It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Let’s all die in Chapter 307, okay? !

Chapter 307: Let’s all die, okay? !

Hearing this loud name, Xu suddenly felt a cardiorespiratory arrest.

One thing to say is that this is not the first time that he has been called this. He has been called by this name countless times by Xia Keyan along the way. The girls have also been teasing him with this title in the past few days.


different in nature.

Others said it was just a joke, a fun thing between a couple.

Miss Saint is really called.

Xu Shi vaguely remembered the picture book that he had read before, which said that the ducklings would regard whoever they saw as their mother at first sight after they were born.

She kind of means that now.

"Do you still remember who you are?"

He tried to communicate with the other person.


Miss Saint tried hard to think back, and then shook her head aggrievedly, "Why is dad so cruel to me? Does he not want me anymore?"

Oh, by the way, I forgot that she doesn't have a name, just a codename.

After asking some questions back and forth, Xu Shi completely confirmed a fact.

The kid is dumbfounded.

In other words, the intelligence level has degraded to the level of a five- or six-year-old.

He finally understood what "erasure" mentioned by "Tianli" before was. It didn't seem to be direct killing, but a relatively gentle erasure of memory.

It's quite humanitarian.

Xu Shi didn't know what to say.

To say the worst, as she is now, it is obviously impossible to extract any information about "natural principles", which is also the other party's purpose.

At best, the other party is not dead and considers himself a relative.

This is actually a good thing. After all, Miss Saint is also an S-class "upgraded person". Now that the situation has become like this, it seems that we can take advantage of it?
Don't forget, especially, that she has dual superpowers, and can even use "human body manipulation" to control the SS-level old pope!
"Do you still remember... how to use your abilities?"

He tried to guide the other party.


Miss Saint, whose IQ had become lower, had some difficulty understanding it. After thinking for a while, she suddenly realized, "Dad, do you want to watch me play with the doll?"

As she spoke, she fiddled with her fingers in confusion.


I saw the old pope sitting up on the operating table not far away.


Gu Yi on the side subconsciously jumped back. Even if he had seen the other party's abilities before, he would still be frightened by this scene.

The main reason is that the environment here is also eerie - during the previous annihilation of the Holy See, several valuable prisoners had to be taken in, but it should not be too blatant. In a hurry, one part of Xu Shi's big House was modified. .

It was changed to the style required by Xie Qingyan, equipped with the treatment warehouse of Night Sin City, and a set of medical equipment. To put it bluntly, it was a temporary hospital.

As for the old pope, of course Xu Shi had taken the initiative to get it and kept it in the corner.

After so many days, he didn't rot or stink. It must be because Miss Saint used some method to keep the body from rotting.

Of course, maybe they themselves have similar technology, so this is not difficult.

Perhaps she was frightened by Miss Black Rabbit's scream, and Miss Saint, who finally regained some sense, suddenly got stuck, her hands helplessly stopped in the air, and the old pope fell down again.


"I...I didn't mean to..."

She panicked all of a sudden and looked at Xu Shi at a loss, tears falling as she spoke, "Dad, I didn't mean it, don't hit me..."


Xu Shi's eyes twitched.

Although the current situation is not bad, he still can't understand why the other party chose him to be his father.

To be honest, he had not had much contact with children before, let alone children like this, so he had a blind spot in knowledge.

If Miss Saint is really an immature person with strong abilities, then just leave it at that.

The key point is that this guy had set up such a big plot before and was holding back his energy to kill himself. That kind of disgust can't be dispelled by just clearing her memory now.

But she looked so pitiful now, with big eyes full of tears. Even though Boss Xu had been killing fish at RT-Mart for 20 years in his previous life, his heart was already as cold as the knife in his hand, and he was still filled with emotion after seeing her.

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you, don't cry."

So in the end, he could only give some stiff comfort, and then the saint lady stopped crying.

"Thank you dad, dad is so kind, dad is the best."


Xu Shi nodded perfunctorily.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, Xie Qingyan hurried over, "The patient has just woken up, how can you let you manipulate him like this?"

"Same goes for Shanshan. I didn't tell you not to be stimulated. She's so lazy that she can't even do this well. I'll deduct her salary!"

She has been busy taking care of these "patients" these past few days and is extremely busy. She has just finished processing various data files and plans to come over to see how they are doing.

As a result, Xu Shi treated Miss Saint like a toy.

The whole family was speechless.

"Go out and talk?"

Xu Shi expressed his understanding and gestured to her.


"You have a good rest first."

Xu Shi glanced at Miss Saint again, "Children who don't sleep well will not grow taller."


The saintly lady nodded repeatedly, indicating that she was obedient and lay back obediently.

"Congratulations to you, Mr. Xu, for picking up such an older daughter at such a young age."

I found a quiet place and thanked the puppy for not forgetting the strange yin and yang.

"That's almost it. Let's talk trash later."

Xu Shi rolled his eyes at her and said, "Make sure first, she has really become like this and isn't she just pretending?"

"Don't worry about this. It is indeed a mental deterioration caused by memory reset."

Xie Qingyan nodded, "But the intellectual problem is temporary and can be solved with medication. You don't have to worry about becoming a poor father with a mentally retarded daughter."

"Besides, didn't you test it yourself just now? Are you still asking me?"

"I feel more at ease when you tell me."

Xu Shi shrugged, who knew this saintly lady was so good at putting on a show? If she hadn't asked Xia Keyan to help with the investigation, what she did was actually very confusing.

In addition, she suddenly woke up again, so she still had to be on guard.

Medical data can’t lie.

"It's strange to say that the first person she saw when she woke up was actually me."

Xie Qingyan continued, "But she is not that close to me...Does the effect of Yin Sui also apply to others? It shouldn't be..."

"Who made your fiancé handsome?"

Xu Shixiu replied shamelessly.But after thinking about it, he had an idea.

"Do you think it's because I was locked up in a dark room once before, and her memory was deleted in the dark room, that this could lead to something like this?"

After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only explanation.

"There is such a possibility."

The fiancee lady couldn't give an accurate answer, but it didn't matter whether it was yes or no.

The important thing is that the result is good. Except for the other party's memory, nothing else is affected.

"It's not much better..."

Boss Xu has to be cheap and behave well, "How long will it take for her condition to get better? I have never taken care of a daughter!"

"But you took care of your sister."

Xie Qingyan knew him well and was not worried at all, "Just do it now as you did before. The difference won't be too big."

Of course she was talking about Shen Qin. The situation between the two of them was indeed similar. The only difference was that one was Xu Shi who was active and the other was passive.

"Besides, your child is going to kiss you. How can you, the father, not take good care of you?"

"So you, the mother, have to ignore it, right?"

Xu Shi was about to drag her into the water, "Ah, woman, you are so cruel."

"Who wants such a cheap daughter? If I really want a child, I won't have one with you directly?"

Xie Xiaowu rolled his eyes, "That means she still has some use value, okay? She needs to be cultivated anyway."

"Actually, not necessarily?"

Xu Shi was noncommittal, but also added an extra comment, "If you steal her ability, ah no, copy it, you might save a lot of trouble."

"You think I haven't thought about it?"

The fiancée sighed helplessly, "I tried, but it doesn't work."


"It's not that her abilities are incompetent. I can copy both of her abilities."

Xie Qingyan shook his head and explained, "But her ability to manipulate puppets seems to be unique. I can find new people to slowly turn her into a puppet, but the old pope cannot."

She didn't even tell Xu Shi that she could now freely choose which ability she wanted to copy when facing people with dual abilities. It was a gain to have adapted to the new ability for so long.

I don't want to tell this bastard that the secret makes a woman more feminine.

Xu Shi curled his lips, one person per car, right?
It seems like we really have to stay, otherwise where can we find an SS-level puppet to control?

Fortunately, if the situation is true, staying will not be a big problem. His own ability to accept it is still acceptable. He can just convince others later.

It's Xu Ying's "playing with dolls" comment just now... To be honest, if you use the old man's mummy as a doll, it will explode wherever you put it.

"Let's do it first."

He suddenly wanted to be a father, so he had to take it slow.

"Don't rush yet, give your baby girl a name first."

Xie Qingyan joked, no matter what, it's not a problem that she keeps calling her a saint. If the Holy See is gone, can she still be a saint?

Sir, eat shit!
"...Let's call her Xu Ying."

Xu Shi blinked his eyes and thought for a while.

"Yeah, that sounds fine."

Xie Qingyan had no objection, "It sounds better than your name."

"Fart, my name is the best in the world."

Boss Xu always gets angry at strange things, "If you say things like this again, don't blame your husband for divorcing you."

"How dare you?"

Xie Qingyan refused to let him get used to him and raised his small pink fist to demonstrate, "Don't forget, some people can't beat me now."

"Then let me give you a taste of the power of the little black room!"

The two started to fight childishly.

Miss Black Rabbit on the side has black lines all over her head. Think I don’t exist, right?

And don’t look too much like children... I’ll record it for you and see if you still talk about me in the future!

But at this moment, she obviously became an outsider, and the noisy and unmarried couple soon became confused.

whispering sound.

Gu Yi couldn't find anything to do, so she simply slipped back to the ward and looked at Miss Saint, ah no, it's Xu Ying now.

The other party was really obedient, and the quality of his sleep was really good. He said he would go to sleep without any ambiguity.

But of course what Miss Black Rabbit cares about is not her as a person, but the topic that everyone just talked about.

Give birth to a baby...?

Frankly speaking, Xu Shi himself has no thoughts in this regard for the time being, and neither do the girls.

Everyone is of the same mind and knows that their lives will never be stable until the "natural law" is eliminated.

Unless you really turn a blind eye, you will still do what you did before and continue to be manipulated as a chess piece by others... It's a pity that it's a little late to say this now. They have already turned the two areas upside down very arrogantly.

And no one thinks so, as the old saying goes, I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

...Forget about the light. What kind of light is artificial light?The dark "rust fog" is still hanging overhead.

Thinking of this, Little Black Rabbit suddenly felt that he was also a big shot who could save the world with Xu Shi.

But she is still thinking about having children.

The relationship between her and Xu Shi is really subtle. There is no doubt that she is devoted to Xu Shi, but the relationship between them is really the same as the joke they made when they were drinking and having fun. They are not like a couple but more like buddies.

She also thinks that she cannot be as good a wife and mother as Su Lin or Jiang Chengcheng, so sometimes when she sees someone new around Xu Shi, she feels a little bit in crisis from time to time.

The prank that Xu Shi did on the Ethernet network was actually a manifestation of a sense of crisis - regardless of whether he was manipulated by the other party, in short, he left a unique experience that others could not do, right?

So, will things change if I have a child with him?

Unconsciously, her mind drifted to the Gongdou crew next door.

In other words, should he at least sneak away and try to get Xu Ying to call him mom first?
It's also a good idea to get a feel for her, practice with her, and so on.

Little Black Rabbit had not experienced those storms in Hualan Empire and Xu Shi before, so the psychological burden in this regard was not as heavy as others.

She was mentally exhausted here, thinking a little irritably.

He completely didn't notice a dark shadow staggering behind him.

"Do not move!"

The moment her neck was pressed against by a foreign object, she finally reacted.

"Hey, hey...what are you doing?!"

Gu Yi immediately realized who the visitor was.

It's the red-haired guy!
How did you realize it? Nonsense. Apart from her, who else is as big as a bear among the wounded here?

How about all the big bears die?

A certain tablet pad brain screamed inwardly.

It was hard to say whether Xiong Da would die or not, but she knew that if she didn't do something, she would be close to death.

and so.

After thinking briefly, Miss Black Rabbit made a brave voice.

"Xu Shi, save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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