It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 198

Chapter 203: Sister-In-Law Married To Brother-In-Law 13

After entering Qingyuxuan, Ping An first saluted all the concubines, and then respectfully asked Concubine Wu: “The madam ordered the slave to inform the concubine that she wants to go back to the Shangshu Mansion. , also asked Concubine Wu to order the stable to prepare the frame.”

As soon as she said these words, all the concubines immediately looked at each other, Shang Shufu was the backing of Liu Qingqing, what Liu Qingqing wanted to do when she returned to Shangshufu, even a fool can imagine, she lost her stewardship, it was equivalent to Having lost the ability to protect Yang Ye, Mrs. Yang would never just watch it.

Mrs. Yang is domineering and domineering, and even the Marquis does not dare to stand up to her. If Liu Qingqing goes back to rescue soldiers, then the power that has been handed over to her will not have to be returned immediately.

The concubines looked at each other and stared at Concubine Wu to see how she answered.

“It is said that Madam has an order, and I should obey it.” Wu Yiniang pondered for a while and said to Ping An: “I helplessly ordered by the Marquis, if he is not in the mansion, I should guard the door and not let the family go under. People come and go as they please. Now, even though my wife is going out, I don’t dare to be the master. I have to ask the Lord Hou before acting according to the order. If you go back first, when the Lord has made a decision, I will order it. What do you think of the people going to report the result to Madam?”

“What do you mean, Mrs. can’t go out today? Aunt Wu, Lord Hou just didn’t let Mrs. But you just want to go back to your mother’s house, but you are pushing three and four, is this agreeable? Could it be that you still want to be the master of your wife?”

Among the concubines, the one who wanted Liu Qingqing to die the most was Concubine Li. But it’s too cruel, we are only a concubine, how can we dare to decide for the lady?”

“The Marquis strictly ordered Concubine Wu to guard the door. I just went to the gate of the house to see the Marquis in the morning, and I was reprimanded by her. She acted like this, but she obeyed the orders of the Marquis. That’s all.” Concubine Li said with a flick of her eyes and rolled her eyes: “If not, how about having Concubine Wu send someone to accompany you to the Beida Camp to ask the Lord Marquis in person? It will save you from doubting that I and others will be in trouble. lady.”

As she spoke, Auntie Li winked at Aunt Wu, but she hoped that Ping An would really listen to her and go to the Beida Camp to ask Yang Xun for instructions.

Yang Xun, as the Marquis of Bowang, has a unique existence in the whole mansion. In fact, he is the most annoying woman in the family who disagrees with him. He only seized Liu Qingqing’s stewardship last night. Today Liu Qingqing Qingqing is going to go back to her mother’s house to rescue soldiers. This is simply a slap in the face of Yang Xun. If you go safely, if Yang Xun can agree, it will be a ghost!

“The Marquis never ordered his wife to come in and out, but the concubines obstructed it so much. It’s too much to act on his behalf.” Under the guidance, Madam makes her own decision.”

She hurriedly saluted and turned away. As soon as she returned to the main courtyard, Wang Qingqing began to lose her temper: “How brave! But how dare a few concubines dare to slap my face like this? Even if this Madam loses her stewardship, she is still a super-quality Madam Hou, how can they allow them to behave like this?”

Wang Qingqing smashed the decoration and ordered the maid: “Go! Call Mrs. Wu, this lady has something to tell me!”

“You are faithful to your duty.” Wang Qingqing gave her a sneer: “I don’t want to make trouble for you, didn’t I ask the Hou Ye to show it? You can send someone to accompany Ping An right now. Beidaying, I want to see if Lord Hou will stop me!”

“Yes, my concubine will arrange it now, does Madam have any other orders?”

“No!” Wang Qingqing snorted coldly and waved her to step back.

Wang Qingqing put on a complacent look and waited for Ping An to bring the good news, who knew that Ping An would soon return from the Peking University Camp in a sullen mood, accompanied by Yang Xun’s personal entourage Guard: “Your Majesty has an order, Mrs. Liu disrespects her husband and master, and has repeatedly spoken out, so she banned her from Fangfei Garden as an example.”

Hearing the message that Yang Xun asked her to bring back, Concubine Li almost laughed her nose crooked: “What kind of pain is Liu’s face now? Ha! I really want to Go to the main courtyard to comfort and visit our Mrs. Chaopin Hou, and see what look on her face at the moment.”

“Auntie is too narrow.” Concubine Li’s confidant maid slapped Auntie Li’s leg and blamed: “You must not go, in case Madam’s face hurts too much. , I’m so angry that I’m mad at you, but what should I do?”

“Hahaha, you girl, and you say that I’m narrow-minded, how are you doing?” Li Yiniang laughed and kicked her lightly: “Am I that stupid?”

“The aunt has no last resort, and she can definitely be called Zhuge in the girls’ middle school.” After the maid held her master, she changed the topic: “The lady has been banned, and this is a godsend opportunity to do it, but it’s a pity Hou Ye ordered my aunt to manage the furnishings, it would be great if my aunt’s errands could be exchanged with my aunt Sun, what should we do now?”

“Cold.” Concubine Li Yuzai picked up the book and flipped two pages at random: “Brother Yun is only three years old, why am I so anxious? I am more anxious than me, let’s wait first. Just watch the show.”

The “more anxious” Concubine Zhao was pacing repeatedly in the inner room.

Concubine Zhao’s grandmother lowered her voice and asked the restless master who was walking back and forth: “The Marquis has not even set the time limit for the grounding, but I don’t know if he is ready to compromise with the Shang Shufu at any time, or is he ready to put Liu Shut up for a long time?”

“Mostly it’s the former. Lord Hou, like the old Lord Lord, places great importance on his career.” Concubine Zhao frowned: “If it weren’t for my father’s long-term reputation in the Peking Camp Long, he wouldn’t value me, the daughter of a sixth-rank military attache so much.”

As soon as he intervenes, Lord Hou compromises and will definitely return the stewardship rights to the Liu family.

Concubine Zhao raised her head and closed her eyes and thought for a long time, then opened her eyes and shook her head with a long sigh: “Forget it, this is not a good opportunity to do something. My father said that the governor of the Five Armies, Mr. Cao, is already old. Gao, the retirement is just one or two years ago, and Lord Hou is planning for his position at the moment.”

“At this juncture, Lord Hou will definitely not let Yang Ye and Liu Shi have any trouble. I am afraid that he has already arranged manpower around Yang Ye.” Zhao Shi rubbed his eyebrows. Tired to the extreme, he sat down on the chair: “Even if we succeed, Lord Hou will definitely investigate this matter in order to quell the anger of the Shang Shufu. How could there ever be a seamless plan in the world? As long as he is willing to investigate, it must be There will be results, and I am afraid that I and Brother Xi will not be involved.”

Killing is not that easy.

“It’s true, my mother is very worried.” Concubine Zhao sighed deeply: “It’s just that it’s not appropriate to do it now, if Hou Ye can further seek for the missing children of the five army governors. , Brother Yu Xi also has great benefits, for this position, it is worth waiting a little longer.”

Concubine Zhao is calm, and Concubine Wei, who is old-fashioned, is naturally more inactive. In addition to teasing her chubby son every day, she takes care of the affairs that Yang Xun has assigned to her. Not to mention how happy the day was.

Aunt Sun also had a son in her early years, but she died a long time ago. Now she has only two daughters under her knees. The battle for the heir of the Hou residence has nothing to do with her, so she is naturally more old.

Concubine Li waited for a while, but the house was calm and there was no change, so she was so angry that she gave the servant girl who came to lead the utensils in Wang Qingqing’s yard to attack: “I don’t know if I’m not home. Chai Migui, my wife is an old man, how come she doesn’t know how to cherish things? The bottle ornaments worth more than a dozen silver coins are smashed, because I am in charge of this business, and they are deliberately embarrassing for me, right? ?”

“Auntie calm down.” The maid nodded and bowed: “Madam, she didn’t mean it, but she accidentally hit the ground and broke it.”

“Accidentally? I bumped into it?” Li Yiniang laughed angrily, she pointed to the large bag of broken ceramic pieces on the ground and asked sharply: “Such a large bag, I think it can be smashed. Was it smashed? This is also called carelessness? This is called intentional!”

Mrs. Liu was present when she smashed these things. Madam scolded and smashed one of them. It was indeed intentional.

Auntie Li was sarcastic and thorny for a long time, but the maid would only say “Auntie please calm down” over and over again. This clumsy expression made Auntie Li lose her temper.

“That’s it! I can’t tell you that much.” Concubine Li picked up a list and checked a few ticks, and handed the list to the maid: “Go to the warehouse to get something.”

The maid went away with great gratitude, and came back with a sad face after a while: “Auntie, this thing doesn’t seem right?”

Concubine Li picked up the list and compared it to the real thing: “What’s wrong? One is correct.”

The maid looked at the rough pottery plate, and the fine pottery vase wanted to cry without tears: “These are for the servants’ rooms, if the servants bring these things back, I’m afraid it is right Madam can’t explain it!”

“That’s all.” Concubine Li shook her veil: “The Marquis’s money is not blown by the wind, how can it withstand the madam’s mistreatment? Go back and tell the madam that these ornaments are not valuable, If she is angry, she can smash it casually. I will make up for her at any time and let her smash until she is relieved. If the lady has to smash those expensive and good things, she can take her own dowry money. The money is made up, and I will let her smash it!”

The maid took the things back with a bitter face, and Wang Qingqing was really furious: “Li’s bitch! You dare to insult me like this, I will make you look good when the Lord Hou comes back!”

My lady! Forget it! The maid looked at Wang Qingqing’s determined face and couldn’t help but worry about her.

You have a few pounds in your heart, don’t you know? You might as well expect the rooster to lay eggs if you expect the Hou Ye to be angry for you.

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