It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 129

Chapter 134: White Moonlight? Sour Rice! 2

Head to the restaurant for breakfast.

Compared to Wang Qingqing, the old man next to him looked much more sluggish. The old man sat listlessly at the dining table, didn’t even want to mention chopsticks, and occasionally covered his mouth with his hands and yawned.

Last night, the girl did not shout for Cao Zixi to be chased back, nor did she visit Cao Yuer, who was placed in the guest room by herself. These kinds of abnormalities made Mr. Ye extremely uneasy.

My daughter is infatuated with Cao Zixi. When Cao Zixi got married, her daughter became seriously ill. For him, her daughter has not been married until she is twenty-two years old. She can be said to that Cao Zixi Love is deeply rooted and hard to extricate.

Now that Cao Zixi sees her life in danger, her daughter is actually indifferent? Could it be that the girl went back to her room to rest her eyes, but she actually slipped out early to find that Cao Zixi?

After thinking too much, the old man was worried. He first went to ask the maid who was serving his daughter, and got the reply that the young lady had been groomed and fell asleep. Even so, the old man was afraid of his daughter. What a moth in the middle of the night.

He first arranged for the maid to sleep on the floor in front of the daughter’s room, then inspected the house in person, and then told the concierge to be vigilant at night, even if everything was properly arranged, the old man also I didn’t dare to sleep soundly all night, but I just lay down with my clothes on.

After all, with age, the tossing this night made the old man exhausted, yawning one after another without saying, and even had no appetite for breakfast.

“Dad, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t you sleep last night? Are you so sleepy?” Don’t go out with me after dinner, and go back and rest.”

“I’m fine, I just drank a cup of tea before going to bed, and I was sleepy at night.” The old man drank a bowl of porridge with the side dishes that his daughters honored, put down the bowl and brought it to the servants The hot towel cleaned his hands and face and wiped his mouth: “I don’t stop, so as not to sleep too much during the day and not be able to sleep at night.”

The old man made up his mind, and he has to follow his daughter closely these days, so that she does not do anything irrational for that Cao Zixi. An only daughter, if something happens to her, how can she live?

Wang Qingqing had nothing to do with this stubborn old man, so she shrugged and stopped demanding.

The driver at home had already packed up the rickshaw and waited quietly at the front door. The father and daughter had finished breakfast and were about to go out. A servant hurried over to Wang Qingqing and replied: ” Miss, Miss Yuer wakes up crying in the morning and can’t be coaxed no matter what, do you want to go see her?”

Wang Qingqing didn’t want to pay attention to it, but the girl’s shrill cries were vaguely passed to the front, and if she kept shouting like this, she was afraid that her neighbors would have opinions.

She followed the maid to the guest room without saying a word, Cao Yuer rolled on the bed with her hair disheveled and wearing obscene clothes: “I want my grandmother~, I want my father~…”

Wang Qingqing put her arms around her chest and leaned against the door quietly watching Cao Yuer making a fuss. The original owner did not remember this morning.

She was infatuated with Cao Zixi, loved the house and Wu, and she also loved Cao Yuer very much. Cao Zixi entrusted the child to her, and she treated the child as her own. Cao Yuer arrived at the Ye family. That night, he stayed in the original owner’s house.

In the eyes of the original owner, Cao Yuer is the only bloodline left by his sweetheart in this world. Heavy? In his heart, he must be different. For this “trustworthiness”, the original body held Cao Yuer in the palm of his hand to care for him.

Cao Yuer, who first arrived at Ye’s house, was frightened and uneasy, and the original body held her gently and comforted her all night. When the family undergoes major changes, Cao Yuer is unhappy all day, so she puts down her work and accompanies her to travel around the mountains and rivers to relax. As for daily use, it goes without saying that everything must be done according to the best in the world.

Cao Yuer did not live up to the original arrangement, and quickly adapted to the life in the Ye family, eating, drinking and dressing, and speaking out what she wanted. .

Cao Yuer, who was crying and making trouble, had a hoarse voice. If the original body was here, she must have been hugging and persuading her dearly. Kung Fu, Zi Gu Zi folded his arms and leaned against the door quietly watching her Sa Po.

The servants who came from the Cao family stood by the bed and glanced at their crying little master, and then at Wang Qingqing, who was as steady as an old dog, and cried while wiping away her tears: “My poor lady, please stop for a while, we are relying on others, how can you be so ignorant?”

Wang Qingqing was also very speechless to this servant girl. Knowing that her master and servant are dependent on others, why don’t you hurry up and advise her master with snacks? What does it mean to forcibly sell miserable with words in this sentence?

This person is probably used to fighting in the gate of the mansion, and wants to stir up something when he has nothing to do. Wang Qingqing has come to a conclusion on the behavior of this servant girl.

The “not sensible” Cao Yuer continued to cry, and Wang Qingqing ignored the master and servant, and she raised her voice in exchange for her own servant girl’s instructions: “Ms. It is inevitable that you are a little temperamental, and it will disturb the neighbors, so you should close the doors and windows of this house tightly, so that Miss Cao can vent to her heart’s content.”

Wang Qingqing’s words stunned both the servant girl and the master and servant of the Cao family.

You must know that the Cao family and the Ye family have been neighbors for many years. Before the Cao family was convicted, although they held a lintel and had a close relationship with the Ye family, they were neighbors after all, and they heard each other. The two families still have normal neighborhood contacts. Miss Ye has always loved Cao Yuer very much. When has she treated Cao Yuer with such an attitude?

To say that Ye Qingqing dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and only treats Cao Yuer so coldly after seeing the Cao family’s downfall, then the servant of the Ye family will not believe it first, if you dislike the poor and love the rich earlier Now, why wait until today to start?

It only took a couple of years for the Cao family to be convicted and raided. After helping out, he sent a large sum of money to the young master of the Cao family, so that the young master of the Cao family was able to help the coffin to return to his hometown to bury his parents.

It has been nearly half a year since Mr. Cao, who returned to his hometown in Fuling, returned to Tianjin. The father and daughter were living in poverty. Afraid of hurting their face, her own lady also tried her best to be euphemistic when she supported the father and daughter.

Written by Wang Qingqing.

Being so provoked by Wang Qingqing, Cao Yuer finally stopped crying, Wang Qingqing bent her mouth and said to her: “Ms. You are also a girl, and when a girl is chaste and virtuous, how can you cry like a child in the market?”

Wang Qingqing’s remarks are not without purpose. For thousands of years, the feudal dynasties’ class division of ‘scholars, farmers and businessmen” has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Look down on the Ye family.

This Cao Yuer was probably not less influenced by this aspect when she was a child. Even if she lived in the Ye family and was sheltered by the Ye family later, she still held her official lady’s house all day long. Identity, dislike the smell of copper in the Ye family, look down on this and despise the other, and put on the air in front of the Ye family.

Wang Qingqing felt extremely unworthy of the original body when she remembered it, and naturally she would not be polite when speaking to Cao Yuer.

Her sarcastic words made Cao Yuer embarrassed and annoyed, and Cao Yuer couldn’t help shouting in a shrill voice: “What are you, I think Whatever happens, it’s not your turn to teach me!”

“Tsk tsk tsk.” Wang Qingqing curled her lips and shook her head: “My lady? Miss Cao really opened my eyes to this merchant’s daughter. Think about it clearly, you are now a guest in my Ye family, as a guest , you speak so rudely to my master, is this the upbringing of your ladies?”

Wang Qingqing’s words seriously hurt Cao Yuer’s self-esteem, she blushed and shouted in a shrill voice: “What kind of pickled place, it’s not good for me to be rare! Zhang Ma! Pack up, let’s go!”

The maid named Zhang Ma was very anxious, she first rushed over and hugged Cao Yuer, covered her mouth, and eagerly coaxed: “My good lady, you are right. What are you talking about, listen to Zhang Ma, calm down and stop making trouble?”

Cao Yu’er may have been frightened by the panic in Zhang’s eyes, or she may have listened to Zhang’s words without losing her sense, and finally calmed down.

She comforted her young lady, and Zhang’s mother bowed her knees and apologized to Wang Qingqing again and again: “Miss Ye, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, our lady didn’t do it on purpose, the child’s family suddenly suffered this When the accident happened, I didn’t have any relatives by my side, and I was panicked and scared, and I would inevitably lose my sense of proportion. I also asked Miss Ye to not care about her.”

Mother Zhang started to wipe her tears with a veil: “Miss Ye, you are so compassionate and compassionate as the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, take pity on our young lady. I don’t know where she is, she is a little orphan, if you hate her again, how will she live?”

Wang Qingqing snorted and said to the mother: “You don’t need to beg like this, as a businessman, I value the most credibility, since I promised that Cao Zixi will take care of your young lady, I will definitely do it.”

Ma Zhang was relieved when she heard Wang Qingqing’s words, and immediately thanked her hurriedly. Wang Qingqing waved her hand to stop her series of insincere flattery, and reiterated her request to her: “Okay. You don’t need to say too much, your master and servants just need to remember that Miss Cao’s surname is Cao, she is a guest in the Ye family, and since she is a guest, she must look like a guest.”

Mother Zhang nodded solemnly, Cao Yuer bit her lip and said nothing, seeing the master and servant stop, Wang Qingqing turned and left, Ye Ye was still at the door With her, her time is precious.

As soon as Wang Qingqing left, Cao Yuer stopped shouting, tears were falling down her cheeks, she said to the mother: “Didn’t you say that Ye Qingqing loves my father? , when we come to the Ye family, will she treat me as her own daughter? What’s going on with her now?”

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