It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 40

Chapter 39 Banquet

Teacher Tang was slightly stunned. She was half-true and half-fake being angry just now, just trying to get herself out. I wanted to come to Zhao Chengjun to see clearly, Tang Shishi thought that Zhao Chengjun would not pay attention to it, but he did not expect that he actually agreed.

According to Zhao Chengjun’s words, this sentence is not limited to rewarding money, it is also possible to ask for other things. Master Tang fell into thinking, tangled for a while, and said euphemistically: “Master, I haven’t thought about it yet. When I think about it, I will ask you again. What do you think?”

Liu Ji raised his eyebrows. This is too much. The master rewards him. If he doesn’t thank him immediately, he is still bargaining?

Zhao Chengjun smiled without saying a word, and said: “Long look at Shu, be careful of nothing. You are too greedy.”

“Well, it’s obviously that the prince is generous.” Tang Shishi said, regardless of whether Zhao Chengjun listened to it or not, “The prince has both virtuousness and ability, and the fortune is profound. It is really a blessing for the people to meet you. Lord prince has a lot, and he will not come I care about a little girl, I wish you good luck, full of children and grandchildren, and the little girl retire first!”

After Teacher Tang finished speaking, he didn’t dare to look at Zhao Chengjun, and ran out quickly. Zhao Chengjun scowled, “Stop.”

Master Tang ran halfway and stopped stiffly. She turned around slowly, grieving in her eyes.

Zhao Chengjun pointed the cloak with his eyes, and said, “Put your clothes on before going out.”

Liu Ji has been waiting on the ground for a long time. Hearing these words, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Gee, look. Liu Ji dared to guarantee that if the person who said these things were replaced by him, he must have been outside now. As a result, Zhao Chengjun was not too noisy or noisy when he changed to Master Tang. In the end, he was about to leave. Zhao Chengjun was not angry. The first reaction turned out to be to let the other party get dressed.


Master Tang waited for a while and found that there was only this sentence. She was a little surprised, and tentatively walked a few steps out, and found that Zhao Chengjun did not stop her. Master Tang put his heart back in his stomach, and immediately saluted: “The lord Jin An, the little girl retire.”

Then, Master Tang put on his cloak, took the hand stove in a hurry, and plunged into the strong wind outside.

Teacher Tang got a promise and was satisfied all the way. After she returned to her yard, she took a break, then packed her makeup again, and was going to attend the New Year’s Eve banquet.

Lu Yufei ordered a New Year’s Eve banquet, and the banquet hall was already lively. Because New Year’s Eve is a family banquet, no outsiders are invited, only people in the house have a meal, so the precautions between men and women at the banquet are not serious. However, if you think that this is a family dinner, you can eat a good meal, then you would be wrong.

There are only seven women left in the Liuyunyuan, the new concubine, the two concubine rooms that the eldest son is upright, and a few unnamed common rooms, plus Master Tang, so many women gathered in one room, it’s hard to tell. The excitement.

At the banquet, all the women tried their best to show off their beauty, but they were still modest in their mouths. They told each other that each other’s makeup looked good, and they just played it casually. When Teacher Tang appeared, everyone was quiet.

Master Tang looked at the effect she had created with satisfaction. She walked to the side of a group of beauties and asked with a smile: “What are you talking about, why is it so lively?”

The beauties smiled and said, “It’s nothing. We just talked about gossip.”

Master Tang knew it, and smiled: “Since you are talking, then I won’t bother you. I will go to say hello to Ji Xinxian and be out of company.”

The beauties watched Tang Shishi leave with a smile, and when she left, they rolled their eyes one by one. After Tang Shishi showed off his beauty in front of Ji Xinxian, he visited Zhou Shunhua, Ren Yujun and Feng Qian in turn. After all the small groups were shown by her, Tang Shishi never stopped.

No one knows Yan pressure better than her. Yan pressure Qunfang, she is professional.

The New Year’s Eve banquet is about to begin. Four people sit at a table, arranged around the stage. Among them, the place with the best location, the largest place, and the best view naturally belongs to Zhao Chengjun. The main table is placed on the second floor, with screen-style blocks on three sides, and a bead curtain is hung on the side of the stage, so that you can watch the play well without being disturbed.

In addition to Zhao Chengjun, Zhao Zixun and Lu Yufei are also sitting on the second floor, and everyone else is sitting downstairs. The light downstairs is dim. Because of the line of sight, there are people sitting in front, so don’t even think about seeing anything in the back. The location arrangement especially reflects the status of the rivers and lakes. Fortunately, even though Shishi Tang was actually not favored, everyone thought she was favored, so she was assigned the best seat on the ground floor, just below the second floor, facing the stage.

The women greeted each other and took their seats for the first time. Master Tang walked to the seat, Tong Xiu showed a standard palace smile, waved to Master Tang, and said, “Miss Tang, please take a seat.”

Teacher Tang hurriedly declined: “How dare you?”

Don’t look at a table with only four people, but the seats are very particular. There are many ways for whoever sits in the head and who is at the end. There is no rule for this kind of thing. You can sit anywhere without affecting your meal. But a person’s status is reflected in these details.

Lu Yufei’s grandmother was also at this table. The grandmother looked around and said to Master Tang with a smile: “Girl Tang is a big red man in front of the prince. In the future, the old slaves will have to count on the girl to be kind. Naturally, Miss Tang should Sit on the main seat.”

“Don’t dare.” Tang Shishi has no other ability, only knows the current affairs, especially knows how to uphold the high. With her current fancy, it was more than enough to bully Ji Xinxian and Feng Qian, but she couldn’t do it against Aunt Shang Tongxiu. Master Tang was very firm and took the initiative to walk to the bottom of the table, saying: “Aunt Tongxiu is the person most trusted by the prince in the backyard. Aunty has worked hard and made a lot of credit for the palace. How dare I be presumptuous in front of my aunt? Aunt, please. ”

Teacher Tang took the initiative to give up her seat and spoke earnestly. Tong Xiu smiled, and did not continue to refuse, but responded: “So, thank you Miss Tang for the flattery.”

After Aunt Tongxiu said, she sat down on the main seat. Lu Yufei’s grandma’s expression changed slightly. She was the grandmother of the concubine, and now she accompanies the concubine to marry into the palace, and she is the most decent servant in the back home. She looked at King Jing’s face, and let Master Tang take a step. Tongxiu, a servant, why dare to sit in front of her?

The grandmother was displeased. Seeing the face of the New Year’s Eve banquet, she did not say anything, but still smiled and declined, and sat in the second place. Master Tang wrangled with the last person for a while, and slowly sat down to the last position.

Tang Shishi is young, so it is not ashamed to serve Aunt Tongxiu and others, but instead she is ashamed to sit in the lead. Tong Xiu was the former steward of the palace, and the eldest concubine was the new one. Now that the old and new forces are clashing, Tang Shishi can just watch the fire from the other side. In any case, she should not be mixed.

If she is favored by Zhao Zixun in the future, even if she does not fight, the steward will take the initiative to show her favor; if she is not favored, fighting now and then will only make her die faster.

Teacher Tang sat on the side, pretending not to see Tongxiu and the grandmother of the concubine, clamoring to herself, and admiring the stage engrossedly. Lu Yufei really did his best for this New Year’s Eve banquet. There were troupes on the stage, singing and dancing, and vaudeville. The literary, opera and martial arts were all well-intentioned.

Master Tang showed little interest in the drama. She sat a little bored, but everyone around her looked obsessed, especially Zhou Shunhua’s nanny, who didn’t blink her eyes. Master Tang was also not good at giving face, so he could only pretend to be interested and continue to stare at the stage.

She was watching the play, her mind was already paying attention to other things. The sound on the stage was loud, covering up other movements. Many maids also gathered under the stage, staring obsessively at the people on it. Master Tang thought, even if one person goes out at this time, I am afraid that others will not notice.

Teacher Tang had just finished thinking about it, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of someone going out from the corner of his eye. Master Tang was startled, and when he looked closely, he found that it was Zhou Shunhua.

Zhou Shunhua was the concubine of the elder son, and his identity was different from that of others, sitting alone in another table. Ren Yujun was watching the theater and didn’t seem to notice Zhou Shunhua was gone. Master Tang frowned secretly, and there was a black light outside. What did Zhou Shunhua go out for?

Anyway, Teacher Tang didn’t believe that Zhou Shunhua was just going out to blow the air.

Master Tang’s eyes secretly looked at the opposite side. Lu Yufei’s grandmother stared at the scene above intoxicatedly, and when she saw what was important, she squeezed the veil nervously. Tongxiu also looked at the stage intently. Master Tang approached Tongxiu and said in a low voice in her ear: “Auntie, I’m a little dizzy, go out to wake up.”

Tongxiu thought Master Tang was drunk and nodded in agreement. Master Tang stood up and walked along the wall without disturbing anyone to go out.

After Tang Shishi walked out of the banquet hall, he immediately lifted his skirt and ran quickly in the direction where Zhou Shunhua had left. In winter, it was getting dark quickly, and all the people in the palace were watching the theater in the theater. At this moment, the night was quiet, and the shadows of the trees were crowded, except for the wind on the road, not even a single person.

Master Tang was far behind Zhou Shunhua and followed silently all the way. Zhou Shunhua ran to the gate of a garden, took off his hood and looked around, then ran in quickly. Master Tang hid behind the bushes, squinted, struggling to identify the words on it.

“Yichun Pavilion…” Master Tang frowned and murmured, “Isn’t this the place where the troupe lives? What is she doing here?”

It is common for large families to invite theatrical troupes to sing during New Year’s and festivals. Ordinary people invite theatrical troupes to raise the extravagantly. Master Tang was in the business house and was used to setting up a theater every day when he saw the Tang family. Later, Tang Mingzhe even made a package by himself.

After Tang Shishi entered the palace, he learned that the capital was more luxurious than Linqing. There is a dedicated Jiaofang Division in the palace, and other official families likewise have prostitutes. It’s just that Zhao Chengjun hates this style of work, so there are no singers and actors in the Jing Palace. For this New Year’s Eve banquet, Lu Yufei went outside to invite the troupe to sing.

The troupe teaches three people and teaches nine people, so they are not allowed to walk in the palace. Therefore, Lu Yufei specially designated a cross-courtyard for this group of people, and it was Yichun Pavilion. Yichun Pavilion is far away from other places, surrounded by trees and ponds, which is convenient for the troupe to rehearse and guarantees that no one will enter it by mistake.

It can’t be a coincidence that Zhou Shunhua can get here. Master Tang hid behind the tree, muttering in a low voice, what is Zhou Shunhua doing here? Or, who is she here to meet?

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