It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 337 Fill in the blank: for fun (5 points for this question)

Chapter 337 Fill in the blank: Play __ (five points for this question)

  Facts have proved that as human beings, we may all suffer from a certain degree of macrophobia, such as fear of big evil pens... ah no, fear of creatures that are much taller than ourselves.

  At least as soon as this ugly worm appeared, Su Lin and the three of them suddenly felt a little frightened.


  Looking at the salivating monster in front of her with sharp mouthparts exposed, Lin Yue frowned and couldn't help but complain.

  "One thing to say, indeed."

  Tang Shuang echoed with a queasy expression.

  Su Lin said nothing, she complained in her heart.

  "God's law", or is there something wrong with this bullshit world? Why is it that every time we encounter an inhumanly powerful enemy, the opponent's image is so bad?

  In the past three years, as the overseas representative of "Snake Ring", she has visited many large and small city-states. This is not the first time she has encountered this situation. It can even be said that she is somewhat used to it... Compared to However, Tang Shuang and Lin Yue didn't go out much. After all, they were the two giants of Night Sin City.

  It was because they had some free time recently that the three girls formed a small tour group and traveled together to commemorate the days when they went to Hualan Empire in Xu and stayed alone in Konggui.

  Let you not take us! We won’t take you with us this time either! snort!
  Whoops, far away.

  All of the above issues can be discussed later. The real question is, can these monsters not all look so apologetic?
  Su Lin still remembered the two city-states "Polar Night Ice City" and "Misty Rain City" she had visited twice before. Without exception, they both encountered dangers. The former was a strange snow monster, and the latter was a three-headed city-state. giant catfish.

  Although the danger was completely eliminated, the images of the two monsters still stuck in her head, and she couldn't get rid of them. She almost had nightmares.

  This is also the reason why she doesn't want to go to places like the water towns in southern Xinjiang and the ice fields in the north. Wouldn't she suffer from PTSD if she goes there?
  Of course, this kind of reason cannot be stated directly, it would be too embarrassing.

  But all in all, this stereotype has taken root in her mind - and the fact that the young master showed her the image of the "Poseidon" after returning from the Hualan Empire made her feel even more so.

  "The one who breaks the delusion realm...the sand-singing insect?"

  Seeing such a thing suddenly emerging from the sand, Mosuo He, the wolf king of the Western Regions, frowned.

  Su Lin and other outsiders don't know, so how can he know?
  Creatures like the Sand Singing Insect are strong because they live in groups. When taken alone, they are very weak. A monk with some strength can crush them to death with one kick. I have never heard of this kind of creature in so many years, and it can actually be cultivated to the realm of breaking delusion!
  You know, as the overlord of a domain, he is only at the peak of the Pohuan Realm. You can't compare the two of us, right?

  What's even more strange is that he didn't know anything about the sudden appearance of such a powerful thing?
  This is too embarrassing! Not to mention that when outsiders came to inspect, they would be completely embarrassed...

  "Don't underestimate the enemy."

  After feeling disgusted, she still had to get down to business. Looking at the giant creature in front of her, Su Lin's expression became serious.

  She can also feel the strong aura of the other party, but he is actually S-level? Calculated into the level system of Qingyun Immortal Realm, which is Pohuan Realm, it can be equal to Mosuohe...

  And even more than that.

  In the past few years, she has learned a lot from the senior SS-level masters, so she naturally knows the difference between the two levels clearly. Even if the aura is sometimes not obvious, the subtle difference cannot be hidden from her.

  The sand bug in front of me actually also has a faint
  Oh, what a death!

  Director Su, who looked calm on the outside, was going crazy inside. I came here for a vacation to heal my wounds, not to add salt to the wounds!

  "Then go directly!"

  Tang Shuang's temper was even more impatient than hers. As she spoke, she activated her force field and rushed forward. With a flip of her wrist, several small metal balls came out of her hands and flew straight towards the Sand Singing Insect's door.

  boom boom-

  The energy emitted by the metal ball the size of a ping pong ball was frightening. A series of explosions sounded, and a huge wave of sand was instantly set off.

  Before the dust dispersed, a sharp blast was heard from the giant sand bug.

  People with a slightly higher level will not have their sight blocked by sand and dust, and can clearly see the monster twitching and struggling in place due to pain.

  Just a few explosions left it with a lot of wounds of varying depths, large and small, spraying out yellow blood mist.

  This is not to say that the Sand Singer is not resistant to beatings. It is actually quite rough-skinned and fleshy. In other words, thick blood and high defense should be the general advantage of big monsters.

  It's just that what Tang Shuang threw out was too forceful.

  The seemingly ordinary metal ball is actually Jiang Chengcheng's masterpiece - the second lady is very interested in tailoring some equipment for each person that can maximize the intensity of his own abilities.

  It's actually easy to say for others, but it's different when it comes to Governor Tang... Her ability is quite special. If it's a weapon, it must be a consumable. She can't be allowed to fight with hot weapons or cold weapons. It's not that it's impossible to fight in person, but it's just that it's difficult to use her "Disaster Touch" in this way.

  That's why these small metal balls were created - the weapon is called "Cloud Glass", which contains ultra-high concentration of "Rust Mist" essence.

  When compressed to a certain level, the power released by "Rust Mist" is comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb. Even if it is used directly, it is an extremely lethal and dangerous prop.

  So, what will happen if an already highly unstable explosive is given the ability to explode again?
  The answer was given by Tang Shuang himself - further expansion of power, or additional series of explosions. With the blessing of "Touch of Disaster", one "Cloud Glass" in her hand could probably hold up to ten. It’s hard to tell.

  At this moment, great beauty is coming (bushi)

  One thing to say is that if the resource level of Night Sin City was three years ago, it is not impossible to do this kind of thing, but the price to pay will be very high - Night Sin City is not very sufficient in terms of resources. If a few tons or even a dozen tons are used to make consumables, I am afraid that the governor himself, Tang Shuang, would not agree.

  But it’s much better now. The integration of the alliance in the past three years has allowed Night Sin City to gain a large amount of resource reserves. Every day without doing anything, a large amount of “Rust Mist” will be recorded. The pressure on resources has dropped, and many ideas can be implemented. In reality.

  Jiang Chengcheng also had his own whimsical ideas, and he immediately added many kinds of auxiliary materials to "Yunli", such as strong acid, or flash bombs. The main idea is to have one speciality and multiple functions. Enchanting is the romance of engineers, right? ?

  In a sense, this is also Tang Shuang's "specialized martial arts".

  Don't worry about not having enough, there are several boxes prepared for her in the accompanying team... The inventory in her belt is just a drop in the bucket.

  The sound of explosions was the best decompression music for Governor Tang. Seeing that her attack was quite effective, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  Mosuo and his eyes looked straight at the side.

  What kind of incredible spiritual weapon is this?
  He is not a stubborn person who insists on the idea that "one is truly powerful only when one is strong." The living environment in the Western Region is poor, and it has long been engraved in everyone's bones to do whatever it takes to survive.

  But no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find anything similar in the Qingyun Immortal Realm - a spiritual weapon that could cause such damage to the Pohuan Realm with just one encounter was not hard to find, and it wasn't available at all. Is existence good?

  To be honest, just watching Tang Shuang throwing away the money without asking made him feel sick.

  Even if you throw two less! Tears of dissatisfaction almost flowed from the corners of my mouth...

  Now his intention to join the Xu Shi Alliance was completely determined. Just having weapons of this level might put him ahead of the old guys from other regions by a long way.

  "well done."

  Su Lin also praised her, but when the smoke cleared, she suddenly changed her tune.

  "Wait... don't continue yet."

  "Huh?" Tang Shuang was still immersed in the joy of the bombardment and had not come back to her senses. It was not until Su Lin gestured to her vigorously that she understood why she said such things.

  Because what was flowing out of the giant monster’s wound earlier was not blood!

  Instead, a steady stream of sand bugs are spewing out from the wounds of the giant sand bugs!

  This scene is enough to make cryptophobic patients doubt their lives.

  Yes, as Mosuohe said just now, this is a gregarious creature. It usually relies on the strength of people to gain a place in the vast desert.

  The instincts of animals, or living things, do not change, so even if a sand bug evolves into a SS by chance, it will never be alone, ah no, just a bug!
  In the end, such a parasitic relationship was formed - the weak sand bug lived in the body of the giant sand bug, relying on the flesh and blood nutrients absorbed by the other party to survive, and what they had to do was to transform themselves into nutrients when needed. , transporting nutrients back to their leader.

  Or like now, being cannon fodder to catch the opponent by surprise.

  Unfortunately, these sand bugs that appeared out of thin air are not maggot babies left to be slaughtered. Each one is at least as thick as a forearm, and they are all hovering around the B level.

  "...Why are you still standing there? Shoot!"

  Tang Shuang was not an idiot. He paused for a second before reacting and shouted anxiously at the combat team behind him.

  If the range attack is not effective, then fixed-point strikes are needed to support it!

  The well-trained combat team received the order, responded uniformly, and pulled the trigger uniformly.

  da da da~
  The bullets shot out seemed to have eyes, clinging to the swarm of sandworms, and precisely deflowering their heads.

  Gunshots and headshots all depend on this... Yes.

  "...Don't be idle, come on!"

  Wolf King Mosuohe woke up from the shock and hurriedly commanded his own guards.

  Nonsense, he should have gone first. As a host, it is his responsibility and obligation to ensure the safety of his guests.

  In particular, this should have been a good opportunity to show off, allowing outsiders to take a good look at their overall level... But now it's better, as if I have become a running companion, letting others rush ahead.

  I won't make them think I'm a bad guy, right? How can we make progress in the future?

  Gan, you don’t want this kind of thing!
  So he no longer hesitated, tore off the troublesome cloak on his body, and rushed towards the swarm of sand bugs with scarlet eyes, taking the lead.

  The phantom of a silver wolf also appeared behind him, and wherever it went, the sandworms were torn to pieces one by one.

  "It's interesting."

  Seeing his fighting style, Su Lin thought thoughtfully.

  What she focuses on is not Mosuo and the specific moves, but more about how the other party, or the people in Qingyun Immortal World, use their powers.

  Now it seems that they are more inclined to expand the power and influence of their own aura. Their original abilities are a bit like auxiliary, and they don't even have any sense of existence.

  Anyway, she still can't tell what Mosuohe's ability is. She didn't have time to ask before, and she couldn't tell clearly by looking at it.

  This is a completely different way of cultivation! No matter what, she had to get it thoroughly and thoroughly understood.

  Thinking of this, she teleported to kill monsters while thinking about how to summarize the combat report later.

  In addition, Lin Yue's figure also shuttled among the swarms of insects, killing them with one move without any delay.

  Like Su Lin, she is a master who is not weak in ability but is not good at head-to-head confrontation. How can the assassin type confront people head-on... So when she faced the giant sand bug just now, she couldn't help much.

  But it’s different now. If the big bugs can’t deal with the small bugs, it’s more than enough. It’s simply not easier than eating and drinking water.

  As she looked at it, she suddenly realized that the discomfort in her heart had disappeared a lot.

  Cut by sandworm ()

  Sure enough, the best way to eliminate fear is to face it.

  With both sides firing at full strength, the originally hot but silent desert instantly turned into boiling water, noisy and noisy, with sounds of fighting and screams coming one after another.

  Tang Shuang was still responsible for containing the giant sand bug, while the minions were left to others to deal with them.

  When there are many people and they know how to cooperate, even giant sand bugs and SS are unable to deal with it for a while.

  Obviously its intelligence has not yet fully evolved. Besides, it is only suspected of being an SS. Whether it has truly broken through this shackles remains to be seen.

  It can be considered that its fate is not good, maybe this is just the first time it comes out to show off its power, but it is a pity that it encounters such a large group of people, each of whom is top-notch combat power.


  The giant sand bug screamed, and no one knew why.

  But no one cares, dead sandworms are good sandworms.

  Su Lin and Lin Yue were still leading the team to suppress the fish that slipped through the net, and Mosuohe's guards were also helping.

  Everything seems to have settled down.

  But at this moment.

  Tang Shuang, who looked calm just now, frowned again.

  "Arlene, wait a minute!"

  She hurriedly shouted to Su Lin through the earphone.


  This time it was Su Lin's turn to be curious. Shouldn't our daily life be a drama of you persuading me and me persuading you?
  But she also knew that Tang Shuang was not joking, so she took the initiative to ask back.

  "What's wrong? Is there anything else going on?"

  "I do not know how to say it……"

  Tang Shuang took a deep breath and replied, "But I just discovered something."

  "These sandworms... are most likely man-made products!"

  (End of this chapter)

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