It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: How Did The Gold Nanny Become 13 He Qingqing’S Invincible Mouth Cannon

Li Zhiqiang said he wanted to talk, He Qingqing would not refuse, she sat down opposite Li Zhiqiang: “What to talk about?”

“Qingqing! What’s the matter with you recently? Why are you so abnormal? Did someone tell you bad things about me?” Li Zhiqiang said earnestly: “Don’t believe the nonsense of those old ladies, They are just jealous of the happiness we have had together, they are jealous of us, and their purpose is to destroy our marriage! They are all shrewd who harm others and not themselves!”

“Which old lady is talking nonsense?” He Qingqing was confused: “What are you talking about? How can I not understand?”

“You’re still pretending to be stupid!” Li Zhiqiang feigned angrily: “Then Zhao Yanni! It’s not that she’s playing bad words about me behind my back. How can you do this? Qingqing, you have to figure out, we are a couple, The closest person in the world, then Zhao Yanni, no matter how nice she is to you, can I be nice to you?”

Li Zhiqiang said with a long sigh and looked at He Qingqing tenderly: “You! Don’t believe what they say in the future, they just want to provoke us to fight! I’m also middle-aged. , I certainly can’t talk about love and love all day like those young people, but I really love you in my heart! Teenage couples are old friends, and I want to be with you until old age! ”

He Qingqing was speechless and blinked at Li Zhiqiang.

Li Zhiqiang saw that He Qingqing did not speak, and continued to persuade her with all his strength: “It is not easy for us to reorganize the family, the children also like you, and I love you too, what else do you do? Satisfied? Can you stop making trouble in the future and have a good life with me? Huh?”

Goodness! This scumbag has thick skin! The ability to confuse right and wrong nonsense from nothing is so profound?

“Wait a moment! You wait a moment!” He Qingqing raised her hand to stop Li Zhiqiang’s nonsense: “You say, you love me in your heart? Do you want to be with me until old age?”

“Yes!” Li Zhiqiang nodded again and again: “A hundred years of cultivation can cross the boat, a thousand years of cultivation can sleep together, and it is such a rare fate that we can be together among millions of people. Cherish it!”

Li Zhiqiang clicked his lips regretfully as he spoke, and if he could wrap his arms around He Qingqing’s shoulder and hold her hand, and say this again, the effect would definitely be better, but He Qingqing is now somewhat The weather is uncertain, he does not dare to make mistakes, the effect of this sentence is greatly reduced!

Will you help me if I am in trouble?”

“Of course! You said, I will definitely help you if you have any difficulties! Isn’t the couple just supporting each other to live?” Li Zhiqiang said beautiful words, but his heart was high Get up, He Qingqing, this 250, won’t make any excessive conditions, right?

“I don’t have much difficulty!” He Qingqing smiled at him: “Just two things! The first one, the house left by my grandfather, I want to buy it, you give I’ll take six thousand yuan, you know, I won’t give birth, this house will be shared equally between Dabao and Xiaobao after I die.”

“The second thing, I don’t have a job, I can’t pay for medical treatment and medicine, it’s too expensive, you can find me a job in our unit, I don’t choose a job, even temporary workers OK, physical work is OK! As long as you can do these two things, we can continue to live!”

6,000 yuan he can take out, but he doesn’t want to take it. Now his monthly salary is only five or six hundred, six thousand yuan is not a small amount. With his income, he wants to save six Thousands of dollars, at least two years.

He Qingqing now wants him to take out the money as soon as his upper lip touches his lower lip. Li Zhiqiang is absolutely reluctant, especially when he buys this house, he must be remembered in the name of He Qingqing .

Even if He Qingqing said that she would give the house to Dabao and Xiaobao in a hundred years, Li Zhiqiang would not like it. There are so many empty houses in the North District. If he spends such a large amount of money, why not buy it Remember it in your own name?

Li Zhiqiang felt that He Qingqing, who had to persuade first, dismissed the idea: “Qingqing, didn’t I explain it to you earlier? That bungalow is useless! Look at that bungalow, there is no heating, It is necessary to burn coal for heating in winter, how dangerous is coal burning? Every year, there are coal-burning poisoning accidents!”

“Besides, there is no toilet in that house, and I have to go to the toilet so far, and I have to empty the urinal every morning, is it troublesome? You promised me not to buy that house before, didn’t you? Why are you regretting it now? Zhao Yanni is talking nonsense to you again?”

“It’s none of your business!” He Qingqing lowered his head and looked down: “I want that house, our old He family has lived in that house for 40 years, and I’m in that house. I was born and raised in that house, and my grandparents also lived in that house, and I have feelings for it.”

Li Zhiqiang, “Qingqing, you think it’s bad, don’t you? People should look forward, let the past be the past, keep it in your heart, and you will feel uncomfortable! What a nice building I live in now, with complete water, electricity and heating, and very convenient, enough for our family of four to live in, even if you buy a bungalow, it will be left in vain, so why bother spending that unjust money?”

“That’s good!” He Qingqing looked up at him: “Leave this house alone, let’s talk about the second thing, when will you assign me a position? Don’t say you can’t arrange it! When we were not married the year before, Mrs. He from the labor union said that she would take care of me and give me a temporary job position. At that time, you refused, saying that we were going to get married soon, and you would support me in the future. I didn’t go to work.”

He Qingqing stared at Li Zhiqiang, whose eyes were dodging around: “What now? After I fell, I didn’t even dare to go to the hospital! There is no way to live this day, if you really want to live with me, you can arrange one for me, I don’t choose any position!”

Li Zhiqiang did not say a word after hearing this, with a gloomy face. Of course he can arrange a job. If nothing else, there has always been a shortage of chores in the canteen of the oil refinery. The problem is that he can Arrange He Qingqing to do chores in the cafeteria?

Looking at the whole oil field up and down, which leader’s lover is a temporary worker?

Professionalism is a business expert in important positions, and a person who is not professional will occupy an idle position in the pension department. Whether it is a business expert or an idle position, it is a proper formal worker. If you like to work, you simply start a full-time housewife at home. Who has nothing to do to be a temporary worker?

Temporary jobs are easy to find, but these jobs are often time-consuming and low-paying. If he finds such a job for He Qingqing, will He Qingqing still have time to do housework?

If nothing else, the canteen of their oil refinery, all the cooks and handymen in it have to work two shifts, one for brunch and one for supper.

Go to work at three or four o’clock, and leave work at one or two o’clock in the morning.

In this way, she won’t have much time to take care of the children, can he find He Qingqing for this kind of work? He married He Qingqing because she was honest and willing to take care of the family and take care of the children for him, otherwise why would he find a second marriage head who is nearly thirty years old and has nothing?

Regular workers can be more relaxed and have more free time, and the problem of regular workers is even more difficult! How much does it cost to get through the relationship between top and bottom? How much favor does it take?

If he has so much money and relationships, he might as well raise himself a level! How much waste is it to use on He Qingqing?

He Qingqing saw that Li Zhiqiang didn’t speak for a long time, she spoke sarcastically: “My two conditions are not too excessive, right? You can’t do one of them? This is your love for me Heavy? How can you make me trust you?”

Li Zhiqiang was flushed with anger by He Qingqing’s words, this He Qingqing is becoming more and more dishonest, not to mention the family, she doesn’t care about the child at all, his marriage with He Qingqing , is it necessary to exist?

“You don’t do these two things for me, I do it myself! I will borrow money to buy the house, pay the bills myself, and find the job myself. There’s no time to do housework, so don’t complain!”

He Qingqing leaned on the sofa with her arms around her chest: “After all, when you come home from work, you don’t do any housework at all. Now I’m going to go to work, and I have enough time to do that housework!”

“He Qingqing!” Li Zhiqiang glared at her through gritted teeth: “You don’t want to live anymore, do you? Ah? Which daughter-in-law is not allowed to do housework? Don’t do it? What do you mean? The two children are not your own, so you don’t care at all, do you?”

“You’re right!” He Qingqing snorted coldly: “My daughter-in-law does housework, but what is her status at home? , the family’s expenses are managed by the daughter-in-law as a whole.”

“What about me? Don’t say give me your salary, you don’t even give me living expenses! You say let me be frugal, I take dirty clothes to the public faucet every day to wash, even at home I have to save your water bills. How did you do it? Bought a twin-cylinder washing machine for your ex-mother-in-law! I don’t even have the right to know, are we still married? This is your love for me Heavy?”

He Qingqing took a breath and continued to spray him: “I fell, and you, as a husband, didn’t say you took me to the hospital for a checkup? Why? Aren’t you afraid of spending money?” What your child is my child, as long as I take good care of the child, they will definitely give me old age when they grow up!”

“It’s all bullshit! I’m still young and able to do it. You don’t take me to the hospital if I get hurt. When I’m old, can you expect your child?”

“He Qingqing! I really didn’t expect that, that’s how you think about my child? You’re too much!” Li Zhiqiang grieved: “Am I not good enough for you?”

“How good are you to me? I really don’t feel it!” He Qingqing’s eyes widened: “Come! Tell me!”

“You!” Li Zhiqiang said angrily: “I’m not good to you? You don’t have a penny in income, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be able to live, you eat and drink for nothing in this family Did I say something?”

“Are you kidding me?” He Qingqing’s surprised tone almost broke through the sky: “If I didn’t marry you, I went to the class arranged for me by Mrs. He of the trade union, and I can support myself. Can’t I myself?”

“I still eat and drink for free at this house?” He Qingqing sneered: “Am I free to eat and drink? Feeling that the housework I do is not worth anything? Besides, you still You want to sleep with me every once in a while! I’m your free escort? I work for nothing and take care of the children for nothing. In the end, you have to worry about eating and drinking! Are you still human? Stop laughing at my big teeth!”

In the end, even eating and drinking at your house took advantage of your family? Li Zhiqiang, can you have some face? Did you give me the delicious food from the mountains and the sea, or did you give me the nectar and jade dew?”

Li Zhiqiang, who was bombarded by He Qingqing’s invincible mouth cannon, turned into anger: “My old Li family can’t tolerate someone with sharp teeth like you! Divorce!”

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