Slip out again.

Her cheeks were flushed, panting and speechless, she quickly stuffed it back into the wooden box.

“Don’t take it out to play until you fatten it up.”

Jiang Che nodded obediently.

Qi Yue tilted his head and hummed.

Jiang Shuangling pinched her brother’s cheek, then glanced at this arrogant cub, thinking when will Qi Heng come back?

I brought my brother and your son to surround the Rabbit Special Forces.

When Jiang Shuangling was chasing the rabbit with her two children, a rumor spread like wildfire.

It is said that Qi Battalion Commander was ruthless and ruthless.

I don’t care about fragrance and jade.

For this reason, Master Zhou specially called Qi Heng over, and said earnestly: “When you marry someone back, treat them better.”

“Women are for coaxing, don’t treat her as a soldier.”

“…I also wish you a happy family.”

Qi Heng: “?”

At the same time, Sister-in-law Song came to Jiang Shuangling, and she was asking her if she was wronged and whether she needed to adjust family relations.

“How many times did you cry?”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

“Sister-in-law, this is a misunderstanding, it’s really a misunderstanding, Qi Heng didn’t do anything to me, my eyes became like this, it’s all because of the pepper!”

“I can’t eat spicy so much, I’m choking.”

After sending off Sister-in-law Song, Jiang Shuangling became more and more happy. When Qi Heng came back, she burst into laughter when she saw the cold face of the other party.

“Haha, Qi Heng, what did you do before?”

That’s what makes it so.

Qi Heng’s face turned cold again, he stared into the eyes of the woman opposite, who was smiling proudly at this moment, the eyes were full of water, and a scary blush was rendered in the eyes Zhou, with a slight frown on her eyebrows, she covered her mouth to hide her smile, so that her smile didn’t look like she was schadenfreude, but rather like being aggrieved and being coaxed into a smile.

Qi Heng: “…”

She took the hand covering her mouth away, the smile in her eyes deepened, and asked him curiously: “Qi Heng, did you hit a woman?”

“I won’t hit you.”

“Will that be something else?”

“There is no distinction between men and women on the battlefield.”

Also, the profession is special, and it is hard to let go of all the women you meet.

“Qi Heng, do you want me to explain it to someone? My eyes were rubbed with chili peppers, but I don’t know how it turned out…”


Qi Heng called a military doctor to show her eyes, she must have some infection, and gave her eye drops.

Jiang Shuangling was holding a mirror in one hand and cold eye drops in the other. She was a little worried, and she didn’t dare to do it herself.

“Qi Heng, help me drop the eye drops.”

“You tap, tap, be sure to tap, and be careful, don’t let the bottle touch my eyes, it’s better you do it like this, drip it from the air, don’t drip Too much…” Jiang Shuangling knew she was a lot of shit, but she couldn’t help it.

Qi Heng stood in front of her with eye drops, Jiang Shuangling raised her head, just saw the other’s chin, thinking that their height difference was just right, and it was convenient to drop eye drops.

“Open your eyes.”

Jiang Shuangling barely opened her eyes.

Qi Heng: “…”

The next second, Jiang Shuangling felt a palm pressing on her chin, she couldn’t tolerate her struggle at all, the cold liquid rolled into her eyes, and she immediately closed her eyes tightly.

Jiang Shuangling: “!

The dog man’s hands are too ruthless.

I don’t give people any psychological preparation, I would have better come by myself if I knew earlier.

As soon as she closed her eyes, the potion that was not completely dripped in immediately rolled down the corners of her eyes, and two fresh “tears” appeared on her white cheeks.

Jiang Shuangling blinked her eyes, raised her head and took a step back. She lifted up the mirror she was holding before and took a look at it. At this time, when she blinked, another crystal drop rolled down.

She couldn’t help but whisper to herself: “The gods cry.”

Although it is an artificial eye drop version.

Qi Heng: “…”

This woman…

“Qi Heng, thank you.” After the eye drops, she felt much more comfortable. Jiang Shuangling hoped that the swelling would go away tomorrow, and she didn’t want to wear a rabbit eye again.

She also doesn’t want to be misunderstood as a little girl with a gas bag.

I listened to the radio at night, she planned to go to bed early, and pushed Jiang Che into the small room early, she washed her face and reopened the door of the room. I wanted to say to my brother, “I won’t tell a story tonight, let’s go to bed earlier”, but before I could say it, I saw the door of the room being pushed open.

A little guy slipped in with a quilt.

She squeezed onto the bed without being a guest and rubbed against Jiang Che.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Jiang Che tilted his head to look at him curiously, but Qi Yue didn’t look at him, opened his eyes wide to see Jiang Shuangling, and said in a very natural tone, “Tell a story.”

Jiang Shuangling looked at his hands nervously gripping the quilt, and her cheeks were flushed, so she didn’t ask him why he came over, so as not to pierce the thin skin of this arrogant cub.

“Okay, then I’ll tell you a story.”

Jiang Shuangling told the two of them a story, and she put the two little guys to sleep.

Qi Heng stood at the door, with a coat draped over his shoulders, the lights in the room hit his face, making his handsome features more three-dimensional and profound.

He helped turn off the light and left a sentence:

“Go to bed early.”

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