It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 30

The head of Mrs. Zhang was thrown on the sofa by Wu Wen, but the sofa was too soft and bounced back.

It was now rolling on the road that Wu Wen had to take, and it was only two steps away.

At this time, Mrs. Zhang's head happened to be facing him. That horrible face was covered with blood, and she looked like a ghost.

Wu Wen was breathing heavily, feeling the extreme fear in his heart, but his eyes became more and more fierce.

Mrs. Zhang was dead, killed by someone, but it had nothing to do with him. The purpose of his coming here was to practice his courage.


Wu Wen looked at Mrs. Zhang's head on the ground in front of him, and then forced himself to walk over with the most tenacious willpower.

Wu Wen took two steps to Mrs. Zhang's head, then stretched out his trembling left hand, grabbed her hair and lifted it up.

Feeling the long hair entangled in his hand, looking at the head in his hand, feeling his body resisting because of extreme fear.

Wu Wen's willpower was as immovable as a mountain!

Not enough, not enough!

Wu Wen, if you want to live, if you don't want to make your parents sad, then be a little harder on yourself!

Wu Wen's eyes were extremely fierce, and his left hand directly held Mrs. Zhang's head in his arms, and made her head face him!

He is really a ruthless person!

Anyone who has grabbed a head knows that no matter who it is, they have a resistance to this thing, especially the longer they grab it, the more resistance they have.

Wu Wen hugged Mrs. Zhang's head with his left arm, holding an axe in his right hand, while resisting this extreme fear, he searched in each room.

Mrs. Zhang's death was not his business, but if he wanted to practice his courage, he had to ensure that the place he was in was safe enough.

Mrs. Zhang's house was not big, and Wu Wen searched it thoroughly in five minutes.

There was no murderer, and strangely, there was no body of Mrs. Zhang.

But this had nothing to do with Wu Wen.

Wu Wen looked at Mrs. Zhang's head in his arms, and an extreme madness appeared in his mind.

That is, holding Mrs. Zhang's head and hitting her...

This won't work, this is too beastly, change your mind.

Sitting in Mrs. Zhang's house holding her head for a night to practice courage!

Wu Wen's eyes were fierce, he went downstairs without hesitation to close the shutter door and lights of the breakfast shop, and then held Mrs. Zhang's head and groped in the dark to return to her home.

That's right, not only did he have to hold Mrs. Zhang's head and sit in her house, he also had to turn off the lights and sit in the dark environment for a whole night!

Wu Wen's eyes were bloodshot, and his mental thoughts were extremely crazy.

Extreme fear hit his spirit like waves, but Wu Wen's spirit stood firm like a rock!

If you are not ruthless, you can't stand firm!

Wu Wen's biggest shortcoming is that he is not ruthless, so he can only sit on the sofa in Mrs. Zhang's house and hug her head that has begun to rot.

Oh no, sometimes he can even pull off his scalp and hair with a little more force.

In the darkness, the cigarette butt flickered.

Wu Wen's eyes became more and more crazy, and Wu Wen's spirit became more and more normal.



The sound of birds came into the house through the glass, and together with the sunlight, it shone through the glass onto Wu Wen, who was holding a rotten head in his arms.

Wu Wen slowly threw away the cigarette butt at the corner of his mouth, and his bloodshot eyes looked gloomily at the sunlight outside the window.

It was dawn.

Wu Wen casually threw Mrs. Zhang's head to the ground, then picked up the cigarette box on the table, tore off some tin foil from it, and lowered his head to carefully remove the rotten flesh from the gaps between his nails.

I have to clean it carefully, so as not to be disliked by my boss when I go to work later.

Wu Wen carefully wiped the rotten flesh on his hands, his expression was extremely calm, and he didn't even have any thoughts in his mind.

He felt that he seemed to have played with his brain a little, and now there was no emotion in his mind.

Last night, Wu Wen held Mrs. Zhang's head, from being terrified at the beginning, to being scared to numbness, to being extremely numb in spirit and thought, and finally to a level where he had a dull feeling about the fear in his mind.

All night long, he held Mrs. Zhang's head and played with it all night. From holding it carefully at the beginning for fear of disturbing Mrs. Zhang, to putting it on his legs indifferently later, and finally pulling out Zhang because he was bored.

The hair on the head of the lady.

Wu Wen's emotions and thoughts seemed to have undergone almost abnormal changes.

After cleaning for more than ten minutes, Wu Wen finally cleaned up the rotten flesh left by Mrs. Zhang on his hands, but because his hands were not washed, there was still a stench of rotting corpses.

Wu Wen looked at the edge of the table. At the edge of the table, there was a long scalp with hair stuck to the edge of the table. He pulled it out last night because he felt a little bored. Unexpectedly, it was all over the left side of the table.

Looking at the degree of regularity of this posting, he felt a little proud.

Wu Wen felt that his mind was confused, and he felt that he was controlling himself from a third perspective.

I don't know if it's because I didn't sleep, or if I broke my brain.

Anyway, according to Wu Wen's own thoughts, he had to endure the extreme fear for two nights, and I'm afraid that the fear receptor cells were numb.

But fortunately, Wu Wen can still feel that fear now.

In fact, Wu Wen did not want to erase the fear in his mind, because fear is undoubtedly an instinctive signal to remind people of the coming of danger. For example, sometimes you feel a chill on your back, and when you look back, you see someone is preparing to attack you from behind. This is another effect of fear.

Wu Wen shook his head, trying to return his perspective to the first person, but it was useless.

Wu Wen glanced at the scene, the finger marks on Mrs. Zhang's head, the scalp on the table, and the cigarette butts on the ground. These things will definitely expose his traces.

However, Wu Wen was not going to clean up. He wanted to try to see if the police could catch him. In addition, he didn't know how many traces he had left along the way, and he certainly couldn't eliminate them by himself, so it's better to try it boldly. Anyway, if he guessed wrong, he would be caught anyway.

In fact, he had doubts about the last mission. After all, there were surveillance cameras in the elevator, and there were surveillance cameras all the way to the hospital, including the blood in the elevator, which was also real evidence.

He didn't believe that the police would not come to check the bloody scene.

It is very likely that the game actively helped him to eliminate all traces.

And this time Wu Wen threw his cigarette butt on the ground specifically, he just wanted to experiment and see if the police would find him.

Of course, it would be best if they didn't find him. If they did, he would be charged with insulting a corpse. Wu Wen didn't want to go to jail, but if he didn't figure this out, it would be detrimental to his future actions.

Various thoughts flashed through Wu Wen's mind, and then he stood up from the sofa and went into Mrs. Zhang's bathroom to take a shower.

The stench of the dead was too strong, and simply shaving the rotten flesh between the nails would not help at all. Only a thorough bath and washing clothes could completely eliminate the stench on his body.

Anyway, there were already many traces of his presence in Mrs. Zhang's house, and Wu Wen didn't care about one more.

Even Wu Wen himself didn't realize that his mentality had become a little...extreme? Paranoid? Or was it a waste?

Anyway, according to the psychology of a normal person, he would never think of taking a shower here, let alone hanging Mrs. Zhang's head on the wall in front of him while taking a shower, with her rotten eye sockets facing him!

Just like Trevor in GTA, there is also a piece of Johnny's brain in the car.

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