It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 277

Chapter 282: Be A Female Artist Again 17

Sentiment moved his wife so that she could withdraw the lawsuit.

However, Meng Qingqing’s body had long since changed his soul. Facing Yuan Ming’s plea, Wang Qingqing was naturally unmoved.

The helpless Yuan Ming wanted to ask relatives and friends to intercede again, but this matter was too big, no one knew that to ask Meng Qingqing to withdraw the lawsuit at this time is to ask her to stand up for the people of the whole country He used his own reputation to protect Yuan Yiyuan and Yuan Ming’s father and daughter.

Meng Qingqing made it clear that she was determined to sue, and being a lobbyist would offend Meng Qingqing to the death, and no one had the confidence to persuade Meng Qingqing to pay for her back. half life.

Yuan Ming contacted the relatives and friends of the couple over and over. When everyone heard Yuan Ming’s words, they immediately began to pretend to be stupid and stunned. Yuan Ming couldn’t, so he had to follow the advice of his agent and asked the court to conduct out-of-court mediation.

For a civil lawsuit that does not involve criminal law, if both parties are willing to mediate out of court, the court will still support it. The “Civil Procedure Law” also has as many as seven articles and thirty-two provisions on out-of-court mediation.

Yuan Ming made a request, and after the court accepted it, it happily announced it on the Internet, which triggered a wave of comments from the general public. Quite a lot of people thought this was Meng Qingqing’s whitewashing routine. This case is about to end here, and some eager netizens have begun to spontaneously organize a team to boycott Meng Qingqing.

The attorney received the notice from the court and immediately contacted Wang Qingqing. After receiving Wang Qingqing’s reply, the plaintiff’s “not accepting out-of-court mediation” announcement was immediately published on the official blog.

This news is unexpected, is Meng Qingqing really wronged? The online comments exploded again, and as long as the phone was turned on, the headlines on all the portals were reports about the case.

Yuan Ming’s request for out-of-court mediation failed. He immediately started a self-rescue operation. In addition to carefully concocting a letter of apology for Yuan Yiyuan to post on V Bo, he also tried to give Meng Qingqing to Yuan Yiyuan’s The house was directly transferred to Meng Qingqing’s name, but unfortunately, the transfer of the property had to be present in person. Wang Qingqing refused to cooperate, and Yuan Ming had no choice.

Yuan Yiyuan’s apology letter posted on V-Bo is detailed, introspective, and full of emotion. Once this apology letter was posted on the Internet, there was an uproar, because the wording and tone of this apology letter were completely different Yuan Yiyuan’s style, so the focus of the public’s discussion was on “Yuan Yiyuan was pressed on the head to apologize”, which did not play the role that Yuan Ming expected.

While Yuan Ming was jumping up and down, the fast-track case was opened.

As the plaintiff, Meng Qingqing applied for a public hearing and requested the court to allow the videotaping. In view of the upsurge caused by this case and the identity of the plaintiff’s artist, the court not only agreed to the plaintiff’s request, but also announced the The official website broadcasts the trial scene live.

As soon as this news was released, the official website of the court was instantly paralyzed. After all, it was a website of a city court, and netizens all over the country couldn’t help it. Everyone who cares about this case clicked You can only see 404 when opening the URL.

The news that the court hearing will be broadcast live has been announced. As a result, the official website has been broken down, and it is impossible to upgrade the hardware and software repairs to a level that can bear the heavy responsibility of live broadcast in a short period of time. This is more embarrassing, and the person in charge is in a hurry.

In this emergency, V Bo extended a friendly hand to the court. With a powerful server and capable programmers, the trial scene was finally broadcast safely.

The day of the trial finally arrived. As soon as the judge entered the court, he was almost blinded by the oncoming flashlight. Fortunately, the reporters knew that this was a rigorous and solemn court. “Click” shutter sound, and no one made a slight noise.

Wang Qingqing was in high spirits, and she was sitting in the plaintiff’s box. Because the two lawsuits she filed were causal, the two cases were tried together, so Yuan Yiyuan was sitting in the defendant’s box. Yuan Ming, the legal representative, as well as the studio heads of several entertainment accounts such as “Papa Entertainment Circle” and “Behind the Stars”.

Yuan Yiyuan did not attend, Yuan Ming’s ex-wife was sitting in the auditorium wearing a mask, Wang Qingqing looked at her, the resentment in Yuan Ming’s ex-wife’s eyes was about to overflow, Wang Qingqing was too lazy to look directly at her Death Ray, turned his face back expressionlessly.

All stood up, and the judge announced the opening of the trial. As the plaintiff, Wang Qingqing had sufficient evidence. In addition to Sister Hua, she also had security and property staff in the community, as well as teachers, classmates and parents in Yuan Yiyuan’s school.

The material evidence is even richer. The lawyer directly provided a one-centimeter-thick copy of the original and several audio and video clips, including Meng Qingqing’s receipt for Yuan Yiyuan to buy clothes, shoes, gifts, and daily necessities. Meng Qingqing paid Yuan Yiyuan various receipts and transfer records for tuition fees, insurance fees, cram school fees, and interest classes.


“I owe m an apology, because my stepmother treated me badly, I thought that all stepmothers in the world are bastards, but seeing m □□ doing this for Yuan Yiyuan, I I’m really touched, because what she did, let alone my stepmother, my own mother didn’t do it.”

“From these evidences, it can be seen that Meng Qingqing is really taking care of Yuan Yiyuan. Looking at the facial cleanser she bought for Yuan Yiyuan, two at a time, one for acne and one for oil control, I really To be honest, my mother didn’t pay such careful attention to these details when she bought things for me.”

“Meng Qingqing is really good, she is a little goofy herself. Although she is an entertainer in the entertainment industry, she has not many film appointments, and if she wants to come, the salary is not high. The house is delivered as soon as it says it is delivered, and Yuan Yiyuan also buys so many luxury clothes, shoes and bags on a daily basis, for a stepmother who is willing to spend so much money for her stepdaughter, it is really not bad.”

“Yuan Yiyuan is so hateful, a child with a big fart, why is her heart so vicious, Meng Qingqing is really good to her, what is the benefit of leading the public to attack Meng Qingqing?”

“I originally read Yuan Yiyuan’s blog post, and I really felt sorry for her. The parents of the little child divorced, the father remarried, and the new family has a mistress, and the father does not care about the mother or love. , how do you think how pitiful her oil bottle is, and now after seeing these evidences, TMD, I start to feel sorry for Meng Qingqing, what did I do in my last life to meet such a white lotus green tea bitch?”

“Yes, after knowing the truth, look at her blog posts, really Nima smells like a bitch.”

Wang Qingqing did not watch the comments of netizens, she watched the court with a serious face and continued to show the evidence presented by her side, several audio and video clips.

If these witnesses and materials prove that Meng Qingqing did not turn a blind eye to Yuan Yiyuan, but rather cared and cared for it, then the audio and video proves the daily relationship between the two.

The audio is a few phone calls. On the phone, Meng Qingqing is soft and amiable, but Yuan Yiyuan is rude and ignorant. The video was captured from a surveillance camera in the home.

Some Yuan Yiyuan pointed at Meng Qingqing’s nose and shouted loudly, and some Yuan Yiyuan slammed away the door while eating. After listening to these audios and watching the video, no one can say “Little Pitiful” , The image of “Xiao Bai Cai” is put together with the unreasonable and arrogant girl in the audio and video.

As soon as these evidences were shown, the comments in the live broadcast room exploded again.

“Nima, is this a poor little girl? Is this a little sister?”

“Look carefully at the mode of m□□ and yyy getting along, Wori, it’s a classic picture of stepmother bullying Cinderella, but the roles are reversed!”

“Don’t talk about my stepmother, if I dare to talk to my own mother with this attitude, she will definitely serve me right away.”

“Hehe, if someone dares to speak to me in this tone, I have to let her know why the flowers are so red right away!”

“I feel sorry for Meng Qingqing, it’s been a long time since Yuan Yiyuan started to black her? She never complained about Yuan Yiyuan outside. Every time a media asks how she is getting along with Yuan Yiyuan, she always Praise Yuan Yiyuan, if it were me, I would not be able to bear it any longer.”

“Yuan Yiyuan, really, it’s hard to say, I really sympathized with this little girl, Nima, now let’s see, where is this little girl, this is a house from ancient times Do you have a full-level boss?”

“The former and the latter two skins, Yuan Yiyuan’s 666!”

“Without a typical representative of tutoring, Meng Qingqing is a stepmother, and it is definitely not easy to accuse her directly. Yuan Yiyuan does something wrong, won’t Yuan Ming teach her?”

“Meng Qingqing can tolerate Yuan Yiyuan so much for Yuan Ming’s sake, sb’s love is a real hammer.”

“To be honest, Meng Qingqing is really a pitiful girl. Recently, because of this incident, netizens have picked up all of Meng Qingqing’s past since her debut. In fact, a careful study will reveal that Meng Qingqing is really Better conduct than most entertainers.”

“Because of the defendant’s inappropriate behavior and remarks, the plaintiff has suffered serious economic losses, reputational damage, and life and property are threatened.” The lawyer said righteously and then submitted evidence.

The evidence includes the endorsement contract signed by a well-known national condiment manufacturer and Meng Qingqing, the termination of the contract, and the screenshots of countless online abuses and threats to form a group to kill the vicious stepmother Meng Qingqing.

The plaintiff has sufficient evidence, but the defendant has no strong evidence to refute it. Yuan Ming is well aware of this situation, so he has a strong desire to survive, bowing his head and admitting counsel, the case is clear and the facts are clear, the court adjourned The court took an hour, and the collegial panel directly pronounced the verdict after deliberation.

The judge turned the hammer and all the staff to stand up, and the judge took the manuscript to read out the trial result: “Case XX, the verdict is as follows, the defendant Yuan Yiyuan caused great reputation and economic losses to the plaintiff due to inappropriate words, The facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive, the defendant is ordered to return the property at No.

The judge’s judgment has not been read yet, but this part of the judgment he read has already won the lawsuit on behalf of the defendant Meng Qingqing. Countless netizens left messages in the live broadcast room. The cow is full of faces, the live broadcast room really can’t hold it!

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