It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 16 part5

Translated by Eve

Edited by Karasunofight

Although they called the Federation their ’cash cow,’ the space pirates all knew that it would not be easy. Compared to the military, the space pirates’ combative strength was far inferior. Thus, they naturally had to give all they had to ascertain success.

As the leader of his crew, Sui Yuan naturally oversaw the general situation and commanded the space pirates from within the flagship. Although he hadn’t participated in an interstellar battle for quite a long time, Sui Yuan very quickly got back into it. Of course, 5237, who was watching on the side, was no small help, ensuring that its silly host wouldn’t drop the ball after pushing himself beyond his limits.

The ship he was in this time was a military-grade battleship. Although it was rather slow, it was fully armed, its firepower extremely fierce. It could very efficiently tear apart the enemy’s formations. In addition, there were also a couple of Wolves, frigates that were nimble and had pretty good destructive power. They were in charge of pursuing the enemy, protecting the flagship, and working together with the flagship to finish off the rest of the enemies. Lastly, there were two aircraft carriers equipped with drones. They were in charge of disrupting the enemies’ attack, causing them to fall into a mess—essentially, they were cannon fodder.

The military evidently hadn’t been expecting for there to be space pirates who dared to try and rob them. When they saw Germain’s fleet, it was as if a great foe had appeared before them. They quickly deployed a great number of their warships that had been guarding the convoy to the front, preventing the space pirates from going on the offensive. This action was naturally within the space pirates’ expectations as it gave One-Eyed a good opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

The drones acted as meat shields, taking most of the other side’s attacks. The Wolves all fired their ’flash’ skill, restricting the other fleet’s movements. This gave the slow, offensive battleship a chance to move forward. Sui Yuan had his attention on the other’s battleship from the start. When the other was unable to escape because it was trapped by its own frigates, Sui Yuan took this chance to quickly give out the order to fire with maximum power.

The offensive warship’s destructive power was not something the frigates could compare to. He very quickly pierced the other battleship’s armour. Even if the military was able to activate their protective shield in time, they would still be unable to stop the quick rise of radiant energy in their ship. If the radiant energy levels in the ship exceeded the limit, the spaceship would temporarily lose control, giving Sui Yuan the opportunity he’d been waiting for.

Meanwhile, the military had also encountered difficulties from behind. The back-up ships that had come to help were faced with a surprise attack. It was clear that things were going very smoothly on One-Eyed’s end.

After Sui Yuan confirmed that the enemy’s back-up had been obstructed by One-Eyed, he finally relaxed. While commanding the other ships to surround and annihilate the remaining small ships, he also concentrated on the enemy battleship that was struggling in vain to lower its radiant energy levels. The red exclamation mark on the bottom right side of his screen also began to flash incessantly, reminding Sui Yuan that if his own battleship continued this high output of firing, he’d also be in danger of radiant energy overload. Sui Yuan made a couple of calculations in his brain, ultimately deciding against ceasing fire. Instead, he ordered to increase the output in one last spurt.

"Prepare to infiltrate the enemy ship!" When he saw that the enemy battleship had fallen into confusion, the corner of Sui Yuan’s mouth rose, and he suddenly stood up, "Assault squad, follow me!"

The space pirates, who were already ready for action, had all been waiting for this moment. They cheered loudly as they followed Sui Yuan from behind, boarding the prepared warship. What was unexpected was that as soon as the door was opened, Sui Yuan’s combat suit was tugged by someone from behind.

"I also want to go!" The short, inexperienced, young guide had a tense expression on his tender face, speaking with a loud and resolute voice. All of the pirates were at a loss but unanimously seemed to not approve.

Although Hill’s constitution was much better than other guides, and he worked hard to train his body, he was still unable to free himself of a guide’s physical limitations. Raiding a ship was not child’s play. It was not at all appropriate for a guide, especially one who had not yet come of age, to participate in. Besides, if this fellow were to die, who’d be able to find another suitable guide for their Commander?

"I can calm your spiritual force!" Seeing that the space pirates’ gazes were full of rejection, the young guide’s face flushed, stirred up, and he shouted, "Your body will find it difficult to bear another spiritual force backlash! I have to be by your side! Furthermore, I can protect myself. I won’t give you any extra troubles, I guarantee it!"

Sui Yuan naturally did not doubt Zhao Xihe’s strength unlike the space pirates. He did not share the world’s common sense that ’guides are physically weak and must be delicately handled and protected’. He only muttered to himself for a moment before casually waving his hand, indicating that his beloved could follow along.

The space pirates were stupefied by their Boss’ behaviour, therefore missing the chance to react. They could only watch helplessly as the young guide gave their Boss a joyous gaze before boarding the ship, eagerly chasing after him.

"Actually, this is good, right? At least this means that Boss can accept fighting alongside Hill, and he won’t reject the other entering his soul during battle," One of the space pirates whispered, worried yet gratified.

"I currently think that Hill really is the most suitable guide for Boss," Another pirate agreed, "Not only because Boss trusts him or because he can calm Boss’ spiritual force, but also because Hill is the only guide who dares follow Boss onto the battlefield! Even if he could impede Boss, in view of his courageous spirit, I have already recognized him as our sister-in-law!"

The space pirates all nodded worriedly, those words reflecting their own thoughts. They couldn’t help but envy and admire their Boss— they also really wanted a guide who was hardworking, able to bear hardships, brave, strong, and yet also gentle and considerate, ah!

As for the ’perfect guide,’ Hill, who had just gained a massive increase in goodwill from the space pirates, he was currently babbling on endlessly with a worried and discontented expression while holding onto the hand of his family’s iceberg beauty, "It’s enough for me to participate in the battle coming up. You should just take a small break. You absolutely should not try to show off! Listen! If I see that you dare cough out blood, I’ll make sure you’re unable to get out of bed! Rather than let you waste your blood on the battlefield, I’d rather make you cough it out in bed! At least I can reap some benefits!"

Sui Yuan endured and endured. In the end, he couldn’t bear it anymore. He pushed his ’precious, perfect guide’ aside, "Shut up!"

Zhao Xihe, who crawled up from off the ground, readily complied and stopped talking, wiping his face while feeling greatly unhappy. His lover seemed to be getting more and more violent. This wasn’t good....

0007:"...Hehe, you deserve it!"

With Zhao Xihe’s assiduous help, Sui Yuan did not cough out blood during the battle. His spiritual force was very stable throughout, and he very smoothly was able to make it to the end of the battle.

Sui Yuan, who was massacring in all directions, felt very good. Meanwhile, Zhao Xihe was unbearably tired. On one hand, he was continuously monitoring Sui Yuan’s spirit’s condition. At the same time, he was also busy dealing the final blow on his lover’s opponents. He was dog-tired! Moreover, he didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he felt like his spiritual force also seemed to grow a lot. He was also able to utilize his force much more nimbly and smoothly, not at all sluggish like in the beginning.

His ’gong’ instinct made Zhao Xihe realize that the relative levels of his spiritual force and Sui Yuan’s were interconnected with whether or not he would be able to successfully mark Sui Yuan. So long as his spiritual force was able to suppress the other’s, then his ’counterattack’ would be imminent.

Sui Yuan, soaked in blood and emitting a cold killing intent, didn’t notice what lousy, shameless thoughts his lover was thinking in secret. When he returned to his own flagship, he was immediately surrounded by a crowd of worried space pirates.

Dr. Dalena broke through the crowd. She didn’t even say a word before whipping out her equipment and beginning her examination of Sui Yuan’s body. Meanwhile, the other space pirates were all immersed in the joy of ’Commander unexpectedly not facing spiritual force backlash.’ The gaze they used to look at Hill was like what one would use to look at a great benefactor.

The young guide shrunk behind Sui Yuan, rather uneasy. His cheeks were red, and he averted his gaze shyly. He was so cute that it made people want to hug him and give him a fierce rub. Unfortunately, their Commander never seemed to understand romance. He only gave the other an indifferent gaze and even furrowed his brows in dislike.

The space pirates, who were hating iron for not becoming steel, simply wanted to kneel to their Boss’ tragic EQ! To be aloof to this point, you deserved being unable to find a guide and tormenting your body until you had one step in death’s door, ah!

"It’s extremely stable! It seems like Hill took very good care of you!" When the apparatus reported back the number after her tense examination, Dalena finally heaved a long sigh. She was itching to plant a fierce kiss on Hill’s fair, tender cheeks in excitement. Of course, this was only her wish. Dalena did not dare to dip her fingers into her Commander’s guide.

Sui Yuan, who already knew this, nodded very apathetically. In the end, he had no choice but to place his hand on his lover’s head and praise him perfunctorily under the suggestive urging of the space pirates, "You did very well."

Young Hill’s eyes glittered. He took a mile when given an itch and grabbed Sui Yuan’s left hand, placing it against his own cheek. He rubbed against it coquettishly like a kitten would. Instantly, Sui Yuan could feel goosebumps break out on his skin.

——When One-Eyed came to meet with Sui Yuan and co. with his own subordinates, he saw this single-dog blinding scene. In an instant, his happiness from having gotten such a profit became complicated.

Most single dogs would develop a feeling of ’wanting to burn these two’ when faced with a couple’s PDA. One-Eyed sized up the unimpressive youth in a rare show of seriousness and discovered that the space pirates all looked gratified. In that moment, he understood, " Germain’s new guide?"

The youth turned to glance at One-Eyed and then hid behind Sui Yuan bashfully. Meanwhile, Sui Yuan side-eyed the other, brows furrowing on his cold but delicate face as he denied it, "My adopted son. Not my guide."


——Hehe, did you think I’d believe that?!

As a sentinel without a guide, One-Eyed felt very crushed.

He also longed to have his own bonded guide. Furthermore, Germain was just his type—except for the fact that he was a sentinel. Now, the fellow he had made his ideal type had his own guide. One-Eyed really didn’t know if he should be jealous of Germain or his new guide.

Silently pushing his conflicted emotions to one side, One-Eyed decided to think about something happy instead...for example, the division of their rewards. Furthermore, this proposal of topic change was met with great popularity. Even the space pirates in Germain’s crew, who never gave One-Eyed a good expression, were especially tolerant of him and found him extremely cute.

Their pockets were stuffed with gold, and their Boss’ condition had improved a lot. Was there anything else in this world that could make someone happier than they were now?

While the space pirates were sunken in mad joy, the Federation’s military Commander flipped his desk over in extreme anger.

The Commander felt like his face was on fire. His troops had unexpectedly suffered a one-sided defeat against this mob of space pirates. This was simply slapping his face, treading all over his and the Federation’s dignity!

"These space pirates are too much," Disdain flashed through the Commander’s guide’s gentle and beautiful face. When the Commander saw this disdain, it only served to fuel his anger.

——He unexpectedly lost face in front of his own guide! This was absolutely unbearable! There was no sentinel that could bear to be looked down upon by their guide!

"Destroy them! They must be ruthlessly destroyed!" The Commander contacted his subordinates and very fiercely ordered, "This time, we must thoroughly eradicate the malignant tumour that are the space pirates! Not a single one is allowed to go free! Especially Germain and One-Eyed’s crews! We absolutely cannot let them continue to stir up havoc!"

Upon receiving this order, the military’s war machines quickly fired up and locked on all of the space pirate ships without mercy. At the same time, the protagonist shou, Nova, had disguised himself and found the information that he wanted from an intelligence broker elsewhere.

When he saw the written report on how and why his elder brother had become a space pirate, Nova’s eyes involuntarily reddened. He was annoyed at himself for being ignorant in the past, for having acted self-righteous while criticizing his brother. All the while, he had enjoyed his elder brother’s protection while also making him carry all the filth.

Nova rubbed his eyes and sucked in air through his nose. He carefully folded the piece of paper again and placed it into his chest pocket. Although he was ignorant before, it was different now. It shouldn’t be too late, ba?

Nova, who had just received encouragement to become a pirate, carefully covered himself up with a cloak, rushing back to his crew. He knew that his brother and One-Eyed were teaming up to participate in a ’major event’ today. Before, he would not have been the least bit concerned about this—out of sight, out of mind. However, from now on, he would definitely cease his attitude of staying out of these affairs.

Nova’s steps were high-spirited. He thought about how he couldn’t wait to have a good conversation with his elder brother. Only, he didn’t know why but for some inexplicable reason, he turned to look down a dark corridor. Then, from within the corridor, he met eyes with a man in a miserable state.

There was a mysterious attractive force between sentinels and guides who had a high compatibility. The feeling was like love at first sight. Clearly, they knew nothing of one another, but they couldn’t keep the other out of their minds. Even if Nova had taken suppressants and appeared to be an ordinary person, he couldn’t shake himself of this special attractive force.

"...Erick?" Nova walked over, hesitant, calling out in shock the name of the sentinel who was always lingering in the back of his mind.

Erick blinked, forcing a bitter smile, irritating the wound at the corner of his mouth. He hissed as he drew in a breath of cold air. It seemed like every time they met, he was always cutting such a sorry figure. Truly terrible....

The protagonist shou and gong were pushed together by the plot to meet again. Meanwhile, Sui Yuan didn’t even have an inkling that this was happening. He was currently ordering the pirates to keep a low profile while playing close attention to the Federation’s reaction to their looting.

As the prime offender, Germain and One-Eyed’s crews were extremely self-aware. After provoking the tiger that was the Federation, they immediately withdrew. They couldn’t have acted anymore well-behaved. It was actually the other pirate crews who found out about this looting too late that suffered the consequences. Their losses were immense. Presumably, even if these two crews were able to escape this looting safely, the other pirate crews would hold grudges against them, and they would definitely be excluded in the future.

Of course, Sui Yuan didn’t care about this in the least. What made him secretly excited was that he seemed to have finally caught the Destroyer’s little pigtail.

In the plot, the military did indeed act like this. However, their movements were not as grand as this, wanting to mercilessly eliminate all space pirates.

As such, the Destroyer was very likely to be part of the military or was someone related to the upper management of the military. Since he had ascertained a scope, then the next step was to determine how he should go about in ferreting out this fellow who was so deep in hiding, ne. After all, for a pirate to enter the Federation would not result in anything good, ah....

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