It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 3

Chapter 2: Earth Egg

Jiang Shuangling was rescued, but her place in the university was gone. No one would be reconciled to this.

A life-changing opportunity.

The people in the village, including the production team leader, thought that Jiang Shuangling would make trouble, but she didn’t expect that she would accept the truth silently. There was news that she was going to marry an officer to be her stepmother.

The whole village burst into flames. How could a good and beautiful girl not want to marry a second-married man?

According to that Li Erhua, the officer surnamed Qi was a battalion commander and looked good. He only had a four or five-year-old son with an oil bottle, but his family’s material conditions were very good. His father died, His mother was supported by his brother and sister-in-law, and his own brother was also an officer and a regiment commander.

Not to mention other things, just one month’s salary subsidy for his battalion commander is more than enough to support a family.

This…Although it sounds good on the surface, but after a while, the village will have a taste , is a company commander. This battalion commander surnamed Qi is estimated to be in his 30s or 40s.

A beautiful 18-year-old girl who has the opportunity to go to the University of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers does not need to go into this muddy water.

So someone said in front of Li Erhua: You are treating your niece harshly, find her such a marriage.

Li Erhua smiled wryly at that time, “I don’t really want to, it’s rumored that I am an aunt, but Shuangling herself is willing, I have persuaded her, she Don’t listen…the conditions of the commander Qi are really good…”

In her words, she was saying that Jiang Shuangling wanted to be a stepmother for others because of her covetous conditions.

A poor and illiterate woman made such a choice, in the eyes of everyone, it is understandable.

But Jiang Shuangling is good at learning and beautiful, and there are even many educated young men who like to pursue her to make this choice, and in the eyes of everyone, it has become self-indulgent.

Why not want to be a stepmother.

The reason why Jiang Shuangling made such a choice is that she has her own considerations.

First of all, she is not Jiang Shuangling who was born and raised in this era, and she does not want to go to any university of workers, peasants and soldiers. She is an art student who learns to paint. Before the college entrance examination, she made a big head and two big for cultural classes. Now she doesn’t want to learn any mathematics, physics and chemistry. Besides, she has graduated for seven or eight years, and she doesn’t want to go back to school to continue her studies.

Even if you want to learn, you should learn to draw.

Secondly, she wants to take Jiang Che out of the village, this is the opportunity. After all, she is not the real Jiang Shuangling, and her behavior has changed, which inevitably leads to suspicion, and she is not very willing to do things with restraint.

What’s more, there is an unforgiving aunt, and the status of various elders can overwhelm her, and it is uncomfortable to stay in the village. And the rumors of the “morning star” made Jiang Che introverted and unconfident before. Jiang Shuangling wanted to change his environment. Since she has become his sister, she should take care of him instead of the original body.

Third, and most importantly, the other party is an officer, graduated from a regular military academy, and is a serious college student. Similarly, after marrying an officer, the military environment is much more peaceful than outside.

Jiang Shuangling believes in the military and military style of this era. No matter whether the other party is as good-looking as the matchmaker said, at least he has been trained by the army, his behavior is capable and orderly, and his temperament will not be obscene.

Since she was a child, she liked to be an upright hero, preferring upright characters.

There were several male educated youths in the village who liked Jiang Shuangling, and thought that she was talented and romantic and recited acid poems in front of her.

Talk about ideals, talk about life, talk about stars, watch the moon…

Manual goodbye.

Jiang Shuangling doesn’t have a good opinion of them, and she has an obvious flirtatious and scumbag temperament, but… the little girls of this era seem to really eat this kind of thing.

But she didn’t eat it and refused.

Although that Qi battalion commander has a son with a fuel bottle, he is better than not having the best in-laws and a bunch of weird relatives like bunches of grapes. In Jiang Shuangling’s opinion, this is one level better than those bad relatives. Much stronger.

She has only been here for half a month, and she ate a lot of melons in the village. What’s going on with who’s mother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law are quarreling, and a few daughters-in-law, you come to me… What else is there to do? The daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law were pregnant at the same time, and gave birth to a boy and a daughter respectively. The in-law’s family had an unbalanced bowl of water, and the confinement child taunted and targeted them secretly. The other daughter-in-law was wronged and committed suicide by drinking pesticides.

I heard Jiang Shuangling tsk tsk tsk…

In the current environment, Jiang Shuangling has also made some plans. She is not particularly concerned about marriage. It’s not too bad, after all, he is a soldier and has a lot of work and training time. The younger brother went to Pengcheng to make a foray, maybe he could make a name for himself.

She’s not the kind of woman who can’t live without a man.

Looking at the two pink pigs in the pigpen, Jiang Shuangling once again sighed that she had come to an era of lack of clothing and food.

Fortunately, she is also an optimistic person by nature. After a while, she thought about it. Now it’s useless to complain about being bullshit. No matter where you are, you should live a good life.

She is not a loss, she is ten years younger. If Jiang Shuangling in this era becomes her, then I hope she can be well there.

She helped her take care of her younger brother, and hoped that she would help her support her parents.

“Adi, come and eat an egg.” Jiang Shuangling put a soil egg into Jiang Che’s palm.

This is a hard-boiled egg, dark brown, oval, small, and Jiang Che’s little hand can hold it firmly.

Jiang Shuangling pinched the little guy’s fleshy face. The other party has a pair of very beautiful and deep phoenix eyes. She likes Jiang Che’s eyes the most, with a classical and restrained charm. When he opens up his facial features in the future, these eyes will definitely look better.

When she first came, Jiang Che was just like other children in the village, his whole body was dirty, his hair was messy, his fingers and cheeks were stained with black dirt, but these eyes were especially Attract attention.

Jiang Shuangling took a lot of effort to clean him up and turned him into a beautiful little boy, but he was still a little malnourished, too thin and cowardly.

No meat on weekdays, Jiang Shuangling planned to let him eat eggs to supplement protein.

“Sister?” Jiang Che grabbed the egg in his hand and looked up at her, “Sister, you eat—”

Speaking, she will push the egg to Jiang Shuangling.

Even ordinary boiled eggs are a delicacy worth cherishing for them, Jiang Che wants her sister to eat them.

Jiang Shuangling clenched her right fist and shook it in front of Jiang Che’s eyes, revealing the outline of a brown egg between her fingers, “Sister, of course eats it too.”

“Let’s eat, don’t tell anyone else.”

Jiang Che nodded honestly, “Auntie she—”

“I didn’t take it from home. Eat it with peace of mind. After eating the eggshell, give it to my sister.”

These days, my sister always feeds him eggs, and Jiang Che doesn’t know where my sister got these eggs.

A sister said she bought it from someone, hid it at home, and cooked one for him every day.

Auntie’s nose is smarter than that of a dog. She is the only one who hides things in the family.

Jiang Che was afraid that her sister would be discovered and scolded by her aunt, but a few days later, my sister had not finished her eggs, and her aunt did not find it.

Because they were afraid of gossip from outsiders, the whole Jiang family had the same meal with clear soup and little water, but Li Erhua often opened a small stove in private, just to avoid their sister and brother. Jiang Che knew before that, sister I know, but my sister always shook her head at him at that time.

“Okay, give the eggshell to Sister.”

Jiang Shuangling wrapped the eggshell with waste paper and held it in her palm. The piece of waste paper in her palm disappeared out of thin air where Jiang Che couldn’t see it.

On the first day of Jiang Shuangling’s travel to the 1970s, she found that she also brought the homestay she rented, which was a small two-story building with a yard.

Jiang Shuangling, who found out about this at that time, was not happy. This means that she can grow vegetables, raise pigs and raise chickens in the homestay she carries with her. ,However…

She was too happy.

Because her homestay is the kind that will “reset”, it will return to its original state every night at midnight.

At first, Jiang Shuangling didn’t know. During the day, Kuhaha loosened the soil and digged holes in the yard to plant a row of side dishes. As a result, she went to see it the next day and was dumbfounded.

Everything is back to normal.

All that was planted is gone.

It’s like the eggshell she threw in just now, as long as it reaches zero o’clock in the evening, the homestay will automatically remove it like the garbage.

The portable homestay she brought over cannot grow things, raise chickens or ducks, or store things.

Jiang Shuangling wanted to cry without tears.

However, things have a good side and a bad side, although it resets every day, she can’t grow vegetables in it, which also means that she took something from the homestay and arrived At 0:00 the next day, the B&B will automatically make up for that.

“If I had known I would take it through the 1970s, I should have moved into a supermarket first…”

“The worst, go buy some meat!”

—Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Most of her luggage is painting supplies such as albums, brushes and paints. Jiang Shuangling has been painting for more than 20 years. .

However, the paint cannot be eaten as food.

The only good thing is

There is a bit of food in the homestay:

A small jar of wild honey sent by the owner of the homestay; when the neighbors moved house, they used a large pot to fry lard in the yard. Jiang Shuangling went to join in the fun and sent a painting to his child, who was given a small A bowl of lard and two home-raised eggs; the other is a pound of rice and a leftover preserved egg that she brought with her when she moved.

She is going to cook preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

But before the meat can be bought, people have already crossed.

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