It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 99

The dark corridor on the sixth floor was quiet, and Wu Wen's movement did not make any sound.

I have to say that the passive ability of this evil ghost skin is really great, it is simply the best choice for stealth.

The vice president's office is at the innermost of the outer side, the president's office is in the middle of the outer side, and the inpatient department office is on the inner side.

Wu Wen stepped forward and gently turned the handle, and the door of the inpatient department office opened.

"Huh!" As the door opened, a long-silent dust blew out of the office.

Wu Wen narrowed his only remaining eye and slowly walked into the office.

Compared with the obstetrics and gynecology office just now, the inpatient department's office is a little bigger. After all, it occupies the entire half of the area, so it is normal to be a little bigger in comparison.

Compared with the clean and tidy obstetrics and gynecology office, the inpatient office seems a bit messy.

More than a dozen desks that look like computer desks are placed in this office in a mess, and chairs are overturned all over the floor. On these tables, there are piles of sundries, dusty cups, unused sanitary napkin bags, some medical equipment, a few tattered clothes, some messy documents, and even a pair of nurse's shoes on a table.

The whole office looks like someone was suddenly fired and only took away his own things. The scene is in a mess and no one is managing it.

"The inpatient department was closed. It seems that everyone was cleared out at that time, otherwise it wouldn't be so messy." Wu Wen guessed.

He walked in and checked the desks one by one, trying to see if there were any diaries or other things left here.

Unfortunately, although the office was messy and full of things, there was nothing valuable, and there was no diary that Wu Wen wanted.

However, he found that someone had carved a small word "diary" on several tables with a knife, which should be used to remind himself not to forget to write a diary.

When Wu Wen was in school, he was afraid of forgetting to memorize words, so he carved them on the table. This may be a common idea in his student days.

"This dean has been asking these doctors and nurses to write diaries. Does he want to verify from the diary whether anyone is missing in this hospital?" Wu Wen seemed to understand what the dean meant.

According to the diary of the director of the clinical department, it seems that the items related to the missing person will not disappear, but the related memories in other people's minds will be distorted, which will produce a reasonable reason for disappearance.

No, this is not right! Those doctors and nurses don't know the weirdness of the hospital. Maybe this method is effective, but it will definitely have no effect on the dean, because he already knows that someone is missing, so based on the items, he can also rule out who is missing!

Wu Wen's logic is wrong, and his brain cells collapse.

The human skin was quite happy picking up trash nearby. It even put on the pair of nurse shoes that had been there for who knows how long. Now the weight of the nurse shoes weighed down its body, making it walk less unsteadily.

But there were also some footsteps that did not belong to it.

"Tap, tap, tap..." A gloomy footstep suddenly sounded in the office.

This footstep was very strange. It didn't sound like a person walking. Instead, it sounded like a ghost floating up and then landing lightly with both feet. It seemed particularly strange and terrifying.

Wu Wen, who was lost in thought, was suddenly startled and broke into a cold sweat.

It's bad, something is coming!

His heart sank, and he immediately looked back. Behind him, the human skin wearing nurse shoes was walking around in the office lightly, collecting the treasures he liked.

And the strange footsteps came from the human skin's feet.

"Damn it, did I ask you to come here to travel?" Wu Wen was furious and almost couldn't hold it.

He hurriedly stepped forward and kicked the human skin on the buttocks, causing its body to float upwards.

"Step!" The human skin fell to the ground after being kicked, and the shoe made a similar sound when it came into contact with the ground.

The human skin lowered its head in grievance, with its hands entangled together.

It didn't understand why Wu Wen was angry, it was having fun!

Looking at the pitiful and aggrieved look of the human skin, Wu Wen almost laughed out of anger.

He glared at the human skin in front of him who was pretending to be aggrieved.

, and warned in a low voice: "Put your shoes away for me and wear them at home! From now on, don't make any noise for me!"

The human skin nodded pitifully, then took off the shoes on his feet and put them into his skin cavity.

"Let's go!" Wu Wen snorted coldly, and personally lifted the skin on the back of the human skin's neck and lifted it out.

I don't know what this little thing is filled with, it's not light!

Wu Wen walked out of the inpatient office and then walked towards the dean's office opposite.

With the turning of the doorknob, the door of the dean's office was gently opened.

Wu Wen's heart sank.

The front door can be opened because there are missing and expelled people, which is understandable, and the dean's office can also be opened. Does this mean that the dean is also missing?

Wu Wen recalled the words of the little nurse, and indeed did not find evidence of the dean's recent existence in her words.

No, that's not right. The dean shouldn't be missing, because if the dean is missing, the young nurse's memory of the dean should be lost or distorted.

Wu Wen thought and walked into the office.

What caught his eye was a desk, a bed and a bookcase for materials. Compared with other offices, the dean's office seemed much more popular.

And the most eye-catching thing was that there were two large piles of notebooks on the desk.

The notebooks looked different, but Wu Wen's eyes lit up.

"I was wondering where the diaries of these doctors and nurses went. It turns out that they have always been here with the dean! Oh, I should have thought of this earlier!"

Wu Wen was excited and walked forward quickly. He came to the desk and began to look through the diaries on the desk.

As a result, when he came to the desk, he found that there was another notebook behind the two piles of notebooks, and it was closest to the chair. He knew at a glance that it was the dean's diary.

Wu Wen couldn't wait to open it. Sure enough, the signature on the first page was the dean's name, 'Luo Bin'.

Wu Wen couldn't wait to continue flipping down, and a sense of pleasure that all the secrets were about to be revealed surged in his heart.

So decryption is so exciting? No wonder his scores in the last two missions were not high!

Wu Wen opened the diary, and the dean's diary was completely revealed.


Today, the mandatory diary-writing plan officially started in the hospital. The doctors and nurses seemed reluctant, but there was nothing I could do. Actually, I didn't want to write.

The feeling that someone had disappeared became stronger and stronger, but I could never find out who had disappeared. How should I describe this feeling? I could feel that the hospital was becoming more and more deserted, but I could never find out who was causing the hospital to be deserted.

I'll observe it for a while. Let these doctors and nurses write diaries. Maybe I can observe something."


The feeling of fewer people in the past two weeks has disappeared. I don't know if it's because I've adapted to this feeling of desertedness or because there are no fewer people.

I secretly observed the diaries of doctors and nurses in the past two weeks and didn't find any mismatches or errors. Am I really overthinking?

No, it can't be because I'm overthinking, because I've had this feeling for two years. It's definitely not some so-called illusion! It seems that I still have to continue observing."


A month has passed , the feeling of being a little quieter than before appeared again! I knew it couldn't be my illusion!

But who disappeared? I compared the diaries of doctors and nurses, including personal belongings, and there was nothing that couldn't be matched! And no one asked for leave or resigned in the past month, so why do I always feel that someone is missing?

Strange, no one is missing! Really no one is missing! "


Someone is missing, another one is missing. I can be sure that another person is missing, because the diaries of doctors and nurses have been compared. No, when they performed the same operation, some said they did it with Dr. Zhang, and some said they did it with Dr. Li. But I arranged that operation, and the person I arranged should be Dr. Xu.

But now these three doctors have no problems, and I even saw Dr. Xu get off the elevator in the inpatient department and go to the cafeteria today, while Dr. Zhang and Dr. Li sat in the front desk for a whole day.

So who disappeared? "


I am sure someone disappeared. But I don't know who it is. I observed these three doctors carefully,

But they are still in the hospital. And it is no different from usual.

But the hospital is even more deserted, as if someone is missing.

Someone is definitely missing! "


I seem to be used to this deserted feeling again, and even feel that the hospital should be like this. I don't know how long I can be vigilant about this matter, but I always feel that something is changing my mind, so in order to prevent forgetting, I can only choose to record this matter.

But today, something made me more frightened. The security guard Lao Liu told me at lunch today that he always felt that something was watching him in the hospital. The feeling of watching was everywhere, even when he went to the toilet.

Hearing Lao Liu's words, I felt a little terrified. Could Lao Liu be the next victim? "


Who is Lao Liu? Who is Lao Liu? Why did Lao Liu appear in my diary only last month, but now I can't remember who Lao Liu is?

I know that Lao Liu is definitely the guard mentioned in my diary, but I really don’t know who Lao Liu is! No, not only do I not know who Lao Liu is, I asked everyone in the hospital, and they don’t know who Lao Liu is!

No, it shouldn’t be said like that! Lao Liu seems to have been forgotten by us, and even everything about Lao Liu has disappeared! I don’t have any memory of Lao Liu in my mind, and even seeing Lao Liu in my diary feels strange.

Who is Lao Liu? Why don’t I have any impression of this person in my mind? Lao Liu is missing, Lao Liu is definitely missing! But who is Lao Liu!

No, Lao Liu can’t disappear completely, absolutely impossible! I want to find clues about Lao Liu, I want to find out who Lao Liu is! "


It took two months, but I still didn’t figure out who Lao Liu is. But I know that Lao Liu definitely exists! Because our hospital can’t be without a guard!

I told this to my son-in-law, the mayor of Puyu City. But he called me crazy, teasing him with a fictitious character called Lao Liu whose nickname I didn't even know, such as what he looked like, where he lived, or his specific name.

I called the police again, saying that Lao Liu was missing, and asked them to help find him. But they said I was crazy, looking for a fictitious character whose name I didn't even know and whose appearance I didn't know.

Even in the hospital, rumors began to spread that I was crazy, and everyone was laughing at me. I knew it all because I secretly read their diaries, and they all clearly stated that our hospital didn't have a guard. Some people even swore that they were surprised to see that there was no guard in the hospital when they first came, so they remembered it more clearly.

Seeing their confident look, I also began to doubt myself. Am I really crazy? Am I really suffering from Alzheimer's disease or hallucination? "


I'm not crazy! I found the reason! I found the culprit! I found the reason why someone disappeared in the hospital! It's the elevator! It's the elevator of the inpatient department!

It's definitely the elevator of the inpatient department, because Dr. Xu always goes down from the elevator of the inpatient department. He never walks down the stairs, and I have never seen him walk down the stairs!

And I can only see him if he comes out of the elevator of the inpatient department. If he doesn't come out of the elevator of the inpatient department, then I can't see him at all!

No, no, no, what am I talking about? How can I describe it like this? I won't say it anymore. I just don't know how to describe what I want to describe! Anyway, there must be something wrong with the elevator, there must be something wrong with the elevator! There is also something wrong with Dr. Xu. Dr. Xu must be fake. He is a puppet created by the elevator! "


I killed Dr. Xu! I want to prove that what I said is true, and my idea must be correct!

Sure enough, Dr. Xu's body disappeared, disappeared in his office! He is fake, he is fake!

I can prove it, I can prove it!!! ”


I was sent to a mental hospital for three months and just got out today.

Dr. Xu also disappeared, just as I expected. However, Dr. Xu’s disappearance was different from Lao Liu’s. Everyone still remembered Dr. Xu, but everyone also said that Dr. Xu had resigned and went abroad for further studies.

Everyone was full of envy when talking about Dr. Xu, and felt that Dr. Xu had a promising future. But I knew that Dr. Xu definitely did not go abroad for further studies, because he had disappeared for a year.

But I knew that no matter what I said, no one would believe it, because

I am a lunatic, a lunatic who lives in a mental hospital. If it weren't for my good son-in-law, I might not be able to do my current position as the dean. So I can only hide my thoughts and completely shut down this hospital to reduce the number of missing people. "


Today, the hospital has recruited a group of good doctors who have returned from studying abroad. I feel very uncomfortable because their arrival will definitely lead to more missing cases.

In order to prevent them from disappearing, I can only block the elevator of the inpatient department and stop people from using it.

But these young people are not obedient. They simply ignore my rules and even sneer at me, thinking that I am a lunatic.

But it doesn't matter. As long as these flowers of the motherland are fine, what's wrong with scolding me a few times? "


Someone else is missing. This time the situation is the same as Lao Liu at that time. Even the memory has dissipated.

I don't know who is missing, but I can feel that someone is definitely missing again.

I always feel that the hospital is alive, it can notice my gaze, and thus cause people to disappear to provoke me.

But in the past few days, under my special attention, no one has used the elevator! Are there two different ways of disappearance, using the elevator and not using the elevator? "


Someone disappeared again! This time it was still the way Lao Liu disappeared! This time I observed the diaries of the doctors and nurses and found out who the missing person was, it was Nurse Xiaoma!

I don’t know who Nurse Xiaoma is, but she is indeed missing! And I am sure that Nurse Xiaoma has never taken the elevator, because I pulled out the elevator wires!

Isn’t it the elevator? I will try to plug the elevator wires back today. "


I found a very strange problem, that is, why don’t the patients who are discharged from the hospital pack their things? Some people even forget their mobile phones here!

No, something is wrong. This is most likely the second way of disappearance, the way Dr. Xu disappeared! It’s the elevator! It must be the elevator! I just plugged the elevator cable back in and this happened, so it must be the elevator!

Elevators can also cause disappearances, and hospitals can also cause disappearances. These are two completely different ways of disappearance! If you disappear in an elevator, your memory will not disappear, but if you disappear in a hospital, your memory will disappear. These are two different ways of disappearance! "


"Torn in the middle? "Wu Wen looked at the several pages torn from the diary in his hand, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

No, this kind of garbage burial method in the movie really appeared in reality?

No, is it necessary? Can you write something yellow and unreadable? Can this kind of rubbish that leaves people with suspense be cancelled!

Wu Wen was furious. Really, he hated the riddle man who didn't finish his words, especially this kind! If he knew where the dean was, he would have to kill him with an axe!

Unfortunately, it was torn off, and it was useless for him to be angry. He could only look at the last one.


I sold all the things in the hospital, and I dismissed all the doctors and nurses. If it weren't for the fact that the public hospital couldn't go bankrupt by my personal will, I would definitely let it go bankrupt long ago.

My mission was completed. This damn hospital had been eyeing me for a long time, because I had already felt that vague sense of peeping, just like what Lao Liu felt at the time.

Unfortunately, I won't let it go as it wishes, because my diary has to be preserved to remind people who see it.

So, I will walk into the elevator by myself, and disappear in the elevator before the hospital!

Hahahaha, I'm afraid the hospital won't think that I will set it up before I die!

Don't enter the elevator, don't stay in the inpatient department, don't enter the inpatient department alone! "



Comrades, there is a mysterious code: 906621223

By the way, is there a wrong chapter? The chapters I wrote and posted don't match. I only wrote 98 chapters, but this book has reached 99 chapters. Is there a duplicate of what I posted?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.