It’s Colder Today

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Living under the red flag since she was a child, Shi Yun has seen that the most lethal weapon is her mother’s feather duster. No, she has good grades since childhood and has never been beaten.

The most lethal weapon should be the feather duster in the hands of He Sui’s mother who lives opposite.

Seeing the black gun barrel pointing at him, Shi Yun subconsciously hugged his head and bent over to the co-pilot.

She pushed Yaoquan under the seat.

It was as if lightning had fallen beside her, and the front windshield was like a spider’s thread. The moment her tinnitus occurred the next second, Shi Yun felt the rainwater and the shattered front windshield scum falling on her body together.

Yao Quan began to roar impatiently, trying to break free from Shi Yun who was restraining it.

The soul seemed to be shaken out of the five elements, and the ears hurt so much.

Shi Yun couldn’t hear the angry roaring person outside the car, and he asked Shi Yun over and over again. He opened the car door, pointing his hot muzzle at Shi Yun’s cheek: “Where did my wife go? Where did you get my wife with that bastard.”

Her hearing recovered little by little, and she heard Wei Zongying’s voice that seemed to come from the chaos.

Very provocative words, then the gun moved away.

The rain washed against his cheeks, and Shi Yun couldn’t keep his eyes open.

Her vision was blurred, her body was weak after being frightened, she saw Wei Congying saying something, and then closed the door. The man who pointed the gun at her earlier walked into the yard and walked towards the house step by step.

Shi Yun staggered out of the car, the man held a gun to the lock and pulled the trigger, smashing the door and barging in.

The sound of gunfire matched the rainy night, and the creepy sound was still so clear amidst the sound of rain falling all around. With her feet in the puddles on the side of the road, Shi Yun forced herself to calm down. She went around to the car, put the ring down from the car, and ran to Dawes’ house with its collar.

If Dawes is not lying about this, then…

The rain washed and excavated the soil that buried the traces, and the small stones hurt the gap between the nails. She pushed the soil hard, and her hands were muddy.

The next second, black claws appeared in sight, and Yaoquan was much faster than her.

After brushing off the dirt on the surface of the plastic bag, she tore it open and touched something cold and hard with her hands.

He Yun is a military fan.

The reason why Shi Yun is so experienced in model splicing. There are all kinds of airplanes and tanks in his room. Sometimes he doesn’t know that girls are not interested in those new weapons of tanks and airplanes, but also because he always heard from him before that Shi Yun knows what a trigger is and knows how to open the insurance loaded.

She shut Yaoquan out of the yard, ignoring its barking.

He took out his mobile phone and called the police, saying the address: “There is a person who robbed the house with a gun…”

Take off your shoes outside the door, go barefoot to make the footsteps quieter, and throw your phone on the lawn to prevent it from being discovered when it rings later. She looked up at the ceiling on the second floor, listening to the crazy man who was yelling and cursing. Stepping up the steps and stairs lightly, the hand that can hold the scalpel steadily is shaking more than the first time a live ammunition is on the operating table.

Exhale slowly, leaning against the wall.

The crutch fell on the stairs, Shi Yun stepped over it, and through the gap in the stairs, he saw the man in the raincoat standing at the door of the bathroom.

She doesn’t know where Wei Congying is hiding, but she just needs to support him, or wait for him to find Wei Congying before jumping out. The typhoon shook the window glass, and the trees in the yard were blown down. The trash can is like an excellent player with a full score on the ice skating rink, running around all over the street.

The telegraph pole flashed sparks, and the next second was like a scene of a power outage that always appears in horror movies. The sudden darkness startled the man who was looking for Wei Congying. A shot was fired around, Shi Yun shook, biting his lower lip tightly to prevent himself from making any sound.

The sky is full of dark clouds, not a little moonlight.

Only the occasional lightning that flashed across the night sky provided brief lighting, and the sound of footsteps going up to the third floor sounded, and Shi Yun moved slowly to the second floor against the wall.

In the darkness, a pair of warm and dry hands covered her mouth and nose, the struggle was only subconscious, and her spirit was highly tense. The rumbling thunder followed closely behind the lightning, and Shi Yun saw clearly the people reflected in the bathroom mirror through the brief light.

He pulled Shi Yun into his hiding place, behind the safe in the cloakroom where the watch shaker was specially placed.

Shi Yun’s body was soaked, he leaned against the closet and didn’t dislike her being wet from head to toe, hugged her and hid in a small place: “I deliberately lured him away, if you don’t run away, you will come back ? Didn’t you make me hate Baila?”

Shi Yun hugged him, except for the time when the two experienced the earthquake together three years ago, she has never been so eager to feel that he and she are still alive in one person.

The body is warm, and the scent of laundry detergent on the clothes.

She was glad that Wei Congying was fine, but she was just annoyed why he wanted to attract firepower, his legs and feet were so inconvenient: “Yesterday you taught me to be selfish when it comes to your own safety, why are you soliciting hatred?”

For a while, Wei Zong should be a little speechless.

She’s not someone who doesn’t matter.

It was his subconscious reaction to trick Daws’ stepfather over.

Such a big typhoon came early, and the reinforcement of the embankment was too late to help. That’s why Dawes’ stepfather came back so soon.

Probably came back and did not see his wife and Dawes. He also found out that the two people had escaped instead of being kidnapped. They couldn’t leave the Isle of Man in such a strong typhoon. He believed they must be hiding somewhere.

Reminiscent of his son always going to the opposite house these days, Wei Zongying and Shi Yun became his accomplices.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yun, who happened to be coming back from the pet hospital with Yaoquan, bumped into the muzzle of a gun.

Seeing the muzzle of the gun pointed at the driver’s seat behind the front windshield, Wei Zongying’s heart almost stopped beating. He had no choice but to lie to the man who was in great anger.

But he didn’t expect that Shi Yun didn’t run away.

Hearing her educate himself back on what he said to her before, because he couldn’t tell her, Wei Cong should raise his hand to cover her mouth, and physically silenced: “Now is not the time to quarrel.”

The surroundings are very quiet, and I don’t know when the police will arrive. The sound of smashing things came, and the man who was looking for his missing wife became more irritable.

Wei Cong should know that the longer the time passes, the more irritable the person who has been unable to find his wife will become. The outside of the house is far safer than the inside, and his ankle does not support him to escape now.

Leaning over and sticking to Shi Yun’s ear, he lowered his voice, “Leave immediately while he’s on the third floor.”

As soon as he finished speaking, all the sound of smashing things on the third floor disappeared. Both Shi Yun and Wei Zongying subconsciously held their breath and looked into the dark room.

The moment the lightning flashed, there was thunder, and Shi Yun saw a shadow reflected on the white wall of the room.

It was completely different from the angry look just now, and he said “Hi” politely, without any friendliness at all, and the simple word was full of eerie feeling.

Before Wei Congying could pull Shi Yun back, she had already come out of her hiding place, and a cold hard object was stuffed into the hand he wanted to hold her.

Shi Yun stood there with his hands raised: “The blue car.”


Shi Yun: “A few minutes after you left, a blue car picked up your wife and stepson.”

The bearded man in front of him was still holding a gun, so he asked Shi Yun to continue talking.

“They’re leaving for medical treatment, probably going to London. Dawes will take care of…”

“No, Dawes will only kill Petunia.” He bent his index finger and took a step forward, “Now tell me, the license plate of that blue car and the direction they left from.”

Shi Yun had already seen its power. She tried not to show aggression, and recalled all the things that happened these days in her mind.

Looking at the man in front of him, a sense of familiarity came over him.

Yes, can she not be familiar with it?

Shi Yun suddenly realized: “It was because of Dawes that Aunt Petunia was paralyzed. All your beatings and violence against Dawes were because you hated the culprit who caused his wife to become like this. He didn’t dare to run away before because he The reason for the accident is in your hands, for example, the reason for the car accident should be the reason for going to jail. The more you love your wife, the more you hate Dawes.”

What a familiar plot, isn’t this the hot father-daughter relationship she had with her father before?

“Yes. He drank alcohol that day… This kid is full of bad habits just like his father. He can’t take care of Petunia well at all. The sweet words in his mouth are all disguised.” Every word seemed to be Squeezing it out between his teeth, he stared at Shi Yun in front of him, and hit the side of her face with the **** of a gun, and the smell of blood filled his mouth for an instant.

“Now tell me the license plate number, I don’t want to hurt you. But if you don’t cooperate, I can only tell the police that you are an accomplice in kidnapping my wife.”

Damn it, Shi Yun covered his ears, the license plate here didn’t look like a domestic license plate, and he could make up one. Besides, she only made Grandma Katie’s car once, and she couldn’t even remember the model of the car, let alone the license plate.

The moment the hard object touched her neck, her face became hot in the blink of an eye.

Turning his head, it was Wei Zongying.

He raised his arms.

As a doctor, she was all too familiar with the liquid spilled on her face.

There was the sound of loading in her ears, and the hard object against her neck was removed, and she watched the barrel move to the other side.

Shi Yun reached out to push away the gun that was pointing behind her, the bullets were much faster than her hand.

The lightning flashing across the window illuminated all the terror in the room, and the person in black rushed over in an instant, and the world seemed to shut off Shi Yun’s hearing. She was at a loss, but knew to go to Wei Zongying first.

He leaned against the closet and slowly squatted down.

Others came to him before her, and she was grabbed by the arm and held in place.

Obviously she is also the person involved, but everything seems to have nothing to do with her. She couldn’t break free from the hand that was holding her. It wasn’t until she saw Wei Congying being supported to stand up, and he didn’t know what he said to the policeman who was supporting him, that Shi Yun felt that the force that had been holding her had disappeared.

Flying over to hug him, she was short of breath, like a patient suffering from asthma: “Are you still alive?”


Wei Cong should have seen the red laser falling on the man. The professional players were more accurate and faster than the two of them.

The ambulance took the man who was shot twice away, and the police car took them for a statement.

After they finished taking notes and left, they ran into Dawes and Jeff who were notified to come for interrogation. Seeing Shi Yun’s appearance, Jeff was too scared to look at her. Wet from head to toe, dirty clothes and hands. Her murderous eyes were not hidden at all because she was in the police station.

But reason still prevailed, she didn’t cut him, and settled the score later in autumn.

The torrential rain and strong wind continued outside the police station, and everything seemed to be covered by the heavy rain.

Zhang Guangwei was already waiting for them at the door in his car. On the co-pilot, Yao Quan stuck out his tongue and moaned, not knowing what he was moaning about.

Zhang Guangwei briefly understood what happened: “I was scared to death, and I came over as soon as I received the call.”

There was no way to live in Wei Zongying’s house, so Zhang Guangwei took the two of them back to his place of residence. He lived with Li Te, and the two rented a house together. One lived on the first floor and the other lived on the second floor. They usually did not interfere with each other’s lives.

The ongoing torrential rain made it difficult to drive, and it took Zhang Guangwei some time to drive back to his place of residence.

The light was still on in the living room on the first floor, and Lite was not asleep. When Zhang Guangwei went out, he only said that there was something wrong with Wei Zongying, but he didn’t go into details. It can also be guessed that it must be a major event, otherwise Zhang Guangwei would not have to go out in such bad weather conditions.

The yawning person on the other side of the sofa blacked out his face: “Why did he come here?”

Li Te flipped through the magazine in her hand: “Don’t get me wrong, you are also here to borrow.”

The man flattened his mouth: “I came to chase after you.”

Li Te looked resigned: “So when you go back, your parents have been calling you for the past two days. If you don’t go back, your parents will come here to pick you up in person.”

The man said: “Then do I have to thank this typhoon and thunderstorm for canceling my parents’ flight?”

Boring bickering would only disturb his reading efficiency, Lite ignored him. Listening to the sound of rain outside, the rain has not decreased at all, but fortunately the thunder and lightning have gradually faded away.

When the hour hand passed ten o’clock, the sound of the garage door opening and closing sounded, and it was Zhang Guangwei and the others who had returned.

When Li Te saw Shi Yun in a state of embarrassment, she realized that the matter might be more serious than she thought.

As soon as Wei Congying entered the living room, he saw the person sitting on the sofa. The person had bright yellow hair on his head, like a lamp, dazzling.

I don’t know why he dyed his hair black before the operation, and now he dyed his yellow hair back.

Zhang Guangwei packed up his guest room on the first floor, and let Wei Zongying and Shi Yun spend the night. Mu Kai was unexpectedly afraid of Yaoquan, and he lost all desire to taunt Wei Congying with insults, and ran back to his room.

Li Te lent Shi Yun her bathroom and found her a set of clean clothes.

The various toiletries on the shelf didn’t need her introduction. She closed the bathroom door for Shi Yun, and before leaving, she said to the people inside: “Tell me again if you need anything.”

The cleaning work was huge, Shi Yun’s fingernails were full of sand and sand that went in when he searched for the things Dawes had buried. The hair is wet, and the wound on the face from the gun **** needs to be cleaned up.

She used more than half of the water in the water heater, and after taking a shower, Half-Life finally came back.

When Shi Yun came out of the bathroom, he saw him staring at him and his clothes, drying his hair with a towel: “What’s wrong?”

Wei Congying looked at the clothes that Mu Kai brought over, and when he gave them to her, Mu Kai was still reluctant to part. He said that these were the new clothes he bought with Li Te the day before yesterday, and he hadn’t had time to wear them yet.

Wei Congying held the corner of his clothes in distaste, with a bad expression: “You said that your roommate in London is called Jeff?”

Shi Yun hummed, not knowing why he suddenly asked about Jeff.

Wei Congying: “Did he and Mu Kai buy all the ugly clothes on the Isle of Man?”

But being ugly is better than wearing stinky clothes.

He and Mu Kai’s dressing styles are quite different, but his face is good-looking, and he can support the ugly clothes in his eyes.

Taking a bath, he didn’t ask Shi Yun to help. Shi Yun pushed open the door and was about to go to Zhang Guangwei to get the medicine box. Lite has come over with a medicine kit and two cups of hot water.

They left immediately after delivering their items.

Shi Yun cleaned up the wound on her face first, and then changed the gauze on Wei Zongying’s ankle. She lightly touched the side of the wound: “I should go to the hospital for an examination.”

“It doesn’t hurt.” Wei Congying put his feet on her lap, and originally put his hands on his outstretched hands, but suddenly thought of something, he leaned forward, and he raised his hand to lift the hair next to Shi Yun’s ear, “How about you? How are you?”

Wei Congying leaned over to carefully observe the place where she was hit by the gun butt, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and the corners of his mouth were a little torn.

She still has a bit of beauty, she turned her face away: “It’s nothing, just a little bit of skin.”

Because it is usually used as a storage room, the room that was temporarily cleaned up still smells of dust. Because Zhang Guangwei only came here to look for things at most, so he never fixed a light bulb when it broke.

There was only one light in the room that was still on, and the goose-yellow light was faintly pulling her body into the darkness.

Wei Congying looked at her lowering her head and lowering her eyes to help her change the gauze. She also thought about not long ago, when she was in a mess and went back to the house desperately.

“Why didn’t you leave then?”

This is actually a well-informed answer.

Shi Yun asked him back: “Then when he was pointing a gun at me, why did you lie to him that you hid Petunia?”

Another well-informed answer.

Because…he is not a person who is afraid of death, because at that moment Wei Cong should want her to live, because at that moment he also thought that if he died like this today, would Shi Yun remember that person named He Yun all his life? Remember him forever.

Then he won’t lose.

After disinfecting the wound, she wrapped it with new gauze.

Silence turned the two well-known answers they asked.

After treating the wound, Shi Yun packed up the medical waste. She didn’t turn off the light yellow light, and she lifted the quilt and lay next to Wei Congying, perhaps lying with the people next to him after surviving a catastrophe, feeling his embrace, feeling more at ease than any other night.

Wei Congying turned sideways and let her pillow his arm: “Are you afraid?”


Wei Cong replied, “At that time.”

Shi Yun didn’t lie: “At that time, I was so nervous that I didn’t feel afraid anymore. The more panicked, the more likely something will happen. Didn’t we think there was something wrong with Dawes before, and when I saw his stepfather again, I suddenly felt a little familiar. I wondered if it was what I thought, it was Dawes who killed his mother, and the stepfather and Dawes mother love each other very much.”

“Can you guess all of this?” Wei Congying put his arms around her, “How dare you rely on guessing at such a dangerous time?”

Shi Yun leaned forward and got closer to him: “I’m still a little sure. When I… when my mother and I had an accident, my father came to the scene of the car accident and asked every word that was my mother. It’s like Taoism Just like Dawes’s stepfather was when he went crazy in the house today, the only one who kept shouting was Dawes’ mother.”

That’s why Shi Yun thought it was very familiar, so he thought of it to himself.

“So how are you and uncle doing now?”

Shi Yun: “It’s better than before. But he may not be able to really forgive me in his heart. Although it’s not like other father-daughter relationships, it’s still very polite.”

Parents don’t love each other that much, Wei Cong should feel a little bit empathetic.

When Shi Yun saw that he was silent, he smiled and joked: “If I get pregnant and give birth to a child, but I die because of dystocia, will you still love our child? Do you think that the child is actually the murderer who killed me?” .”

Wei Cong should have understood a little bit, he would, and even imagined it, he felt a little unacceptable.

However, he said bluntly: “Boyfriend and boyfriend are neither, it’s too early to think about children.”

Shi Yun stretched his neck and kissed his chin: “I’m hugging him so tightly.”

After finishing speaking, a force pushed her out, she was on guard, her arms were around his neck, and her legs were on his waist.

Pushing it, she hugged him even tighter. Shi Yun coquettishly said, “To survive a catastrophe, we shouldn’t…”

For example, compound it?

He glanced at her: “If you survive a catastrophe, you will have future troubles.”

“Bah, bah, bah—” Shi Yun yelled several times, “Your literary accomplishment makes me question the level of teachers in your university.”

“Yes, I was sent by the rival university next door to smash the admissions signboard.” Seeing that he couldn’t push her away, Wei Cong didn’t continue. Holding her again, his hands went down from the shoulder blades, and he slapped her on the buttocks, “Sleep for me now.”

“It’s shameful to avoid problems.” Shi Yun didn’t close his eyes.

“It’s shameful but it works.” Wei Congying reached out to cover her eyes with his palms on her face.

The upper half of the face was blocked, and the wound on the lower half of the face became more obvious. For a moment, Wei Zongying’s chest felt tight, just like the phone call she made to herself during an earthquake.

It’s the same feeling as back then.

The room was dark with very little lighting. He covered Shi Yun’s eyes so that she could not see that she had fallen again.

Without being noticed by her, she moved closer to her, and her lips lightly touched the purple wound: “After the typhoon is over in two days, let’s go watch the meteor, and sleep now.”

The author has something to say:

Hehehe, watch a meteor shower tomorrow and we’ll be done! !

The episode may not be updated every day.

I haven’t decided what to write yet.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-28 20:25:59~2022-06-29 19:55:03~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: one who loves to sleep and is lazy, Hehehe, Ahjiu;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 178 bottles of fat people who don’t like meat; 3373038315 bottles; Lu Yixi, Tian Zhengguo’s wife, is there any mistake, 10 bottles of wind; k9 bottles; 3 bottles of alu, Xiaobietu Bieyoubie; 2 bottles of Wyb08055; 1 bottle of Holiday, 56795865, Yezitang, Xiaokuang No Mine, Qiuren.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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