It’s Colder Today

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Qualifying is almost the same as the main race, but the starting order of the main race is determined.

Wei Cong should be fourth, and Shi Yun didn’t know whether his ranking in this qualifying match was good or bad.

After leaving his house that day, Shi Yun never went to look for him again, and he was also fine, arriving at the finish line safely every time. Shi Yun thought, if he firmly walks on this path, then it seems like a good thing to never see each other again.

After qualifying for both groups is over, it is the upcoming main race.

Racing enthusiasts from all over the world have set off to this small island just for the annual Isle of Man TT.

Zhang Guangwei realized that Shi Yun hadn’t been seen recently, so he asked Wei Congying, who only said that she was a little busy. When asked about his plans with Shi Yun, he either pretended to be deaf or dumb, or directly changed the topic away.

After Wei Zongying said those words that day, Shi Yun didn’t say anything, but said that we would talk after the game. After that day, Shi Yun did not visit him, and she no longer met with Wei Congying, which meant that her alliance with Mu Kai was no longer established.

Mu Kai wondered why Shi Yun suddenly gave up when he said he would give up. Shi Yun didn’t really give up, but suddenly realized that he still had a race ahead. If there is anything to do, wait until he finishes the race. Don’t distract him at this time. attention.

She honestly acts as a volunteer of the medical team, trying to understand the sport little by little while getting along with other people in the same group.

Shi Yun found that every racer here respected them very much, and the people in the same group told her proudly: “Because we are the confidence and backing of these racers to push the accelerator to 170 miles.”

Shi Yun saw the name printed on his clothes – Matthew Fankong.

Very familiar last name.

It seems to be the surname of Karp’s mechanical mechanic.

His words also supported Shi Yun’s conjecture. After his brother died here, Matthew resolutely gave up his high-paying career in the United States and came here. He hoped that tragedies like his brother’s would be less likely to happen.

SuperbikeTT (Superbike Group) is the first competition this year.

On the day of the race, the weather was fine. There is plenty of sunshine, but the sun is not a good thing, especially when driving to the “Black Blind” tree-lined track.

The mottled shade falls from top to bottom, which can easily take away the line of sight and consume the players’ concentration. Those tree shadows have always been the biggest lethal danger for racers to fail to make timely judgments.

Spectators were already getting ready to watch the game at various places along the way, and bundles of cold beer were sold. Seagulls fly low in the port, the sea is sparkling, leaning against the cruise ship and waiting for the end of the annual carnival of racing fans all over the world.

Wei Zongying’s ankle felt a little painful, so he didn’t think much, and put the amulet close to his body. The preparations before each race are the same, the zipper of the racing suit has not been fully zipped, and he sits on the sofa with his eyes closed, flashing images of driving on the Isle of Man in the past, and recalling more than 200 corners from the memory of his brain. The library is called out again, stimulating the body’s muscle memory over and over again.

The final result is not bad, this group has not been his strong point.

Got a third grade.

Zhang Guangwei felt a pity for him, but the race was over. For every Isle of Man TT driver, finishing the race and crossing the line safely is already a hero.

He still has tomorrow’s SupersportTT race left.

The weather was bad on the day of the race, it was foggy. When Wei Zongying got up in the morning, the discomfort in his ankles did not ease, and his head also hurt a little, probably because he slept with the window open last night and was blown by the wind.

Before going out, he didn’t forget to take a walk around Yaoquan. After locking the dog in the yard, he prepared two meals for Yaoquan and added water before going out.

When we arrived at the venue, the street was still foggy. Zhang Guangwei ran in and out, looking at the persistent fog, his heart pounded.

There was also a foggy day last year, but the competition was in another group.

Unfortunately this year, it happened to be their turn for the SupersportTT (super sports car group) group. The competition was not canceled last year, and there is a high probability that it will not be canceled this year.

He made Wei Congying glucose water that can quickly replenish his strength, and prepared a polishing cloth for wiping his helmet when he stopped halfway. He checked the things he needed over and over again. Indifferent, fix the armor inside, put the amulet close to the body as usual, and zip it up.

Wei Congying wiped the windshield of his helmet, as if he wasn’t competing for a while, but was just shopping for groceries.

Lite was very silent, practicing the action of changing tires over and over again with headphones on. She kept it for a little over thirty seconds, shook her arms, and continued the action of loading and unloading just now.

When Shi Yun got up in the morning and saw the foggy streets, he was a little uneasy, and the game was unexpectedly not cancelled. She was carrying a medical kit and her teammates were waiting for the arrival of the helicopter. Listening to the maintenance area where the sound of the engine was already sounding, she wondered, “Aren’t you going to cancel it?”

Matthew shook his head: “No cancellation.”

The progress of the game was broadcast on the radio, and the game was about to start in half an hour. Shi Yun thought of the words of confidence and support that he heard from Matthew. The sense of purpose has never been greater.

After the male voice on the radio disappeared, Shi Yun suddenly handed over the first aid kit to Matthew in the same group, and she ran to the contestants’ maintenance area: “Ten minutes, I must be back before getting on the plane.”

After the radio sound disappeared, Wei Congying put on protective gear and gloves, and followed Zhang Guangwei and the others to leave the maintenance area. All the players lined up in the starting area in order according to the qualifying session a few days ago.

The street scene ahead looked foggy, Wei Cong should not be as nervous as Zhang Guangwei and the others. He has driven this road countless times, and he and Zhang Guangwei would drive this road dozens of times a day when there was no competition last year, feeling the curves over and over again.

To calculate the angle of body inclination, what speed to use to corner the fastest, and then turn the conclusions into your own physical habits through practice.

Let your body produce somatic memory.

More than 200 corners are all engraved in his mind, even if there is fog and visibility is reduced, he is confident.

Putting down the windshield of the helmet, he always subconsciously looked at Zhang Guangwei and the others before setting off every time, but this time there was an extra figure in his line of sight that could attract his entire attention in an instant.

The orange vest is a little crooked, and the ponytail looks a little loose. She was panting heavily, as if she had run all the way here.

Shi Yun ran all the way here, fearing that she would not be able to make it to the maintenance area, so she ran directly to the departure area, and it turned out that her choice was correct. He was already behind the waiting line in the departure area in his black and green racing suit.

In fact, she couldn’t do anything when she came here, but looking at the foggy sky, she was very worried. Although I can’t say anything, it feels good to look at it from a distance.

She stood behind the fence and just looked at him without saying anything. When the announcement that the game was about to start sounded, she took a step back and seemed to be leaving. Her mouth was moving, but Wei Zongying didn’t know what she was saying.

It may be “see you at the end”, it may be “pay attention to safety”…

The sound of the start of the race didn’t give Wei Zongying any time to think. The first driver had already driven out from behind the waiting line.

It quickly disappeared in front of the mist.

Immaculate ready entry, has driven countless times under the wheel of the track.

The pain in his feet intensified, and he still didn’t slow down on Balaigari’s undulating death curve. Seeing the car in front jumping up because of small ups and downs, he calmly controlled the front of the car.

After Shi Yun looked at it reluctantly, he got on the plane at the last moment, tried to calm his breathing, and watched the ground drop little by little. In the distance, it can be seen that only one area is shrouded in fog, and the drivers who drove out of the foggy area, descending from the plane, are like warriors who have broken through fear.

The helicopter hovered above the Isle of Man, the metallic glory under the blue sky and above the earth.

She was high above, leaning over to look down from the glass window of the helicopter. Many people wore black on their racing suits, but the green was bright and eye-catching.

Watching him come from behind and overtake the car.

Shi Yun’s mood was very complicated, and he could see that Shi Yun was nervous. Not knowing which one is him, Shi Yun is still nervous.

She kept praying that the commander-in-chief’s voice would not sound in the earphones.

I don’t know if it’s his own illusion, but Shi Yun always feels that Wei Cong should drive faster and faster. The fear brought to her by the height and the fear brought about by his racing car swallowed Shi Yun together. She raised her hand and thumped her arm, trying to keep herself calm and collected.

The four-lap race is obviously not a short distance, but Shi Yun thinks it can be described as lightning.

Looking at the racing cars flying below and the medical paging in the headset, Shi Yun was like the family members of those patients standing at the door of the emergency room. She tried to pray and exchange everything with God in order to keep him safe.

He wasn’t the first to start, but he was the first to finish. When Shi Yun saw someone applauding in the cabin, he couldn’t hide his excitement: “Does this mean that he is the first?”

Matthew was still applauding: “I feel that he is very fast, logically so.”

Shi Yun was too late to catch up with the awards ceremony. When she arrived, it was already full of people, and half of the champagne had been spilled on the podium in the distance. Shi Yun saw that Wei Zong should be standing not in the middle, but on the side.

Doubt and wonder.

“Time penalty?” Zhang Guangwei couldn’t accept the result, “It is true that he was speeding, but he shouldn’t be fined so much…”

The staff had obviously made the final punishment, and interrupted Zhang Guangwei with his hand, as if unwilling to communicate any more.

Wei Congying didn’t say anything, took the helmet in one hand, and dragged Zhang Guangwei out of the room with the other.

Zhang Guangwei still felt unconvinced and wanted to continue to argue with the staff. Wei Zongying, who was obviously also a victim, didn’t have any emotional ups and downs at all. He felt a little headache when he went out in the morning. Today, when he put on the helmet, he felt even more uncomfortable.

“Forget it, let’s go.”

The two of them walked towards the awards area. On the way, Li Te called and asked them how they applied for a heavy sentence. Zhang Guangwei cursed while holding the phone: “That group of people refuse.”

Lite was not surprised by this result, she just asked the two of them to go to the awards area as soon as possible.

Zhang Guangwei couldn’t swallow this breath, his mood fluctuated a little, and he didn’t notice Wei Congying’s uncomfortable expression: “It’s just a little bit short, otherwise you would be the first Chinese to win the TT on the Isle of Man.”

Stamping his foot on the ground, he was so angry.

The person who missed the championship threw his helmet to him, and that was fine.

“Forget it?” Zhang Guangwei took the helmet in disbelief.

He didn’t think that Wei Zong should be a person without ambition.

Wei Congying: “Forget it, I did speed when entering the pit lane.”

If a player only blames the referee for his failure, he will never improve and can only remain a loser.

During the two-week competition ceremony, a little bit of hustle and bustle returned to calm. He didn’t win a championship in any category. Even though every contestant is worthy of respect, only the name of the first place will be remembered.

Wei Congying wiped the champagne off his face with his hand, and looked at the audience in confusion. He saw other contestants hugging their families, and the champion next to him was thanking his wife.

Wei Cong should only know that this year’s Isle of Man TT is over.

After finishing the formal award presentation and interview, Wei Congying had a terrible headache. Sitting weakly on the sofa in the maintenance area lounge with frowning brows, Zhang Guangwei realized that something was wrong, and touched his forehead with his hand, but he didn’t have a fever.

“Could it be that you haven’t healed after breaking your brain before?”

It shouldn’t be, it has been alive and well for several days.

Wei Congying leaned on the sofa, feeling very tired: “Headache.”

Zhang Guangwei immediately took a step back when he heard the sound, and Wei Zongying noticed that step.

“What are you doing?” Wei Congying was a little wary, “Why did you suddenly take a step back?”

Zhang Guangwei raised his arms and hugged himself: “You won’t have a headache like the last time, and your memory will be disordered? At that time, your memory will be wrong, and you will regard me as the person you like, hug me and cry and shout. Love, how can I resist it?”

When these words came from Zhang Guangwei’s mouth, Wei Congying only felt a little nauseated. But the dark history of how he acted like a baby to Shi Yun when he was hospitalized last time automatically appeared in his mind. Wei Congying only felt that his brain, which was already in excruciating pain, ached even more.

Shi Yun and Yaoquan looked at each other for ten seconds.

Zhang Guangwei called her and told her that Wei Congying had a headache. After going to the hospital, the doctor said there was no major problem with his head, and finally went home. Wei Congying disliked him as a talkative person and refused to let him accompany him, so he called Shi Yun and asked her to go and see Wei Congying.

So Shi Yun rushed over from the arena as soon as it was over, and got the spare key of Wei Zongying’s house from Zhang Guangwei, and the sound of opening the door by himself was heard by Yaoquan who was playing with him in the house.

One person and one dog looked at each other, Shi Yun didn’t know what kind of smile he should use to let him know that he was not a thief.

But fortunately, it wasn’t for nothing that I played with it a few times before throwing the ball of yarn, and it didn’t welcome Shi Yun very warmly. It barked twice, but didn’t rush over to bite her.

Shi Yun gestured for silence, changed his shoes and walked in.

The bedroom door was closed, Shi Yun turned the doorknob, and the room was dark.

The curtains blocked the sunlight outside, and before she could step in, a small black figure had already squeezed past her, rushing in like a small rocket.

Before Shi Yun could react and pull the dog back, it had already jumped onto Wei Congying’s bed.

Wei Congying was originally a light sleeper, but when Shi Yun entered the room, the two calls from Yao Quan downstairs had already dispelled his drowsiness. At this moment, because of the vibration of the mattress on the bed, he couldn’t sleep at all.

He remembered that he locked the dog downstairs, and the dog lay on him through the quilt. Wei Congying still had some sober understanding of his dog son’s IQ. He was smart but hadn’t learned to open the door by himself.

Slightly propping up his upper body, Wei Zongying looked towards the door, it was Shi Yun.

His face was very tired, and his face didn’t look too good. After realizing that it was Shi Yun, he fell back on the pillow again, and said in a low and hoarse voice, “Why are you here?”

“Zhang Guangwei said you had a headache, so he didn’t worry about you, so he asked me to come over and take a look.” Shi Yun saw that he woke up before walking over, kneeling on the bed with one leg, leaning over to look at the person with closed eyes, “What’s the matter? This memory Is there any disorder?”

One or two, they both made fun of him with that incident.

Wei Congying suddenly opened his eyes, and his gaze met the person who leaned over on the bed with his hands and legs propped up. The neckline and chest area of his jacket all drooped because of this posture.

Unhappy nonsense: “It’s a mess, why are you trespassing on a private house? I give you one minute to leave my house. I don’t know you, who are you?”

Shi Yun backed away, took his hands off the quilt, and sat on the side of the bed instead: “I’m your father.”

She would actually climb up the pole, this made Wei Congying curse emotionally, and then spit out two words: “Get out.”

Shi Yun was still concerned that he was not feeling well, for fear that his head would not be able to take it when he became emotional.

It took only a few seconds to change from glib to gentle and considerate: “It’s getting late, do you want to eat something?”

Yao Quan had already been driven off the bed by him, he pulled the quilt up, turned over and turned his back to Shi Yun: “I don’t want to eat.”

This is like a child rebelling against his mother for not wanting to wear long johns. Lite was the one who fired the kitchen last time. Shi Yun looked at the refrigerator, and there were no ingredients that could be used in it.

Wuwen picked up the car keys he had placed at the entrance, and as soon as Yao Quan heard the sound of the car keys, he immediately got up from the ground vigilantly, and looked at Shi Yun expectantly with his tongue out.

Although Shi Yun had never raised a dog before, he knew what Yaoquan’s reaction meant.

Waving to Yaoquan: “Let’s go.”

Shi Yun helped it open the co-pilot’s door, and it got into the car skillfully. It seems that Wei Zong should take it out often.

Driving to a nearby supermarket, Shi Yun bought some bone stew and some vegetables. There is no difference between the price and London, it may also be because of the sudden price increase of TT on the Isle of Man.

It took more than forty minutes to go back and forth, and Shi Yun parked Wei Zongying’s car back to its original spot. Putting Yaoquan to play in the yard, she handled the ingredients for dinner numbly.

When she first came to the UK to study, her grandparents were always afraid that she would not eat well, and she did not eat well when she first came here. Western food is not only bad, but in the eyes of grandparents, it is always bad to order takeaway.

Gradually, she learned to cook some simple dishes by herself.

Cook the rice, blanch the bones and put them in a pressure cooker to cook.

The leftover vegetables were processed very quickly. Wei Zongying was good enough for a cold dish, a meat dish and a soup.

After wiping her hands with a kitchen towel, she was about to go upstairs to wake him up for dinner.

Went to the toilet along the way.

Wei Zongying should have taken a shower when he came back, and was poured champagne when the awards were presented, and there was still a faint smell of champagne in the bathroom.

Shi Yun threw the clothes in the laundry basket into the washing machine. There were not too many clothes. After thinking about it, he still didn’t wash them in the machine directly, and he could save them for tonight’s washing together.

The hand that took the dirty clothes made Shi Yun’s little cleanliness relapse, and she had to wash her hands again.

She didn’t see the hand sanitizer on the sink at first glance. She glanced at the shelf next to her, but there was nothing else on it. The razor, shaving foam, roll paper, and the watch he took off and put on it at a glance…and a little familiar thing.

Shi Yun reached out and picked it up.

A small unremarkable amulet with rough workmanship, and because it has been placed close to the body and rubbed against the fabric of the clothes, the edges and corners of the amulet are damaged to a certain extent.

Of course Shi Yun knew what it was, it was a safety talisman she gave Wei Congying with the winning numbers from the scratch-off before breaking up.

Didn’t expect him to keep it until now.

Surprise and surprise exploded in Shi Yun’s heart in an instant, she had long forgotten about looking for hand sanitizer, she held the amulet and ignored him while he was still sleeping, so he would act lightly.

Running on the carpeted ground, the sound is not small. Although it does not have the momentum of thousands of troops, it is enough like a galloping horse.

Wei Congying was awakened by the sound of footsteps, and was disturbed again and again to sleep. He was about to lose his temper when suddenly a figure jumped onto the bed, more agile than Yaoquan.

She straddled him across the quilt, her eyes firmly glued to him.

Wei Congying was a little puzzled, and complained with a bit of getting up in his tone: “What are you doing?”

Just after finishing speaking, Wei Congying saw Shi Yun’s raised hand, and she was holding something that Wei Congying never wanted Shi Yun to find out.

The drowsiness and wakefulness ebbed immediately, he was a little frightened and shy, and stretched out his hand from under the quilt, trying to **** back what was in Shi Yun’s hand.

Although relying on the advantage of male strength and speed, it is inevitable to **** it back. But her legs pressed the quilt covering Wei Congying’s body, as if there was an invisible **** that could control him.

For the first time, Shi Yun was so quick-eyed and quick-handed. He firmly held the amulet in his palm and put his hand behind him. The other hand blocked Wei Zongying’s.

She looked down at him, full of the joy of the winner: “You are still stubborn, and you said that you should not contact me after the event is over, so why do you keep the amulet I gave you three years ago?”

Wei Cong should see that her wrist is quite thin, but for some reason she has such a strong hand, so he didn’t **** it back. His fingers were held by her, and he struggled twice without struggling.

Since you can’t get it back, then play dead.

He closed his eyes and refused to answer.

Wei Zongying felt so regretful that his intestines turned green.

When he came back today, his hair was all wet and sprayed with champagne. He already had a headache, but if he continued to be smoked by the smell of wine, his brain hurt even more.

So after he came back, he took a shower. When he undressed, he was afraid that the amulet would not be taken out of his pocket, and he would forget it when he threw it into the washing machine. After the washing machine was washed, the paper in the amulet would definitely rot. After taking it out of his pocket, he placed it on the shelf casually. After taking a shower, he dried his hair and went straight to the bedroom to sleep.

Who would have thought that Zhang Guangwei would find Shi Yun, how would he know that Shi Yun really came back?

It’s dark.

He closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, but Shi Yun refused to let go: “Say it quickly.”

Wei Congying still didn’t open his eyes, trying to win with one move when she let down her vigilance. The plan had just sprouted in his heart, and before he had time to plan it in detail, he felt a damp heat coming from the skin of his Adam’s apple.

When the moist softness grazed the surface of the skin, the numbness was like a bolt of lightning from his lower back, and then flashed towards the limbs and bones.

Her lips started from the ups and downs of her Adam’s apple, and kissed the beautifully lined corner of her jaw. She hummed softly into Wei Congying’s ear, and finally reached his lips.

There was a faint taste of mint in his mouth, and the smell of shower gel that intensified the exercise again because of the rapid body temperature on the tip of his nose.

Wei Congying pretended to be dead and did not give Shi Yun any response.

But she had no intention of giving up, and his failure to respond did not affect Shi Yun’s initiative to kiss him.

Holding his fingers in his hand, he pressed his hand on the pillow, next to his head. Teeth unceremoniously left a barely detectable mark on his lower lip.

She lowered the hook with a small hum.

She is not Jiang Taigong, but her fishing skills are better than Jiang Taigong. Maybe Wei Zongying himself was too stupid. When Shi Yun realized that his legs were standing up under the quilt, his thighs were like a wall blocking Shi Yun’s back path.

The smell of mint faded from Wei Zongying’s mouth little by little, his breath was intertwined, and his pressed hand clasped Shi Yun’s hand instead.

The person who pretended to be dead for a long time took the initiative from her mouth, he was still a little rational: “No way.”

Shi Yun rolled over from him: “I just went to the supermarket to buy something, wait for me.”

With that said, Shi Yun ran downstairs and found the family planning supplies he bought from his shopping bag. After going up a few steps, she suddenly thought of something and turned back, closing the fence at the top of the stairs.

Light underfoot, two steps at a time, up to the second floor in a few steps, hand on the doorknob, twisted, it didn’t open.

Unscrew it again.

Originally, he planned to threaten him with an amulet, but when Shi Yun looked down, there was a small square box in his hand. The amulet should have been taken when he took the initiative during the kiss, and he also took the amulet while she was in a daze.

She didn’t find out.

“Damn.” Shi Yun slapped the door, “Wei Congying, are you a man? You **** use sex|seduction like this.”

Regardless of the people who were “swearing” outside, the people in the room hurriedly looked for a place to hide their things, looked around, and finally hid the amulet in a hollow model.

“You are the one, you go to the supermarket to buy a set, who will seduce who?” Wei Congying put the model back to its original position after hiding it.

The author has something to say:

I’m done, I’m done.

Finish next week! My flag stands down.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-2109:57:59~2022-06-2122:05:27~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: 14955140, a sleepy and lazy waste wood, a full moon Xixi Building;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 55933381200 bottles; 24 bottles of aechan; 20 bottles of gnawing radish; 10 bottles of Dongji; 2 bottles of Xi, the king of the Seven Arch Bridge, Hertha. 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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