It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 296 How could you not even be the protagonist? !

Chapter 296 How could you not even be the protagonist? !

In an instant, Miss Saint felt dizzy.

When he came back to his senses, the scene in front of him had changed.

It is still the main church of the Holy See, but the fighting and blood still no longer exist, everything has become clean and tidy.

Others also disappeared, which even made her eyes look a little confused.

But when she saw Xu Shi appearing in front of her, she instantly realized what had happened.

"Is this...your ability?"

The saintly lady frowned.

Xu Shi didn't answer, but subconsciously retched.


The stamina is a bit big.

This was obviously a sequelae of being teleported by Su Lin - he had talked with the real lady before and learned that after breaking through to S level, she could teleport with others.

Naturally, she and Xu Shi had a good connection, so the moment they saw Miss Saint launch her ultimate move, she knew what to do next.

They must be brought one-on-one in this way, otherwise everyone is afraid that they will be destroyed collectively.

In other words, the previous battle was a preparation for this moment.

Pulling people into a duel in the spiritual field is not a sure-fire method, at least the strength of the mental power is a very important factor.

To give the simplest example, if Xu Shi wants to activate "liminal space" against Xia Keyan, a spiritual master, he may not succeed in nine cases out of ten - even though his mental power is at the tyrannical S-level level, But the old aunt is a SS, so in real terms, she would overwhelm him.

Unless she is willing, it will be counterproductive, and even if she is lucky enough to succeed, the effect will not be much better.

And the saintly lady in front of him is obviously not an ordinary person, at least not a weakling like Dongfang Xiao - Xu Shiben had doubts about her true strength. After seeing her second ability of "human body control", It also confirmed that her mental power was definitely not weak.

Being able to control so many people at the same time is at least as good as his own S-class level.

In the view of the cautious Boss Xu, appropriate consumption is necessary - first take down the puppet to cause backlash, and then attack when she has to expend a lot of energy to activate the old pope, which must be her most vulnerable time.

So, one hit.

It's just that he can bring people back. Boss Xu, who experienced teleportation for the first time, was still a little uncomfortable. He was so dizzy that he didn't actually vomit.

My good sister Su Lin, have you endured this in battles before?So distressed. (stick reading)

But he couldn't lose face, so before Miss Saint could react, he had already forcefully adjusted his condition.

"of course."

Xu Shi stood under the statue of the god, with a hint of ridicule in his indifferent gaze, "The environment outside is too chaotic, not a good environment for conversation."


The saintly lady snorted unconvinced.

It can only be said that this was indeed beyond her expectation - Xu Shi has been here for so long, she naturally has as much information about him as possible, including his abilities, personality, etc.

Otherwise, she actually doesn't want to puppet everyone, which is not a small burden on her.

But she knew how powerful Xu Shi's "entropy of evil thoughts" was. If he didn't do this, he would most likely disrupt the enemy's mind on a large scale like he did when he first went to the royal family to show off his muscles.

Only by doing this can we prevent him from doing this.

It's a pity that she ignored the "liminal space", and she didn't expect that her approach played into Xu Shi's plan.

But there was nothing she could do about it. Who told her not to know that Xu Shi still had this trump card?Just like her "human body control", you can't guess what you haven't seen before.

No matter how deeply the Holy See and the royal family penetrated, she could not reach into Dongfang Xiao's imperial study room.

"What do you want to talk about?"

She gritted her teeth and said with a look of death, "If it's about "natural justice", I advise you to die..."

But before she could finish speaking, she was shocked to find that her throat seemed to be strangled by someone, and she could no longer make any sound.

Xu Shi sneered and said lightly, "Kneel down."

Immediately, the saintly lady knelt down uncontrollably.

She looked at Xu Shi in disbelief, obviously unable to accept it.

In the past, she was the only one who could control others, and how could she be manipulated by others.

Xu Shi wanted to laugh a little. I used to think that this guy had some hidden agenda, but now he seems to be stupid.It's been so long since you've been in the duel arena, haven't you realized your situation yet?

Now that her spirit is severely damaged, she is as humble as dust here. Of course she can play whatever she wants... Well, of course she can't resist the mental oppression from herself.

However, it should be said that this person still has a bit of backbone, at least better than her own "supervisor" He Yuxia. The speed of Miss He Er's confession back then was so fast that she even had an illusion. Was it her own fault? Planted seeds for her but forgot to mess with her?
Unfortunately, backbone is useless. What Boss Xu is best at is breaking other people's bones.

Thanks to his previous experience in training Dongfang Xiao, he is now becoming more and more proficient in playing "liminal space". He knows that when there is a serious imbalance in mental power, he can force the other party to do something they don't want to do. matter.

Things like telling his true feelings, or making some weird movements, are all things he thinks about.

Otherwise, why do you think the training of the little queen went so smoothly? As the saying goes, it is best if you can cooperate. If not, I will help you cooperate.

"Next, I ask, you answer."

He no longer struggled with the question of how quickly he should confess, since he was going to have to say it anyway.

The saintly lady couldn't make a sound and could only express her objection with her expression.

Her hair is messy and her eyes are unyielding.

Xu Shi raised his eyebrows. Should I say it or not, she actually looked pretty good.

Before, Miss Saint's veil was just like it was on her face. It had never fallen off, and I didn't have the intention to do so, so I couldn't see her true appearance.

But now in the spiritual space, the veil seemed to be automatically filtered, revealing a face as flawless as jade.

It turns out he's not an ugly monster... Boss Xu thought to himself, but this is something that can be easily imagined. If the original plot trend of this land is followed, this guy is probably one of the harems of that idiot Luo Yu. How is it possible? Bad enough?
According to the basic rules, even if she is really an ugly girl, she is most likely pretending to be an ugly girl, or she will suddenly become a peerless beauty when she encounters an adventure in the future.

However, some people now have many wives, and they are all beautiful and fragrant, but they don't think it is too amazing, and they don't have to think anything about her, which is not the case for sages.

A small compliment was the greatest respect he could give to Miss Saint.

After showing respect, it's time to torture.

In view of his previous short-term part-time job in the Inspection Bureau, Boss Xu showed very professional interrogation standards.


"I don't have a name."

...really not? !
Xu Shi rolled his eyes and asked a different question, "Then do you have a number in "Tianli"? "

"No, the purpose of our creation is to monitor the corresponding area and ensure that it does not deviate too much from the established plot." Gan, it sounds like this organization is not formal at all, it is a small workshop.

"Then are there any rules to follow in the so-called script?"

After a little bit of complaining, Xu Shi caught the hidden message in her words.

Sure enough, as He Yuxia said before, every experimental field was artificially built by "Heavenly Law", and everything in it was arranged, just like The Truman World.

You may not be picky about every detail, but the general direction will definitely not change.

"We need the 'protagonist' to rise step by step and try to explore the impact of eliminating "God's Breath" on the entire world. "

Miss Saint said expressionlessly, "As for how the 'protagonist' grows and rises, and what the background structure of the area is, it will be randomly selected and constructed from the database."

Xu Shi nodded slightly. This was similar to the information he had learned before, but with some additional details added.

It’s no wonder that the styles of Night Sin City and Hualan Empire are very different. They are all randomly chosen, so of course they will not be the same.

Obviously, the so-called database of "Tianli" is quite large, and setting up different backgrounds is also to try more paths. For example, the City of Night Sin is a technological stream, but here it is obviously more magic-oriented.

There may also be a fantasy fantasy Cthulhu, I can’t say.

"Isn't it possible to find a solution directly with your database?"

He frowned and continued, "What happens if the plot seriously deviates from the direction?"

"I can't answer your first question."

Miss Saint replied, "The second question...according to the code, the "supervisor" will first come forward to solve it. If the "supervisor" cannot solve it, it will enter the second-level evaluation process and force it to return to normal. "


Xu Shi was thoughtful.

Her arrival disrupted the original plot of the Hualan Empire, forcing her, the "supervisor," to intervene.

There's nothing wrong with that.

But there is a problem with this last sentence.

Because not only here, the direction of Night Sin City has also been turned upside down by himself.

As the "supervisor", He Yuxia has obviously failed to solve this scourge of her own. Logically speaking, "the laws of heaven" should have intervened forcefully, right?
Why hasn't it happened yet?It has been almost a year since I killed baby Shen He.

Although he had already considered it before, "Heavenly Law" must have control over all this, and there must be a so-called bottom line, including everything he is doing now, just to find out where that bottom line is.

But this is different from what Miss Saint said. The plot of Night Sin City has long been diverted to grandma's house. According to her, "Heavenly Law" should have made some secondary judgment on Night Sin City and struck an iron fist. Already?


"Who among the people you brought is the "watchdog" in your area? "

In a daze, Miss Saint temporarily got rid of his oppression and couldn't wait to ask what was on her mind.

There is no need to worry about other things. From Xu Shi's questions, we can know that he definitely knows a lot about "Heavenly Principles".

This was also where she was confused. People from another area came to stir up trouble with them. What did their "supervisors" do for a living?
Not to mention that Xu Shi knew so many secrets, and the "supervisor" who rebelled against others should have been dealt with long ago, right?
"I don't have any "watchdogs" among my people. "

Xu Shi glanced at her and didn't hide anything from her, "I saw through her and locked her up, otherwise how would I know about you?"


Miss Saint was greatly shocked, obviously she did not expect this.

She is the "Supervisor" herself, and of course she knows that in addition to ensuring regional stability, her responsibilities also include guiding, protecting, and even dedicating herself to the protagonist.

But all this must be done without revealing the identity. In order to balance these two points, the identity of the "supervisor" is usually a very important person next to the protagonist.

But from what Xu Shi said, their "supervisor" was not close to him, and the way he obtained information seemed to have a strong coercive tendency?

This is a little strange.

Is he too ruthless?Or...

"Are you the 'protagonist' there?"

She thought about this possibility.

"Who told you I was?"

Xu Shi sneered, "Our protagonist there has been killed by me a long time ago. If there is a script according to you, I should be just a minor villain."


Miss Saint screamed, this was completely contrary to her knowledge.

To be honest, as a person on the "natural principle" side, she had already been very suspicious when Xu Shi and this group of outsiders appeared.

After all, even if you are the "protagonist" of one area, it should be against the rules to interfere in other areas.

It's just that she didn't have a corresponding response method in her mind, and she had no way to contact the upline that should exist, so she could only try to ensure that the local plot was not affected as much as possible, but she failed.

But if Xu Shi didn't tell lies, he wasn't even the "protagonist" in their area!
In other words, the person in front of me killed the original protagonist as a non-protagonist, and even learned about the "natural principles" and even invaded other areas? !
really? !

How could you still live without being dealt with after doing these things? !

Of course she didn't know about Xu Shi's awakening of past life memories and the script in his hand, so all this was even more bizarre in her eyes.

"Do you feel something is wrong too?"

Xu Shi moved closer and said, "Then continue to talk about some things I don't know and let me analyze them further."

This is not a suggestion, but an order - why did she ask when she was distracted and didn't press her all the time?

The control was taken away again. Miss Saint could only worry in her heart, but she couldn't help but start asking questions.

"What else do you need to know...ugh!"

Halfway through her words, she got stuck again.

However, this time it was not because of Xu Shi.

Xu Shi himself was stunned for a moment.

next second.

He saw that Miss Saint's eyes gradually became hollow, and her whole body softened unconsciously, as if she had lost her soul.

What happened?
Just as he was about to go up and rescue her, the saintly lady in front of him suddenly raised her head.

Her tone was more robotic than ever.

"Start the execution, level [-] judging process."

(End of this chapter)

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