It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 9

Chapter 8: Buy Meat

Jiang Shuangling took the ox cart in the village early and wandered to the county. There were three other people in the village on the ox cart. There was a talkative aunt who watched her chatter without stopping. “You girl, my aunt watched you grow up since I was a child, and I wanted to introduce my nephew to you, but I didn’t expect…”

“I thought you would be a college student in the village!”

, why did you choose a country girl…”

Jiang Shuangling had a faint smile on her lips. No matter what these aunts said, she just smiled like this, occasionally replying briefly.

Those aunts felt boring, “You girl, the older you get, the less you talk.”

I want to marry a good family.”

“Yes, I want to marry a good family.”

“If you marry a young battalion commander like a girl from the Jiang family, then what kind of university would you go to? Just help take care of the children.”

Missing someone.”

“But you can’t get married, and our daughter can’t be a stepmother. It’s better to marry a country man.”

Jiang Shuangling looked at the aunt who said that, smiled and said: “I also want to help with the introduction, but the officer’s requirements are very high. University, a high school graduate like me can only be a stepmother to others.”

“How good is your Qianqian marrying a country man, I also want to marry a country man, close to home, what’s good about marrying an officer, he is also a battalion commander, not a regiment Teacher, I have to follow the army, and I will not have my family to help take care of the children in the future.”

Aunt: “…”

When she arrived in the county, Jiang Shuangling jumped off the ox cart, gave two cents, and walked back to the county without looking back.

Walking on these streets with a sense of age, Jiang Shuangling sighed with emotion. Although the surrounding is gray and looks old and simple, it has a different charm. As an art student, she also Capturing a unique beauty that belongs to this era.

—If I wanted to sketch here, I would definitely choose under this bridge.

Jiang Shuangling walked across the cross bridge over the river and couldn’t help laughing at the huge propaganda poster on the bridge, a sign of the times.

She picked up the braid on her chest and said to herself: I am also integrated into this era.

Jiang Shuangling went to the supply and marketing cooperatives and non-staple food stores according to her memory, and started her own journey of buying, buying and buying, mainly buying meat. Jiang Shuangling gave ten pounds of meat tickets and money to the salesperson and bought it in one go Ten pounds of pork.

This kind of behavior is considered a big family, and it attracted several people to take a look at her.

“There is a banquet at home.”

After buying the meat, Jiang Shuangling went to buy ten catties of Fuqiang powder, as well as soy sauce, vinegar, white wine, dried tangerine peel, star anise and other seasonings and spices.

And then I went to buy soap, soap and toothpaste and toothbrush. Jiang Shuangling is more particular about these. Jiang Che’s toothbrush can’t brush her teeth at all. , otherwise it will all be a bad tooth.

She didn’t buy any other big things, after all, she and Jiang Che were leaving soon, buying other things would be a waste if they couldn’t take them with them.

Although she has a homestay with her, Jiang Shuangling rarely uses it to store things.

Use as little as you can.

Jiang Shuangling came home with dozens of pounds of things, and attracted the attention of many villagers along the way. She hid the meat underneath, and only let the flour, spices, etc. above.

She buys so much that it really stands out.

Someone lifted her things on the ox cart that came back, and she sneezed several times because of the spice smoke.

“Shuangling, why did you buy these back? It’s too annoying.”

Jiang Shuangling said nonsense, “It’s a medicinal herb, didn’t I fall into the well water before? I went to the city to find a doctor to recuperate my body, and said that I would use these hot medicinal herbs to boil water and drink to drive away the cold. ”

She was right. Many spices were originally medicinal materials, and it was also true that they could ward off cold.

It’s bullshit, but it’s as true as the truth.

The man was skeptical, “Why do I still smell alcohol.”

“Auntie, it is said that in the north, you drink to ward off the cold in winter.”

“…You girls drink too?”

“Auntie, you were not there that day. I don’t know what my second aunt said.”

As soon as she said this, the aunt suddenly realized that if there is a little wind and rain in the village, it can be known to the neighbors, how could she not know.

Lenovo Jiang Shuangling bought so many things today, and she automatically made up all the answers.

Li Erhua said in front of the commander Qi that her niece fell into the cold water and hurt her body and would not be able to bear children. So many things to go home to make up for the body.

The man clicked his tongue twice, thinking that Li Erhua was really unkind.

Don’t say whether she should say such things in front of so many people, who did the harm when Jiang Shuangling fell into the well? It was her own daughter who bumped her cousin into it. She, the mother, has no guilt for her niece, but she still…

When Jiang Shuangling returned with the big bag, little Jiang Che, who was waiting for her sister at the gate looking through the autumn water, followed Jiang Shuangling like a clingy little milk dog. behind the ass.

He followed his sister in circles, staring at those things curiously, “Sister, what?”

Jiang Shuangling stopped, put down the things in her hands and loosened her arms, freeing her hands to pinch Jiang Che’s face, and imitating Jiang Che’s milky voice to answer: “Okay. eat.”

Jiang Che’s eyes lit up, he stretched out his little head to sniff, then covered his nose and stepped back.

The mess was piled up and the taste was too overwhelming.

His little face is pale and pale, can this be delicious?

Jiang Shuangling smiled when she saw his silly little appearance, and then she sniffed it herself, only to realize that

In order to prevent the smell of meat from spreading, she deliberately poured some white wine and poured it on the outside, and it turned out that the taste was really strung together.

I feel like I need a mask.

“Adi, go and pick up some fine wood for my sister, and I’ll cook something for you at night.”

Jiang Che went to pick up some dry wood, just in time to see his sister pull out a big lump of red and tender pork in the kitchen like a trick.


With so much meat, I’m not dreaming.

“Be good and don’t make trouble, we’ll eat meat at night.”

Jiang Shuangling bought ten kilograms of meat at a time, and the two of them would definitely not be able to eat it all. She deliberately chose to buy it today, because she felt that the cold air was coming in these days, and it was a bit chilly in the spring. Stance, taking advantage of this temperature, smoke some marinated bacon out.

She plans to smoke seven catties of bacon, make two catties of honeydew pork jerky, and save a catty of fresh lean meat for the sister and brother to eat at night.

Marinade the meat.

The scent hits you.

Sneezes a few times.

After finishing the cured meat, Jiang Shuangling put it into the earthenware jar, and she put the earthenware jar into the cold well water, which is about the same as in the refrigerator.


She didn’t cook braised pork or other dishes. She and Jiang Che’s bodies used to be short of oil and meat, so they couldn’t eat too greasy all at once. They had to improve their diet step by step.

The tender yellow steamed egg is buried with red tender minced meat, and sprinkled with a little green minced green onion, it is slippery and delicious.

“Sister! It’s delicious!”

Jiang Che finished eating a large bowl of white rice in small bites, Jiang Shuangling estimated his usual food intake, maybe he ate too much.

“After eating, come and help my sister.”

Jiang Shuangling went and chopped the remaining minced minced meat a little more finely, and then rolled it out with a rolling pin. She put a layer of oiled paper on the ceramic plate, then stuck the minced meat on the oiled paper, squatted down and stuffed it Smoked on the edge of the stove.

The flames of the firewood rose upward, and the red flames shone on the red-brown minced meat, and a strong aroma of barbecue was slowly emitted.

“The wisdom of the working people is infinite.” Jiang Shuangling sighed in her heart, admiring herself for being able to come up with such a method.

Although you can’t go out to buy pork to eat every day, but you can make pork jerky and keep it for at least a few days or ten days.

Eating a small piece every day is also meat.

Jiang Shuangling took wild honey from her homestay, made it into honey water, and brushed a layer of honey water on the pork slices every once in a while.

Brush the honey water once, and the color of the pork jerky will be even more gorgeous.

Add some white sesame seeds.

This smell can make the child next door cry.

Although there is no child next door on her side, but there is a younger brother who is guarding by the side, Jiang Che’s little head is about to get into the stove.

Although two or three kilograms of pork **** are not many, it is also very troublesome. It took most of the night for the two sisters and brothers to bake all the pork breasts.

Because they stayed by the stove for most of the night, both of them had black charcoal faces, and Jiang Shuangling’s hair was also messy, like a bird’s nest.

Honey sauce pork jerky was successfully made, and the two of them were also smoked into honey sauce. Jiang Shuangling smelled her sleeves and said that she could not wear this dress.

An unstoppable meaty aroma.

“Sister, you are so dark…”

“Wait, don’t wash it yet, it’s still black after touching the firewood.”

“Sister, your nose is dark.”

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