It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 294 Today I will become a boy’s mother!

Chapter 294 Today I will become a boy’s mother!

Sensing the strangeness in his body, Qin Yiyan tried to turn around with difficulty.

Miss Saint ignored her and moved her fingers slightly to stop her movement.

For a while, she watched as the silly red-haired girl's eyes were gradually covered with turbid white under her control, and her whole body became as stiff as a puppet.

It was completely in line with his expectations.

Although he had a lot of information about Miss Saint and knew that her abilities were auxiliary, he never considered her as an auxiliary from the beginning and was always on guard against her backhand. .

After all, she is the "supervisor" of "Heavenly Law". Doesn't she have no fighting ability?

It was obviously impossible. Even Miss He Er from the Night Sin City had the multi-faceted ability of a super beast. If he had not been absolutely dominant at that time, I would have had to have a good drink with her.

Lack of information is normal. Who can think of something that has not been shown?They are all stuff that is kept under the radar, and of course I won’t tell you casually.

Therefore, he was not surprised at all that the saintly lady in front of him showed abilities other than intelligence. At most, he was a little surprised to show respect. After all, this was also the first dual-powerful person in the Hualan Empire.

Maybe according to the original plot development of this experimental field, she would be the key figure in introducing this concept.

But now the situation has changed drastically, and at the end of the road, this trump card has to be exposed.

"This ability is kind of interesting."

Of course Xie Qingyan on the side also saw this, but her focus was more on Miss Saint's ability itself.

"Human control"

This was the temporary name she gave to this ability - to force others to lose their self-awareness through some means and become puppets in the hands of the person with the ability.

Even if you don't get hung up on the level of the superpower, the ability itself is still top-notch.

Different from the "entropy increase of evil thoughts" of this dog man Xu Shi, "human body control" is obviously simpler and more crude in controlling others. It directly erases consciousness and turns people into dogs. This cannot be called evil. It is said that it is evil. It's almost enough to induce drowsiness.

And looking at Miss Saint's operations so smoothly, I'm afraid the level of this ability will not be low. It is conservatively estimated that it is S, and S+ is not impossible.

But she also noticed a blind spot, "human body control" because if anyone can really control it, then why doesn't she control her opponent but her teammates?
After a brief analysis in her mind, she probably had her thoughts straightened out.

Mostly because this ability requires prerequisites. Let's take Xu Shi's "Entropy of Evil Thoughts" as an example. His spiritual erosion also needs to plant seeds and take root little by little. It doesn't mean that people will be corrupted directly. A process.

If you look at it this way, maybe the saint lady in front of you is similar. She also needs some means to silently affect the people around her for a long time, and then when needed, she can control her regardless of her personal will like she does now.

So the prerequisite is...

Considering the identity and background of the other party, the fiancée easily took this into consideration. The other party was a saint of the Holy See, and indeed she would often use this apparent auxiliary ability to people around her.

This has been the practice of the Holy See for many years. While strengthening faith, it will also subtly improve the blessed ones. Everyone naturally enjoys it, and even regards "being baptized and blessed by Her Royal Highness" as an honor.

But combined with the second ability she has now exposed, perhaps while blessing others, this ability may also pave the way for controlling others?

It's like a slow poison.

There is no more reasonable guess than this, and from this point of view, Miss Saint, the "supervisor" seems to be more active than He Yuxia. At least she has been making arrangements in secret, or in other words, in order to provide stability to this experimental field An extra layer of insurance.

If nothing happens, everyone will be happy. If an unplanned situation occurs like this, she can also use these arrangements to repair it.

From this point of view, this guy is still a model worker, much better than Miss He Er, who is half-assed... But Xie Xiaowu doesn't pay attention to this. She is more concerned about the other party's dual powers.

For people in Night Sin City, dual abilities are no longer a rare thing, but this kind of connection and cooperation between the first ability and the second ability is quite new.

After all, in their original understanding, dual powers are achieved through technical means, even Shen Qin, who is the source, is no exception. No one is born with two powers.

That means that the different abilities of people with dual abilities are independent individuals. Her previous research was also to find out and fill in the gaps between the two abilities. For example, Shen Qin and Xia Kean transplanted the self-healing ability, thereby eliminating The wear and tear that the original ability brings to the body.

Or perhaps the "United Wills" transplanted by Xu Shi makes up for the shortcomings of "Entropy of Evil Thoughts" that cannot affect positive emotions.

But the two abilities of Miss Saint are different. There is a certain degree of interaction between them. They are more tailor-made than tailor-made. However, the span of the two abilities is very large. Obviously, it is not due to level improvement. Derived branches.

It seems like it was prepared in advance...could she really be born with double powers?

Or, is this some more advanced technology in the hands of "Tianli" that can easily do things they can't do?

Both explanations have certain possibilities. After all, "Heavenly Law" is mysterious, and what has been investigated so far is just the tip of the iceberg.

As for whether it is possible for a person to be born with dual powers... I can only say that just because something has not been seen does not mean that it does not exist, right?

and so.

There was a little more excitement in her eyes.

"Xu Shi, catch them alive."

No matter what the situation is, research will always yield results, not to mention that now she has "copying", wouldn't she know everything with just one copy?
"It's up to you to catch me, how can I do it?"

Boss Xu’s answer was very modest.

That's true. You Xie Damai is like a god of war now. Of course it would be more appropriate to do this kind of thing yourself.

What?Have I become stronger too?
Don't worry about those details. It's impossible to be commanded, not even in this life.

"...Go to hell."

Even though he thought he was fully prepared for the bad nature of this dog man, when he heard what he said, Xie Qingyan was still so angry that he wanted to jump.

The key point is that this shit is right. It seems that it would be even easier for her to catch it in person...

Forget it, now is not the time to show off your temper, there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with him in the future!

So she just licked her lips lightly and immediately pulled away the hair tie she had just tied.

Beauty Xie seems to be more accustomed to activating tentacle monsters in this way, ah no, fighting form.

From a psychological point of view, this is a manifestation of self-release, transforming from a dignified lady into a mad critic of beauties.

And in this mode, she always gives people a different kind of beauty.

But Miss Saint doesn't think so.

From her eyes, it was easy to see that she was angry.

Don't blame her for being angry.

Although the conversation between Xu Shi and Xie Qingyan was very brief, as an insider, how could she not understand what they meant?
Catch me? !
Even before the beating, you were already planning to use me as a guinea pig, right?

This attitude was not too insulting. Holding back from scolding was her last act of restraint as a saint.

Although he is a "natural" person, his character still exists. He cannot be like a shrew, otherwise he will fall apart.

But scolding or not actually won't save anything. Everything she shows now is completely different from her previous image. Anyone with any brains will know that there is something wrong with her, and it is impossible to talk about her

next second.

She saw that other people on the Holy See side gradually became like Qin Yiyan, becoming puppets in her hands in fear.

Obviously, this arrangement is not limited to the closest people around her. Perhaps long before Xu Shi's arrival, Miss Saint had already firmly controlled the Holy See in her hands.

"You are really scared."

When Xu Shi saw this, he just mocked, "Does what you do really comply with the laws of heaven?"If they find out, will they make you a flannel ball as a punishment? "

How could it not be fear?It was obvious that she was also wary of Xu Shi's previous talk, not to mention that people like Lu Baiyan had already shown traces of their own ulterior motives. Who knew if he would betray him midway?
Rather than being timid in doubt, she needed an emotionless war machine more at this moment.

"As long as you die, everything will go back to normal."

A sneer appeared on her face, and she flicked her slender fingers lightly, "Go ahead, kill them!"

However, Xu Shifang was naturally not afraid. Before Miss Saint could finish her words, Su Lin and Lin Yue took the lead, attacking her from the left and the right.

Both of them are assassin-type players, most suitable for beheading operations.

The tentacles behind Xie Qingyan also began to fly freely. Compared with one-on-one, her ability is more suitable for Qingzao, and she is a good one-on-many player.

The remaining Tang Shuang and Chen Qin were responsible for fighting against those unconscious silver puppets. No matter who you were, you would still be reduced to rubble.

As for Xu Shi...just be responsible for being as beautiful as a flower.

Cough, just kidding.

Of course he has to take care of these people who have no fighting ability, Jiang Chengcheng, Gu Yixia, Ke'an and Pan Ling. Now that the situation is in chaos, it is also very important to protect them from harm.

Even Pan Feng is in this group. With her current level, this is not a battle that she can participate in.


Miss Xiao Feng was still a little disappointed. She actually wanted to fight, but on the way here, she also heard about Xu Shi's heroic deeds at the dock, and suddenly realized that her fighting ability was not as good as her master's.

Master can suppress the Silver Knight of the Temple and beat him, but she cannot.

"It turns out, Master, you are not a weak man without the strength to restrain a chicken."

She complained outright and quickly changed her words after realizing it, "Ah, that's not what I meant. I just didn't know that my master was so powerful before. You were the one who made the plans..."


The black man may have asked, "Have I always been like this in your mind?"

Hard, fist hard.

The little girl was still beaten less by her master, so she needed to be reminded afterward.

However, he would not say such words. Instead, he said kindly, "Stay here honestly, otherwise your master will inevitably get angry with me when he sees you are injured."


Pan Feng breathed a sigh of relief, who said the master was being petty?Isn't this very generous and warm-hearted?

Seeing her innocent expression, the others just showed expressions of pity.

I don’t blame your child (sister), you just don’t know enough about your evil master.

It happened that Xu Shi had deceived himself into it, and suddenly he felt like an old hen protecting her young. Isn't it a good feeling to protect people?

Hey, I accidentally became a doge.

The atmosphere on his side was relaxed, but the confrontation on the main battlefield became increasingly tense.

The good news is that the Holy See's combat power has been reduced by more than half. The combat power of those left here is not very high. Even the Silver Knights are mostly supported by people like Lu Baiyan and Han Jingchuan.

This kind of existence will always be easier to deal with.

The bad news is that these people have now become the fighting puppets of Miss Saint.

It is probably due to the loss of their five senses. The biggest characteristic of puppets is that they fight without losing their lives. Non-fatal injuries cannot slow them down at all.

They will only follow the orders of the controller, fearing that they will have to eat a piece of their opponent's flesh before they die.

The most intuitive one is probably the silly red-haired girl Qin Yiyan. Although this guy has an average brain, his fighting ability is undoubtedly strong.

With the ability of the clone and the heavy sword, not even an experienced former inspector general like Tang Shuang could take advantage of him.


She repeated mechanically.

"whispering sound."

The Governor of the Tang Dynasty cursed lowly, moved his neck, and took out the pair of commonly used swing sticks.

The next second, he saw flames rising in her eyes, and her movements became much more agile.

This is the embodiment of breaking the threshold.

For "upgraded people", especially combat-type "upgraded people", there will be a limit on their own abilities.

Usually it is 70% or even 80%. Under normal circumstances, this level is enough to solve the problem.

If you break this restriction, you can naturally show stronger strength, but it will also put a greater burden on yourself.

Therefore, most of the time, "upgraded people" will be relatively restrained to avoid unnecessary burden on themselves.

But the puppet doesn't have this consciousness. Now Qin Yiyan has already shown all his power. It's not her own will, but she can't control it.

It's a little pathetic.

Tang Shuang rarely felt sad for spring and autumn, but more importantly, she was excited that she didn't even notice.

How should I put it... This is also a crazy woman.

A belligerent mad woman.

Seeing Qin Yiyan's strength originally, she was somewhat aroused to win. Now that the opponent is full of firepower, she will not be timid.

"Come on, let me see how much weight you, a knight, weigh!"

(End of this chapter)

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