It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 28

Chapter 27: Top

Jiang Shuangling is a woman who does not give up easily.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, in front of the two children, she bit the bullet and continued to learn to use the sewing machine. Appearing in the ear, the line coming out of the car is…

It doesn’t look right.

I am a person who can draw straight lines with my bare hands, why is the line coming out of the car crooked?

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

When the legs were shaking, even the hands moved with them.

The two dwarfs next to her stood on tiptoe and looked curiously at her car line. After watching for a while, they squatted down to watch her Parkinsonian pedaling rhythm.

Jiang Che: “?”

Qi Yue: “!”

Jiang Shuangling: “…” Ashamed and angry.

Being surrounded by two children as a gorilla, and still acting as a funny gorilla, Jiang Shuangling did not know why the rhythm of stepping on the pedals was very stiff. When she watched Zhang Meihong stepping on the sewing machine, The movement is very smooth and easy, very pleasing to the eye.

Why is she so stiff?

Jiang Shuangling took a deep breath and kept telling herself in her heart: The two children around her, one is green vegetables and the other is radish, don’t worry about them.

Continue to practice the line bravely, da da da da…

“Sister, can you make a small schoolbag?”

Even Jiang Che, who trusted her sister the most, began to have doubts at this time, not to mention Qi Yue, who was already smart.

Qi Yue was very happy and cheered: “You can’t go to school without a schoolbag!”

Raising rabbits without going to school.

“Hey, do you want to go see the rabbit together?”

Jiang Che: “…”

“You two go to feed the rabbits, brother, don’t worry, of course I can make schoolbags, I’m sure you are one by one, I’m not learning how to use a sewing machine now, it’s just the beginning, I Learn things quickly…”

After Jiang Shuangling coaxed the two little tails out, she picked up both sleeves and continued to work with the sewing machine in front of her.

If she wants to fight with it, she will not believe it.

This kind of sewing machine, the more you use it, the more proficient it is. After Jiang Shuangling practiced for a long time, she stepped on the sewing machine and looked like a model.

I felt it was difficult before, but now I am stepping on it.

— Stepping on a sewing machine is addicting.

The legs were shaking rhythmically, and the eyes watched the needle and thread pass through the fabric neatly, making a da da da sound, a straight line appeared, and my heart suddenly burst out with endless refreshment.

It’s like staying up late to get through a tough end game.

So cool.

“I now understand why the older generation likes to step on the sewing machine.” In this age of spiritual and cultural life is not rich, stepping on the sewing machine is also a kind of enjoyment.

Up, the more you step on it.

I felt sore legs and feet when I stepped on it for a while, but now I have stepped on it for most of the day, and my body does not feel tired at all, and I even want to continue to step on it.

It was only half a day’s work, Jiang Shuangling has already started to indulge in stepping on the sewing machine, a piece of fabric can be played for a long time, cut the line with scissors to continue the car.

At night, Qi Heng came back very late, when he stepped into the yard, it was already dark, and twinkling stars filled the night sky.

The light in the room came out the window.

Qi Heng pushed open the door of the house, the two children surrounded the radio, the woman’s back was whirling, stepping on the sewing machine making a rattling sound, and the dim light illuminated the three figures.

He took off the hat on his head and stared at the scene in front of him, suddenly feeling warm in his heart.

As soon as Qi Yue saw him appear, he ran over calling him “Dad”, and Jiang Che, who was beside him, trotted along with him.

Qi Heng squatted down and picked up a child in one hand.

Jiang Shuangling took time to look back at the three of them, “Qi Heng, take your two children to dinner.”

After finishing speaking, she began to immerse herself in her sewing business.

Qi Heng and his two children sat at the square table, and in front of each of them was a porcelain bowl with sticky cabbage and egg drop porridge, and in the middle was a plate of pickled peppers.

This is their dinner.

Qi Heng: “…”

Jiang Shuangling finished drinking a small bowl of porridge, put the bowl aside, skillfully turned the handwheel with her right hand, and stepped on the sewing machine with her legs one after the other.

The constant sound in the room seemed to vibrate with the floor.

Qi Heng drank half a pot of porridge and asked the two children, “What’s for lunch?”

Qi Yue: “Porridge.”

Jiang Che: “And eggs.”

Qi Heng: “…”

Qi Heng closed his eyes, stood up, and walked a few steps to the sewing machine.

His tall stature blocked the light in an instant, Jiang Shuangling only felt that the eyes were dark, and the needle and thread in her hand could not be seen clearly.

She raised her head, “Qi Heng, stand over and block the light.”

“Don’t do it at night, it will hurt your eyes.”

“I’ll sew a little longer and it’ll be over in a while.”

After Jiang Shuangling finished saying these words, the figure blocking the light really left. She breathed a sigh of relief and continued to devote herself to her sewing career.

She has been able to drive back and forth to create a perfect ten-layer box circle, and the lines on each layer are extraordinarily straight and solid, almost perfect.

The three laps inside will be more perfect.

And one last lap.

But at this moment, a shadow shrouded her eyes, Qi Heng went back and forth, standing beside the sewing machine again.

“Qi—” Jiang Shuangling was about to speak when she was grabbed by the shoulders and pulled up from the chair.

It hurts…

“Hiss…” She took a deep breath, put her backhand on her waist, and sat for too long.

Qi Heng sat in the position she had just now, holding a tool in her hand, and removed the needle plate on the sewing machine with three strokes and five divisions.

Jiang Shuangling: “???”

Qi Heng glanced at her lightly, and returned to the room with the collected needle board.

Jiang Shuangling was dumbfounded when she saw the sewing machine without needle plate.


This man is so good at doing things, he actually disassembles the sewing machine.

If you don’t agree, do it.

What should I do if it is demolished? !

“Sister…” Jiang Che trotted to Jiang Shuangling’s leg, hugged her thigh affectionately, and said earnestly, “I don’t want a small schoolbag anymore.”

Qi Yue: “…then I don’t want it either.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…” As for?

Looking back on what happened today, she is just a little addicted to sewing machines, why the children don’t even want a small schoolbag.

After today’s encounter, Jiang Shuangling is confident that she can make two suitable small schoolbags.

Jiang Shuangling pinched her brother’s face and comforted: “You can rest assured, I will definitely make the small schoolbag that I promised you in a few days.”

After hearing what she said, Jiang Che not only was not happy, but his mouth was deflated, he hugged his sister’s thigh and threw the golden beans, and said in a sad tone: “I don’t want a small schoolbag anymore. ”

“Sister ignored me for a day, wow wow…”

No other children in the village have ever cried when bullied and abused, but today she ignored her… “Sister is wrong, dear, I won’t be so addicted to sewing machines in the future.”

“I didn’t ignore you.”

Qi Yue interjected: “And me.”

Jiang Shuangling: “…I was wrong.”

She held her two children in her arms and coaxed her, and reflected in her heart that she was indeed a little crazy today, which was a habit left over from her previous painting practice. Once she focused on something It is easy to forget about food and sleep and forget everything around you.

Qi Heng has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and she herself is occasionally a little paranoid perfectionist.

Jiang Shuangling took the two children to take a bath, and then coaxed the two little ancestors after telling stories and singing for a while.

The two children sleep on the innermost side, and Jiang Shuangling sleeps on the outer side. Although this bed is not small, it can barely accommodate the three of them, and there is no other place.

Yawned, her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, her eyes were a little hard to open, Jiang Shuangling closed her eyes and did not forget to remind the door: “Qi Heng, before you leave tomorrow, you must Get the sewing machine ready.”

Qi Heng: “…”

The man didn’t say a word, the lights in the room went out immediately, and she didn’t know if it was Jiang Shuangling’s stupefied illusion, she always felt that the other party closed the door a little louder today, even You can also hear footsteps leaving.

The first thing Jiang Shuangling did when she woke up in the morning was to run out of the room to see the situation of the sewing machine outside.

The needle plate has been installed securely.

She let out a long sigh of relief.

“A man who can make a radio is not too bad.”

If the sewing machine breaks down in the future, maybe he can help repair the sewing machine.

Jiang Shuangling relaxed and did not rush to step on the sewing machine, but went back to the room to take care of herself before making breakfast.

She was cooking noodles, because she thought that I was sorry for the two children yesterday, so when cooking noodles today, Jiang Shuangling deliberately put more effort into it.

The bacon spreads out behind the rabbit, and half of the snow-white hard-boiled eggs that have been peeled off their shells are soaked in the soup.


A platoon leader who was standing guard couldn’t help smirking. He had asked for leave from the leader and was about to go home and get married.

It is a girl who grew up together in the village.

Every time he thinks of this, he is so excited that he can’t control himself, and can’t wait to tell everyone around him about it.

Now he is the most hated dog in their company, with an unpleasant sour stench all over him.

Familiar comrades saw him detour.

Qi Heng walked past him, and the platoon leader couldn’t help but follow him, rubbing his hands together and said happily, “battalion commander, you said that there are four major items of marriage, which girl is more happy to buy. ?”

His family is not well-off, so it would be good to prepare one or two of them.

However, after this sentence was asked, the platoon leader immediately wanted to give his head. He was supposed to say this to the deputy battalion commander, but why did he ask the battalion commander in front of him? .

The platoon leader felt a thump in his heart and wanted to get into the ground immediately.

Let your mouth go!

The platoon leader regretted it. He thought that the person in front of him would not answer, but he did not expect to hear a sentence from the other side: “There is no need to buy a sewing machine.”

After speaking, Qi Heng left.

The platoon leader who stayed in place was confused.

Isn’t the sewing machine the most practical at home? The girls also like it.

Why not buy?

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