It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 307

Chapter 311: I’M Not A Good Mom 1

Wang Qingqing followed the little hand that stuck under her nose, and a little boy stood in front of her.

“What do you want for two hundred dollars?” Wang Qingqing kept gulping, the system was so unreal, and he knew how to control it when he teleported, so when his soul entered the new world There was a sense of dizziness, but it wasn’t very serious. This time, I didn’t know how the dog system worked. The dizziness was so strong that she almost couldn’t control the desire to vomit.

“I want the money, my mother will give it to me.” The little boy reached out to Wang Qingqing again.

Wang Qingqing raised her eyes and swept the surrounding environment. Looking at the furniture, she roughly estimated the economic level of the house, and she smiled at the child reluctantly: ” Mom won’t give it unless you tell me what you want to buy with the money.”

“I buy funny eggs.” The child jumped up and down, Wang Qingqing couldn’t help but react physiologically, stood up and rushed to the bathroom in two steps, and vomited into the toilet.

Is it possible that I have to go through the process of pregnancy and childbirth? real…

Wang Qingqing restrained her desire to vomit fragrance, and decided to quickly receive the memory of the original owner. She rinsed her mouth and spit out the acid water in her mouth, stood up and locked the bathroom door, leaned on her hand to wash her hands On the stage, he closed his eyes and a lot of messy images flashed through his mind. Wang Qingqing’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. As expected, this body was indeed pregnant.

After adjusting her mood, she opened the door and walked out. A squat woman in her fifties and sixties was sitting on the sofa in the living room coaxing the child who asked for money. The corner of the woman’s mouth slid down: “I usually pretend to be pretentious, and I shrink back when I meet a real child. I still hurt the child, why does it hurt? It hurts with the dead skin on the heel?”

To this kind of person, Wang Qingqing was reluctant to respect the old and cherish the young, she opened her mouth and said: “Mom, your daughter-in-law, I can’t stand it, I haven’t earned a billionaire, and the steel is only five years old. I’m 200 years old to buy a funny egg with one mouth. I can’t afford it. If you want money, you can give it. It’s really not good. Find your son to go.”

“You…” The old lady angrily scolded Wang Qingqing: “What do you mean? What do you mean?”

Wang Qingqing was not going to hide from the old lady, she said straight to the point: “My point is very simple, the child’s expenses should be controlled, and when you spend money for him, you always think about the family’s income first. .”

“It’s only two hundred dollars, can’t you afford it? Or don’t want to buy it.” The old lady pulled her face and pouted, her round face forced her to show a great deal mean.

“Then just think I don’t want to buy it.” Wang Qingqing turned and went into the room, she locked the door and lay on the bed to sleep for a while, the old lady in the living room was still talking Weird talk: “Hehe, I pretended to be so weird earlier, but I’ll reveal the truth as soon as I get pregnant, I’ll tell you! It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant or not, Gang Lung’er is my dearest grandson. , none of you want to bully him…”

The old lady Balabala shouted and said that Wang Qingqing was lying on the bed, touching her stomach and sighing deeply, the original owner Mei Qingqing was really hard enough.

Mei Qingqing is 37 years old this year. This is her second pregnancy. After learning that she was pregnant, she directly took a long vacation to protect the child at home. It’s not easy to get her child.

When she first married Liu Minghua thirteen years ago, her mother-in-law urged her to have a child. She and her husband both have relatively stable jobs, and the elderly on both sides are still young. Don’t worry about no one taking it.

Let’s give birth to birth, Mei Qingqing started to prepare for pregnancy three months after marriage, who knows that this pregnancy is seven or eight years, and the first year has no results, her husband and family all comfort her fate Arrived, the second year there was no result, but the husband did not respond, and the mother-in-law began to find all kinds of secret recipes for her.

In the third year, there is no result, the mother-in-law ordered the couple to go to the hospital for examination, and this investigation found the problem, Mei Qingqing’s ovarian development was abnormal.

Because of this reason, for Mei Qingqing, the matter of pregnancy and childbirth is basically equivalent to an extravagant hope. Her husband is the only child, and the 80-year-old grandmother is still waiting to hold her great-grandson. Child, Mei Qingqing has embarked on a long road of seeking a child since then.

Because of her abnormal ovarian development, it is difficult for her to release healthy and normal eggs. If she wants to conceive a child, she has to use the help of modern medicine. Mei Qingqing started ovulation injection.

Ovulation injection, egg retrieval, ovulation injection, egg retrieval, this process is endless torture for Mei Qingqing. , and the injection site will be red, swollen and hard, and walking will be affected.

The process of egg retrieval also made her extremely frightened. Stuffing it into her body and then pushing it open, this process, for Mei Qingqing, is a double torture of both psychology and physiology. When those sharp surgical instruments were stretched into her soft orifices, Mei Qingqing would even be nervous to the point of fainting.

After five years of IVF, because Mei Qingqing’s eggs were of poor quality, she suffered a lot, but she still failed to conceive a child. Her mother-in-law began to ridicule her face to face for “occupying the pit Don’t shit.” In this case, Mei Qingqing filed for divorce.

Mei Qingqing and her husband Liu Minghua started dating at school. The two portals are quite similar and they are in the same city. The two got married as soon as they graduated. Naturally, the relationship still exists. Liu Minghua is determined Do not agree to divorce.

It’s okay not to divorce, her mother-in-law put forward a request to the young couple: buy eggs for IVF, and implant them into Mei Qingqing’s body after success.

Mei Qingqing hesitated and hesitated. She didn’t know if she could accept the child she got like this. Way, you’ve been a hen who can’t lay eggs all your life.”

Her natal mother also persuaded her: “This is also a way to stay in your womb for ten months, and you will give birth to you. Really speaking, this child is your own, Can I not kiss you when you grow up? If you don’t use this method, then you will never have the chance to be a mother in your life.”

Husband Liu Minghua comforted her: “Having a child is just to give an explanation to the old man. In my heart, you will always be the most important, and no one can compare.”

Mei Qingqing was persuaded that years of suffering may be resolved by this method, and the next thing really went smoothly, the quality of the eggs in the hospital egg bank was very good, and the IVF was successful in one go .

When the heart of this little embryo began to beat in her body, Mei Qingqing couldn’t help but burst into tears. This is the feeling of the blood connection between mother and child, the unparalleled closeness, in these ten Monthly, they are the only and closest person to each other.

Don’t love him?

However, her mother-in-law couldn’t believe her love, especially when the child grew older and did not resemble anyone in their family, her mother-in-law’s vigilance against Mei Qingqing rose to the highest point.

She does not allow Mei Qingqing to be alone with the child, she stares at her with defensive eyes every day, and teaches the child not to go out with Mei Qingqing alone, and chats with the neighbors everyday: On the dog’s lap, I can’t trust her, who knows what bad water is simmering in her stomach.”

The relatives and neighbors also agreed with the mother-in-law’s words, and some relatives came to comfort Mei Qingqing: “Don’t blame your mother-in-law for this attitude, she is also frightened, if you don’t let you take care of the child, don’t Take it, you can still worry about it.”

This child is indeed someone else’s genes, but he is also the flesh that fell from Mei Qingqing, from a fertilized egg that she can’t even see with the naked eye. She gave birth to a baby weighing seven pounds and three taels in a month. Mei Qingqing has a deep affection for this child. She has put countless beautiful visions on this child, but now everyone is looking at her with a defensive eye. To disturb her to be close to the child, Mei Qingqing’s heart will be broken.

Mei Qingqing was sad, but she did not blame them. The reaction of relatives and friends was related to a child abuse case in the community a few years ago.

The stepmother of a remarried family, because her stepson looked like her ex-wife, broke out maliciously and abused her three-year-old stepson for two years. When the neighbors found out that the situation was not right, then The child has been tortured to death.

Seventy-five percent of the skull was missing, three ribs were broken, the left forearm was fractured, and the body was full of burns and cuts. Such atrocities shocked the entire city and shocked the entire society,” the stepmother said. “This group has once again been pushed to the forefront.

This abused child was so severely injured that the brain was inevitably affected. After the injury healed, he lost the ability to walk upright and speak. He could not even leave the hospital. He sacrificed his second marriage and stayed in the hospital for a long time to take care of him, and the community launched a targeted fundraising for this child every year, and incidentally, a wave of popular science abused children and abandoned children’s legal knowledge.

There is such a thing in the community, after everyone condemned and criticized the stepmother, their eyes widened with vigilance, they could not trust all the stepmothers, like Mei Qingqing, in the eyes of the people She is also a stepmother, and people will inevitably look at her with critical eyes.

No matter what others think of her, Mei Qingqing really loves this child who is connected with her own bones and blood. .

In the blink of an eye, the child is five years old, and Mei Qingqing’s kindness to the child can be felt by everyone. Praise Mei Qingqing is a good mother, the situation is developing in a good direction, but at this time, 37-year-old Mei Qingqing naturally conceived.

As soon as she learned the news of her pregnancy, her mother-in-law immediately erected a thorn all over her body: “Knock it out, just knock it out! This child can’t be wanted.”

Mei Qingqing was stunned. In order to conceive a child, she had suffered so much and suffered so much that she couldn’t conceive, that’s all. God gave her a child, but her mother-in-law actually Let it be knocked out?

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