It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 328 What a fucking Impart

Chapter 328 What a fucking Impart
The next day.

When Xu Shiyouyou woke up, looking at the white flowers all around, he couldn't help but sigh.

What a fking Impart.
He himself didn't know that he could play so big - no matter what kind of veteran driver he was, he thought he still had a certain temper in his heart, and he could be both arrogant and restrained for a long time.

But last night, the bottom line was really out of line, mainly because of Tang Shuang, the culprit.

If Jiang Chengcheng is a hard-working horse, this one in his arms is a serious and fierce horse.

How could there be such a crazy woman? !

They wanted and wanted each other endlessly. They said they were four people traveling together, but to be honest, the ratio of times for these three girls was probably one to one to eight, Tang Shuang's eight.

He even had to admit in shame that she was inexplicably taking the lead?
How is this so inhumane?

Nobody believes it, not even me!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, or in other words, an inexplicable annoyance.

In annoyance, Governor Tang also opened his eyes and stretched radiantly.

Just as she was about to say good morning to the man next to her, she turned around and met his strange eyes.

"What's that expression on your face?"

Tang Shuang's black man asked, but he quickly guessed his man's little thoughts.

Are you really not convinced?She still knew the chauvinism in Xu Shi's heart, and she also remembered what happened last night. Everyone was playing crazy, not amnesia.

After sorting out the cause and effect, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"What's the matter? You haven't experienced being ridden on your face?"

She was bold, and she didn't shy away from it when she found out. She even teased him a few words, "You were the one who bullied me in the past. You have to give me a chance to make amends."

She was so happy when she said this. Thinking about it, it was really true. From the time she met this bitch to now, when had she not been the vulnerable party?Didn't expect to take revenge here?
Oh ho ho.

"Then you are really good at finding opportunities."

Boss Xu rolled his eyes and went back angrily.

"Oh yo yo, Director Xu is so narrow-minded."

Perhaps due to some transformation, Tang Shuang's tone of voice had some subtle changes, "Are you joking with me? Are you so careless?"

"Besides, I want to do these things for more than a day or two. It's not too much to ask for my wish."

She hugged Xu Shi's arm and acted coquettishly for the first time in her life, "You are so heartless. You must not know how hard it was for me when you went to sea..."

Xu Shi raised his eyebrows.

What she said was very straightforward, but it was indeed the case. After all, her complications were really hard to describe. What else could she do without herself?You can only rely on yourself to think of ways to entertain and guide yourself.

This is why she used to be very obsessed with finding new tricks on herself, and before she knew it, her side dish had been made into eighteen different ways... Now that the ideal has become reality, it's only expected that she doesn't enjoy it. external things.

In addition, Governor Tang's physical strength can keep up, so he will have a good time.

"...I'm afraid yesterday was just the beginning, right?"

He held Tang Shuang's hand and said in a low and gentle tone, "If you have any new tricks, you might as well tell me about them?"

"You also's not right!"

Tang Shuang was sighing that he was so considerate, and suddenly realized the true intention of this bitch, "I won't say anything, only do it."

This is indeed a very interesting phenomenon. When you really practice it, you are not shy or shy and can be open-minded. But if you ask her to talk about these things, she will be a lot shy.

It’s so shameful, is this even allowed to be said?

Visibly, her face turned slightly red.

“If you don’t say it, you won’t do it.”

Xu Shi had his own way of controlling her and deliberately stopped looking at her.


Between not saying anything and not doing it, Tang Shuang chose the latter without thinking for long - she couldn't be blamed for this. Some things only happen zero times or countless times. Even though it was just such a short night, she already knew the taste. A bit inseparable.

If it wasn't a bit too much, bah, if it wasn't for Xu Shi's fear that it would be too much, she wished she could fight back now and draw the other side to fight for another [-] rounds.

Besides, it doesn’t seem to matter if you talk to your man about this kind of thing?
But thinking about it, the moment the words came out of her mouth, she still felt so ashamed that she lowered her voice to the lowest level, for fear that the remaining two people in the room would hear even a single word.

Although Shen Qin and Lin Yue couldn't hear it either - they seemed to be less mature than Tang Shuang, and they couldn't stand Xu Shi's protracted torment at all. They slept like little pigs, very cute.

"...It's probably ■■■■, and there are also ■■■■ and ■■■■... Okay?"

He said most of his obscene thoughts in one breath, and the Governor of Tang wished he could give Xu Shi physical amnesia on the spot.

"How come it's all you versus me, not me versus you?"

Xu Shi focused on something different, and was surprised by the greed of the woman in front of him.

"This is my dream, okay? Am I going to be bullied by you in the dream?"

Tang Shuang really wanted to fuck him now. This guy's character really hasn't changed at all, he's still so annoying!
"Aren't you bullying me in reality?"

Xu Shi is used to observing people's words and expressions, but Xiao Bailian's tricks come true when she opens her mouth.

"You're still wronged, aren't you?"

Tang Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but after thinking about it, she didn't hesitate anymore. Instead, she whispered into his ear.

"Then next time it's your turn to bully my sister, okay?"

There was a little more temptation in her tone, "Whenever we are alone...sister, I will let you bully me."

Xu Shi became excited instantly.

I have to say that maybe because he was raised by Su Lin since he was a child, he personally has that tendency. In his youth, the word "sister" is quite lethal to him.

In other words, Tang Shuang has never been seen like this before - it can be seen that for the one he has identified as his sweetheart, washing his hands and making soup is nothing.Even such a promise can be made... Go to the Audit Bureau or the Governor's Mansion and ask, 100 out of [-] people will feel that their immediate boss has [-]% been transferred.

He even saw a bit of charm in Tang Shuang, but this kind of word that should have nothing to do with her personality was not inconsistent at all when it appeared on her.

Is this the result of years of self-entertainment?Or some hidden attribute hidden deep in my heart.

In short, Boss Xu calmed down his mood, and then he suppressed himself from raising his head.

The final intimacy only ended with a deep kiss.

"...Want to go out for a walk?"

After breaking through the eyes that were about to stick together, Xu Shi extended an invitation to Tang Shuang.


Tang Shuang agreed immediately. After getting over the habit of bullying her bad brother, she really wanted to get along with Xu Shi like an ordinary couple.

Seeing that Shen Qin and Lin Yue hadn't gotten up yet, Xu Shi straightened them up like a gentleman, tucked in the quilt, and prepared to go out with Tang Shuang.

"Wait, change this."

While he was talking, the Governor of Tang Dynasty threw a set of clothes to him.

"...Why are you doing this again?"

Looking at the uniform in his hand, Xu Shi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

You haven't put on ■■■ first and then put on ■■■, but I've role-played it all?
"What do you mean? It's obviously different, okay?" Tang Shuang retorted seriously.

"What's the difference?"

Question marks often appeared on my head.

"Last time it was the uniform of the Inspection Bureau, but this time it's the uniform of the Governor's Mansion."

The governor of the Tang Dynasty was very convincing.

Boss Xu sweats soybeans.

But the other party's little hobby was not harmful, so after struggling to no avail, he also chose to compromise and became an honorable clerk in the Governor's Mansion.

"You also have to dress well."

Tang Shuang's eyes sparkled, "Really, he is indeed the man I chose. He is great in every aspect."

"What do you mean you're chosen?"

Xu Shi enjoyed her rainbow fart, but she still countered it arrogantly.

"If I remember correctly, it was I who confessed my love to you?"

Tang Shuang raised her eyebrows, "So of course I picked you, okay?"

"Good good."

Xu Shi smiled and nodded. He really liked Tang Shuang's generosity.

The so-called date is actually just hanging out - Tang Shuang's residence is at the junction of the [-]th and [-]th arrondissements. It belongs to the comfort zone of Night City's upper class. It not only has excellent facilities and equipment, but also has a beautiful landscape that has been specially created with great effort. .


While swimming in the park in the center of the district, Tang Shuang held the breakfast in her hand and sighed like this.

In fact, this kind of eye-catching scenery has long been commonplace for people in District 78, but she suddenly found that she had never appreciated it.

“I always feel like I missed a lot before.”

There was regret in her tone.

“That’s what workaholics are like.”

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

The little bit of girlishness that had finally been accumulated suddenly disappeared. Governor Tang rolled his eyes at him angrily and transformed back into the form of a tiger girl.

Xu Shi didn't care, and just smiled when he saw this, "Fortunately, the days to come are still long, and you happen to have many firsts that have yet to be realized."

"Bah, glib."

Tang Shuang snorted, but she couldn't hide the happiness in her eyes.

I have to say that Xu Shi is quite good at coaxing people. When he said this about things that were originally regrettable, she was filled with hope in her heart.

Wasn't last night the first time?There will be many firsts after that, the first candlelight dinner, the first anniversary, including the first time of giving birth to a child?
What she was thinking popped into her head, and she couldn't help but feel a little longing for it.

"By the way, there's something we seem to have overlooked."

Her habit of working and thinking has not changed. As she was walking around, she suddenly remembered something, "What are you going to do with the 'Forgotten' base outside the city?" "

This is not a big or small problem. At the beginning, this group of people were driven out of the city and the system of immigration into the city was implemented. Over time, the characteristics of the slums that originally belonged to Sin City were transferred there.

But now if we want to further expand and establish an alliance system, this kind of thing that damages the image seems inappropriate. Just imagine that it is not a glorious thing for outsiders to see such a noisy and messy first sight.

"It's time for an upgrade."

Xu Shi was reminded by her, and after thinking for a while, he said, "How about putting some energy into it and trying to make it more formal?"

Not to mention that it can be transformed like Sin City, but it will definitely be a thousand times better than the current mess.

"I think so too."

Tang Shuang nodded slightly, "I am a bit shocked that you, a capital oligarch, would take the initiative to say this."

Xu Shi shrugged, there was nothing he couldn't say.

There are a lot of things involved here. The appearance of Night Sin City is one aspect. It can generate more value because of it, which is of course the icing on the cake.

To give a very simple example, their current investment in the "Forgotten" is zero, and the income from the "Forgotten" mining work may be ten.

But if the investment becomes ten, the expected return rate can reach one hundred. This is obviously a wiser choice, and Boss Xu is willing to spend the money.

And, there is another very crucial question.

This can effectively prevent external forces from dividing the country.

After all, we need to communicate with other city-states in the future. Who knows if there will be some ulterior motives that use this method to cause trouble and recruit people here to be their secret agents.

At that time, I will still have an extra 50 yuan, which is not worth the loss.

It's better to make up for the situation now and prevent the slightest change. Just because something is small doesn't mean it's unimportant.

"Where's Song Chen? He used to be one of the leaders of the "Forgotten Ones", so it's best for him to take some responsibility for this kind of thing. "

"You have to ask your good fiancée about this. He has been taking care of the affairs of "Prism" for more than a year to ensure stability in the future. "

Tang Shuang blinked, "And he was eaten to death by your Qing Yan. It's hard to say whether he still has this ambition."

"Then just ask later."


Tang Shuang was about to nod, but then she realized something, "What kind of work can we talk about during the date? Let's just have fun today!"

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

Xu Shi agreed immediately.

"I can go anywhere, as long as I'm with you, everything will be great."

Xu Shi liked hearing this, so many people saw it. The dignified Governor of the Governor's Palace actually took his subordinates around in broad daylight. This was completely inconsistent with everyone's stereotype of her. impression.

"It would be nice if it could always be like this."

This time it was Xu Shi's turn to sigh, but what was even more regrettable was that he couldn't do it yet. There were many things waiting for him to do.

"Then you have to work hard. If the "natural law" is not eliminated, we will be further away from this goal. We must not become an old woman. "

"There will always be a day."

Xu Shi suddenly became serious, "One year is not enough for two years, two years is not enough for five years, ten years or even decades. As long as we are willing to work hard for this goal, we will definitely succeed."

"makes sense."

Tang Shuang did not deny it and immediately stretched out his hand towards him.

But instead of holding hands, it’s a fist bump.

At this moment, the conversation was between the big boss of "Snake Ring" and the current governor of the Governor's Mansion, not Xu Shi and Tang Shuang.

"Share with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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