It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 299 Mr. Wen, please!

Chapter 299 Mr. Wen, please!

Maybe Dongfang Xiao's scolding was too straightforward, even a weathered old fox like Cheng Gujian was speechless for a moment.

There is a saying, although the little queen is a mascot, she is still a beautiful vase from the royal family. It is really inconsistent with her character to be a shrew.

"...How could your Majesty say such vulgar words?"

It took him a long time to say this, but he still had a hint of resentment, "It really damages the image of Tianjia."

"Shape your mother!"

Dongfang Xiao did not accept his words at all, and continued to curse as if he was not satisfied, "You are about to cut my neck with your knife, what kind of image should I have? Show it to your ancestors?"

Xu Shi, that bad guy's teachings were quite effective, she thought this unconsciously while scolding her.


I've probably never been exposed to a single curse word since I was a child. Xu Shi deserves a lot of credit for her being able to do such a thing.

It's a bit shameful to say that when I was treating Xie Qingyan, Xu often dragged her into the arena. When the sage finished his business, he would give her some instructions.

After all, you have the title of Imperial Master, so you have to live up to your status.

As a psychology instructor, Xu Shi pointed out pointedly that Dongfang Xiao was too fake.

You act innocent and smile in front of others every day, but is it really that silly and sweet?
It's hard to say whether she's stupid or not. The last two words have nothing to do with her at all.

Of course, this is not entirely her own problem. In that position, she has to live with a mask, not to mention that she is still a puppet queen. It is lucky that she does not have a serious fish problem.

Of course she knew what her situation was, but she didn't know how to solve it, so she asked Xu Shi what to do.

What she is doing now is Xu Shi's answer.

In fact, the little queen was quite resistant to this kind of thing before. How can you change the habits of so many years?I have long since defaulted to keeping all my grievances in my heart.

But as she said, her life is about to be lost now. If she doesn't vent her anger, she may not have a chance in the future.

Maybe it was because he was rebellious and said dirty words for the first time in his life, especially to the rebellious ministers and thieves who had been oppressing him, that Dongfang Xiao felt unprecedentedly happy.

"Old man, you've been in charge of me since I was a child!"

"You won't allow me to do anything I want! You keep saying it's all for my own good... Do you need to tell me if I'm okay?!"

"To tell you the truth, I have long wanted to cut you into pieces and throw you into the wilderness to feed wild dogs!"

"You fucking balabala..."

Listening to Dongfang Xiao's rapid-fire accusations, Cheng Gujian's eyes flickered, and he even had a brief moment of doubt.

Is this her own attempt to force the palace, or is she leading someone to ransack the house?

Fortunately, Grand Duke Gu Jian had excellent mental quality and quickly adjusted his condition.

"So in His Majesty's heart, has this image always been yours?"

There was a fierce look in his eyes, and he took a step forward and asked in a deep voice.

Meeting his falcon-like gaze, the little queen trembled subconsciously. It was obvious that she had been engraved in her bones after being oppressed by him all these years.

But then she thought about it and it didn't matter to her anymore. As she said before, she was going to die anyway. If she stretched out her head and shrank her head with a knife, she was afraid of you.

"Otherwise? Do I want to be more respectful to you, a traitor and traitor?!"

So she rarely straightened her back and said back unceremoniously, "Aren't you disgusted that you are so hypocritical at this time?"

Although she could still smell a bit of eroticism, but at this moment, she was filled with imperial aura, at least much more than before.

"...Then please let your Majesty die."

Cheng Gujian frowned, pulled out the spear behind him, and walked slowly towards her with a sullen face.

The tip of the gun touched the ground, making a harsh sound.

"You don't need to do anything, I will do it myself!"

Dongfang Xiao's throat rolled, but he still raised the sword tremblingly and put it against his neck, as if he was looking forward to death.

To be honest, she was afraid of death. How could anyone face death without fear?

But she doesn't want to live in the shadow of Cheng Gujian her whole life. At least she shouldn't let him decide the matter of death!

Of course, to be honest, I feel like I can't get off the stage here. I have just made a lot of heroic words and dirty words, but I can't cry and beg him to spare my life now.

If that was the case, she would be nailed to the pillar of shame whether she was alive or dead. She didn't want to be so undignified.

The little queen closed her eyes and exerted some force with her trembling hands.

At the last moment of her life, she still felt more unwilling to do so.

It was clear that everything was on the right track, but she still had no chance to show off her talents and ambitions.

The most annoying thing is that you let that bastard Xu Shin play for so long in vain!

Why?Why do I think of him?
He was obviously the one who left her alone!He promised to help him destroy Cheng Gujian, but now they are rebelling, but Xu Shi is not seen at all.

She didn't care if Xu Shi was too busy to do anything, she just felt aggrieved. If she couldn't do what she promised me, she shouldn't have said it at that time!

It was just me who was stupid and foolishly believed it.

Woo woo woo.


at this time.

But she suddenly felt like she was being clamped. No matter how hard she exerted force, the sword in her hand could not penetrate even half an inch.

At the moment of doubt, a figure slowly appeared from the darkness.

"Are you...Xia Wuyou?"

Dongfang Xiao blinked, his mind was in a mess, and it took him a while to remember her name.

"It's me. You must have seen me before, right?"

Xia Wuyou rolled his eyes at her, "Xu Shi had long expected that there would be no peace in the palace tonight, so he specifically asked me to protect you."

Not bad.

Xu Shi sent her, the strongest combatant, not to prevent the Holy See from plotting against Chen Cang. His target was Cheng Gujian from the beginning.

The Holy See is bent on crushing him to ashes, and will never devote too much energy to the royal family until then.

Xu Shi and the royal family are opponents that cannot be underestimated. Even if they recruit people from other places, the result of a two-pronged approach will only be to draw water from a bamboo basket.

So she had been lurking in the palace for a long time, and all the conversations between Dongfang Xiao and Cheng Gujian just fell into her ears.

"Actually, you're not bad. I always thought you were a loser. I didn't expect you to be a bit bloody."

Xia Xiaomao recognized the little queen's attitude and nodded lightly.

"Then... thank you, Master, for the compliment?"

Being praised at this juncture, Dongfang Xiao didn't know how he felt, and he wasn't very happy anyway.

The main reason is that this mistress also has a venomous tongue, okay?Since when have I become a fool? !
Sure enough, it was normal for the women around Xu Shi to be as annoying as him, but a good teacher like Sister Xie was an exception.

She recognized that Xie Qingyan was a good woman.

It’s really hard. Thank you sister. It must be difficult to live under the same roof with these people every day, right?

"Miss Xia, are you going to protect her?" Cheng Gujian frowned, "I know Xu Shi sent you here, but I also advise you to think carefully about whether it is worth it."

The subtext of this statement is obvious. Now that the Holy See is at the end of its rope and he is only one step away from the throne, Dongfang Xiao is obviously not a good choice.

Whatever she could promise to Xu Shi, she could also give, maybe even better than what she gave.

Why should I stand by her at this time?
As for the small actions between Xu Shi and Dongfang Xiao... I can only say that he must have known about it for a long time. I dare not say that it was all in detail, but it is impossible that he was not aware of it at all.

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it."

Xia Wuyou refused to give in, the sword at her waist was already unsheathed, "Xu Shi asked me to ensure her safety, and I must do it."

"Besides... I've seen you unhappy for a long time. You don't know, right?"

This was true. During the last crusade against Poseidon, Cheng Gujian changed his mind and abandoned Xu Shian without caring about the danger, leaving her to fight alone. She has always been brooding about it, and now she still feels angry when she thinks about it.

"So what? I admit that you are not weak, but you are by no means my opponent."

Cheng Gujian sneered. She still knew very well what level Xia Wuyou was at. She was really strong, but not enough to threaten herself.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Xia Maomao didn't waste any more words. He took the initiative to attack before he finished speaking, "Die!"

Facing an SS-level opponent like Cheng Gujian, she certainly wouldn't neglect it. She activated the gravity field to the extreme as soon as she started, pointing the sword in her hand directly at the opponent's vital points!
Cheng Gujian calmly raised his spear and faced him, with a smoke-like gray aura emerging from his body.

Destroy the power!

Xia Wuyou's eyes narrowed and he ducked sideways.

She has witnessed the opponent's ability, so she naturally knows how domineering it is to destroy the ability. Of course, it is inappropriate to confront someone head-on. It is tantamount to hitting an egg against a stone.

If you touch it even a little bit, you will wither in an instant like the Poseidon at that time, and then turn into ashes!

The only good thing is that this ability is not domain-based. Otherwise, it would be an exaggeration to say that he is invulnerable. He directly transforms into a natural disaster in human form. Any attack that falls on him will be wiped out.

But even so, Xia Wuyou also knew that his strength was inferior to that of his opponent. S+ might be infinitely close to SS, but after all, there was still a gap in hard power.

But she wasn't afraid. There were very few opportunities to fight SS, so how could she give up so easily?
What she didn't know was that Cheng Gujian's shock might be far greater than hers.

Because the fighting level he showed greatly exceeded his expectations!

You must know that although he knew that the opponent was not as strong as himself, years of habits would not make him despise any opponent. Facing Xia Wuyou's attack, he not only tried his best, but at least took it seriously.

And his fighting skills are definitely not bad - as a grand duke with both civil and military skills, he never relies solely on ability to deal with the enemy, but combines ability with combat skills, striving to kill with one blow.

But now, he can't do this.

His body is strong and strong, and the opponent is also as light as a swallow, even with a bit of weirdness in it, like a ghost that is difficult to catch, but it actually makes him miss him continuously!

The opponent's domain is also quite difficult, and the feeling of twisting and squeezing the space has almost condensed into substance.

This is something that his destructive power cannot defeat - isn't the collapse caused by gravity distortion a kind of destruction?
To put it bluntly, it would be no exaggeration to say that this is a head-on confrontation.

Cheng Gujian even rarely felt a sense of crisis. Compared with when he was attacking Poseidon, the Xia Wuyou in front of him had obviously made great progress.

He also keenly noticed the "suwei" on the other party.

Given his level, it was of course obvious at a glance that Xia Wuyou would never be able to "pose a threat to himself" if he relied solely on his own abilities.

The equipment on her body contributed greatly to the fact that she was able to go back and forth with herself.

But that's the scary part.

You must know that for their "Chosen Ones", the higher the level, the smaller the improvement that external objects can bring.

For example, for him, the Hualan Empire used many methods to improve the abilities of the "Chosen One", but they all had little effect on him.

Don't you want to?of course not.

It's just because there is a gap between his strength and others. Instead of relying on those things, it is better to rely on his own perception, or it may take an opportunity to step into the "realm of God" that only exists in legend.

But Xia Wuyou's equipment can do that. Whether it's her battle clothes or the sharp blade in her hand, it can bring her a lot of improvement.

Even if she is one level lower than him, this is still shocking. At least with the technological level of the Hualan Empire, this is not possible.

If the other objects that Xu Shi brought before were just the icing on the cake for him, this method could definitely be said to be an eye-opener for him.

"It's amazing."

He admired sincerely, and at the same time decided to give his opponent the utmost respect.

Dongfang Xiao on the side was also dumbfounded.

As the saying goes, it's just for the outsider to see the excitement. With the little queen's level of abilities, it's certainly impossible to consider so many things in such a short period of time.

But just watching the confrontation between the two people up close was enough to shock her.

She hated Cheng Gu Jiangui. She had to admit the opponent's strength. She didn't choose to resist just now and rushed to commit suicide. It was largely because of this.

In her memory, there were almost scenes of Cheng Gujian killing everyone.

Xia Wuyou is probably the first person who can go back and forth with him.

She didn't participate in the crusade against Poseidon. Even Xia Wuyou was a stranger to her. Now it was the first time she saw him take action, and her brain went haywire for a while.

Are the people around Xu Shi... so powerful?
In other words, how could such a powerful person be willing to be used by him? !
When she thought that Xu Shi's ability had nothing to do with fighting, she felt a little unbalanced.

Why is the gap between people so big?
Just when she was still a little dizzy, Xia Wuyou suddenly stopped attacking, stepped back, and stood in front of her again.

"Xia...Senior Wife?"

Dongfang Xiao subconsciously asked, "What are you..."

She wants to say that you can't bear it anymore, right?
This kind of thing is still easy to see. Although it seems that no one was injured after fighting for so long, the consumption caused by activating the ability cannot be faked.

Cheng Gujian's condition is obviously better, which is an undeniable fact.

The hope that the little queen had finally raised was instantly extinguished.

"Well, he is indeed stronger than me. I will definitely lose if I continue."

Faced with her question, Xia Maomao admitted generously.

S level, or S+, of course there is no shame in being unable to beat SS. You may be unconvinced, but the only solution is to train hard and make up for the gap as soon as possible. A stubborn mouth will not be of any use.

"Then we now..."

Dongfang Xiao didn't have such a good attitude as her, and besides being panicked, she was still panicked.

This is not just a fight in the ring, there is no such thing as finishing.

If you can't bear it, then won't our ending still be the word death?

"Do not be afraid."

Xia Wuyou smiled, "I didn't expect to be able to deal with him on my own, and I'm not the one who can deal with him."

"Then who else?"

The little queen is confused. No one in Xu Shi's team can fight better than you.

", he's here."

Just as Xia Xiaomao was about to explain, he looked at the door of the hall but suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and pointed there.

"Mr. Wen, please."

(End of this chapter)

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