It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: The Growth Path Of Excellent Teachers 5 Domestic Violence Must Be Reported To The Polic

Ke Qingqing cleaned Yan Guangkuan’s cell phone. After cleaning, she squatted on the ground and frowned and glared at Yan Guangkuan: “How should I criticize you? Ah?”

“You say I’m naive and immature every day, and play with marriage. I really wonder what’s going on with your problem of looking for my parents every time you quarrel with me? Are you a kindergartener? Do you have to say goodbye to the parents after the fight? Do you know which of us is childish?”

Ke Qingqing became more and more angry the more she talked, Ke’s mother was an elementary school teacher and was diagnosed with lung cancer when Ke Qingqing was admitted to university. Gao, the family sold the house in order to cure Ke Ma.

Mother Ke went away after four years of illness. The Ke family lost their money and people. After two years of depression, Dad Ke found a wife, Aunt Jin, to live with them. The elderly are getting older, and they are also a little bit senile with high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

Whenever Yan Guangkuan and this **** called back to complain to the two old people because of the quarrel with Ke Qingqing, the two old people were inevitably disturbed by the rise in blood pressure and suffered for several days!

Because I was worried that the two old people’s bodies would have any problems under the harassment of this bastard, Ke Qingqing was the one who admitted the mistake after every quarrel, and Yan Guangkuan was reasonable. A lesson to Ke Qingqing: “If you’re full, you will make trouble every day!”

According to Ke Qingqing’s idea, this knife has to slash this guy so much that it screams in pain. The embarrassing thing is that Yan Guangkuan not only has nothing at all, but he also suddenly turned over and sat up and stretched out his hand. Just strangle Ke Qingqing’s neck!

Between the light and flint, Ke Qingqing slammed his two arms with his elbows, and punched his temple with both hands at the same time, but the embarrassing thing happened again!

Yan Guangkuan, who was punched twice in the vital place, neither screamed in pain nor fainted! He only twisted his face, and the two hands that were knocked apart by Ke Qingqing continued to stretch towards her neck.

Taekwondo mostly uses the power of the waist and crotch to rotate the body to speed up the movements on the legs and increase the strike force. The movements on the hands are the short board of this sport. It’s not enough, he’s still squatting on the ground at the moment, and his attack power is even weaker!

Two consecutive attacks failed to cause any damage to Yan Guangkuan, Ke Qingqing did not dare to squat on the ground and fight with Yan Guangkuan again. The head slammed into Yan Guangkuan’s nose!

Yan Guangkuan saw her headbutt and hurriedly dodged. The two were already close, almost squatting face to face. Although he responded in time, he was not completely immune.

Ke Qingqing’s headbutt failed to hit him on the nose, but hit his chin when he tilted his head to avoid it!

The bite was not light enough, and the smell of rust immediately filled his mouth!

The pain made Yan Guangkuan furious, he slapped Ke Qingqing with a big slap on the arm!

“Clap!” With a crisp sound, Yan Guangkuan succeeded!

Ke Qingqing covered her thighs and jumped in pain! What does the slap have to do with the thigh?

It turns out that after Ke Qingqing succeeded with the headbutt, she hurriedly got up and squatted on the ground, which was too bad for Taekwondo! No power can be exerted, so this slap did not hit Ke Qingqing’s face as Yan Guangkuan wanted, but it swiped firmly on Ke Qingqing’s thigh!

Yan Guangkuan slapped Ke Qingqing and hurriedly got up. Ke Qingqing, who was jumping, saw that the situation was not good and couldn’t care to jump!

She hurriedly used her housekeeping skills, kicked sideways and then chopped down, and Yan Guangkuan, who had climbed halfway, was hit by her series of blows again!

If you fight a snake, you will suffer from it. Ke Qingqing, who was almost killed by Yan Guangkuan, has lingering fears. She does not dare to keep her hand any more.

Ke Qingqing regards Yan Guangkuan as a sandbag for the exam. The black belt part of the exam has a physical fitness assessment of continuously kicking the sandbag for one minute. She is now reviewing the exam content again!

When she finished practicing, Yan Guangkuan was already paralyzed on the ground and only humming!

Ke Qingqing glanced at Yan Haoxuan, who was standing at the door of the room without saying a word, and began to teach Yan Guangkuan a lesson: “Don’t sue at every turn! Childish or childish? Everyone is an adult, yes The problem can be solved after a good discussion? Are you a complainant? If you disagree, you will find your parents?”

Ke Qingqing, who wanted to continue nag, remembered that her work time was coming soon! If she doesn’t leave, she will be late. Her students are all elites. Time is very precious and cannot be wasted waiting for the teacher!

Ke Qingqing rushed back to the room and hugged Yan Xiaomi who was watching cartoons and clapping her hands. When passing the living room, Yan Guangkuan was still paralyzed on the ground, Ke Qingqing gave him a kick by the way: “Don’t sleep! Wait! When I come back, I want to continue talking with you!”

Ke Qingqing, who rushed to the clubhouse in a hurry, was not late and successfully completed today’s teaching task. After sending off the students, she went to the equipment training room of the clubhouse for another hour of strength training.

Ke Qingqing, who was so tired and sweating profusely, led Yan Xiaomi to take a shower in the clubhouse before going back. By the time she got home, it was already eleven o’clock in the night.

Yan Xiaomi was so drowsy that she lay on her shoulders and fell asleep. Ke Qingqing thought that she only needed to deal with Yan Guangkuan when she went back. There are two police uncles waiting for her!

Seeing her open the door and come in, the two police uncles stood up from the sofa at the same time, and the round-faced one said very politely and professionally: “You are Ke Qingqing, right? Your lover called the police and said Your domestic violence, we come to you to understand the situation.”

“Yes, yes!” Ke Qingqing nodded repeatedly: “Can you wait for me for a while? The child is asleep, I will put her down.”

The police uncle gestured to Ke Qingqing to let her do it, Ke Qingqing went back to the room and put Yan Xiaomi on the bed, and took two towels to block the child’s ears. Headphones, take a towel and make do with it, so as not to wake the child up.

When she returned to the living room, she glanced at Yan Guangkuan who was sitting on the side, you can! you show! The original body was beaten so many times by you and didn’t call the police, how could you call the police after only one beat?

She gave Yan Guangkuan a hard look and gave him a wink to let him experience it for himself! Yan Guangkuan watched Ke Qingqing sit down and snorted coldly and twisted his head to the side.

After a routine questioning, the police uncle began to mediate: “We are a society governed by the rule of law, do you know that beating is a crime? Take your wife… ah no, your husband, see you beat your husband. According to the regulations on public security management, you will be fined and detained by public security if you cause minor injuries for no reason?”

After the police uncle said these words, he secretly felt a sweat in his heart. Every time he mediates domestic violence cases, the victims are women.

“Isn’t that the police uncle?” He Qingqing exaggeratedly widened her eyes: “It’s also illegal to fight between a couple? I beat my husband and didn’t beat anyone else, so how can I break the law?”

The uncle of the police officer who is in charge of the questioning smashes his mouth, how come these words are so familiar? He glanced at his colleague, as if every time he went to mediate a domestic violence case, the perpetrator would react like this?


The round-faced police uncle who was in charge of the questioning was talking impassively, and the recorder quietly poked him with a pen: “Husband, this is my husband!”

The round-faced policeman coughed awkwardly and added: “Whether it’s a husband or a wife, in short, you can’t hit anyone casually, depending on the victim’s injury, we can make security for you Punishment or even detention.”

Ke Qingqing had a very good attitude towards the police uncle. The police uncle said something and she nodded.

After the police uncle finished speaking, she quickly made a self-examination: “Yes, you are right! I didn’t know it was illegal to beat my family, and my husband often beat me! If you don’t believe me, ask Neighbor, and my husband told me that if he hits me, I can hit back!”

Ke Qingqing turned to Yan Guangkuan and said aggrievedly: “Husband, didn’t you say that I can fight back? In order to fight back, I have been practicing taekwondo for more than a year, why am I? After you beat you once, why don’t you ask the police uncle to come over? Since you don’t want me to beat you, why did you say that? Are you lying to me again? I’ll never trust you again! ~”

She covered her face and lay on her knees, humming and stumbling the two police uncles, continue to criticize and educate, she is crying, don’t criticize education, the victim will call the police after all Now, the two looked at each other and didn’t know what to do.

Ke Qingqing hummed enough, wiped the tears that did not exist on his face and rushed to Yan Guangkuan’s side.

She started her solo show with a sad face and the performance of the heroine of an ancient tragic TV series: “Guang Kuan! Why do you do this to me? Do you know? Everything you said to me. I have heard every word in my ears and memorized it in my heart? In order to keep up with your footsteps, I have been working hard to improve myself, do you know how much I have paid?”

He Qingqing shivered and continued her performance: “After I put in so much effort, you actually told me that everything I did was wrong? What’s wrong with me? I’m tired! I don’t think I’ll ever catch up with you!”

The two police uncles were disgusted by her eloquent performance, ahhh! I was so moved that my skin got goosebumps. The two looked at each other and nodded to each other, and decided to finish the procedure and leave here as soon as possible.

So the round-faced police officer hurriedly said: “Okay, don’t cry, I see that you really regret it, just realize your mistake, you can’t make it again in the future, it’s not easy to form a family , Think about your children, parents quarreling and fighting every day are not good for children’s growth, right?”

The uncle of the police officer in charge of the record Kai Xie Yan Guangkuan: “How can there be any contradiction in life? You have to be considerate of each other! The child is still young, your daughter-in-law really realizes that she is wrong, look and cry How sad, even for the sake of the child, will you forgive her? Huh?”

“Husband, I was wrong! I’ll change it! I’ll make it right! Please forgive me! Will you? Forgive me!” The shoulders shook him with the strength of milking, and the Roaring Emperor had to retreat when she saw her acting skills!

“It’s alright, just forgive me, let’s live a good life in the future!” The two police uncles said these words in a hurry, without being sent away, they opened the door and hurried out as if they were running for their lives.

Ke Qingqing hurried to the door and waved at the backs of the police uncles: “Goodbye! I’m so sorry to trouble you! I’ll often come to the house to play in the future!”

Listening to her, the two policemen ran faster and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

He Qingqing closed the door after sending the police uncle away, closed the curtains, checked the living room up and down, confirmed that there was nothing abnormal, and gave Yan Guangkuan’s mobile phone on the coffee table to Press to power off.

After finishing the preparations, she stood in front of Yan Guangkuan and smiled maliciously: “I can’t believe it! You actually called the police? Now that the police are gone, you have nothing to say to me?”

Chapter 31 The Growth of Excellent Teachers 6 Ke Qingqing

Faced with Ke Qingqing’s questioning, Yan Guangkuan covered his mouth and glared at her, his voice vague: “I have nothing to say to you!”

He doesn’t want to talk!

His tongue was so big that he couldn’t put it down in his mouth, and when he opened his mouth to speak, his heart ached.

Now this neuropathy still makes him talk, talk shit!

“Don’t! Aren’t you very good at talking?” Ke Qingqing picked up a long tube on top of the vertical air conditioner, which was an eagle kite belonging to Yan Haoxuan, she opened the tube to check After a moment, he took out the longest and thickest skeleton and weighed it.

Ke Qingqing held this flexible carbon fiber kite skeleton in his right hand and gently pulled it on his left palm, smiling maliciously at Yan Guangkuan.

Barabara taught me for hours without stopping? It’s not unheard of for me to teach me all night long! I begged you repeatedly to rest, but you just refused! He even told me that you were not allowed to sleep until you finished! Why are you today? Are you dumbfounded? Huh?”

As soon as she exited with a final “ah”, the skeleton of the kite landed on Yan Guangkuan’s shoulders with a sharp shrieking sound, Yan Guangkuan was about to jump up with a painful roar, Ke Qingqing, who was prepared, slapped Yan Guangkuan, who was in unbearable pain, on the sofa again.

Ke Qingqing took the kite skeleton and pointed it on Yan Guangkuan’s nose: “I used to be a good college student, a civilized person who doesn’t even swear! You have to force me to be able to do anything with others at any time. shrew!”

“You said I could fight back! In order to fight back, I studied and worked hard for a year or two! Now that I can fight back, you are not happy? Is it in vain? Do you understand that you need to be trustworthy?”

“You say it now! Say what you usually taught me! Don’t stop until dawn!” Ke Qingqing scolded: “As long as you dare to stop, I will beat you, If you don’t believe me, try it!”

His mouth hurts to death! This **** woman deliberately wanted to **** him off!

Ke Qingqing didn’t know about his slander, otherwise he would definitely tell him that you have the truth, big brother, and you are the one who took care of it!

As soon as he finished cursing, the carbon fiber skeleton landed on his other shoulder quickly and accurately. Yan Guangkuan wanted to jump up again in pain. Dare to move.

“Don’t talk about being beaten! Pause for more than two seconds and be beaten! Inarticulate and be beaten! It doesn’t make sense to be beaten!” If you don’t speak up, I’m going to slap your face now! Hurry up and say it!”

Looking at the brutal and domineering Ke Qingqing, Yan Guangkuan felt a trace of regret for the first time in his heart. Did he force people too hard? Ke Qingqing was a very gentle person before.

Yan Guangkuan, who was distracted, heard a sharp crack in the air, he was so scared that he quickly bent his elbows to cover his face, and said in his mouth: “I said I said it!”

Ke Qingqing sat down on the coffee table opposite the sofa, staring down at Yan Guangkuan who glared at him: “Three, two, one! Start!”

Because of Ke Qingqing’s obscenity, Yan Guangkuan was forced to speak helplessly.

So this carbon fiber kite skeleton, which has never been so reused, became the most beautiful cub of the Yan family tonight, accompanied by “time out!” “Indiscernible!” “It doesn’t make sense!” The screeching jubilantly jumped and landed alternately on Yan Guangkuan’s shoulders.

The hard-working Yan Guangkuan finally couldn’t help it when he said that at four in the morning, he raised his hand to ask for leave and said he was going to the toilet. After getting Ke Qingqing’s approval, he immediately got into the toilet and locked the toilet. door.

Yan Guangkuan entered the bathroom and rinsed his mouth with cold water. The sore mouth was finally relieved by the cold water.

After rinsing his mouth, he sat on the toilet and held his head in a daze. In the past, after he quarreled with Ke Qingqing, he would immediately force Ke Qingqing to admit his mistake. If she admits to being wrong, he will continue to give her ideological education in high spirits until she admits that she is wrong in tears!

Although this process is physically tiring, he is excited and psychologically satisfied.

Even if you are a college student, you are not obedient as I taught you! As my woman, you should abide by my rules. You have to do what I tell you!

Now the two sides suddenly switch roles, even if it is still the same old way, but he feels extremely tired, both physically and mentally! Especially the mouth! It’s so painful!

He was beaten by Ke Qingqing’s neuropathy, and his body was in severe pain. He should have rubbed the medicated oil and had a good rest!

However, this mad woman did not know where the bad idea came from, forcing herself to keep talking for four hours!

The already injured tongue not only did not get a moment’s rest, but also began to bleed under excessive use! He made several requests to put an ice cube in his mouth, not only was not satisfied, but instead summoned her to beat her!

Yan Guangkuan wanted to touch the wounds on both sides of his shoulders that were pulled out, but when he moved his shoulders a little, there was a burning pain, and he couldn’t lift his arms!

Neuropathy! madman! When it’s dawn, you must go to the police station to request an injury appraisal! You must make Ke Qingqing, this dead woman, pay the price!

Just as he was gnashing his teeth, Ke Qingqing’s voice sounded outside: “You fell into the toilet? Come out quickly! I don’t care if you are finished! Come out for me now!”

If you don’t go out, you won’t go out! Come in if you have the ability! Yan Guangkuan sits on the toilet as still as a mountain!

“You come out now, let’s continue until dawn and it’s over, I’ll reveal it to you! If you wait for me to find you, it won’t be as simple as before!” Ke Qingqing is threatening.

Yan Guangkuan was unmoved. The key on the bathroom door had been thrown away a few years ago, and now the door can only be pinned from the inside.

“One last reminder! I’ll go in three minutes later! Don’t blame me for making you look ugly!” Ke Qingqing continued to threaten Yan Guangkuan.

Yan Guangkuan turns a deaf ear, and wants to make me look ugly, you come first!

The next moment Yan Guangkuan knew that he was wrong! Ke Qingqing has not finished the last sentence for three seconds! She opened the door and came in!

Yan Guangkuan looked at the shopping card in the shopping mall that Ke Qingqing was holding, she opened the door with this card?

“You expect the cheap broken door locks from ten years ago to stop me?” Ke Qingqing sneered at him: “It’s too useless to think of me! Now! Come out for me!”

The kite skeleton was on the nose again, Yan Guangkuan had no choice, he was in pain all over his body, his shoulders and arms were sore and numb, now he is no longer Ke Qingqing’s opponent, Yan Guangkuan has already Give up resistance from the heart.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. After he comforted himself, he walked out under the threat of Ke Qingqing. Ran in front of Yan Guangkuan!

“I’ll make you a lazy donkey to grind **** and pee a lot! Come and finish this pot of water!” Ke Qingqing waved the kite skeleton vigorously.

Under Ke Qingqing’s coercion, Yan Guangkuan gritted his teeth and finished the pot of tap water, Ke Qingqing nodded with satisfaction: “Continue! Originally I wanted you to talk about the morning and then it’s over, but now you’ve provoked me! Yes! Your punishment time has been postponed until nine in the morning!”

The next five hours will make Yan Guangkuan unforgettable for a lifetime!

The pain of the tongue is only one aspect, he can bear it when he gritted his teeth, but his bladder soon began to swell, this is really unbearable!

Ke Qingqing never allowed him to stand up again. Yan Guangkuan, who was so impetuous, proposed to go to the bathroom several times, but Ke Qingqing ruthlessly rejected it!

Yan Guangkuan was restless, scratching his head and scratching his cheeks. He frequently looked at the wall clock on the wall. He had never been so eager to hope that time would pass faster and faster!

The hour hand of the wall clock is slow like a snail and finally climbed to the nine position, Yan Guangkuan, whose bladder is about to explode, stood up and rushed to the bathroom!

“Stop!” Ke Qingqing snapped, “Did I let you go!”

“You said it! Nine o’clock in the morning!” Yan Guangkuan, who was tortured all night by Ke Qingqing, had red eyes and a shaggy beard.

“Yes, I said it!” Ke Qingqing picked up his mobile phone and turned it on: “Since I gave birth and stopped working, I have never tasted what it’s like to spend money! Now I think Go spend the money! Don’t ask you for more, just transfer my salary for the last five months back to me!”

Yan Guangkuan, who was in a hurry to relieve the burden on his bladder, couldn’t hold it anymore. He clicked on his mobile phone and opened WeChat to transfer money to Ke Qingqing.

“Round to the nearest whole number!” Ke Qingqing watched Yan Guangkuan enter the number and then used her fingerprint to verify it. Ke Qingqing not only can’t spend his money, she can’t even spend her own money!

Ke Qingqing’s salary was not high when she was single, more than 3,000 to less than 4,000 yuan. Although she would not be able to live a prosperous life with this amount of money, it was enough to support herself.

Mother Ke was hospitalized for cancer in her early years, and all the money in the family was used closely for medical expenses.

With this amount of money, in addition to the rent and living expenses, she can save a thousand yuan. During the festivals or Aunt Ke’s birthday, Ke Qingqing can send them a message on WeChat Bonus or something.

Although the money is not much, it is enough for the two old people to buy some groceries and clothes.

It’s just that these warm daily life are all gone after marrying Yan Guangkuan!

After marriage, Yan Guangkuan asked Ke Qingqing to hand over his salary to him on a monthly basis: “We are married, and we will inevitably have children in the future. The funds of the family should be managed together, and all expenses will be It should be planned so that the savings will increase and the days will get better.”

So after Ke Qingqing handed over the salary she received, Yan Guangkuan allocated her three or five hundred yuan as monthly transportation and food expenses.

Ke Qingqing had to eat out for lunch, plus the transportation costs, no matter how frugal she was, the three or five hundred yuan was just enough.

Whenever she wanted to give gifts and red envelopes to the two elderly people during the New Year’s Festival, Yan Guangkuan would complain very dissatisfiedly. Over time, the filial piety to the two elderly people was only two hundred yuan from the New Year’s Day.

Ke Qingqing, who lost her job after being harassed by Yan Guangkuan after marriage, managed to find a new job with a higher salary than before, more than 4,000 per month, although she She paid more wages, but Yan Guangkuan still gave her as much pocket money as before.

Not long after her new job, Ke Qingqing became pregnant. When she was eight months pregnant and was about to take maternity leave, the boss found an inexplicable excuse to fire her!

A colleague who has a good relationship with her told her that the boss just didn’t want to approve her maternity leave!

Ke Qingqing is sad, there is no way, life is so unfriendly to women!

Female employees who take maternity leave occupy a job position and cannot come to work, and the unit has to pay them various insurance and wages, which is a cost that some small companies are unwilling to bear .

So dismissing female employees who are about to take maternity leave is a customary rule for some small businesses.

Ke Qingqing, who was fired, never worked again, gave birth, raised children, and stayed at home for almost two years.

Ke Qingqing, who doesn’t go to work, is naturally not worthy of transportation and food subsidies, so she doesn’t even have 300 to 500 yuan of pocket money per month.

Ke Qingqing watched Yan Guangkuan, the bastard, give him 25,000 yuan before letting him go. Yan Guangkuanfei, whose bladder was about to burst, also rushed into the bathroom.

Yan Guangkuan entered the bathroom and unbuttoned his trousers with shaking hands. He shivered and put in water for five minutes before he could save his bladder!

Ke Qingqing is too bad! She had sores on the top of her head and pus on the bottom of her feet!

It was very easy to relieve Yan Guangkuan of his bladder, but he didn’t recover after a long time. He held the toilet tank while shivering and cursing Ke Qingqing.

He felt that the water in his bladder could never be filled, and every time he shivered, a little more would seep out. He wouldn’t be ruined by this crazy woman, would he?

Yan Guangkuan was furious, he put on his trousers and opened the door and ran out.

He’s going to the police station! He’s going to the police uncle! He’s going to report! He’s going to be examined!

Yan Guangkuan gritted his teeth! This time, we will never accept mediation anyway! I have to let the police uncle detain Ke Qingqing, who is crazy!

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