It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 358

The crowd was so excited that they had to wait for a long time.

Perhaps Wu Wen cursed too hard, the sedan chair became more and more bumpy, and the team moved faster.

After an unknown amount of time, the sedan chair was finally lowered to the ground.

"The auspicious time has arrived, let's prepare for the sacrifice!" Taoist Qingxuan's voice sounded outside, with a hint of impatience in his voice.

As Taoist Qingxuan's voice sounded, the old ghosts who had been waiting for nearly a thousand years could no longer hold back.

At that moment, two old women from Zhou's family came forward, opened the curtain of Wu Wen's sedan chair, and then dragged him out by his arms.

Wu Wen was wearing a familiar scarlet wedding dress, and the silver hairpin on his head kept making noises as his body moved.

However, these noises were soon covered by Wu Wen's shouting and cursing.

"Fuck you, you are such a beast that you can't even give birth to a son! Just kill your ancestor, who always wants this and that and still has to serve him after he dies. I say, just dig out his bones and throw them into the cesspool, or you can go down and serve your grandmother, Master Zhou!"

"Shut up!" The two old women forcibly carried Wu Wen's delicate body to the Zhou family's ancestral tomb that he had just seen.

The two tall horses were already in position, and even the coffin of Master Zhou's ancestor had been dug out, waiting to completely tear off Hong Yuan's neck and stuff it into the coffin.

The people around, whether it was the high-ranking Mr. Zhou, the tenants, or the Taoist priest Qingxuan who presided over the whole process, all looked at Wu Wen who was pulled closer excitedly and anxiously, and even their anxious eyes shed blood and tears.

"After a thousand years, the endless reincarnation is finally coming to an end. Why are you running? Damn it!" Mr. Zhou leaned on a cane, and black mist rose from the half of his head cut off by Wu Wen, and then slowly condensed a new head.

Mr. Zhou's face was ashen, his skin rotted rapidly with the fluctuations of his emotions, and his eyes also condensed into two scarlet tears.

Two scarlet tears of blood slowly slid down from the corners of Mr. Zhou's eyes, but it did not affect his excited expression at all.

"Because of you, we have been tortured for a thousand years. Do you know how we have lived for these thousand years? Do you know how painful we have been for these thousand years? Damn bastard!

Why can you leave after being killed and turned into a ghost? Why should we be imprisoned here after being killed! The revenge of being killed and tortured, the more than 500 people in Zhoujiazhuang remember it clearly! Bitch, you deserve to die!"

Mr. Zhou was so angry that black smoke came out of his seven orifices. Along with his voice, the villagers and servants who were surrounded by a group of people were also aroused. Their eyes were bloodshot and their skin was rotten. They stared at Wu Wen who was suppressed by the two old women, gritting their teeth and hating with hideous faces.

The skin of the two old women who were holding Wu Wen's body began to rot, and their eyes were rotten into mud, but they were still full of resentment and hatred.

Even the horses were the same.

The reincarnation of a thousand years, they have to reincarnate every year, reincarnating their journey from beginning to end, reincarnating the countless fears and pains.

After reincarnation for a thousand years, their spirits have long collapsed and reorganized, and they are gradually becoming abnormal.

But today, their reincarnation is finally coming to an end!

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhou became even more crazy. He laughed and waved his hands suddenly, and then the two old women put Wu Wen behind the ropes on the two horses.

The rope was put around Wu Wen's waist and neck. At this time, Wu Wen, who was holding Hong Yuan's body, had no power to fight back against the two old women who had already revealed their ghost bodies, but he kept cursing.

"Hahaha, I think your ancestors are no good either! If I were your ancestors, I would take that shovel and stick and poke you every day to open your eyes. What kind of torture is reincarnation! Let me jump up and poke your ass! Poke you for a thousand years!"

"Hahaha... burp!" Wu Wen laughed and cursed wildly, but just as he cursed, the two ghost horses standing next to him ran out to both sides with Master Zhou's actions.

The rope was suddenly tightened around Wu Wen's neck and waist, and a huge pulling force and pain were generated around Wu Wen's waist and neck.

"Uh uh uh..." Wu Wen was pulled in two different directions by the ropes at his neck and waist. The pulling force at his neck and

The feeling of suffocation could not cover up the pain caused by the pulling.

It seemed that the two ghost horses wanted to avenge the suffering of the thousand years of reincarnation. They pulled his neck but did not break it in one breath. Instead, they slowly moved forward bit by bit, so as to ensure that they could pull off his head and the spine in his chest.

"Crackle..." The bones in Wu Wen's neck creaked, and his neck even began to lengthen with the pulling.


There was a sharp pain at the connection between the spine and the ribs. With the sound of the bones crackling, Wu Wen only felt a sharp pain in his chest that could drive people crazy, and then blood began to flow out of the corners of his mouth.

Wu Wen's head, which was pulled hard, was severely congested, and the capillaries in his eyeballs began to rupture rapidly, causing the two eyeballs to quickly become congested and blood red.


Accompanied by the severe and unbearable pain in his neck, chest, ribs, spine, back and even skin and flesh, his neck made a sound as if a cork was pulled out, and then it was stretched out.

Wu Wen's chest had sunken down, and the skin and flesh of the stretched neck had not yet broken, but it had become much thinner. The skin and flesh wrapped around the pulled out spine was extremely conspicuous and weird. Even because of the shrinkage of the throat, the blood in his chest could not overflow from his mouth, and could only cover the chest and flow to the surface of the body, and then condensed to appear as dark blue corpse spots.

The terrible pain made Wu Wen almost crazy. This method of pulling out the head, which was like pulling out a sealed red wine cork, made him feel so painful that he wanted to die. The pain was almost the same as the time when Hong Yuan threw away his spine.

However, the two horses were still moving slowly, causing Wu Wen's neck to stretch again, and a section of his spine was pulled out again.

"Swish!" With the sound of flesh and blood tearing, the flesh and skin that were stretched again could no longer support this length, and a crack suddenly appeared.

However, the crack was not completely torn, but only half torn, and the remaining half was still holding on.

However, this behavior, which seemed very strong and energetic to the cells, was a great torture for Wu Wen. The flesh that was about to break was accompanied by the feeling of pulling, which was even more painful.

Even though the spine on the back of the body had been completely broken from the ribs and pelvis, every time it was pulled out, it would rub against the flesh and bones inside, just like scraping the bones with a steel knife, which was extremely painful.

In the ecstatic look of the old ghosts in Zhoujiazhuang, Wu Wen's neck that was half broken was completely broken, and the scarlet spine was exposed in the broken flesh and blood.

"Pah!" The skin and flesh on Wu Wen's neck were completely severed, and the spine with broken ribs could no longer resist the pulling force of the two horses, causing the spine to completely slide out of the chest cavity.

Blood trickled out from the broken neck, quickly dyeing the ground under Wu Wen (Hong Yuan) red, and also causing the last light of Wu Wen's eyes, which were already completely filled with blood, to disappear completely.

"Pah!" Hong Yuan's head was pulled off and the two halves of her body with the spine pulled out just fell to the ground without any sound.

"Hahahaha, the reincarnation of a thousand years has been broken! The reincarnation of a thousand years has finally been broken!"

"Oh my God, we are finally free, we are finally free!"

Mr. Zhou and a group of tenants and servants cried and laughed to the sky, making a lot of fun, happy about their connection.

It's just that a thousand years ago, their way of liberation was to persecute an innocent slave girl in exchange for a peaceful life. A thousand years later, their way of liberation was still to persecute this girl who had been persecuted by them once in exchange for the liberation of the soul.

I have to say, it's ridiculous.

However, when they were overjoyed, the bloody and tragic body of Hong Yuan on the ground suddenly began to decompose slowly under their eyes.

"No, no, no, no!" Mr. Zhou was sharp-eyed and saw this scene at a glance. He was immediately frightened and panicked, and even the rotten ghost face was full of fear.

The other tenant ghosts who were alarmed by Mr. Zhou and discovered this scene screamed and cried and rushed forward, trying to grab Hong Yuan's body and prevent her from disappearing and decomposing.

Unfortunately, all their actions were in vain.

Hong Yuan's body completely faded when they just moved, and then disappeared like a phantom.

The harsh sound of suona suddenly sounded at the foot of the mountain below the ancestral tomb.

And Wu Wen woke up again, but this time he woke up in the familiar paper sedan.

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