It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 Female match

Master Tang frowned. She looked at Zhou Shunhua’s unopened baggage, and then looked at the book in her hand, she was rarely confused.

Zufu moved his luggage into the house and never came in again, because Master Tang was packing the luggage inside, Zhou Shunhua didn’t want to be in the same room with her, and he has not returned to the house yet. What’s more, Master Tang values ​​her luggage very much. She has marked the package. If someone has moved the baggage, she will definitely find out.

It’s impossible for anyone to change the book, so why does Zhou Shunhua’s name appear in the book?

With a weird heart, Master Tang gently turned the first page.

“Zhou Shunhua was the treasure in the palm of her parents. However, she was forced to enter the palace after the draft. She had no intention to fight for favor. She only wanted to live her own life well, but was involved in harem disputes time and time again. She was repeatedly murdered and finally Unbearable, she fought back. From the Tongfang to the Queen, from the Palace to the East Palace and to the Harem, she went through four dynasties and seven emperors and became the most blessed queen mother of the Great Yan Dynasty…”

After reading it, Master Tang showed a confused look on his face. What kind of thing it is, who made up this kind of thing, and “the most blessed queen dowager”, really dare to say.

Not to mention clamoring that one’s fortune is greater than that of the Queen Mother Yao. It’s not too long to say that Zhou Shunhua was sent to the fief of King Jing. He was a concubine if he died in his life, and it is impossible to be a queen or queen mother. Who wrote this, and is there any common sense?

Master Tang endured the disgust, and continued to scroll down. She thought it was nonsense, but gradually, her face changed.

The beginning of the book was the draft. Everything was the same as Master Tang knew. In the second year of Shentai, some of the show girls were left behind by the servants, and then moved to the Chuxiu Palace for independent training. In the five years of Shentai, ten women headed by Tang Shishi were selected by the Queen Mother and sent to the fief of King Jing.

In addition to Zhou Shunhua’s family background, the book also records the life experiences of several other beautiful women, including Tang Shishi. Master Tang doesn’t know the deeds of other people, but her life experience and time events are exactly the same as those in the book.

Is there such a coincidence in the world? Is this really a wordless heavenly book?

Master Tang knew that something was wrong, and immediately turned back, but the content at the back of the book turned out to be blank. The timeline ended on the sixth day of June of the fifth year of Shentai, which is today.

Teacher Tang is thoughtful, could it be that this book can only show what has happened, and can’t predict the future? Teacher Tang was surprised, and the door suddenly rang and started silently: “What are you doing?”

Master Tang was shocked, and immediately tucked the book into his sleeve, and packed up the package casually: “I’ll go to Sister Feng to sleep tonight to clean up the softness.”

Zhou Shunhua approached and glanced at her suspiciously. Zhou Shunhua always felt that Master Tang’s actions just now were sneaky. She swept to the bed, and the pillow was clean, and there was nothing under the bed. It seemed that Master Tang was tidying up things honestly, and didn’t do anything.

But this is just what it looks like. Zhou Shunhua is still vigilant and said: “My boudoir has always lived alone, and I don’t like others touching my things. If you lack anything in the future, you can tell me, but don’t touch my belongings without authorization.”

Master Tang laughed when she heard this, she stood up, stretched the light blue knitted sweater on her body, and said: “Sister Zhou was born in the capital, and I probably haven’t heard of Linqing. It’s only about Linqing Pass. If the tax on the ships is deducted, it can be deducted from the tax for one year in one province. Although our Tang family is not a big family, we still have a name in Linqing.”

When Master Tang said these words, his back was straight, his neck was raised, and his eyes were shining. Today, she is wearing a stand-collared shirt with golden button buttons, which makes her neck long and slender, like a swan.

Master Tang walked by Zhou Shunhua, and when he passed by, Master Tang turned his head, his bright and beautiful eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling: “Although the Tang family is engaged in business, it will not treat the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter. When I was at home, it was a private courtyard. , Call slaves and maidservants.”

Zhou Shunhua doesn’t like living in the same room with others, so does Tang Master like it? The Tang family is the richest man in Linqing, and Tang Shishi is marginalized and marginalized, but the cost is really not lacking.

Zhou Shunhua pursed his lips, his expression was very forbearing. But Master Tang, like a victorious swan, lifted his head upright and walked away softly.

Tonight, she wants to say “self-consciousness” to Grandma Feng, and does not come back to sleep.

After leaving the room, Master Tang still maintained a proud posture and walked for a while. Seeing that there was no one on the left or right, he immediately found a remote place and opened the book just now.

Just a moment ago, Master Tang didn’t pay attention to the details. Now, avoiding people’s eyes and ears, Master Tang read it word by word from beginning to end.

This time, she found a lot of things that she hadn’t noticed just now. For example, the title page was like a brief introduction, and there were two columns at the end that read “protagonist” and “supporting role” respectively. The first name in the main character column is Zhou Shunhua, and the second is Zhao Zixun; in the supporting role column, Tang Shishi saw “Zhao Chengjun”, “Ren Yujun”, “Queen Dowager Yao”… and “Tang Shishi”.

What does it mean? She is a supporting role, and Zhou Shunhua is the protagonist?

Tang Shishi continued to turn back, and the second page was a neat title, followed by a page number, which looked like a table of contents. The next page is the content page. Master Tang has just read it, and nothing new is found the second time. After that, there are big blanks.

It seemed that there was a mysterious power that prevented her from seeing the following chapters. Master Tang didn’t believe in evil, and looked back and forth, trying to find out the current way to make the wordless book of heaven, but inadvertently saw a line of very inconspicuous words in the catalog.

“The organs are finally empty, Master Tang’s soul is broken in the cold palace.”

Master Tang was stunned, Leng Gong?

She is in the book, dead?

Master Tang immediately checked the content of that chapter, but the corresponding page number was blank, Master Tang could only guess the cause and effect from the catalog. Although she hasn’t read the text yet, Master Tang can probably guess that she didn’t know what she did. She severely offended the heroine and was completely disgusted by the emperor. She was sent from the Changchun Palace to Lenggong and soon died.

After her death, the heroes and heroines didn’t make any waves, and they even thought she deserved to die.

Tang Shishi closed the catalog, and had mixed feelings for a while, not knowing what to say. On the good side, she did not live up to her beautiful face, and indeed became famous in the palace, and seemed to have become a favorite concubine; on the bad side, she was just a loser in the palace battle after all, and she did not even live. To the end. After her death, there is still a long section of the catalog.

She is just a small and insignificant female partner in Zhou Shunhua’s life legend.

Master Tang leaned in the corner, completely stunned. As night fell, the light quickly dimmed, and the corner was half-dark, with fine dust flying, she was leaning against the wall in despair, like a picture of a depressed lady.

In a trance, the post officer’s panic sound suddenly came from outside, and there were still running sounds coming and going. Master Tang suddenly returned to his senses and walked quickly to the corridor, listening attentively to the movement outside.

what’s happenin?

In the chaos, Master Tang vaguely heard words like “catch the assassin”. Master Tang was shocked, assassin?

The official post is specially designed to entertain the imperial court officials and foreign envoys. Who is not long-sighted and dare to come to the imperial post to make trouble? Teacher Tang immediately thought that it was King Jing.

No people, bandits, or wealthy businessmen dared to oppose the court. Those who dared to commit murder in the inn were only those of King Jing.

However, Master Tang still felt that it didn’t make sense. This place has entered the fief of King Jing. They are the beauties given to King Jing by the Queen Mother. King Jing will not like them anymore and will not let them die on his own territory. Isn’t this giving the Queen Mother Yao a handle for nothing? King Jing’s side should not make such a low-level mistake.

The voice of the post officer spread inside, and the charming beauties quickly became flustered. Panic shouts one after another, Tang Master was planning to seek refuge in a place with a large number of people, suddenly remembered something, and quickly turned his head down.

Sure enough, a new chapter has been updated, and the title is astonishingly “When I first arrived at the fief, something happened again, and the post station was shocking late at night.”

Master Tang quickly finished scanning, but it was a pity that the title read “Late Night Horror”, but most of the text was about beauty people quarreling with each other. Until the end, there was a sentence of chaos in the post and an assassin broke in.

Of course, the description in the book is that the beauty is panicking, one by one, like falling cock, no longer the prestige of the previous quarrel, and the heroine Zhou Shunhua is not afraid of danger, soothing the beauties of Liushenwuzhu, letting everyone go back to their rooms, etc., close the doors and windows. Don’t act alone. In contrast with everyone, Zhou Shunhua calmly, advancing and retreating with a degree, and very general demeanor, immediately won the admiration of everyone at the station.

Master Tang turned back, and the next page was blank, but the title had been updated.

Master Tang muttered the above content: “Mei Jiao’e gradually fell in love when she met her son at the beginning of the frightened night.”

“First encounter with the son…” Master Tang unconsciously repeated the key words. Looking at the description, Mei Jiao’e didn’t think about it, it must be Zhou Shunhua. That is to say, Zhou Shunhua will meet Zhao Zixun, the son of King Jing this evening, and will initially arouse the goodwill of the male protagonist, and lay the foundation for the future concubine.

Master Tang became excited immediately, how could she miss such a good thing? Shishi Tang has never been second. There is a place where she is famous and advantageous, and there is Shishi Tang.

Why is Zhou Shunhua the heroine, she is the heroine? Looking at the profile, the male protagonist became the emperor of heaven, and how the male protagonist became the emperor of a feudal prince became emperor Tang Shishi didn’t care, she only knew that the male protagonist was the emperor.

In the introduction, Zhou Shunhua is the only person who really loved the male protagonist. Tang Shishi didn’t fight for true love with Zhou Shunhua. She was enough to be a queen.

Tang Shishi was immediately full of strength. She hid the book, no matter how dirty she was just now, she slaughtered back to Zhou Shunhua’s house aggressively. She made up her mind, just trying to offend Grandma Feng, she would stay with Zhou Shunhua tonight. Tang Shishi didn’t believe it. With her appearance, she would not be able to compete with Zhou Shunhua in front of a man.

Teacher Tang rushed back to the room carrying her skirt. She slammed the door open. The people inside seemed to be taken aback by her. Zhou Shunhua stood in the middle of the room, paused, and then slowly turned around.

Holding a teacup in her hand, Zhou Shunhua immediately raised her head and drank the water in the cup when she noticed Master Tang’s sight. She put the porcelain cup on the table and asked casually, “Master Tang, why are you back?”

Master Tang was still holding his own package in his hand, and the breath of running gasped slightly at the moment, his face was red. Master Tang’s eyes swept across the corner lamps, across the half-dark and half-dark rooms, and finally swept across Zhou Shunhua, who was standing calmly on the ground.

Teacher Tang felt that there was someone in the room almost immediately.

Besides her and Zhou Shunhua, the third person.

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