It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 330, Chaos, First Day

Chapter 330 "α", "Chaos", "First Grade"

Three years have passed, but I haven't seen any traces of the passage of time on Gu Yi. The little black rabbit is still the little black rabbit, not to mention the gray hair, not even a wrinkle... Oh, only three years have passed, not 30 years. Ah, that's okay.

But it’s outrageous that there hasn’t been any change in three years!Even the young and naive Pan Ling now looks like a domineering female CEO. How come you, Gu Yi, are still so cute?
After a long time, Xu finally understood this truth - everyone's image has an end. Pan Ling will change because she is still on the road, but for Miss Black Rabbit, this is already the end.

But now he put away these random thoughts as quickly as possible, motioned for her to sit down, and then asked seriously, "Tell me more."

After all, the plan to establish network communications between city-states is no small matter, and the implementation of every step is not easy.

In the final analysis, it is because of the differences between various regions - one thing is that even the City of Night Sin and the Hualan Empire had a great collision in terms of ideology, culture and technology at the beginning, and they were not even newly arrived in Xu Shi. Silver Pine Island, but after the two city-states announced the establishment of a friendly alliance.

Many people in the City of Night Sin regard the people of the Hualan Empire as antiques and bumpkins from the last century. On the contrary, the Hualan Empire is also resistant or worried about these guys who live in reinforced concrete.

If it weren't for Dongfang Xiao, or if Xu Shi, who was guiding her behind the scenes, was tough enough, this point alone would have been the subject of debate until ten years later... Even now, we can't achieve complete integration, and all kinds of discrimination and misunderstandings will still be there. exist.

Perhaps it can be understood that this is an inevitable problem in the interaction between two regions, or roughly two countries. Let alone now, even if I die a hundred years ago, similar problems will not disappear.

But seeing the big from the small, it is like this between two city-states, let alone three, four or even more city-states. It is simply a hell-level mission.

Especially at the moment when the language problem that he was most worried about appeared - yes, the Hualan Empire was really just a coincidence. Now, perhaps, the City of Night Sin has united so many city-states to form an alliance, and different languages ​​have appeared. Six or seven kinds.

Judging from the map that has been drawn, it is like dividing a slice. People in area A speak language A, and people in area B speak language B. There is no difficulty between them, but when mixed together, it is like a chicken talking to a duck. , the pure Tower of Babel belongs to it.

It was also thanks to the "quill pen", or the efforts of all the cultural departments of the city-states that showed their active alliance intentions, and relying on the help of in-person gestures to develop the relatively sound translation system bit by bit from on-the-ground linguistics. Let this problem be solved.

This may also be the first time that the job of "translation" has appeared in the world. I have to say that it has alleviated a certain amount of employment pressure - Xu Shi did not think about learning from Zulong and doing the same thing in the same track and writing in the same text. Instead, Diversity is an important factor that keeps the world dynamic. Each language, or the culture behind it, has its own unique charm.

But we can also see how difficult it is to break the ice as a pioneer and accomplish such a big thing, especially to accomplish such a big thing in such a short period of time... That's why I say Gu Yiliantiao It’s ridiculous that no wrinkles have grown. In this case, everyone’s hairline should be moved back five centimeters.

Now, her pressure is also coming.

Establishing network communication is not a trivial matter. It can even be said to be the biggest thing in recent years besides expanding the map.

The overseas team built signal base stations, and the exchange mission lobbied leaders in each region. Finally, Gu Yi led her growing technical team to be responsible for the specific architecture and maintenance. The three parties, and even many unknown people working on this, Indispensable.

The purpose is naturally to facilitate communication, but also to better catch some "natural" fish that have slipped through the net.

Not every area can be explored smoothly. So far, Xu Shi has met seven "protagonists" who have long been ingrained in siding with his "natural principles" teammates, and even some B-level or C-level ones. Small areas that are not very important are actually directly managed by people from "Tianli".

It seems that a qualified "protagonist" has not yet been trained, or the probability that this kind of area can help "Tianli" realize his long-cherished wish is too low. Instead of investing a lot of energy, it is easier to maintain stability - I'm afraid "Tianli" The original idea was that if a type like Xu Shi appeared again that was willing to actively expand outward, such a transfer station could be used to influence or control it.

So the question is, did they realize early on that there might be someone who could break the prison in the native area, or did they make such a desperate move after Xu Shi's heresy appeared?
This question is very interesting, but it's a pity that Boss Xu has no intention to dwell on such a problem - after all, as the alliance grows stronger, his response to such an insignificant small area is only two words: eliminate.

After all, Xu Shi is one of the evil capitalists. He has no intention of being taken advantage of when the return is less than the investment and comes with risks. If it really comes down to it, maybe only the "Tianli" people in that area have a certain value. Capture him and interrogate him, that's it.

Many times, you still can't tell the truth. Those people were either directly restored to factory settings like Xu Ying, or they didn't know as much as Xu Ying did.

When he thought of this, Boss Xu couldn't help but roll his eyes, and finally thought of a way to ask Gu Yi to design an app similar to an anti-fraud center while building the network.

Just spread the relevant knowledge about "Tianli" members to the alliance personnel. It's not that everyone has special powers. You can just catch them. If you catch them, you will be directly rewarded with 50 yuan. It is simple and crude but effective.

But who knew that the always stable Black Rabbit team could also have problems.

This is something I haven’t thought about for a long time. After all, the little naughty dog ​​himself is the fourth-ranked top hacker on "Invader-T". Now, with the changes in the plot, he has decided to have incredible derivative abilities, which can be directly Navigate the world of Ethernet.

If the real world is the domain of various combat-type bosses, then the Internet is her home field.

This is true for her alone, not to mention the thousands of teams under her. In the past few years, there are many city-states that have entered the information age in their expansion. For the hacker professionals among them, this is simply... This is their dream working environment.

How can such a team still encounter difficulties?No one believes it, not even me.

"Anyway, it hit a few nails."

Little Black Rabbit himself was also unconvinced, "What he or they did was sometimes big or small. Sometimes they just set up some troublesome roadblocks on the line laying, sometimes they directly launched powerful viruses, and even some have already Small areas that have completed construction have experienced complete regional paralysis..."

"Can't find who it is?"

Xu Shi also felt that his head was big after listening to it.

"I won't complain to you if I can find out."

Gu Yi's face was full of dissatisfaction, "I even tried direct consciousness uploading, but the results were still not good."

"Are you crazy?"

Xu Shi was displeased when he heard this and reached out to grab her ears, "It's amazing to be able to hit people along the Internet cable, right? What if you get a virus and become a complete fool and let me support you?"

He knew that Gu Yi's new ability, to put it more concretely, was to code his own consciousness, or thinking, so as to integrate into the World Wide Web and obtain higher authority.

This approach has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that she can walk sideways on the Internet in most cases, and her work efficiency will become higher - direct control with her thoughts is of course faster and more convenient than typing on the keyboard.

But the disadvantage is that if you are really damaged in this state, such as being infected by a virus, or even if you encounter a capable uninformed person and directly delete it from your consciousness as an ordinary code, then it will be real mental damage.

The consequence... is the same as her physical state when her consciousness was uploaded, turning into a semi-vegetative little fool. Not only will she drool, but over time she may become incontinent (bushi)

So when I first met her god, I didn't dare to use "liminal space" on her, because I was afraid that she would suffer some irreversible damage.

"It hurts! Don't pull!" Miss Black Rabbit pulled his hand, but it softened after a while. "I'm just a little impatient... I'll pay attention to it in the future."

In fact, she was quite happy. The first thing Xu Shi thought about was not whether she had found out the person who caused the sabotage, but her own safety.

"Anyway, if you become a fool, I will kick you out."

After receiving her assurance, Xu Shi calmed down a little, "Miss Gu, you don't want to either..."

"This bastard boss, please calm down."

Gu Yi stuck out his tongue, you would do the same thing... "Rather than threatening me, you should help your poor technical director think of a way."

"...What can I do? Can I be better than you in this regard?"

Xu Shi was also a little helpless, "Not to mention that the network environment that is now in its infancy is already poor, and there are still many possibilities."

For example, if wild hackers cause trouble - Gu Yi's large team certainly cannot recruit all the technical staff, so it is expected that some hackers will come out.

Don't forget, she herself is a serious electronic kidnapper. Did she agree to her recruitment in the first place?It wasn't Boss Xu's coercion and inducement that made him agree to work for him.

Although the capabilities of these scattered guys are definitely not as good as Miss Black Rabbit, it does not mean that they cannot cause trouble for the technical team - many people may even have no legitimate reasons and simply want to vent their rebellion in this way.

However, Gu Yi must have encountered this kind of thing before, so it may not appear to be such a headache.

and so.

There is a more likely theory.

"Speaking of which, you're not the complete leader of "Invader-T", right? "

Xu Shi frowned and looked at her.


On the hacker list "Invader-T", there are three big bosses in front of the name "Black Rabbit".

Although there is a deviation in the world line now, Gu Yi herself has no intention to refresh the list, but this does not mean that she has surpassed these three, and she cannot say it to death.

Judging from the list alone, they certainly have enough strength to challenge the little black rabbit.

"It seems to make sense."

Gu Yi nodded, then flatly said, "But since the day I was listed, I have never seen any action from "α", "Chaos" and "Junior Year", so why do you have to target me? …”

"α", "Chaos" and "Chu Yi" are naturally the nicknames left by the top three "Invader-T".

"How can you be sure they didn't make any moves?"

Xu Shi asked back, "Not everyone is like you. When you go to someone else's house and make a fuss, you still have to write down that you are here."

"But if they really do something small, do you think I can't find it?"

Gu Yi asked again, "They are all from Night Sin City. Even if they are stronger than me, I won't let them dance until I can't even see them, right?"

Especially now, when she is in charge of the entire Night Sin City, the largest base station of the alliance network, can anyone really achieve the so-called "perfect crime"?
Anyway, she didn't think so, or she never thought that she would be worse than these three people. If they really encountered them, wouldn't they be able to fight?
"Then how can you confirm that they are people from Night Sin City?"

Xu Shi issued a soul torture.

A very strange soul torture.

The reason why this question is strange is because "Invader-T" seems to be the internal list of Night Sin City. Except for "Deep Sea", an unlucky team that has long been turned into a human brain petri dish by Xie Qingyan, the rest rely on According to the pictures, they have all been actively or passively included in the technical team.

But these three are still on the loose now, which is a bit abnormal if you think about it carefully - because not to mention relying on the list to catch people, they also rely on physical means to search all over the place. With their current strength, in the night crime, It's easy to find a fly in the city.

Unless... they were not in the City of Night Sin in the first place.

Boss Xu had not thought much about this issue before, but now he suddenly realized it.

He only has half of the memory of the original plot, so he has no impression of the first three characters of "Invader-T". He doesn't even know their names... His original thought was that this was reserved for the heroine Gu Yi in the future. A stepping stone to build your resume.

But at that time, he still had a blind spot, that is, he didn't know that there were other worlds outside the City of Night Sin.

Now combined, the probability of this situation is very high.

Because the setting of "Invader-T" is a "global list" rather than a "Night Sin City list", even with this explanation, there is no logical fault - let alone people from other city-states. If you don’t make the list, there was no cross-regional network at that time.

If you think about this idea further, you will find a more interesting fact.

Before the establishment of a cross-regional network, it seemed that there was only one possibility to be able to influence the network personnel of Night Sin City while being in a foreign land.

A "natural" person.

Finally...showed up?
 Come on WBG!

(End of this chapter)

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