It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 123

Chapter 128: The Drunken Queen Mother 29

But in the blink of an eye, a flaming fireball appeared on the seventh prince’s head. reaction.

“Save me! Help me! Help!” The raging fire burned the seventh prince’s hair, and he cried out in pain and fear that did not sound like a human voice.

The fourth prince was frightened by such a shock. He pointed at the seventh prince and shouted “Aah”, so scared that he was speechless.

The third prince took two steps back quietly, his face looked extremely strange against the firelight.

“Your Highness! Your Highness!” The two eunuchs who were close to the seventh prince were so frightened that they wanted to reach out and put out the fire on the seventh prince’s head.

I don’t know what to do.

Zhang Yu, let alone water, not even vegetation.

The Seventh Prince was frightened and ran around like a headless fly, and finally fell to the ground.

The fire had spread from his head to him, and seeing that the seventh prince was about to become a hot man, an older **** beside the fourth prince finally took off himself The robe, he rushed forward and covered the robe over the Seventh Prince, and then fit and pounced on the robe to suppress the robe and patted it. The fire on his body was finally extinguished by the tragic cry of the Seventh Prince.

This place is not far from the imperial study room, the shrill screams reached the imperial study room, the young master on duty listened carefully and his face changed greatly. Raising the corners of his robes, he ran away towards the place where the screams came from.

Waiting for the young master to arrive, there were already a lot of people at the scene of the crime, and several teams of the Imperial Army, which were attracted by the screams, filled half the corridor, and the master opened the crowd. Climbing in and taking a look, I could not help but take a deep breath.

The seventh prince was lying on the ground twitching and screaming, his head and face were burnt to black, at first glance like a piece of coke, the matter involved the prince, and it was so serious, it was obvious that he could not When he could handle it, the young master snorted loudly in his heart, “Please imperial physician! Your Majesty, and the Queen Mother!”

Wang Qingqing arrived very quickly, almost at the same time as the imperial doctor on duty. As soon as she arrived, she took control of the scene and sent a few trusted eunuchs and palace maids to cross-examine repeatedly. It was clear that, except for the people involved in the case who were left behind, the rest of the palace guards were driven back to their posts by her.

In order to treat the wounds of the seventh prince, she requisitioned a side hall of the imperial study room. He stripped off all the clothes that the Seventh Prince had been burning and sticking to his body.

The imperial doctor over there is dealing with the wound, and here Wang Qingqing is inquiring about the case.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Qingqing sat on the top of her head and her eyelids drooped slightly, and said to the third and fourth princes who were kneeling in front of her: “Tell me!”

“After returning to my mother, my son…” As soon as the third prince opened his mouth, Wang Qingqing interrupted him: “The fourth will speak first.”

“Back, after returning to my mother, just, just now…” The fourth prince who was named by her hadn’t calmed down yet, he was trembling all over, even though his mother concubine also He once punished the palace servants in front of him, but those were palace servants after all. Even if those people were severely injured, he would not be able to be moved, and naturally he would not be afraid.

Now it is different, the one who was burned is his brother, who is equal to him, and in such a tragic way, the fourth prince is shocked and scared, and incoherently describes what just happened The matter was recounted without a word.

The frame of the burned lantern was also presented to Wang Qingqing. She pinched a few bamboo pieces that had been burnt to black and looked at them a few times, then waved her hand and let them withdraw.

The lanterns in the palace are exquisitely crafted, the bamboo quilts are extremely thin, and after a fire, the strips have been burned to a minimum, and nothing can be seen at all.

Wang Qingqing pointed to the answer of the **** who helped the seventh prince put out the fire. The **** was very calm, and the narrative was very clear and organized. After listening to his reply, Wang Qingqing nodded and praised: “Yes, he is quick-witted in the face of danger. , is a calm one.”

The **** kowtowed as soon as he was busy, Wang Qingqing nodded and smiled: “This time, you have done a good job in saving the seventh prince, and you will be rewarded for the position of being in charge of the fifth rank, the golden 12 taels, in order to save the seventh prince, burned You have a robe, and this palace will reward you with four pieces of brocade and six pieces of blue cloth, are you still satisfied?”

Satisfied, can you be satisfied? However, after giving up a robe, the rank was upgraded and there were so many rewards. The **** was overjoyed and quickly thanked him: “Slave kowtow to thank the empress.”

Wang Qingqing waved his hand to let him back down, and said softly to the four princes who were still trembling: “Fourth princes, don’t be afraid, this palace is in charge, I will give you a day off today, and you will go back to your mother-in-law first. In the palace, let her boil some soothing soup for you, and take a rest.”

After the fourth prince left, Wang Qingqing sat on the head motionless, and the seventh prince next to him heard a few miserable screams from time to time. The atmosphere in the whole side hall was inexplicably heavy, and the third prince who was kneeling on the ground secretly watched Glancing at Wang Qingqing’s face, she wanted to say something, but she didn’t dare to make trouble, so she continued to kneel on the ground in silence.

In the midst of this dullness, there was a shout of “the emperor is coming” from outside the hall, Wang Qingqing slightly drooped the corners of her lips and stood up from the chair.

His Majesty the Emperor, who just got up from the gentle township, still had a bit of drowsiness on his face, Wang Qingqing glanced at the Qingying under his eyes and couldn’t help but pouted secretly, because there was no more Ruled by Concubine Gao, who would cry, make trouble, and be jealous, His Majesty the Emperor tossed and turned every day in different gentle villages.

Color is a steel knife that scrapes bones, and wine is a poison that pierces the intestines. It seems that His Majesty the Emperor does not understand this truth, alas! How pathetic! Wang Qingqing shook her head slightly with a sympathetic expression.

“The people below reported that the Seventh Emperor is not good?” His Majesty the Emperor stepped into the door and asked Wang Qingqing, “What happened?”

“My concubine has seen Your Majesty.” Wang Qingqing bowed her knees slightly and saluted: “This matter is because of the Third Prince, Your Majesty, please sit down and allow him to report in detail.”

His Majesty the Emperor sat on the chair, covered his mouth with his wide sleeves, and yawned before saying to the three princes who were kneeling on the ground: “What happened, let’s come together.”

“Go back to the emperor,” the third prince wiped his tears with his sleeves with red eyes: “It’s all my child’s, isn’t it, my son ran into the seventh brother on the way to school today, and my son seemed to have something wrong with his voice. , because he was worried about his health, he took up the lantern and wanted to take a look at his face, how do you know…”

The third prince lay on the ground and cried: “Xu Shi’s lantern was raised a little lower, the seventh brother touched the lantern when he raised his head, and for some reason, the lantern actually burned Get up, light up the hair of the seventh brother, woo woo, my son killed the seventh brother, the son is guilty, I beg the father and the emperor to punish.”

In the eyes of the three princes, this incident was purely an accident, but would His Majesty believe it? He stared at the three princes who were sobbing and kept silent, surprised, hum! How can there be so many surprises?

Although the first emperor was far less numerous than his own sons, the competition between several brothers was fierce, and all kinds of frame-ups were used to the extreme. For a dragon chair, what kind of brotherhood, what kind of siblings The righteousness, when the mouth is here, how much is left?

His Majesty the Emperor is someone who has experienced competition events. He first had some doubts about the third prince’s words, and then looked at the performance of the third prince. .

Your Majesty the Emperor has not yet made a decision, and the imperial doctor wound up the Seventh Prince with great difficulty, and after cleaning his hands, he went back and forth to the Empress: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Seventh Prince, The prince has deep burns on his head, neck and back, and the situation is very bad.”

“Could it be life-threatening?” His Majesty the Emperor went straight to the point.

Make it clear, so that the patient’s family will not find trouble.

“Is there a way to avoid the wind?” Wang Qingqing pondered that “the wind” in the mouth of the imperial doctor is probably the infection that modern doctors call it? In this era of no antibiotics, traumatic infection is indeed a deadly situation.

“Poor the Seventh Emperor!” Wang Qingqing wiped away her tears when she heard the words: “I lost my mother-in-law when I was young, and now I have encountered this disaster, it really hurts this palace. !”

In the entire side hall, there were only the faint voices of the seventh prince and Wang Qingqing’s suppressed sobbing. You have been in school for many years, and the words of the sage have not been able to teach you, and now you have caused such a big disaster, it is really stupid and unlearnable!”

When His Majesty the Emperor was not angry, the third prince dared to cry to him “please the emperor to punish”, now His Majesty the emperor is furious, the third prince lies on the ground and shivering, but he dare not say another word “I beg your father to punish you”.

“My son will die! I beg the father and the emperor, but my son will never dare. This is purely an accident.”

He made fun of the seventh prince many times in the past. The seventh prince sued the Queen Wang, the Queen Wang would reprimand him and punish him with Yueyin, and sue Li Concubine, Li Concubine would reward him with a ruler, these two people When he was angry again, the punishment for him was nothing more than a little trick by the women in the harem, and he didn’t take it to heart at all.

Now the person who is angry has been replaced by His Majesty the Emperor, and while he is frightened, he begins to regret that he should not have played such a heavy hand this time.

The terrified third prince was heartbroken when he heard these words, and he was imprisoned for three years. There will always be a day, but the emperor’s comments directly broke his future honor. The possibility of ascending the throne, the ministers and workers will never support a person who “acts absurdly and is not educated, and has an unrighteous mind and maims his siblings” to inherit the great treasure.

The anxious and panic third prince messed up his hands and feet, he rushed over and hugged His Majesty’s leg and said: “Father, do you still remember A-niang? You forgot that you once Did you tell my mother that ‘my throne will be succeeded by the three emperors’?”

“Presumptuous! Presumptuous!” His Majesty the Emperor angrily kicked the third prince into a duel: “I’m not dead yet! It’s too early for you to think about the throne now!”

The third prince, who was kicked out by His Majesty the Emperor, crawled back and hugged His Majesty’s leg: “Father, your golden mouth, is it because of A-niang, what you said is now Can’t count it all?”

“Come on! Come on!” His Majesty the emperor shouted in a trembling voice: “Prince Zhu Da is rebellious! From now on, he will be banned in Yongxiang, and he will not be able to come out for the rest of his life!”

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