It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: How Did The Gold Nanny Become The 4 Fools He Qingqing

He Qingqing lay on the old wooden bed and carefully sorted out her mission this time, the original body’s wishes are not complicated, just three.

The first is to divorce Li Zhiqiang. In the last life, the original owner took care of the two grown-up Li family children and served the paralyzed Li Zhiqiang for more than ten years.

After more than 30 years of marriage and all the sacrifices made by the original owner, I only got the right to live in an old house and a monthly alimony of 800 yuan!

Don’t say that the original owner is unwilling, she is the executor of the task and feels resentment for the original owner. The marriage must be divorced, but it will wait until the unit’s welfare room is transferred to her personal name.

The second rule is to keep the three bungalows. This is a retirement home prepared by He Qingqing for herself. The house belongs to Grandpa He, who has long since passed away. As Grandpa He’s only heir, He Qingqing has the right of first refusal to purchase this house.

The last thing is that you must not listen to Li Zhiqiang’s nonsense, you must have a social security pension!

After thinking about it, I found that these three things are not difficult.

He Qingqing was rolling around and giggling under the covers! This novice task is too easy!

After the house was settled, it was a matter of minutes to divorce Li Jianzha! After the divorce, I wandered around in the stock market and accumulated capital before doing futures trading in my old bank.

How much money will it cost to kill the Quartet at that time?

He Qingqing is proud, don’t future generations always say it? Why worry? Only get rich!

Money is the most secure! Save the original owner the money she can’t spend in two lifetimes, this task is 100% complete!

“Executor, please stop your dangerous thoughts!” A stereotyped voice came from the depths of consciousness.

“Why? I didn’t kill anyone, I didn’t set fire, I didn’t steal or rob and obey the law.” He Qingqing was not convinced: “Why is this idea dangerous?”

“Executor, you must keep in mind that the client will continue to come back to live after you complete the task. If you use skills that the client cannot master to change the client’s living conditions during the task, it will be extremely It may cause the mission to fail after you disengage.”

The system patiently explained to her: “Because of your careless operation and the failure of the task, not only will you not get the merit value of the Heavenly Dao reward, but your own merit will be deducted.”

The system does its due diligence and reminds me warmly: “Think of your physical body in a state of rabies attack, please proceed with caution!”

“That’s weird.” He Qingqing was puzzled: “Since the client can come back and continue to live, why should the executor be used? Just let the client be reborn? The experience of the previous life ensures that they can avoid risks and live a life of grace and happiness.”

The system carefully explained to her: “This is because the mission target has suffered hardships that they should not have suffered due to various reasons, resulting in many defects in their character, cowardice, inferiority, etc. After waiting, many mission targets lost the confidence to do it all over again, they are willing to pay merit and ask someone to help them, so there is the existence of executors.”

“The executors should keep their mission goals in mind and help the clients achieve their wishes, so as to calm the anger in their souls and ensure that they can enter the reincarnation with a calm and peaceful mind.” The system urged Yin Yin : “In the hope that enough merit points can be accumulated as soon as possible to exchange for rabies special medicine!”

He Qingqing nodded like pounding garlic, thinking of her dying body, the big house she bought with great difficulty, and the car with the license plate, her heart was fiery to Mr. System Repeatedly promised: “I will carry out the task conscientiously, help the client well, and strive to accumulate enough merits as soon as possible!”

The system spread flowers in her mind, and the two big cheers flickered for a long time before disappearing!

I can’t take shortcuts, so how do I make money?

In three months, the housing payment of 6,000 yuan will be enough. Now is the mid-1990s. At this time, the regular workers in the oil field earn only 5,600, 6,000 yuan a month. Not a small amount!

He Qingqing turned over and sat up to search the property left by the original body. It was very good.

The 1,500 yuan was the compensation from her ex-in-law’s family when she divorced her ex-husband. She was divorced because she couldn’t have children, and her ex-husband gave her 3,000 yuan for the right to do compensate.

After He Qingqing married Li Zhiqiang, Li Zhiqiang gave her a monthly living allowance of 100 yuan for the first three months. After three months, the 100 yuan was gone. Li Zhiqiang seemed to have forgotten to give her living allowance. thing?

Every time He Qingqing reached out and asked for it, Li Zhiqiang patted his forehead angrily and said, “Look at me, I’m so busy working all day long that my feet don’t touch the ground, I forgot about this stubble. What’s the matter, what did you buy this time? How much did it cost?”

He Qingqing Barabara reported what he had bought and how much he had spent, and then Li Zhiqiang would give her the amount she reported this time, no more than a cent!

He Qingqing didn’t say anything after several times like this, Li Zhiqiang lost his temper, every time He Qingqing asked him for money, he looked impatient and reluctant After giving the money, I would like to mention He Qingqing: “Qingqing, we are such a big family to live, you don’t have any income, it’s all my salary, I’m under a lot of pressure! You have to be more frugal when you do housework on weekdays. It is.”

Frugal? How to be frugal?

He Qingqing’s parents died early. She grew up with her grandparents. The three lived on her grandfather’s salary. The two old people were not in good health. She took medicine all the year round. Big bubbles, this frugal habit was cultivated with grandparents when I was a child.

Her ex-mother-in-law was stubborn and bad, but she never scolded He Qingqing, why? Just because He Qingqing has two advantages that she values, one is diligent and the other is thrifty. He Qingqing’s frugality has almost reached the level of stinginess.

Now Li Zhiqiang wants her to be more frugal, how can she save it?

He Qingqing has always regarded Li Zhiqiang’s words as the imperial edict, and her stinginess has become stingy!

From now on, when she bought vegetables, she would wait until the stalls were closed in the afternoon. At this time, the vegetable vendors were busy closing the stalls, and the dishes were cheaper. Hygiene, the vegetable vendor is embarrassed and always has to give her a fraction, and sometimes the rest of the dishes that are not very good will be given to her for nothing.

No matter how much fruit she buys, when the two children ask for fruit, she buys a few more orders for the children to eat. He Qingqing made meat dishes at home, and He Qingqing was close to the three of them, and he didn’t eat a single bite.

As for clothes, let alone clothes, since He Qingqing married Li Zhiqiang, Li Zhiqiang bought her a set of clothes for more than a year except for the day of the marriage certificate, let alone clothes, she Not even a foot of cloth was added!

In order to save water bills, the clothes are not washed at home. Every time she washes the clothes, she runs from the southern district to the open-air public faucet in the northern district with dirty clothes to wash, and then brings them back after washing. , Counting Jiuhantian is the same, this washing has been 20 years, and it was not until Li Zhiqiang was paralyzed that Li Tianyou bought her a washing machine.

When she got old, she suffered from rheumatoid arthritis in her hands, and her knuckles proliferated and deformed. How did she get this disease? Does it have nothing to do with the laundry?

So since Li Zhiqiang made a message, He Qingqing asked Li Zhiqiang for money less and less.

Isn’t she still in her pocket with three thousand dollars as compensation from her ex-husband? Take out the flowers! One piece today, two pieces tomorrow, it’s been over a year, and three thousand dollars will only be one thousand and five dollars left?

What can He Qingqing do now? Apart from scolding the original body for being a big idiot, there is nothing to do!

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