It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 21

After strolling down the street, I finally didn't feel as rushed as before. Now, I could take a moment to leisurely observe my surroundings. Although there weren't significant differences, there was still a noticeable contrast in some technologies.

Since the history of this world had unfolded differently.

While glancing at some buildings, I could see vivid images of colorful characters from games and movies. It seemed that the entertainment value in this world was higher than before.

On the streets, I also noticed many people walking in groups. Some were talking on their phones, while others laughed, embracing the vibrant lifestyle.

Taking a sigh of relief for not being caught up in such a dangerous commotion, I shifted my gaze towards a massive building.

It was one of the main banks in this world, which was the destination of my journey.

Standing at the crosswalk, I waited for the traffic light to change its color. Suddenly, I felt something suspicious, as if someone was watching me.

For some reason, my initial thought was that someone was tailing me. It seemed like my counterintelligence skills had kicked in.

I maintained my posture and didn't turn my head to look. Doing so might raise suspicion.

Finally, as the traffic light changed colors, I stepped forward. The feeling of being monitored didn't cease even as I entered the bank.

Before my eyes, a vast hall unfolded, showcasing multiple service counters. Approaching one where a man was seated, I greeted him.

"Hello, excuse me, may I get a bank card?"

In response, I received the necessary identification and related documents. I took them with me, handing them to the man. Soon, the registration began, with me answering a few questions. After everything, the card would be ready in three hours. Learning this, I left the bank.

I had some money from that boy, so I found a cozy coffee shop and went inside to order a coffee.

After leaving the bank, the feeling of being followed intensified. After pondering for a moment, I tried to casually glance around me.

Looking around as if I was genuinely interested in what was happening, I happened to glance in the direction where I felt someone's gaze upon me.

At that moment, in the corner of the coffee shop, two people were sitting and having a conversation. One of them was looking at me. When I noticed his gaze, he blinked in my direction. Ignoring it, I shifted my gaze elsewhere.

Thoughts swirled in my mind, and I began to doubt if I had misunderstood something. Or perhaps he did it intentionally to confuse me.

Reflecting on this, I turned my attention to the coffee. Since it was a public place, even if they had ill intentions, they wouldn't act here.

Sipping my coffee, I also glanced at the passing girls dressed in various outfits. The weather was sunny and warm, so some of them dressed lightly.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it seems like the average beauty in this world is higher than in the past.

Taking another sip of coffee, I felt some relief. I hadn't been relaxed since the transition until this moment. Finally, when it happens, I feel quite good.

It seems like I can live normally in this world.

After a while, I decided to leave the coffee shop and take a walk. As I walked through several streets, I came across a small park.

Children were playing and people were strolling there at that time. Finding a comfortable spot, I sat down and observed it all.

Time passed, almost three and a half hours, and then I returned to the bank.

The feeling of being watched didn't disappear all this time, and it began to irritate me.

Taking my bank card and stepping outside, an unfamiliar boy around 14-15 years old approached me. Holding something that looked like a package in his hand, he handed it to me. Looking at him, he said,

"They told me to give this to you."

"Who told you?"

Doubtfully asking, he replied in an uncertain tone,

"I don't know. They gave me 100MQE to give this to you. Take it, I have to go..."

Upon hearing his words, I hesitated whether to take it or not. The other person quickly threw the package at me and ran away.

Holding the package, I cautiously examined it. Could there be poison inside that would disperse once I opened it?

But as I pondered what to do, I suddenly heard a sound coming from it. It was a melody, resembling the sound of a phone ringing.

Listening to how it sounded, I began to describe it. It turned out to be a phone indeed. With doubts lingering, I opened the package and took out the phone.

It appeared to be brand new, one of the latest models.

It seemed that the other side had spent money to purchase it. And this was clearly not without reason.

As the hidden number on the phone continued to ring, I cautiously answered and brought the phone to my ear.

Despite the risks involved, I couldn't avoid it either. The feeling of being monitored still persisted.

The phone was connected, but I didn't speak, only listened. There's a chance this is a setup, so it's best not to say anything.

"Oh, it seems like you don't want to talk," a voice with interference sounded, increasing my caution. The other side is very meticulous in concealing their identity, which is not favorable for me.

Judging by how they found me, they definitely knew about me.

Taking a step forward, I continued walking down the street, occasionally paying attention to my surroundings.

Still not willing to speak, the other side continued at that moment.

"Alright, I understand your caution, and that's good. So, I want to say one thing. I'm pleased that you were able to accomplish your mission. Yes, despite its many flaws, you managed to eliminate it unlike the others.

So, I would like to talk."

Confirmation is there, they know about me. I don't know for sure who it is, but it's likely related to those guys. One of them is still alive, and I also don't know how many people know about me.

"Alright, I would like to talk to you about something. Do you want to undertake a few more missions for us? Although the risk is high, the rewards will also be substantial."

I remained silent, feeling a sense of crisis that had been building up within me all this time.

Subconsciously gritting my teeth, I began to frantically contemplate what to do. If I comply with their demands, it could mean getting further entangled in these affairs.

And if not, the other side will surely threaten me, which was confirmed by their next words.

"Well, we're not forcing you. But don't you want a normal life, or perhaps to ensure the safety of your sister? You clearly have talent in this field. Maybe this is an opportunity for you? What do you think?"

Upon hearing these words, my mood gradually began to calm down. Although there was some anger inside me due to this situation, I had excellent control over my emotions.

It seems I can't get out of this until I eliminate all those who pose a threat, including the mysterious website that claimed my data would be exposed in case of failure.

At that moment, it appeared that my naive thoughts vanished, and finally, I responded.

"Since you know about me, you must know my identifier. Send the information to me."

It was the first time I responded to someone so coldly and emotionlessly.

Immediately after, I turned off the phone. As I walked down the street and reached the park, I smashed the phone on the ground and threw it into the fountain, causing the screen to instantly shatter and turn black.

Leaving that place, I also bought the appropriate cable for such a boy's phone on the way and headed home.

The journey took nearly an hour, as I also contemplated what to do along the way. The only right thought was that I needed to improve my skills. I also needed to order a lot of weapons and buy a car.

It would be dangerous to parade around with weapons on the street, so I have a lot of preparations to make. But first, I have to deal with that guy who is clearly not an innocent person. After that, I can also leave some money for my sister and leave home.

Although it's still necessary to keep an eye on her, getting too close to her can be dangerous. While those who adore her know about her, if I listen to them, they probably won't take action against my sister.

Upon entering the house, I noticed that my sister had already returned and now seemed to be doing something in the kitchen. Catching sight of me, she snorted and fired a shot in my direction. Seeing this, I rolled my eyes and then asked, "What are you preparing?"

She ignored me and kept staring ahead. Realizing that she still didn't want to talk to me, I sighed and entered my room. I didn't go online right away. I had to take care of something with the boy first.

Turning on my laptop, I started what I had planned yesterday. Soon, a simple program appeared before me. Connecting the phone to the laptop, I launched the program.

The phone started rapidly shutting down and rebooting, which happened several times. Eventually, it turned on again, and the familiar interface appeared with the lock screen still on it.

But by swiping down on the screen, a tool interface appeared, through which I accessed the phone's settings. After navigating the settings, I found all the apps and launched the file explorer.

And there, in front of my eyes, appeared all the files on the phone. I began to enter and exit, searching for suspicious things. Finally, I found a few explicit pictures of a girl with an unpleasant expression.

Apart from these photos, I didn't find anything else. Thinking for a moment, I exited the file explorer and proceeded to open other applications.

After nearly 20 minutes of searching, when the noise in the kitchen stopped, I finally found a communication app. Opening it, numerous things appeared before my eyes, from conversations to group chats. Investigating them one by one, my mood deteriorated faster and faster. Starting with whom to blackmail and ending with shocking content.

There were several people and one girl, and these videos were not in short supply. On the contrary, there were many of them, and their conversations revealed their intentions.

So, what should I do now? Should I tell everything to my sister or confront the person directly?

After some thought, I sighed.

An hour later, I had already copied all the messages, photos, and other materials onto an online storage platform.

Having done that, I also found a way to anonymously send these materials to multiple police stations, just to be on the safe side.

Grabbing a piece of foil from the kitchen, I wrapped my phone in it and hid it in my room. It's always important to have a backup plan when the first one fails.

I didn't know about the boy, but I wondered why his actions hadn't become known yet.

As I looked out the window, I pondered.

Perhaps this world is darker than the previous one, or maybe I just hadn't seen it before.


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