It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 26

Chapter 25: Listen To

Jiang Shuangling remembers that after she finished painting this self-portrait, she hid it in the closet where she put her clothes, because it was not an important thing, except that it was difficult to show others, it was good to keep it as a souvenir.

And under her clothes!

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Her eyes stared at the two thieves, how exactly did the two find this painting from the cabinet and put it on the top.

The deminers are not as strong as the two of you, they are born with dog noses.

If she knew that it would be turned out and Qi Heng would see it, she might as well just throw it at the homestay after painting, and reset it that night.

Although the **** the self-portrait of the sassy bag has been “artistically” processed, it is difficult to identify her, but Jiang Shuangling is still ashamed and angry.

She thought coldly: This is probably the scene of the death of the society.

What pose is not good to draw, and even draw a Xizi holding a heart, she swears that she has never held a heart in her life.

The explanation is now unclear.

Jiang Shuangling, whose cheeks were getting hotter and hotter, turned her head to look at Qi Heng, only to find that the man who was still laughing at this time has actually revealed a smile without concealment.

It was an extraordinarily pure smile. The corners of the mouth on both sides were raised, the tails of the eyes were raised, the peach blossom eyes became crescent-shaped, the lying silkworms underneath became more and more obvious, and the coldness on the face that used to be disappeared.

Jiang Shuangling was stunned for a moment, this seemed to be the first time she saw Qi Heng smile.

Jiang Shuangling: “!

What’s so funny? ?

Let’s hurry up and return to the original frigid dog expression.

Jiang Shuangling raised her hand and touched her cheek with the back of her cool hand, trying to cool her face. After fanning her cheek, seeing Qi Heng still smiling, she couldn’t help reaching out to grab it That self-portrait.

And her hands are not as fast as the other’s.

The other party clipped the self-portrait at the end with lightning speed, and smiled to see other paintings.

—that is, a small local pictorial that Jiang Shuangling worked so hard to save.

Jiang Shuangling had to stop temporarily when she saw this, and turned her head to look at the two thieves, who stayed beside them, not knowing what happened.

“Who took out the painting just now?”

Qi Yue raised his hand proudly: “It’s me.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

It really is you, her silly and sweet little brother can’t do such a thing, and can’t find this painting at all.

She was careless.

Jiang Shuangling gritted her teeth in admiration: “It really is you, so smart, just like your dad.”

Jiang Che, who was on the side, saw the elder sister say this, and hurriedly came over to ask for credit: “I told him that there were paintings there.”

“My sister drew it, it’s beautiful!”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

She pulled Jiang Che in front of her, rubbed his little face with bows left and right, and thought silently in her heart: It turns out that my brother is the undercover who backstabbed me the most.

Qi Yue is just an errand.

The two of you also played with the bear.

Two bears.

After Jiang Shuangling finished rubbing her little brother’s face, she turned to look at Qi Yue, but Qi Yue took a step back while holding her face vigilantly, “No rubbing!”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

I don’t want to knead yet.

She sighed in her heart, what anger is she with the child, it has already been seen anyway, and the jar is broken.

Qi Heng looked down at the sheets of paper in his hand, Jiang Shuangling was watching him, he was no longer smiling, but she didn’t know if the other party’s smile had affected her too much, and she always felt that Qi Heng’s expression at this time was different from usual.

The corners of her mouth always gave her a faint smile.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

It’s an illusion.

Put down the paper in his hand, Qi Heng looked up at her, and asked seriously, “Do you like to draw?”

Jiang Shuangling froze for a moment, then smiled and nodded: “I like it.”

The other party’s tone was very serious, and Jiang Shuangling also answered very seriously, but this kind of topic of likes and dislikes made Jiang Shuangling feel a little dazed.

She is not sure if she likes to draw or not.

When she was a child, she did not take the initiative to ask to learn to draw, but her parents signed her up for an art class. The teacher of the art class praised her for her talent, she studied very seriously, and the people around her always Compliment her for these paintings, when she was young she liked those compliments, so she liked to paint.

She also has an excellent talent in art, so she keeps learning. As a hobby, painting is quite enjoyable, but when she is older, she is more and more involved in competitions, competitions, and evaluations, parents’ expectations, grades, and practice day and night… There is a lot of pressure Now, painting has become a heavy shackle for her again.

There was a time when she was very tired of painting, she even told others that the most annoying thing in her life was painting.

For her, the most favorite thing to draw is drawing, and the most hated thing is drawing.

This is probably a love-hate emotion.

A professor once commented on her, saying that she has solid basic skills and high painting skills.

However, her paintings will be the kind that ordinary people appreciate and love.

Maybe it’s because she always cares too much about other people’s evaluation of her paintings, so in the process of painting, she can’t help but cater to the preferences of ordinary appreciators, lacking an artistic arrogance .

“How do you like my drawing?”

Qi Heng looked at her and said, “You draw beautifully.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Although these paintings are very bad in Jiang Shuangling’s eyes, she does not accept Qi Heng’s criticism. If the other party dares to say something wrong, she will dare to force him to open his mouth tomorrow sugar.

In the night, after bathing the two children and soaking her feet, Jiang Shuangling returned to the room.

Now her small room is very lively, Jiang Che is sitting on the edge of the bed, Qi Yue is holding the quilt and occupying the center, this arrogant cub has tacitly moved the room by himself.

He threw Dad away without hesitation.

Jiang Shuangling was very curious about what happened between their father and son. It was clear that in the morning, the father and son relationship between the two was safe, but why didn’t Qi Yue want to sleep with her father at night?

On the first day, she was clamoring to sleep with her father, but now Aojiao Cub never mentions it.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Is it really for listening to my story?

Is my storytelling so magical?

Jiang Shuangling took a comic book and sat cross-legged on the bed. The two little guys sat on her left and right legs, sticking out their heads to look in the middle.

After taking a bath, the braids on Jiang Shuangling’s back have been loosened, her black hair is gently falling on her shoulders, the warm yellow light hit her face, and her long eyelashes are scattered when she looks down shadow.

She told the story with a smile, looked at the two children beside her, and suddenly felt that she was shaped like a Guanyin Bodhisattva with two good fortune boys…

The two little boys are very cute.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

She couldn’t help looking at the door, Qi Heng was standing at the door holding a book, turning the pages with his eyes down.

—Let’s count him as the mountain bear of Luojia Mountain.

He is also a handsome bear who loves to learn.

I don’t know what book he is reading.

“Such a small room is about to become a dojo.” Jiang Shuangling couldn’t help sighing softly.

“Sister, what are you talking about?”

“Nothing, my sister sings to you, it’s time for the two of you to sleep.”

Jiang Shuangling told the two little guys to lie down, cover them with a quilt, and gently coax them to sleep.

Qi Heng put down the book in his hand and said lightly, “Sleep.”

Hearing these two words from Qi Heng’s mouth, Qi Yue’s body froze subconsciously, and he huddled under the covers without speaking.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

This seems to have formed a conditioned reflex.

She may have guessed the reason why Aojiao cub moved the room, so she patted him on the back soothingly.

When the two children fell asleep, Jiang Shuangling also fell down lazily, and said to the people over there, “You also go to bed earlier, and help turn off the lights and doors, thank you.”

After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes to sleep without any psychological pressure.

Qi Heng: “…”

In the dark, I couldn’t see the faces of the people at the door. After the lights in the room suddenly dimmed, the door of the room closed with a click.

No footsteps could be heard, Qi Heng turned around and walked into the next room. He turned on the light, sat beside the bed, and looked at a piece of paper in his hand.

The next second, there was a slight laugh in the room.

It was only a momentary effort, and the sound stopped abruptly.

As the night passed, Jiang Shuangling opened her eyes and got up, and before she had time to comb her hair, she ran out of the room to look through the drawing papers from yesterday.

She wants to destroy that self-black painting.

However, the strange thing is that she searched for most of the day and couldn’t find the ‘self-black painting” in the pile of drawing papers.

“Why not?”

Jiang Shuangling’s eyes showed a hint of suspicion, hesitantly looking at the door of the other room, she walked over and opened the door, and the things in the room were at a glance.

beds, cabinets, desks…

You can see everything in the room at a glance, and there is no place to hide things.

She searched carefully again, but still didn’t see any trace of the painting.

Her ‘self-black painting” is lost.

Will it be hidden by Qi Heng?

“No way? Would he do that?”

Whether it was lost or hidden, Jiang Shuangling wanted to cry without tears. She originally planned to destroy it herself.

No chance now.

“If I had known last night, I shouldn’t have ignored it for the sake of face.”

Jiang Shuangling covered her eyes, regretting to death.

Jiang Shuangling, who couldn’t find the ‘self-black painting”, went to the kitchen to bake sesame cakes and fried three eggs. After calling the two children, she made three cups of malted milk essence. Even breakfast for three.

The malted milk in this era is okay, with a faint milky fragrance.

After drinking a cup of sweet, Jiang Shuangling felt that she was a little cured.

“Anyway, don’t let that painting appear in front of my eyes again.”

If she finds out that Qi Heng hid it, she will force him to eat a pound of small milk cakes.

After breakfast, Jiang Shuangling went out to find Sister-in-law Song. Yesterday, she said a bad cheque in front of her child and wanted to make a schoolbag for her. Now she plans to find someone to learn how to use a sewing machine.

Jiang Shuangling felt that Mrs. Song’s appearance was meticulous and good at handling, maybe she was good at using sewing machines.

Are you watching?”

“What’s the matter with your husband and wife?”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

This is the inconvenience of living in a compound, as if something happened in one family, the neighbors all know about it.

Everyone can know who is crying without leaving home.

Jiang Shuangling glanced at Sister-in-law Song, thinking why everyone is so gossipy, Qi Heng, isn’t he just washing clothes? What a fuss, Qi Heng was just washing his clothes, not jumping into the sky.

“I heard that the atmosphere between the two of you wasn’t quite right yesterday. Did you quarrel?” Sister-in-law Song came over and asked in a low voice.

Although there are only two of them in the room, Sister Song still poses as if she wants to whisper to Jiang Shuangling.

Jiang Shuangling approached in a low voice and replied, “No quarrel, Mrs. Song, he just thinks my laundry is too fragrant.”

Sister Song was choked.

Do you think your daughter-in-law’s laundry is too fragrant?

Listen, is this human?

“Those stinky men sweat every day, their clothes are smelly, and they still despise it… Fragrance?” Sister Song showed hesitation, she came over and sniffed Jiang Shuangling carefully, and found that the other party really had a faint scent .

Weird smell.

Jiang Shuangling nodded, “That’s right, I don’t understand what their men think.”

“You mean you almost got into a fight?”

“There was no quarrel afterwards.” Thanks to my sister-in-law for your Doubanjiang.

Sister Song said in a serious voice: “You, listen to what the elder sister said, your gentle personality, don’t quarrel with them as soldiers, if you can’t quarrel, you might as well rest.”

Otherwise I will be trained to cry.

“Mmmm, sister-in-law, I came to you today just to ask who can use a sewing machine? I want to learn how to step on a sewing machine.” Jiang Shuangling tried to use a sewing machine before, but she I found myself at a loss when I faced the era of a sewing machine.

“Instructor Xu has a sewing machine at home, and he has a meeting, you go and learn.”

“Okay, hey, Mrs. Song, can I see your child’s schoolbag?”

“Yes, it’s all worn out.”

Jiang Shuangling saw the schoolbags of the children of Mrs. Song’s family. In this era, children are all popular in army green and yellow diagonal schoolbags, with some patterns printed on them, such as red five-pointed stars, etc., they are quite beautiful of.

She also plans to make a similar bag for her child.

—Sew the little white rabbit and the big tiger inside?

It would be a shame to sew it on the outside, I’m afraid the two boys will be anxious with her after reading for a few days.

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