It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 50

The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not yet known.

Tang Meng interrupted her thoughts and clicked on the video.

Although the third-party incident in Mrs. Zhang's home greatly increased the credibility of the video of the Master of Strangeness, she actually still regarded it as a pseudo-documentary.

As long as you haven't seen it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe those so-called ghosts, not to mention the so-called longevity shoes that can move automatically and the female ghost in the elevator.

However, there are many comments under the first video of the Master of Strangeness saying that they have been to that community, and some even say that they are residents. In addition, it was indeed heard that there was a lot of blood and knife marks in a certain elevator some time ago, and even the knife marks were posted in the comment area.

This also brought a new wave of popularity to the Master of Strangeness.

As the video was opened, the familiar man's body appeared on the screen.

High-rise buildings, Orange Hotel.

It was late at night and there were not many pedestrians on the road. The movement of the man's eyes made the Orange Hotel and the couples coming in and out appear on the screen of the mobile phone.

This environment made Tang Meng a little familiar. No, it can't be said to be a little familiar, because this is the surrounding area of ​​her rental community!

Did this horror adventure take place around the community where she rented? But why hasn't she heard of any horror rumors in her place?

"Fuck! I'm so envious!"

A young man's voice suddenly came out, and his eyes were fixed on the girls wearing black silk stockings coming in and out of the hotel.

Tang Meng suddenly realized that the man who had been shooting videos was so young? And it seemed that he didn't even have a girlfriend.

The video was obviously accelerated. After the man cursed, his smoking action seemed to be at double speed until his eyes were fixed on a dark and silent taxi.

Tang Meng's pupils expanded.

What's wrong with this taxi? Why does it feel like it's not started?

The man's perspective swayed, and as he moved forward, the appearance of the taxi appeared completely on the screen.

This car actually has no driver?

Tang Meng's emotions have been completely brought into it. Wu Wen knew that this car was nothing big, but as a viewer, she didn't know, so Tang Meng had held her breath and began to panic.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the car.

After taking a look at the car, the man actually sat on it directly.

It seems that he should have some purpose.

Tang Meng looked at the scar on the man's left thumb joint and eased her emotions slightly.

As the man got in the taxi, the taxi started immediately. Although there was no sound, it ran extremely fast.

From the man's sight, it can be seen that the scene outside is changing at a terrifying speed, but the magical thing is that even so, the taxi still has no movement.

The video speeds up again significantly. In just a dozen seconds, the taxi drove to a place that is so remote that it can't be more remote.

A small white villa is located in the dense forest. Due to the darkness outside, it is not clear.

Tang Meng looked at the white villa in the man's sight. The more she looked, the more strange it felt. The more she looked, the more familiar it felt.

As the man slowly walked into the white villa, Tang Meng's pupils almost dilated uncontrollably.

This... this! Isn't this the house where she saw the pair of red high heels when she was a child?

Even though she hasn't been there for more than ten years, the impression in Tang Meng's mind is very consistent with this white villa!

Tang Meng hasn't seen the horrible plot inside, but her body has become so soft that she can't stand up.

She sat limply on the toilet, her pupils dilated, and watched the man walk into the white villa in fear.

Believed it, she believed it completely this time!

Everything this man experienced was indeed true, the so-called longevity shoes that could walk by themselves, the man hanging in front of the door, the female ghost in the elevator, and even the red high heels this time!

It's all true, all true!

There really are ghosts in the world, there really are ghosts in the world!!!

Tang Meng kept shouting in her heart, but her body was limp on the toilet and unable to move.

Fortunately, the sound of flushing in the toilet next door pulled her back from her panic.

"Gululu... Gululu..."

The sound of the toilet flushing slowly calmed her mood.

The feeling of being accompanied by others is good after all.

"Gurgle... Gurgle..."

Water was still being pumped next door, and Tang Meng was sweating profusely as she listened to the sound. The video on her phone screen had been paused, and she thought it would be better to watch it when she was at work.

At least there were many people at the workstation, so she wouldn't be so scared.

Tang Meng took a long breath, and although the fear in her heart was calm, it was still not less.

She never thought that there were actually ghosts in this world!

Thinking of ghosts, Tang Meng thought of the story that the team leader Sister Ma told everyone during the lunch break the day before yesterday.

"Xiao Meng, Xiao Li, and the others, please leave early after get off work. I suspect that our company is not very clean."

"Ah? Our company is quite clean, Sister Ma. The cleaning lady has been cleaning from morning to night!"

"Oh, I didn't mean it's not clean, but there are...dirty things in our company!"

"Ah? There are dirty things? What's going on, Sister Ma? Tell us about it."

"Okay, then I'll tell you about my own experience.

I joined our company eight years ago. Everyone knows what the economic level was at that time. At that time, our company's building had just been built, and the entire decoration had not been done. The whole company building looked like a rough house.

When I first came here, I was relatively young, so I wanted to do more for our company so that the leaders would appreciate me more. So I volunteered to work the night shift to prevent the equipment that our company had just bought from being stolen.

Who knew that on my first day of working the night shift, I ran into something strange!

I remember very clearly that when I first came here, it was winter and it was freezing cold.

Our duty room at that time was not well decorated, and there was not even a toilet in it. So when I went to the toilet, I could only go to the toilet in our office area.

As a result, when I was in the toilet that night, a horse suddenly came from the room next to me. The sound of water being pumped from a bucket!

I was stunned at the time, thinking that something was wrong! I was the only one on night shift in this company! Why was there a flushing sound next door?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, but I was brave and young at that time, so I was not afraid at all. I just lay on the wall of the cubicle and listened to the flushing sound next door. I thought to myself, it couldn't be a thief? A thief can't go to the toilet while stealing things!

I lay there listening to the flushing sound next door, thinking that when the person inside came out, I could secretly take a look at who it was.

As a result, I waited and waited, but no one in the next room came out. Instead, the sound of flushing kept ringing, as if someone was I kept pressing the button for pumping water.

I was so impatient at the time that I thought: This won’t work. If you keep pressing it, what will happen if the company asks me for water fees? So I came out of my cubicle to see who was in the next cubicle. As soon as I came out of my cubicle, the sound of pumping water in the next cubicle disappeared immediately.

And as I turned my head to look, guess what?

There was no one in the next cubicle at all! "

The horror story that Sister Ma told the day before yesterday kept circling in Tang Meng's mind. She listened to the "gurgling" sound of pumping water from the next cubicle and could no longer control her nervousness. She screamed and then pushed the door and ran away.


Tang Meng fled in panic.

At this time, the door of the next cubicle was suddenly pushed open by something!

"Is this a donkey? It's so thick!" The cleaning lady came out of the next cubicle cursing and then looked blankly at the direction where Tang Meng ran away.

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