It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 46

Chapter 50: The Bitterness Of Cabbage In The Era Text 3 Breast Augmentation Surgery

Luo Qingqing’s shameless request made Sun Pingchuan and his wife angry, egg white noodles? The two of them glared at Luo Qingqing, unable to figure out where she had the courage to make such a request.

Nowadays, there are regulations for raising chickens in villagers’ homes. One person, one chicken, and several people in the family can raise several chickens.

People, it stands to reason that the Sun family can raise thirteen chickens, and Zhao Xiuyun did catch thirteen chicks in the spring.

When you reach the peak of childbearing, you may be able to have another one every day. This situation often does not last for long, and you will lose your energy for ten days and a half months. Those who can lay an egg every other day are considered diligent chickens, and laying an egg every two or three days is the norm.

These seven chickens can receive at most three or four eggs a day. The Sun family is eligible to eat eggs, except for Sun Pingchuan himself, who is Sun Pingchuan’s eldest grandson who is under one year old.

She watched closely with the eggs. She did the job of getting up in the morning and opening the door of the chicken coop. She caught the six chickens one by one and licked their butts. As long as they touched eggs, this chicken would not want to go out today. He had to cluck Zhao Xiuyun’s happiness before he could be released.

Now Luo Qingqing wants to eat egg noodles with one mouth? The corners of Zhao Xiuyun’s mouth were curled up to his chin: “Who do you think you are? You really think of yourself as my mother-in-law with a few words from the secretary? If I give you a hammer, it will be like a needle. Why is your face so big? You still want to eat eggs. ?No!”

I have brought up several children for you. You and Pingchuan both have to honor me. Now I only tell you to cook and you are unwilling? What? You don’t listen to what the secretary says?”

“You black-hearted mother-in-law, don’t scare me with a book!” Zhao Xiuyun gritted his teeth: “Can the dead old man control the sky and control the earth, can he still control my house?”

“Then you won’t give me eggs?” Luo Qingqing asked her seriously.

“You still want to eat eggs? You can’t be beautiful, no!” Zhao Xiuyun gritted his teeth: “Go eat chicken shit!”

“My God! I’m dead!” Luo Qingqing’s voice not only startled Sun Pingchuan and his wife, but their little grandson who was less than one year old was also startled. cried.

Zhao Xiuyun’s anger reached its climax, pointing at Luo Qingqing and shouting loudly, this should be placed on the original owner, and she will surely cry to Zhao Xiuyun: “Good Xiuyun, hurry up Be quiet, and your neighbors will hear it.”

Luo Qingqing did not receive the task of safeguarding the reputation of the old Sun family. The reputation of the old Sun family was worthless in her eyes. She was afraid that Zhao Xiuyun would not scold loudly enough that the neighbors would not hear it. .

Did you eat too much **** and stuff your brain?”

In the past, Luo Qingqing, who used to do whatever she called me, dared to talk to herself like that? This dead mother-in-law wants to turn the sky after eating the ambitious leopard, right?

Zhao Xiuyun was so angry at Luo Qingqing’s provocation that she lost her mind.

Luo Qingqing was afraid that she would not come, and when she saw her rushing over with a mallet, she immediately set up a posture to attack.

Seeing Zhao Xiuyun rushing over like a crazy-haired sow, Luo Qingqing nodded again and again, the women in the village were all fighting with bare hands, nothing more than scratching their hair, pulling clothes, scratching Face, Zhao Xiuyun still knows how to find tools? Consciousness is very advanced.

Zhao Xiuyun was already in a rage, but was stimulated by Luo Qingqing’s indifferent smile, she held the mallet high, and it was strong when she rushed to Luo Qingqing’s side Really give her a hammer.

Although Luo Qingqing has never practiced Taekwondo, her old skill, she has been immersed in it for many years.

Zhao Xiuyun, who rushed over like a locomotive furious, seemed to her full of flaws, her arms were raised too high, and the open door in front of her chest was too large, it was easy to deal with her.

When Zhao Xiuyun rushed to the front and smashed the mallet down, Luo Qingqing raised her right hand and grabbed her right wrist, turned slightly sideways, bent her left arm, and smashed her elbow hard. on her chest.

Luo Qingqing has no pity for Zhao Xiuyun. She chose this elbow wickedly on the vulnerable part of a woman. When she smashed her, Zhao Xiuyun’s chest would definitely swell up.

Luo Qingqing smiled, this elbow should have breast augmentation surgery for this bitch.

Zhao Xiuyun, who was slapped by Luo Qingqing’s elbow, covered her chest with her left hand as soon as she snorted. The man and the sons and daughters: “Sun Pingchuan! You are all dead people! The old lady is about to be beaten to death, so hurry up and help me!”

Sun Pingchuan holds the identity of the head of the family, and naturally refuses to come forward. He quietly winks at his children and motions them to help. It is enough to have these older children. The children held Luo Qingqing to keep her from running around in the yard. Then, why don’t you beat your daughter-in-law as she wants? What’s the use of doing it yourself?

Sun Pingchuan’s plan was perfect, and several children were obedient, and began to surround Luo Qingqing one by one.

“Hold her down for me!” Zhao Xiuyun watched a group of children gather around, pointed at Luo Qingqing with a mallet and scolded: “You **** old lady, how dare you do anything with me? Today, I have to let you know how many eyes Ma Wangye has!”

Luo Qingqing knew that these two were shameless and despicable. When she was fighting with Zhao Xiuyun, she began to retreat in the direction of the gate. Before these children could get close to her, she He retreated to the door in a hurry.

The children of the Sun family were crowded behind the door, breaking the door one by one, swearing at others, and making a lot of noise.

Luo Qingqing leaned back hard, her feet firmly against the threshold, she tried her best to tighten the two broken wooden doors, and she opened her voice and shouted: “My lord! Don’t give people a way to live, the family beat me, Sun Changshan! You can open your eyes and see, if I die, it will be beaten to death by your children and grandchildren!”

After howling, she looked at the neighbors on the left and right and began to probe their brains. Luo Qingqing smiled and turned on the mocking mode to the Sun family who was in the crack of the door: “The stupid son of a stupid woman, look at your stupid faces. picture…”

Before she could finish her scolding, Zhao Xiuyun rushed up and pulled away the children. She squeezed to the door and stretched out her arms with a mallet.

Before she could hit Ke Qingqing’s mallet, Luo Qingqing hurriedly stepped on the threshold and pushed the two doors up and closed, and immediately clamped Zhao Xiuyun’s arm tightly in in the crack of the door.

Zhao Xiuyun wailed and let go of the mallet, Luo Qingqing let go of the two doors and shoved them in, except for Zhao Xiuyun who was standing in the middle, the grandchildren behind the door were almost No one was spared, either being hit on the head by the door or being stepped on by other brothers and sisters. For a while, several brothers and sisters cried out in pain and became a mess.

Luo Qingqing pulled Zhao Xiuyun, who was holding his arms and screaming constantly, to him, and pinched her chest in the extreme, hey hey hey, how about breast enhancement? One side, both sides are the same size to look good!

Zhao Xiuyun blushed and had a thick neck because of her shameless tricks. She didn’t care about crying anymore. I blocked it a bit, but it didn’t hold back, and my hands were burning hot on my face.

At this time, the sons and daughters of the Sun family also slowed down, and the elders stretched out their hands to grab Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing did not entangle with them, she turned around and ran, she ran and howled while taking the time, and pulled her neatly combed bun to pieces: “Killing you! Murder! Sun Pingchuan and his wife are going to kill me!”

She ran around the bend all the way, attracting a large number of villagers to come out to watch, seeing her describe the misery and shouting mournfully, the villagers came forward to ask with concern, Luo Qingqing panicked and shook He kept saying that the whole Sun family was going to kill her.

At this moment, several sons and daughters of the Sun family were also chasing after them all the way under the leadership of Zhao Xiuyun. When the villagers saw that everyone in the Sun family was shouting and killing Luo Qingqing, they stepped forward to stop them. And the one with quick legs and brains, hurriedly split up to find the brigade cadres.

When the cadres of the brigade gathered and rushed over, the scene was almost out of control. Everyone from the Sun family, Luo Qingqing, and the enthusiastic onlookers were in a mess!

It turned out that the Sun family was going to kill Luo Qingqing, and the enthusiastic people stepped forward to stop them. Compared with Zhao Xiuyun, who was sarcastic and sarcastic, and Sun Pingchuan, who was somber and liked to put on a stinky air , Of course, it is a three-pointed smile. Luo Qingqing, who has a good temperament and loves to help others, has won the hearts of the masses.

Since the heart is biased, it will inevitably be biased. No one will pull Luo Qingqing, but everyone will pull the Sun family. Zhao Xiuyun is a person who never suffers. At this moment When the anger is on top, it must be who is pulling and hitting whom.

Can people who eat melons be easy to mess with? You were kind enough to mediate conflicts for you, but you still beat people? It’s really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. I don’t know how powerful it is. If I didn’t say anything, I would definitely fight back.

The counterattack of the melon-eating crowd naturally resulted in a more ferocious counterattack from the furious Sun family. In addition, Luo Qingqing, a **** stirrer, secretly attacked from time to time. They were all really angry, and the human brain almost didn’t become a dog’s brain.

The cadres of the brigade looked at the scene of the large-scale brawl in front of them, their faces ashen with anger, and slammed the crowd.

The old party secretary who washed his face and changed his clothes, was so angry that Zhao Xiuyun couldn’t say a word for a long time against the red, swollen and bruised bruises in the middle of his face.

Zhao Xiuyun was very angry when the old branch secretary pointed her finger around, she said with a sharp voice: “Old branch secretary, you don’t know, I don’t blame me for this today, really Luo Qingqing’s **** is too much.”

“Shut up!” The old secretary shouted angrily and pointed at Zhao Xiuyun, spitting saliva on her face: “I have never seen a shrew who is more foul-mouthed than you. From this morning, you say a **** to your mother-in-law, a dead mother-in-law, and your old Zhao family is this tutor?”

“You are an unethical thing, good words can’t be poured into your ears, no matter if Luo Qingqing is your mother-in-law or not, what she does is enough to be your mother-in-law!”

“You are now scolding a **** and a mother-in-law happily. Why didn’t you see her scolding her when she took care of the Second Army for you 20 years ago? Ten years ago, she took care of you on the side. Why didn’t grandma see you scold her when she was bringing honeysuckle and silver flowers? Five years ago, she took care of Xiaojun Cuihua for you, why didn’t she see you scold her? Last year, when she was in disarray and waited on your dying father-in-law, why didn’t she see you and scold her Why didn’t you scold her when she served your confinement daughter-in-law this year?”

“Face forward when you hire a person, but you don’t need to face back, you can turn your face faster than a dog! Are you still a person? How did I settle the two of you in the morning? No? Do you think I can’t cure you?”

The angry Zhao Xiuyun was sprayed with saliva by the old party secretary, she jumped in anger and shouted: “You just train me? This is nothing at all. Blame me! It’s all Luo Qingqing, a bitch…”

Before she could finish speaking, the old secretary stomped his feet in anger: “You mother-in-law is hopeless, you can’t change without teaching you a lesson, I have to treat you today, right? It’s the atmosphere of this Taohua Village! Wealth! Wealth! Call the militia team and take Zhao Xiuyun to the labor camp in Beiwahe!”

Zhao Xiuyun, who was jumping at the old secretary, was stunned!

, Or is it just a broken shoe that steals ashes.

All in all, it is filled with problem characters from several nearby production battalions. The people who are locked in have to be constantly under the supervision of the militiamen to hit stones with foreign picks. Now you are going to be locked up there?

Zhao Xiuyun’s legs fell to the ground.

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