It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 32

Chapter 31: Knowingly Ask

Wang Xueshu looked at Jiang Shuangling in front of her, her chin almost dropped to the ground in shock.

Jiang Shuangling was also shocked by the overly surprised look of the other party, what? Is it difficult to accept?

She recalled the expressionless and stern look of Qi Heng in her mind.

—It’s really unacceptable.

Jiang Shuangling was afraid that the other party would be too frightened, so she rolled her eyes and said deliberately: “A soldier protects his family and defends the country, isn’t it the cutest group of people for us ordinary people?”

Wang Xueshu: “…”

Although she knew that they were not talking about the same thing, Jiang Shuangling’s words were very reasonable and she couldn’t refute them.

She couldn’t help being led by the other party’s thinking, and sighed: “Then my old man is also very cute?”

After finishing speaking, Wang Xueshu couldn’t help shivering.

Mom, this is so scary.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

As for?

Did you learn dance and have a strong desire to perform?

Jiang Shuangling and Wang Xueshu got into the car, and the little brother in military uniform who was driving in front said hello and drove steadily on the road.

“There is a rough road ahead, sisters-in-law.”


She didn’t sleep well last night, she fell asleep as soon as she got in the car, even if the road was bumpy, it didn’t affect Jiang Shuangling’s sleep like a pig.

Wang Xueshu saw Jiang Shuangling who was sleeping on her head, she was a little dumbfounded, and even guessed in her heart: Should she stay up late on purpose, just to sleep in Rongcheng today?

…is it motion sickness?

She is really curious about how the Qi family couples next door get along.

Jiang Shuangling slept all the way to Rongcheng, but Wang Xueshu patted her awake, “Wake up, wake up, sister Shuangling, the place is here.”

Jiang Shuangling suddenly opened her eyes, realized where she was now, thanked Wang Xueshu, then rubbed her eyes and looked down at the watch on her wrist.

She doesn’t know how long she has slept, but she is in much better spirits now than before.

It’s really comfortable to sleep.

“Qi’s family, I just heard your voice, and I think your voice is God’s reward. Do you want to consider coming to our art troupe?”

“You sing in this voice must be very good.”

“Huh?” Jiang Shuangling didn’t expect that the other party would invite her to join the art troupe, or sing in the art troupe?

She was a little dumbfounded, and the out-of-tune sound of Qi Yue’s 3D stereo loop flashed in her mind.

“You don’t rush to agree, don’t rush to refuse, go back and think about it, you have this condition, of course, it’s not that you agreed, I also agreed to enter, or to tested.”

“Well, okay, Sister Xueshu, I’ll go back and think more about it.”

“If you want, I can teach you the basics of vocal music, or you can learn dance with me.”

Wang Xueshu loves her dance career. Part of the reason why she married Head He was because she did not want to get pregnant and have children.

Jiang Shuangling bid farewell to Wang Xueshu, and the other party proposed to her to join the art troupe. She was a little moved. Of course, she didn’t want to join the art troupe to sing and dance, but to go in and make posters.

However, how should her painting skills be revealed? How could she explain how she could draw like this after learning to draw for a long time and without the guidance of a teacher?

“Let’s think about it…”

Jiang Shuangling said goodbye to Wang Xueshu. The two separated in Rongcheng and went to their respective places.

The city of Rongcheng belongs to a big city in this era. The last time Jiang Shuangling came out of the train station, she just passed by in a hurry, and she has not visited the city well.

Pedestrians on the street at the moment, crowded, and all kinds of noises on the street, making it extraordinarily lively.

The state-run hotel on the roadside was steaming hot, and there were people sitting by the well washing clothes under the eaves next door.

Jiang Shuangling standing in the crowd even had an illusion, she felt that the streets of this era were a bit more lively than the bustling streets of decades.

, broke into the door of this house for a while, and ran into the house for a while.

The door is open.

There are a lot of bicycles on the street. From time to time, several bicycles pass by Jiang Shuangling. The sound of bells and bells is mixed with the laughter of children.

“Dad, hurry up.”

“The front, let let!”

Jiang Shuangling looked enviously at others riding bicycles.

Qi Heng also bought a bicycle, Jiang Shuangling can’t ride a bicycle, she has never seen Qi Heng ride a bicycle, so the brand new bicycle is still eating ashes under the corner.

For her, learning to ride a bicycle is ten times more difficult than learning a sewing machine.

“Why do some people know how to ride a bicycle?” Jiang Shuangling once asked a friend how to learn to ride a bicycle? What are some tips for riding a bike? As a result, the friend gave her an “inexplicable” look.

“You can get on it as soon as you get on it, do you need to learn how to ride a bicycle?”

“Anyone who can’t ride a bike these days?”

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

For her, bicycles not only have to be learned, but they also have to be learned many times.

There are many more people riding bicycles in Rongcheng than in ordinary towns. Jiang Shuangling stared at a speeding bicycle, and she was speechless in her heart.

There was a family of five on that permanent bicycle.

There are two children sitting on the crossbar, the father in the middle is riding a bicycle, the mother is holding a child in the back, and the family is talking, laughing and riding a bicycle.

A bicycle in this era may be equivalent to a car, or the kind that can seat five people.

Jiang Shuangling admires the quality of bicycles in this era and the cycling skills of people in this era.

Too strong.

Jiang Shuangling shook her head silently, anyway, she would never be able to ride a bicycle to carry four people in her life.

She continued walking, walked to a department store, and bought more than 30 feet of cloth there, mainly in four colors of white, black, blue, and army green, for the two children To make two sets of small blue clothes, she and Qi Heng are simple white shirts, black skirts and black pants, and two small army green schoolbags.

She just learned sewing machine not long ago, so it is better to make basic models.

White shirts are timeless no matter the age.

Jiang Shuangling looked at the fabric in her hand, thinking about Qi Heng’s face, she suddenly expected the other party to wear the white shirt she made by herself, she would come up with a scheming waist design, and the cuffs should be made Exquisite, best when cutting…

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

After imagining for a while, she fell silent.

First of all, you must recognize your own level before making clothes, and don’t have high expectations.

After Jiang Shuangling recognized her level, she set a small goal for herself: – Try to ensure that the length of the two sleeves is the same.

Jiang Shuangling walked onto the Hengjiang Bridge with the cloth in her hands.

In the middle of the bridge, many people are pulling the human-powered trailers to transport the goods, and the sound of the rollers is continuous.

Jiang Shuangling was blowing the oncoming river wind, and suddenly felt her body lighten, as if the wind had blown away all the troubles in her body.

There is a row of willows on the other side of the bridge. At this time, the white catkins were blown off by the wind and floated with the wind, and some catkins fell on her head.

Jiang Shuangling raised her hand to take off the willow catkins. At this moment, an elderly couple walked past her.

She couldn’t help looking back at the pair of grandparents, the two of them were staggering, and the silver threads on their heads were whiter than the falling catkins. bridge.

The river wind blew the hem of their clothes, and the swirling catkins fell around them.

Jiang Shuangling watched them disappear from sight, a person suddenly popped out of her mind, she was stunned for a moment, and then smiled lightly.

She thought it would be all right.

“Ronggang No. 1 Factory held an art class to popularize calligraphy among the workers… This class will also recruit several students recently.”

Qi Heng hung up the phone, walked forward with the things in his hand, and finally got into a military jeep.

The car stopped at the station. Qi Heng got out of the car with his things. After he glanced in the direction of the Military Academy, he turned and went to the office to deal with some affairs.

“Batch commander, what are you holding?”

Qi Heng shook his head and did not answer.

After he finished writing the paper, he left with his things, and when he turned a room, he suddenly heard a few soldiers chatting.

“The platoon leader next door took time off and went back to get married.”

“When will we have a day like this.”

“Who doesn’t want their wife and children to have a hot kang head…”

Originally, we were talking about a platoon leader taking leave and going back to get married, but then it changed.

“How can I find a girl I like?”

“You should think about how to make a girl like you.”

“If we say that we are the most able to make women happy, it must be Head He. If Head He is not capable, how can we marry the most beautiful flower in the Humanities Corps. ”

“I also heard from a fellow of mine before, he said that his leader admired Head He the most in private.”

“What about our battalion commander?”

“Ask knowingly.”

“Our battalion commander is not in the discussion.”

Qi Heng: “…”

Qi Heng walked past them holding something, and the people who were still talking suddenly fell silent. They look at me, I look at you, trying to recall what they just said.

After Qi Heng glanced at them, he left without saying a word.

The few people who stayed in the same place breathed a sigh of relief when they saw each other’s back.

—the one who can make women happy the most…He head?

Qi Heng frowned, looked at the things in his hands and thought for a few seconds, then lifted his legs and walked towards the family home.

He headed home with the lunch box in his hand, and bumped into Qi Heng who was parked at the intersection halfway. walked towards him.

When Head He saw Qi Heng, he already felt that he was much more pleasing than before, “Qi Heng, thanks to you yesterday, I was able to coax my daughter-in-law back.”

If it weren’t for that gag, the previous quarrel between the two would not have passed so lightly, and it could be regarded as a step for each other.


Qi Heng frowned at him.

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