It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 283 It is our duty to rebuild the glory of the Holy See!

Chapter 283 It is our duty to rebuild the glory of the Holy See!
Following Lu Baiyan's questioning, the air he was looking at was slightly distorted.

"...Don't be so angry, Lao Lu."

Then there was a faint sound of gnats, "I was just ordered to pay attention to your actions. It was not my intention to send troops up and down."

"Your Majesty the Pope or Your Highness the Saint?"

He narrowed his eyes and refused to buy this account, and then asked.

"This is an order from the Holy See."

Gnat responded calmly, "I actually don't know what you did...have you had too much contact with outsiders?"

Lu Baiyan was silent.

Although he had been aware of it for a long time, he still felt bad when he saw that the Holy See's methods of dealing with outsiders were now being used on himself.

Others don't know what he knows best, but the sound of gnats also comes from one of their Templars, Han Jingchuan, who is ranked sixth.

What about his ability... Although it can't be seen clearly with the naked eye, if you look carefully, you can actually find a very small insect hidden behind him.

This is Han Jingchuan's ability, which is most suitable for serving as the Holy See's spy, quietly searching for all kinds of information.

Even if the average person is a "Chosen One", if they are not focused on mental power, it will be difficult for them to detect the existence of these small eyes, even if they have a certain amount of mental power.

Lu Baiyan's strength is not weak, but he can only perceive it roughly. This is based on his thorough knowledge of his colleagues.

The other party can be regarded as an old man among the Templars. Sometimes the order cannot explain everything. With this ability, in the past, with his help, the Holy See has always been able to collect a lot of unknown information. In some cases, Seize the upper hand with the royal family or other overt and covert battles.

But this is not a problem. The problem is that this ability is now used on their own people.

Of course, Lu Baiyan still regarded himself as a member of the Holy See, which was why he was unhappy - he remembered clearly that the other party had a mission before and left the main city for a long time and did not come back.

Now that you suddenly appear here, you have obviously received an urgent report from the Holy See and are back to monitor you... Why did you go there earlier?

Why didn't you come back when I launched an economic war a long time ago and said nothing in front of everyone in the Holy See?Now that the child is dead and your baby is here, are you using this method to create chaos?
Whether you say this is to remedy the situation or something else, it is true that Lu Baiyan is unhappy anyway - he does not care whether the person who issued such an order is the pope or a saint. Of course, it stands to reason that it is more likely to be the former. Big, but no matter who it is, the nature of this approach will not change.

In fact, for Mi Miyan, who comes from a noble family and has been involved in the Holy See and the royal family for many years, if he can't even think of this, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so vigilant in front of Xu Shi's residence before. He wouldn't have said a word that was not conducive to the Holy See. He would have said it for hundreds of dollars... He would have waited for good results after he said it.

Now he knew it clearly. Compared to gentle means such as peace talks, the Pope himself was more inclined to cut off the chaos quickly and use more radical means to end conflicts that shook the status of the Holy See. This was not at all what he said before. It is to be polite first and then to fight.

Of course, the purpose of sending someone to keep an eye on you is to avoid unnecessary trouble. Once you show any dangerous tendencies, you will nip unnecessary trouble in the cradle.

Fortunately, he had been alert, otherwise... Lu Baiyan knew what would happen without even thinking about it.

But think about it on the other hand, if you really doubt yourself, then don't act so indifferent at that time, as if you trust him as much as you do, right?
Thinking of the scene in which the Pope came out to be the peacemaker during the previous argument, and even adopted his suggestions, he squinted his eyes and sighed silently in his heart.

In comparison, he suddenly felt that Xu Shi seemed to be a better person - it was undeniable that this guy was crazy and his methods were very sinister, but he was very honest when dealing with him.

At least his wooing was quite straightforward. As for whether his apprentice's attack on the mind was inspired by him, it actually doesn't matter. In his narrow eyes, their group of people are all bound together, and no one can tell the difference. Big, especially when it was Xu Shi himself who started it.

He also believed in his own judgment. If it were Xu Shi himself, the meaning would definitely not change. The only difference is that his speaking skills would be better.


Lu Baiyan now understands firsthand how uncomfortable it is to be caught in the middle - if he had made a decision earlier, at least he wouldn't be as useless as he is now.

But it is a pity that if you want to make a decision now, the effect will not be very good - even if you break up with Xu Shi, I am afraid that you will not earn much trust from the Holy See, but if you go to Xu Shi's place with your heart, Fortunately, I can say that the family behind me and a series of related matters will never be able to escape unscathed.

Because he had a premonition, the Holy See recalled the Templar Knights who were outside, fearing that there would be a big move.

"Anyway, I don't think you have any big problems. You haven't done anything out of the ordinary when facing foreigners. It's just that your temperament is more tolerant and gentle."

Han Jingchuan could monitor his actions, but he couldn't read his mind. When he saw this, he just comforted his old colleague, "So you don't have anything to worry about."

"Lend your auspicious words."

He narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"I'm just telling the truth."

Han Jingchuan said, "But since you discovered me, it's just right. The Pope has called everyone for a meeting. Don't be absent."


Lu Baiyan's tone was neither salty nor cool, "Stop your little bug, it's enough to make me upset if it keeps buzzing in my ears."

"... Just arrive on time."

Han Jingchuan didn't argue with him, and the fluctuating air returned to normal after a while.


After a while, the main church.

Compared with the last small meeting, the occasion this time was much larger - in addition to all eleven Templar Knights present, there were also many priests and priests who held real power in the Holy See, and even people from almshouses in various places. The nuns were involved.

The empty church was packed with people, and those who didn't know it thought it was some unprecedented worship service.

The presiding officer was finally not the pure and innocent Holy Lady, but the Pope himself who had been behind the scenes for a long time.

The old pope also put on the highest standards of attire. Under the packaging, he lost a bit of the twilight of the elderly and became a bit more hale and hearty.


The old pope spoke slowly, "You must already know why I have summoned you here today."


Everyone responded in unison. Many people here are leaders of other churches stationed in other places. They cannot enter the main city without receiving orders.

So when they were summoned, of course the reason had already been written on the letterhead.

The status of the Holy See is threatened!It can even be said to be a serious injury!
Not being in the main city doesn't mean that you don't pay attention to things in the main city. Many caring people have actually known for a long time that a group of foreigners from overseas have done a lot of big things here recently. Not only have they made a fortune by buying and selling Poseidon Stone, but now they have gone beyond Established direct contact with the Holy See and the royal family, and founded a new sect.

If it is only the former, then they, the out-of-town managers, will only regret it at most - many people have already smelled the considerable profits behind the Poseidon Stone transaction. Unfortunately, when they are also preparing to enter the market and flex their muscles in their own territory, This fire has been extinguished, and the opportunity to make money has naturally disappeared.In terms of finances, churches in other places are generally responsible for their own profits and losses, and only in special moments will the main church provide assistance... Although it is generally impossible to lose money, anyone would feel sorry for missing such an opportunity.


If it's the latter, the situation is different.

First of all, the current state religion of the Hualan Empire is the Holy Fire Cat Cult, which suddenly turns them into a wild man, and the name is not justified.

And this trend is not as easy to stop as the Poseidon Stone transaction. According to various rumors, their churches in other places have also suffered a certain blow. Some neighboring counties have even begun to build churches of the Cat Sect. After all, behind the scenes With the support of the royal family, the expansion rate is much faster than everyone imagined.

Including the previous measures taken by the Holy See to check and balance the Cat Cult, of course it will inevitably be implemented in other places - otherwise it will be just a face-saving project, and focusing on one thing and the other will only be counterproductive.

There is a saying that compared with the main city, more poor people in other counties and counties were harmed.

But although this kind of operation restored some reputation for the Holy See, it was the self-sufficient priests and priests who suffered. Of course, all the goods and materials to relieve the people had to come from them, and the expenditure increased several times. It does not contradict that. is fake.

Compared to the days when you could easily give away three melons or two dates and make a lot of money with just a swing of indulgences, not many people are really willing to do such a laborious and laborious thing.

"We all know that the despicable foreign barbarians really go too far!"

The hot-tempered man could no longer hold back, and immediately stood up and expressed his stance, "Does the Pope want us to eliminate heretics? I will be the first to go!"

"Me too!" "Me too!" "Hey, hey, hey!"

Seeing the atmosphere becoming heated instantly, Lu Baiyan rolled his eyes in his heart.

He didn't know what to say... Everyone knew that the starting point of most of these people was probably not "serving the Lord of God". They were so excited simply because Xu Shi's operations harmed their vital interests.

But this is probably the brilliance of the Holy See. It uses spirit and belief to bind people together, but it often uses substantive profit factors when driving. Not to mention being a non-stick pan inside and out, the effect is not bad.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient."

The old pope stood in the center of the stage and gently pressed his hands, "I know how you feel, but the heretics are cunning, and now they are involved with the royal family, and one move can affect the whole body. We cannot be reckless."

"Then what does the Pope plan to do?"

Some people actually thought that just a few outsiders, so many of us would be drowned by their saliva... But facing the highest authority of the Holy See, they would not be so impulsive as to disobey what he said.

"Look for its weak point and destroy it with one strike."

The old pope said slowly, "Jingchuan, tell me what you discovered."


A man on the stage with black robes and black armor, covering his whole body except for his eyes, stepped forward.

This is Han Jingchuan himself, and he has the same ability as him. He can tell at a glance that he is an intelligence worker.

"These days, I have been controlling eyeworms near Xu Shi's residence and monitoring their movements."

His voice was low and hoarse. "In terms of actions, he basically only goes to the churches and palaces of the Maomao Cult. He even doesn't even go to the churches in many cases. He mostly leaves it to his subordinates to manage."

"Speak the key."

Park Guochang Park Knight urged.


Han Jingchuan was helpless, but too lazy to argue with him, "The point is, I seem to have discovered that there was a rift between him and one of his wives, which led to a bad atmosphere between them now."

This sounds like gossip, but no one will take it lightly - a thousand-mile embankment breaks down in an ant nest, and often a small problem can be fatal.

"Is there any possibility of acting?"

Someone asked.

"It's not ruled out, but it's very likely to be true."

Han Jingchuan pondered, "His wife was swallowed by the Poseidon at that time. I heard that although she got some opportunities afterwards, the 'divine punishment' she received was not light. Judging from their conversations these days, it was because "Divine Punishment" eroded her spirit, causing her temperament to change drastically. "

They call supernatural complications "divine punishment."

"If that's the case, that's really valuable information."

The other person nodded slightly, saying that before fighting against external forces, one must first settle within. Many times there are internal discords and rifts, which are often the beginning of a defeat.

"Then, what does the Pope mean..."

"Try to stimulate the stimulation further."

The Pope said in a deep voice, "It seems that Xu Shi has been concealing this matter. Obviously we don't want it to affect other things. But if we can take advantage of it and wait for him to get confused and lose sight of one thing, we can defeat him in one fell swoop." The best time."

"Of course, considering that there are also factors related to the royal family, this alone is certainly not enough. This is just a trigger at best."

He added, "That's why I summoned you all to come here. You, including yourselves, have the most elite warriors of the Holy See. As long as the heretics are swept away and the emperor is cleared, the glory of the Holy See will surely return."

Is this going to start a complete war? Lu Baiyan was beating his head. It was obvious that the Pope's target was not only Xu Shi, but also the growing royal family.

This can be regarded as eradicating the root cause, otherwise it will be useless just to eliminate Xu Shi. Today there can be a Cat Cult, and tomorrow there will be a Dog Cult. The root cause is the royal family's fear of the Holy See. It is no longer about checks and balances, but one party must be eliminated. .

If successful, maybe the Holy See will completely rule the Hualan Empire in the future?At most, it's just a puppet who is friendly to the Holy See.

Others are naturally aware of this and are quite supportive of it.

There is a saying, there are really very few people in the Holy See system who are loyal to the royal family - even the Knights Templar have been poached from the roots, and it goes without saying what is going on with the priests and nuns they have trained.

and so.

The final answer was only one sentence.

"Crush heretics and restore the glory of the Holy See!"

(End of this chapter)

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